Fire and Ice

By Lady_Marian

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Apollo's people the Sun Elves are mortal enemies with Artemis's people the Moon Elves. This has all happened... More

Prologue: Sun Meets Moon
Chapter 1: "Don't Fight with Fire; Face it!"
Chapter 2: Turned to Ice
Chapter 3: A Break in the Cycle
Chapter 4: Sinking In Ice
Chapter 5: Iron Will
Chapter 6: Night Falls
Chapter 7: Breaking the Cold Grip of Ice
Chapter 8: The Storm
Chapter 9: Encountering Fire
Chapter 10: Crossed Paths
Chapter 11: A Leap of Faith
Chapter 12: The Force of Ice
Chapter 14: Belladonna

Chapter 13: Things Heat Up

43 1 0
By Lady_Marian

Day 12

Willow’s pale porcelain hand was draped lovingly over the crisp parchment of a history book. How long since she has done that, she didn’t know. All she knew was that before her parents died she loved reading books. After their deaths try as she might she couldn’t read books again. Now that she discovered that they were adamant about discovering the history of the races of elves, she felt like it was her duty to further their work.

            The warm parchment was soothing beneath her grasp. The words spoke out to her again to transform and mold her into a more refined self. She felt a pull to this book and an extension. These were her roots. She was this book’s legacy. This could be the answer to her past, present, and future all molded into the framework of the history that lay between the lines. Her father always said that the past can teach and prepare someone for their future. Now she knew that he had meant for her to further his work.

            She was swept into a whirlpool of repressed memories that were stimulated to take over her mind since she set foot in the Moordom Library. She could feel the waves crash against her brittle walls that attempted to guard her from the flood of bittersweet memories. She felt like she was drowning in them again.

            Her head crashed down beside the arm that was draped over the pages. When she opened her eyes, she was 12 again. She was clothed in a silver velvet gown and she could feel the two long dark auburn braids brush her back. Her small delicate timid hand was clasped in her father’s strong rough protective hand.

            She let him guide her as if he was a beacon of light. He had always made her feel secure. He also taught her to be strong. Willow could see the chords flare in his strong arms as he pressed his palms against the oak doors that led to the library. He took her hand again and they plodded across the cobblestone floors. She had traveled across these floors for at least a thousand times. This time it was different.

            Her father’s hand trembled slightly. In all her life, she had never seen her father waver. He swept her across the floor and lifted her in the air effortlessly. He then deliberately set her down on the stone check out table. He studied her with his changeling hazel eyes, the eyes she inherited from him.

            “I hope that you will remember the words I will say here,” he whispered. Clarity and desperation flickered across his eyes. “You are young, but I am running out of time. You probably won’t understand this, but you will in time. I exhort you to search out the past. I have said these words to you a thousand times, but now I repeat them again: the past can teach and prepare you for the future. I will not be around forever, Will. I will not always be around to supply the answer. Promise me that you will seek out the truth for yourself.” He cupped her baby skin cheeks and fixed a serious stare. His eyes were solid and blue.

            “I promise, father,” Willow murmured in a serious tone that was still laced with the seams of childhood.

            “Good,” Keith said in relief. He took his rough hands off her smooth cheeks and swept her into a fatherly embrace. He held her tightly for a few minutes and then he had to let her go so he could get to work.

            The scene shifted one sunrise later in time; Willow was playing and singing in Clover Wellspring’s gardens. Clover and Willow were inseparable. They were of the same leaf and they always had adventures. A whole world of imagination was stretched across their horizons. Clover had curly black hair and verdant green eyes. Her eyes spoke of the forest and its mysteries.

            They were mixing a “potion” in a wooden birdbath when Willow saw the smoke and soot. It was coming from the direction of her beloved tree home. She looked around wildly and in confusion as Clover screamed. Willow instinctively grabbed her hand and together they rushed off to the direction of the Ravenmark estate.

            They stopped 500 feet away from a raging inferno. Willow had never seen anything so terrifyingly beautiful in her twelve years of life. It came as a storm of a wavering and flickering spectrum of gold, yellow, and orange. It engulfed and lapped up the willow bark completely into a charred nothingness. Willow could distinctly see the shadows of her parents as if the fire was transparent.

            Willow tightened her hold on Clover’s hand and tears tumbled unceremoniously down her cheeks in a constant downpour. Clover embraced her tightly and together they cried and cried until their throats failed and their breaths came out shallow and hoarse. Hopelessness and fear held an icy grip on her chest. It was a pain and a hole that could never be filled.

