Kaylyn and Harry :)

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Kaylyn fiddled with bottom of her tank top. It was senior prom in a few weeks and she didn't know if Harry would even ask her. Yeah. Sure they were dating, but Kaylyn didn’t like the fact that Harry didn't even know that the prom was coming up. She confided in her best friend, but never got time to hear her reply. 

The bell rang and every one ran out so Kaylyn and her best friend, Emma, where the last left behind. 

"Okay. Well I was thinking..." Emma smirked, "We won't tell him. He will have to find out. 

My way." 


Kaylyn waited in her room with Emma for Harry to arrive and Kaylyn crossed her fingers, hoping her plan would work. 

There was a small knock on her door and Emma suddenly stood up, holding a small puffy red dress up to her torso. Harry walked in with a warm and loving smile on his face.  

"Hey lovely," he greeted, taking a step towards his girlfriend and placing a light kiss on her left cheek.  

She smiled at him and returned her attention to Emma.  

"Nah, too small... Try the purple one,” she commented to Emma. 

"What's going on?" Harry asked. 

"Oh! Kaylyn is letting me have one of her dresses for the junior prom, since you know... I hate shopping, also because she isn't going." Emma said calmly. 

"What! Why?" Harry almost cried. 

"Well I figured I can't go with anyone other than my boyfriend... And since you're not going, I'm not!" Kaylyn said cheerily, although it hurt thinking she wasn't going to go prom with Harry. He looked slightly upset but his smile reappeared and he got on one knee. 

"Kaylyn, will you go to prom with me?" Harry asked. 

Kaylyn smiled widely and she looked at Emma, who responded with a thumbs up. 

"Yes!" she jumped up. she uncrossed her fingers and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. 


Harry was looking in Kaylyn's jewellery box, searching for something nice that would go with her frilly knee-length dress, and then buy another necklace with a similar design. He kept shuffling through the box until something caught his eye. It was a name on a necklace, but what surprised Harry the most was the name.

"Ur... Kaylyn??" he tapped her lightly on the shoulder, "I didn't know they sold these." 

Kaylyn blushed when she saw the necklace he was holding up. "This was before I met you. I was really obsessed. And I didn't buy it, I made in workshop." she said all in one go. Harry's eyes widened at two things, the fact that his girlfriend was in love with him when he didn't even know she existed, and two at the big change. She used to be one of the really devoted fans, but now, to her he's just a normal guy.  

Harry inspected the necklace again and saw the silver name hanging from a small chain. 

'Harry Styles'.  

"Do you by any chance have any more?" he asked as he kept on rummaging. Kaylyn breathed out a laugh.  

"Yeah. I made this one that said Mrs. Styles. I had one for each of the boys... Then I sold them, but I kept this one."

***Three weeks later*** 


"Isn't he so fit?" 

"Hey!" one of the boys in the crowd yelled. 

"Sorry baby... But you're not famous... Harry is!" 

Harry smiled and waved at all the girls, but inside he was growling in his tux, wishing he could have some time alone to the best person in the world, Kaylyn.

All of a sudden the head cheerleader ran up to Kaylyn and linked arms with her. 

"Hey Kaitlin!" she yelled above the screaming girls. 

"It's Kaylyn..." she corrected. 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." she waved her arm around, "I- the cheerleading team decided you should hang out with us. Kay?" 

"Is that a request or a command?" Kaylyn huffed, "either way... No thank you. I'm fine with the people I hang around with today!" She yanked her arm out and ushered Harry to hurry up into the venue hall. 

"I thought those kind of girls only existed in movies!" Harry joked.

Kaylyn laughed softly at his comment and kept on walking, her short midnight blue dress swaying with every step she took. Harry picked it out for her and she was wearing the Harry Styles necklace around her soft neck. 

When they got inside, the girls were still trying to snatch Harry, so he had to ask if he could dance in the stage, that way not many people would try to ruin their moment. As soon ad they both took a step onto the stage, a slow song started and Harry rested his arms on Kaylyn's waist, as she wrapped her arms around Harry's neck. They both stepped side to side, foreheads leaning on each other.

Every girl watched wide-eyed in horror, and Kaylyn stiffened up as the death glares she received, a few of them coming from boys.  

"It's okay." Harry soothed, "As long as I'm here, those fans cannot do anything to you." 

Kaylyn relaxed instantly at the sound of his wonderful voice and leaned forward, pressing her own lips to Harry's.  

"Aww!" the crowd cooed. Harry and Kaylyn smiled as they felt like they were in a movie, as everyone looked at them, commenting on their cuteness. 

"A second ago thy were ready to kill me," Kaylyn smiled, "Now their practically chanting Karry! Isn't th-" Harry interrupted her and crashed his lips down to hers.

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