Elizabeth And Zayn

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Elizabth Longton & Zayn Malik

Elizabeth stood at the front row watching the five boys performing at the Staples Centre. Yes, Elizabeth Longton had grabbed front row tickets for the one and only, One Direction concert. She had been planning to see the boys in person for months, and today was her day but stupid Elizabeth had managed to sell her backstage tickets to sleazy kid in school who always bought people's possessions with his grubby little fingers.

She watched the boys wide eyed, observing heir every girl and envying every girl  who got smiled at. Right in the middle of their song, Zayn stopped to stare at what he thought wad the most beautiful thing in the world. Short girl with long brown hair, Zayn knew she was That One Thing. He was looking at Elizabeth. Harry elbowed him in the ribs and all Zayn could do was carry on singing. Zayn silently promised himself he would talk to that girl.

Right at the end of the concert, Zayn mad a short announcement. 

"We will be picking one lucky fan to come up on the stage with us, get to go backstage, and see our dressing room. We will also take them inside out tour bus!". The other boys did a double take at Zayn, completely shocked, as all the fans in the crowd screamed piercingly loud. The boys were really not expecting that.

Zayn leaped off the stage and talked to one of the guards. "Excuse me ma'am. He picked you"

Elizabeth was screaming inside but on the outside was somehow cool and relaxed. She pushed past the barriers and saw Zayn holding out his hand, gesturing her to take it, and so she did. She felt her cheeks go warm, if her palms started sweating, she would totally ruin it.

"Wow, you're short!" joked Zayn. Elizabeth kept her eyes to the ground as she giggled in embarrasment.

"What's your name?!" Shrieked Louis.

"Elizabeth Longton" she mumbled into the mic. Elizabeth though it was going to last forever, but to her dismay, it was only three questions. The boy's waved  goodbye and Zayn dragged her off the stage, she stumbled on the wires twice, but not many people noticed. He took out a pen from his chino pockets and scribbled a few  numbers on her arm. 

"Here's my number, so call me baby," Zayn sang, making Elizabeth fall into fits of laughter. Zayn interrupted her "I like your hair"

"Urrrr... Thanks?"" She smiled

Harry peeped out from behind the stage curtains "Well - if Zayn's done attacking your arm," he said staring at the scribbles on her flesh "Poor... Elizabeth right?" Elizabeth nodded.

"Who wants to go meet some fans?" Said Niall "We can take her to the dressing room later".

And with that, Elizabeth's life was about to change.

Hope you liked it! I'm not a professional writer so it wont meet your standards.

To the most awesomest writer, Elizabeth Malik ;)

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