            The scene changed. Willow was 17 once again. She was in her silver hunting clothes and her bow was her only solace. She was standing in the middle of a glorious city created out of white marble that was laced with silver and gold. All around her there was an inferno of both Moon and Sun Elves. Riots and pandemonium clanged all throughout the streets into a risen chorus of bloodthirsty feuds. The clangor ringed in her ears and tortured her eardrums.

            The noise had risen into a crescendo and Willow became even more afraid. She curled herself into a ball to shield herself from the horrendous noise. Suddenly a shroud of darkness overshadowed and engulfed the moon. The darkness trickled and tangled itself swiftly around them. Willow clutched her shins tighter as a chorus of wails ensued. Chaos formed dissonant and minor chords in the stifling air. Pressure formed and knotted into her chest and she could no longer breathe. Her lungs were on fire and she felt trapped in a world of darkness.

            She set herself on the ground all curled up and snug in her little ball of security. Her arms flew to her head in an attempt to block out all the noise in this blackout world. Suddenly a cold voice pierced and resounded in her head. “You are all mine now.” It said and soon his last consonant dissipated and withered away in the air.

            Willow’s head flew upwards off the book. She clutched her face and swept her gaze around the room. She exhaled in relief when she realized that she woke up in the present in her chambers in Moordom. Milky pre-dawn light sifted its way past the gaps in her curtains. She clutched at the book to provide security and comfort as she slowed her heart’s frantic pace. She no longer felt compressed and small; she began to feel strong again, just like how her father raised her for her first dozen years.

            She needed security. She needed her father’s strong arms, but since that was no longer possible, she decided to rush off to the next best person for that job. She groped for her cloak and swathed it around her slender body. She then placed herself in her slippers and fled from the room.

            She racked her mind as to where Sherwood’s chambers were. Then she remembered that he slept in the large chambers on the top of the stairs. She sprinted off to that direction. When she saw the large crimson doors with golden dragon carvings, she slowed her frantic pace. Wasted in energy, she knocked softly but surely upon Sherwood’s doors.

            “Enter,” Sherwood replied sleepily.

            In a flurry Willow pushed at the grand doors and swept into the chamber. Her hair flapped wildly behind her in a tangled tentacle of curls. Sherwood laid serenely on his king sized bed, but when he saw Willow’s bloodless face and trembling hands he immediately stood up and pushed aside his covers. He was shirtless and his tan skin was brazen even in the dark. Willow took a moment to stare at his chorded compact muscles.

            She gulped. Willow knew it was unseemly to interrupt a man in his sleep, but she needed comfort. Now that she saw his strong profile in the darkness, however, she lost her strength completely and unceremoniously tumbled into his arms. He gripped her elbows tightly and set her back on her feet. Willow was reminded of her father’s strength again and in that moment she rushed in for a trembling embrace.

            Sherwood clutched her upper back firmly and then he ran his long fingers through her silky curly hair as she set laid her head in his chest. She pressed against the hardened muscles in his back. His skin was warm to the touch. He began to hum peacefully and Willow’s fears became satiated in an instant.

            She broke the embrace and sat on the edge of his bed. “My apologies for disturbing your sleep and rushing you without warning when you were not attired in a --”

            Sherwood came at her again and clutched her shoulders in his warm rough hands. He put his finger to her lips to break her off and said, “Don’t worry about a thing, my lady, I was waking up already anyway and I could tell straight off that something is bothering you. Was it your dreams again?” He asked with worry and vulnerability in his eyes.

            “Yes.” She said breathlessly. Suddenly her voice and words tumbled out without her control. He listened with patience until she was finished. Then he threw on a golden tunic and started lacing it up.

            She watched distractedly until he looked into her eyes and spoke. “Your dreams are obviously telling you something. Searching out the past is the best thing we can do now.”

            “I know, but this was all overwhelming. I repressed those memories for so long.” Willow said mournfully.

            “Hey, hey, it’s ok.” He took his hands and cupped her cheeks. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Willow closed her eyes briefly. After a moment Sherwood let go and asked, “What happened to your friend Clover?”

            “Both of our families were best friends, so when my parents died the Wellsprings took me in. Two years ago, they decided to go travel the whole world and I decided to stay to watch their tree house. I have often wondered what happened to them.” Willow explained.

            “Well, maybe someday you’ll find them. I think that you should tell Tristan about your dreams and the histories I think that he would be able to help.” Sherwood suggested.

            “You’re right. Let’s go.” Willow stood up and started to head out the door.

            “Wait a second there, you are quite mobile this morning little missy.” Sherwood said with a mischievous smile on his lips. He looked back down to lace up his boots. He then stood back up and caught up to her. Together they went through the double set of doors.

            As soon as they were out in the hall, Merabus caught up to them. “Ah, Merabus, where is Tristan?” Sherwood asked.

            “He is in his chambers and he’s awake. I will take you to him.”

            “Thank you!” Sherwood said. They followed behind Merabus down the stairs, through the dining hall, through the study, and through a double set of mahogany doors with two very large dragon sculptures on both sides. Merabus knocked on the door and Tristan replied “Enter.”

            Merabus pushed open the doors and said “Prince Sherwood and Miss Willow are here to visit you, my lord.”

            “Let them in.” Tristan said. Willow and Sherwood shuffled into the room. Willow looked around in awe. The walls and ceiling were painted in scarlet and held scenes of dragons and dragon riding. Artifacts littered the room. Tristan was sitting on his couch reading about dragon lore when he looked up. “Ah, Sherwood and Willow, wait ails you both? You may go, Merabus.” He waved his hand and Merabus exited.

            “Go ahead, Willow.” Sherwood said encouragingly. She looked into his eyes and nodded. It was surprising how much strength she got from him. She immediately launched into an explanation of her dreams from the previous night. Tristan paid attention and waited until she finished before speaking.

            “Your last dream interests me. What did you learn from the histories?” Tristan asked in perplexity.

             “Oh yeah, the histories were very interesting and my parents wrote in the margins. Well, it looks like their handwriting.” Willow said with a small frown.

            “Really, well tell us what you have learned.” Tristan urged her.

            “Well the Moon Elves and Sun Elves lived together in peace once in a glorious city called Glenview. Together they existed in peace for centuries in unity and love for one another. Sadly, however, things began to change. Dissentions began to rise and soon the two races began to fight one another because of pride. Things began to worsen and worsen until living in the city became almost unbearable.

            “One day a small group of Sun and Moon Elves broke away from the city and fled to a nearby village. They became known as the outlanders and they lived in peace as Glenview continued to decline in disunity. Merely one month after the outlanders escaped, a black bubble engulfed the whole city in darkness. A demon called the Pride Demon possessed all elven souls inside the city. A week passed and the elves continued to live in darkness.

            “After that week of terror, a Moon Elven man and a Sun Elven woman from the outlands united fire and ice. The black bubble began to melt and dissipate into the atmosphere. All that remained was the question of what to do to stop dissentions from arising again.

            Finally a consensus was made between the leaders of the two nations. In order to prevent pride and dissentions, the two nations must separate. They felt that that was the solution to destroy the problem indefinitely. The saviors of the people disagreed. They tried to talk the leaders out of that course of action. They told them that it would only cause the problem to become worse again. They became overruled. Thus Scene City and Moordom formed.” Willow finished speaking. Sherwood looked shocked while Tristan merely nodded.

            “Your dream must have taken place during the period of darkness, which was called the Dark Hours. Where did your parents write in the margins?” Tristan asked while stroking his beard.

            “Oh yes, they wrote ‘Scene City today’ in the margins at the part about the risen dissentions and pride.” Willow said with a perplexed frown.

            “That explains everything! The saviors tried to talk the leaders out of their decision and they predicted the conflict that would arise from it. Your parents knew that to be true and that’s why they left. They wanted to try to stop pride from rising again, but they were killed when they tried. Now their very own daughter is destined to pick up where they left off and solve the problem permanently.

            “But the curse cannot be broken without a Sun Elf. Even more, a son of one of the leaders, Sherwood you will be the future king. You would make sure that that decision would never be made again. But, the journey will not be easy. Willow, you must discover your power and solve the mystery of your parents deaths. Sherwood, you must discover your true potential and leadership.

            “In order to solve the mystery of your parents’ deaths, we must discover who the culprit was and what his motives were. Did your parents have any known enemies?” Tristan asked after his long tangent.

            Willow took a moment to rack her brains. In her mind she traveled back to 5 years previous. “I was too young to notice much, but my parents were loved and I didn’t think that they had any enemies. There was one man that visited often. He was mysterious. He always wore a black cloak that concealed most of his face. I was scared of him and my parents always told me to go visit Clover whenever he visited. I always wondered why.”

            “That character sounds suspicious, but we can’t condemn him without knowing anything. Only time will tell. What is the status in Scene City?” Tristan asked.

            “Things are getting worse. Only the elves with high status get any recognition. The city is constantly in a state of pride. I can’t go anywhere without hearing boasting and boisterous talk about exploits. I always feel so trapped and stuffy in the city. I always retreat to my woods in solitude in order to feel peace.

            “They always talk about how they will one day obliterate Moordom and how the Sun Elves are weak and below them. I didn’t take that talk too seriously until the murder of ambassador Kurin and then I knew that they intended on destroying the Sun Elves. Artemis told me that she would curse them for it and that I was their last hope.” Willow finished with watery eyes and heavy breathing. Sherwood took her hand and she felt comforted.

            “A curse…hmm…what would Artemis mean by a curse?” Tristan asked while stroking his beard.

            “I don’t know…it doesn’t make much sense to me. The Pride Demon doesn’t make much sense to me either.” Willow frowned.

            “The Pride Demon is a whole strain of mystery. I don’t know much about him except he can have total control over someone if they let him in. As for the curse, Artemis sent war to their doorstep. If anything can show them that they aren’t invincible, that would.” Tristan explained.

            “That actually makes sense.” Willow said. Just then there was a knock on the door.

            “Enter.” Tristan said. Merabus opened the door.

            “Breakfast is ready, my lord.” Merabus said while bowing.

            “Excellent, let’s adjourn to the dining hall then.” Tristan was smiling and he swept off towards the door. Willow and Sherwood followed closely behind him.

            Willow whispered to Sherwood, “I have a feeling that things will be harder from here on out.”

            “Hopefully not everything, life is not all one whole string of complications.”

            “I know, but I will need your help more than ever.”

            “I’m your man!”

            “What?” Willow asked in a stunned laugh.

            He just laughed and put his arm around her. “I am the man for the job dear Willow. What did you think I meant?” He playfully punched her on the shoulder.

            She punched back hard. Just then Tristan turned around and laughed. “Ah, you two,” He shook his head and roared in laughter.

            After that remark Willow took Sherwood’s arm off her shoulder. Then Tristan opened the doors to the dining room. Arien and family were already seated. “Good morning, my dearest daughter!” Tristan boomed and embraced Arien.

            Willow sat in her seat and Sherwood sat next to her. They ate in silence as Tristan talked about his recent trip to the dragon roosts and how he was going to visit it again in a week’s time. He told Arien about how she could preside over his home while he was gone. They continued discussing preparations as Willow ate. At the end of the meal Sherwood leaned over and asked, “There is a dance tonight at Sun Square would you like to accompany me?”

            “Sure. I would like to. I will have to talk to Arien about it though to get a dress.” Willow replied.

            “That is fine; there are things that I need to do anyway. We could meet up midday. Does that sound good to you?” Sherwood asked with a smile on his face.

            “Yeah it does.” Willow said with her own smile.

            “Wonderful. I’ll take my leave then.” He squeezed her shoulder and fled the hall after he told Tristan that he was leaving. Willow then came over to Arien.

            “Hey, Arien, I was wondering if you would like to help me with something.” Willow asked her.

            “What is it, my dear?” Arien asked.

            “Sherwood just invited me to a dance tonight and I need to find a dress.”

            “Oh yeah, I could take you to the market to find one and the cost is on me.”

            “Really, oh Arien you are wonderful!” Willow wrapped her arms around her.

            “Thank you. I will just tell my father and we can go.” She then strode over to Tristan.

            Willow waited a minute until Arien returned to her side. “Everything’s clear. Merabus will keep an eye on my children.” Just then Ferine skipped over to her mother’s side with eyes twinkling in hope and excitement.

            “Can I come too, mommy? I’ve never been to a market before.” Ferine asked with a pleading look. She clutched at her mother’s hand tightly.

            “Would you mind, Willow?” Arien asked with raised eyebrows.

            “I don’t see the harm in it. It would be exciting for her.” Willow said with an encouraging smile in Ferine’s direction. Ferine returned the smile. Willow remembered her first trip to the market in Scene City. She was Ferine’s age at the time. Her father took her and he would laugh when Willow shrieked at everything the markets held. She would run around looking at everything and nothing.

She especially took interest in the things that glowed like the moonlight. Her father even bought her a moonlight. A moonlight was a glowing orb that resembled a little moon. One could outstretch their palm and it would hover in the air. Its purpose was to bring moonlight into a room when it was nighttime. She wished that she still had it, but it was a victim to the fire that destroyed her parents.

She remembered with a jolt that Ferine no longer had a father. Her mother would be the parent that would take her to the market for the first time. It was a good thing it was Arien too. Armandus was nowhere near the type of father Keith Ravenmark was. Willow shook her head. Some days were harder than most and for some reason her father kept popping up in her thoughts today.

She made herself flip back into the present with a clenching of her fist. Arien’s voice came into focus. “Are you alright, Willow?” She looked worried.

“I’m fine.” Willow said automatically. “We should get going. You’ll love the market, Ferine; I know I did my first time.” She looked down at the girl who was bouncing around in excitement. This little sprite reminded her of herself at that age.

“Ok then, bye father.” Arien called with a wave to Lord Tristan. He was looking at Ferine with an intense amount of joy.

“Have a good time all three of you.” He replied with his own wave. With that they exited the dining hall and went through the double set of doors at the entryway. They swept past the gardens and the plethora of golden statues of dragons, griffins, gargoyles, and lions. Then they reached the street.

Willow decided that she loved the mornings in Moordom. At Scene City, most of the activity, excitement, and beauty came out at night. The mornings at the Silver City were sluggish and slow. Here in Moordom the daylight was in a world…glorious. Almost every elf possible were up and speaking to each other cheerily and amicably. The sun that rose on the side of the city hit the golden accents of the city just right that they shone like rays of sunshine. The streets were bustling with activity and greetings. Willow could easily forget her troubles here.

She could now see why Sherwood loved the mornings. She began to love them herself. There was a certain magic about the sunlight and the golden hues that reflected back to the sun. Arien continued to lead Willow and Ferine through the labyrinth of streets and into the city square.

Willow couldn’t help but look around in awe at the market place. Little booths littered the whole space. Every space therein was filled with Sun Elven trinkets, homemade bread of all sorts, and clothing. Ferine was running around in excitement while Arien would hike up her skirts to catch up to her. Willow simply felt like a child again. She began to wonder what it would be like to be with her father. Would he be proud of her now? Would he like to see what she grew up to?

Willow put her fingers to her lower eyelid to find it moist. She lowered her fingers and then she saw it. There was a gleaming spectacle on the wall of the nearest booth. It was a pale golden dress that was open in the middle and laced up from collar to waist. Behind the gold there was a white satin. The white satin made up the sleeves as well. The sleeves would reach her wrists and they were laced with gold. The gold fabric was connected to the sleeves by a dark gold bands and the golden fabric became long droopy sleeves that hung off the arms and almost reached the ground.

Willow came over to the booth and stretched out her fingers to touch the silk. It was cool and smooth. The shopkeeper came over to Willow. She was like an aged and crinkled map but her smile was kind. She wore a coal gray shawl that hooded her head. “Ah, it’s quite the beautiful thing isn’t it, Miss?” She asked in a good natured tone.

“It is indeed. Did you make it?” Willow asked while looking at the dress still.

“I did indeed. You don’t look like you are from here.” The woman remarked with surprise.

“That’s right, I’m not.” Willow answered simply.

“You look like a Moon Elf to me. Tell me what is a Moon Elf doing showing her face around Moordom, eh?” The woman asked with a bit of an edge.

Just then Arien showed up. “That’s no way to address the companion of Prince Sherwood Illuminus.” She scolded the old woman.

The woman’s eyes widened. “Prince Sherwood, he doesn’t seem like the type to take Moon Elven prisoners.”

“Have some respect! Willow is here from out of her own volition. It isn’t seemly to jump to conclusions over prejudice.” Arien continued to scold.

“My apologies Miss. Now I believe that this young Moon Elf is about to purchase one of my wares.” The woman said mischievously.

Arien’s attention snapped to the beautiful dress Willow was interested in. She gasped. “Willow, this is perfect! Sherwood would love to see you in this!” Arien shrieked.

“It’s beautiful like you!” Ferine agreed. Willow smiled down at the child. Arien stroked Ferine’s hair.

“That’s right. How much?” Arien asked the woman.

“200 Moorprints.” The woman said automatically.

“200 Moorprints? After you accosted Willow for no reason? No, no that won’t do!” Arien said while waving her finger.

“Ah, you want to barter, eh?” The woman asked while laughing. “I like a fun little barter.”

“Let’s have it your way then. 150 Moorprints.” Arien offered.

“175.” The woman automatically said.




“You are relentless aren’t you?” The woman asked.

“You have no idea.” Arien replied. Willow knew that to be true. The woman didn’t have Armandus for a husband.

“I like your perseverance. I’ll make an offer, 135 Moorprints but no lower.”

“We’ll take it.” Arien sealed the deal by handing out the coins. Two of the coins were a quarter inch long with the image of Apollo stamped on the face. One coin was an eighth of an inch long with the image of the sun on the face. Another coin was slightly smaller than the sun coin but it had the face of fire. The last coin was slightly smaller than the fire coin but it had the image of a dragon.

The woman eyed the coins for a second and then hefted the dress off the hook it was suspended on. She then handed it to Willow. The dark wrinkles on her hands were a stark contrast to the fine material of the dress. Willow took the dress and murmured “thanks,” under her breath. With that the company turned on their heels and left the shop.

Arien took a step by Willow. “It’s best to be cautious in those types of situations. Some of the poorer folk won’t view you very well. The older folk are full of prejudice. Since that woman was both that became nasty really fast.”

“Thank you for covering for me, Arien.” Willow said appreciatively. “I’ll keep that advice in mind.”

“Good, now Ferine, what would you like?” Arien asked. Ferine hopped off to a trinket shop and started to look around.

“I hope you don’t mind if I ask you a question.” Willow said.

“Apollo’s bow, child, you can ask me anything.” Arien said with an edge of sharpness.

“How did you get that much coin if Armandus drunk it all?” Willow asked.

“Lord Tristan, my father, still had an account for me. He told me of it the night you returned me to him. He was holding out for me for all those years.” Arien said with a sniff.

“Your father is a great lord and he cares deeply for you and your family. He has also been very good to me and Sherwood.” Willow said with respect.

“My father holds his friends in high respect.” Arien replied.

“He also offers them wisdom. You do that as well.” Willow complimented.

“Thank you, dear Willow.” She said with a smile. Just then Ferine appeared with a golden dragon figurine.

“Grandfather has these; I want my own.” Ferine said happily.

Arien fixed her a knowing smile. “My father does have his eccentricities. I see that Ferine has picked up on it.” She said with a smile to Willow. “Here, let’s pay for it, Ferine.” They went to the counter and Arien exchanged some coin again and joined Willow outside the shop.

“We should leave now. We will have to get you ready for the ball.” Arien winked. Together they went through the maze of streets and alleys until they reached Tristan’s gardens. It was early afternoon when they arrived back inside. Arien took her by the hand and lead her up the stairs and down Willow’s hall. At the end of the hall there were a double set of pale golden doors. Arien pushed them open.

Willow’s jaw dropped when she saw the room. There was a large rosy bed and a porcelain vanity table. At the end of the room there was a walk in closet with some of the most beautiful gowns Willow had ever laid her eyes on. She looked down at her dress and smiled.

Arien told her to strip down, bathe in the golden tub, and throw on the dress. Willow did so while Arien sifted in her vanity table. Willow fiddled with her lacings until Arien came to her aid. Her fingers worked meticulously at the lacings. Willow figured that it was coming from years of solid practice. “There, there, now look at yourself.” Arien gestured towards her golden framed mirror.

Willow looked at the goddess before her. It had been a while since she looked at herself properly. The golden dress framed her slender figure perfectly. The hue brought out her skin tone. She looked older and more refined than what she had remembered.

“Oh look at you!” Arien sighed. “Sherwood will love this.”

Willow just laughed and turned to look at a side profile. The material felt comfortable and cool on her skin. Arien braided the hair on the sides of Willow’s temple and joined them to form a ring around her head. Arien then placed a wreath of golden leaves around her head. Willow felt like royalty. Finally Arien placed golden slippers underneath Willow’s feet.

“There you go. Now turn for me.” Arien said. Willow did as she was told and Arien shook her head in assent. “Good, you will be the bell of the ball.” She said with a smile. “Now let’s go show everyone.”

“Ok.” Willow said. Together they fled the room and went to Tristan’s chambers. The magnificent lord was looking through maps on his table when they entered. He looked up to see Willow.

“Ah, magnificent, I hope that you will have a grand time. I’m sorry but I will have to resume studying.”

They fled his chambers and Arien lead Willow to her family so the children could see her. They were all excited, even the boys were. Eventually, there was a knock on the manor doors. Merabus saw to that. When he opened the door, he called for Willow. She ran down the stairs to see Sherwood. He was dressed in a white billowy under shirt with sleeves that ended at his wrists. On top of that he wore a golden tunic with embroidery and lacings. He wore leather pants and lace up boots. At his collar he wore a white handkerchief.

When he saw her, he went down on one knee and bowed his head. Willow smiled at him. “There is no need for that, Sherwood.” She laughed.

“What if I can’t help it when you look so beautiful?” He replied as he raised his head to look in her eyes. Willow felt chills and a blush in her cheeks. He was smiling a full smile. This wasn’t his usual crooked smile. This smile lit up his whole face and set him a glow.

“You are such a nobleman.” She said while shaking her head.

“Well, are you just going to stand there then? Let’s go, Queen of the Moon.” Sherwood said with a laugh. Willow felt the blush return as she took his outstretched hand and together they went through the front door.

Outside the sun was starting to descend to its bed. Willow’s eyes followed that course until she saw a golden chariot with white stallions strapped to it. She cupped her mouth in joy. “Is that—“

“A chariot with horses? Yes.” He said with a smile. Willow returned it in awe. He took her hand again. “Shall we?”

Willow showed her assent by tugging his hand and cantering towards the chariot. Sherwood was chuckling behind her. “Someone is very eager tonight.” He said with a laugh.

Willow just shook her head at him as he hefted her into the chariot. He went around the back to enter his side of the chariot. As soon as he was seated he whistled for the horses. It was a piercing tune full of intricate notes. When he was finished, the horses took off at full speed. Willow whooped in delight at the speed.

These horses were incredible and very extraordinary. They could squeeze into the tightest of alleyways. They could take the most intricate routes. Willow couldn’t keep track of the ways they went. Sherwood kept looking at her as they continued onward. Willow fought a smile.

Finally they reached the ballroom. It was inside the most glorious city, minus the castle. The building held white pillars with golden carvings and vines. There was a roof with statues of Apollo and his chariot of fire. Willow couldn’t take in all the detail. Sherwood helped her off the chariot and said, “You are quite interested in architecture aren’t you?”

“I do a lot of painting so I have an appreciation for everything with art.” Willow explained.

“I have an appreciation for art too.” Sherwood said with a sly grin. Willow shook her head again.

“You and your wit. Let’s go.” She said in response. Sherwood took her hand again as they entered the ballroom. Couples littered the dance floor in a swirl of gowns and boots. Golden lights filled the room. A roaring bonfire spat in the middle of the dance floor. It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. There was a band of musicians at the other end of the room. They played a variety of instruments from the harp to the saxophone.

The first song was set to a swift beat. Sherwood pulled her in and led her into a quickstep. “Remember to follow my lead.” He whispered in her ear.

“Of course,” She said back. She was smiling as he twirled her around and around. Sometimes she would stumble on her feet, but Sherwood was always there to catch her. They had danced for a few numbers when someone tapped Sherwood on the shoulder. He stopped immediately and turned around to find a girl. She was about four inches taller than Willow. She had medium length fine golden blonde hair, brown eyes, and a pleasant smile.

“Hey, Prince Sherwood, you’re back already?” She asked with a smile.

“Why yes I am on the behalf of Willow here.” Sherwood said with his hand on the small of Willow’s back she felt tingles radiate from the site.

Willow stuck her hand out to the girl. “I’m Willow Ravenmark, and you are?”

“Arina, Arina Shipley. I’m pleased to meet you, Willow. I am an old friend of Sherwood’s.” She seemed to interpret Willow’s controlled face for she added, “Oh just an old friend, dear.” She said with a laugh.

“Well, any friend of Sherwood’s is a friend of mine.” Willow beamed.

“I was thinking the same thing.” Arina replied with a smile. Sherwood was smiling as well.

“Arina here can be a fun and adventurous being.” Sherwood added. “Plus she is good at making friends.” He said for Willow’s benefit.

“I like adventures too. I am on one right now.” Willow said.

“Are you really? Well, you look like you are a Moon Elf. I’m correct right?” Arina asked with a laugh.

“Why yes I am. Do you want to hear my tale?” Willow asked an eager Arina.

“Oooh yes!” She exclaimed excitedly. Willow commenced with a retelling of her journey, dreams, and adventures. Arina would sometimes interject excitedly or make some relatable comments. When she finished, Arina said, “Oh I wish I could join you when you return. I would love a real adventure.”

“I wish that you could too, but this is your world here.” Willow said sympathetically. “If I lived in this city, I wouldn’t want to leave.”

“Oh yeah, I wouldn’t blame you. Scene City sounds simply dreadful.” Arina said with a sympathetic sigh.

“Yeah, it’s a hard place to live. You’d be surprised to see the difference in atmosphere from here.” Willow said.

“I can only imagine.” Arina replied. Just then the beat slowed to a waltz. “Oh excuse me; I have someone to dance with.” She winked at Willow and then she took the arm of a handsome man with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and a peaceful expression. Sherwood twirled Willow into a dance position again.

“I just knew that you and Arina would hit it off immediately.” Sherwood murmured in her ear. They were dancing very close together all of a sudden. The nearness felt sweet and full of glorious prospects.

“She reaches my positive optimistic side of myself remarkably fast.” Willow agreed.

“She’s been one of my friends for a very long time and she was very fun to be around. Well, that was until I became a commander and I was overwhelmed by duties.” Sherwood said.

“You’re still so young to be a commander. I have always wondered when you became one.” Willow said voicing one of her long time concerns.

“It was two years ago when I turned 17. Before then I was a part of the Sun Armies, but soon I became promoted to a Lieutenant and I was one for a year. Then I became a commander.” Sherwood answered.

“So you’re 19 right now then?” Willow asked.

“Indeed, and you’re younger than me right?” Sherwood asked.

“I am the same age you were when you became a commander.” Willow replied with a smile.

“Well, you are wise beyond yours and my years.” Sherwood replied quickly.

Willow felt heat rush in her cheeks, but that wasn’t the only site of the heat. She felt heat flapping by her ankles. She turned to see the bonfire to her right. She then looked down at her feet to see flame coiling up from the hem and spreading at an increasing rate. Willow instantly felt dread and on the heels of that feeling she felt fear.

Sherwood seemed to sense what was happening for he took her hand and he gripped it tightly and swiftly. He broke out into an elven sprint straight for the doors and to the palpable air. The flame was spreading higher and higher. The heat was overwhelming, but surprisingly Willow didn’t feel any pain. Maybe since she was inside flames, her skin was so damaged that she was beyond pain.

Sherwood kept taking strange roundabout routes. “Where are we going?” Willow shouted over the flames.

“There is a fountain in this city, but there is only one since we are the wielders of fire. I’m heading to there. It’s our only chance.” Sherwood roared back.

Willow shut her mouth then and trusted Sherwood. They continued to run as if Hell was chasing them, which in essence it was. The flames reached her shoulders and they were continuing the climb. Willow was surprised that she wasn’t dead yet.

Finally they reached a clearing with a golden fountain. It was good timing too, for the flames reached up to Willow’s neck. She looked up to see the marvelous spray of the fountain. It trickled down swiftly while fog floated upwards. It looked so beautiful. Where there was a vibrancy of warm colors drifting from the flames, the fountain was a contrast of a vivacity of cool colors. Willow was about to step in when Sherwood grabbed her wrist to stop her.

“What?” She asked somewhat sharply. Why was Sherwood stopping her? She was going to meet the same end as her parents. In a minute she was about to join them.

“Before you douse yourself, look at yourself.” He said with a slightly urgent tone. Willow looked at her reflection in the fountain pool. She was a goddess in flames. Her skin was flawless and it wasn’t charred. Her dress was still intact. It was left unscathed. She was immune to fire! She couldn’t believe it. Her very own parents perished in a fire, whereas here she was engulfed in flames and yet it did nothing to her.

Willow looked back at Sherwood, he was smiling at her in such a copious amount that Willow could not look away no matter how hard she tried. She didn’t attempt to move away either when Sherwood silently moved forward and slid his hands over her burning arms. The heat of his hands added to the heat on Willow's arms, but it was a different kind of fire that seeped into her blood. His palms traveled up until they reached her neck. He linked his fingers behind her neck and stepped closer. He lowered his head until their temples kissed. Willow felt chills convulse in her body even despite the heat emitting from the flames. She closed her eyes and sighed.

She could hear Sherwood humming a melody that she did not recognize. Then he finally softly spoke, “Willow, you are so full of surprises.” It sounded more like an observation than his usual witty remark. His breath stirred her eyelashes and they fluttered pleasantly.

Suddenly, something unusual happened. Sherwood’s temple left hers, but a moment after it left, Sherwood lowered his head until his lips met hers. It was tentative at first. Tentative but gentle, yet it took her breath away. He broke away, but then his lips reattached to hers.

This time it was more sure and affectionate. Willow couldn't help but feel aware of the way his mouth moved on hers. She felt lost in the flames of her emotions. His fingers unlinked themselves and threaded through her hair. Willow felt her own fingers tangle into his curly hair. They felt smooth like satin as they curled around her fingers. Warmth filled her insides in ways the flames were unable.

Suddenly images floated beneath her closed eyelids. Sherwood was running with her hand in his in a field clad with sunflowers. They began to grow taller and taller. The image shifted to her previous dream of them painting trees and making a city. Another image flashed. Fire and Ice molded and combined into light. The sun and the moon met up in the sky to create an ultimate sunset. Sherwood and Willow were lying in clouds and touching the stars.

The images shifted unpleasantly. Aelius was crouched by Sherwood’s body. A lump was forming on Sherwood’s head. Willow was beside herself screaming in the vision. Aelius just looked at her coolly as he said “You are mine!”Then he kissed her. She felt like she was kissing an icycle.

Willow broke off from Sherwood’s kiss panting heavy. Her flames were gone and she was left in a coat of ice. She sat at the edge of the fountain. Her pupils were dilated.

Sherwood sat next to her and took her into his arms. She was shaking uncontrollably. He petted her hair and made soothing noises in the back of his throat. “Willow, what’s wrong? Was I too rash?” He asked with worry.

“No, no, I saw things.” Willow admitted still shaking.

“What did you see?” He asked with an edge of urgency. The light in his eyes was gone when he saw Willow in her emotional state.

“At first the images were quite lovely, no beyond lovely, but the last scares me.” Willow admitted softly.

“What was the last vision?” He asked with an edge to his voice.

“Sherwood, there is something I need to tell you.” Willow said and then she was overcome with emotion.

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