An Unlikey Imprint (Emmett Cu...

By AngelWings00

1.6M 39.8K 4K

Taylor Lahote is the twin sister of Paul Lahote, she is the first girl to ever join the pack and much like he... More

~ Chapter 1 ~
~ Chapter 2 ~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 5 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 9 ~
~ Chapter 10 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~ Chapter 13 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~ Chapter 15 ~
~ Chapter 16 ~
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ Chapter 20 ~
~ Chapter 21~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
~ Chapter 26 ~
~ Chapter 27 ~
~ Chapter 28 ~
~ Chapter 29 ~
~ Chapter 30 ~
~ Chapter 31 ~
~ Chapter 32 ~
~ Chapter 33 ~
~ Chapter 34 ~
~ Chapter 35 ~
~ Chapter 36 ~
~ Chapter 37 ~
~ Chapter 39 ~
~ Chapter 40 ~
~ Chapter 41 ~
~ Chapter 42 ~
~ Chapter 43 ~
~ Chapter 44 ~
~ Chapter 45 ~
~ Chapter 46 ~
~ Chapter 47 ~
~ Chapter 48 ~
~ Chapter 49 ~

~ Chapter 38 ~

23.8K 560 16
By AngelWings00

My paws thundered across the forest floor, I pushed myself to speed up in hopes of catching up to the redheaded leech. The voices of my brothers and sister entered my mind, however I ignored them. I didn't want anyone to make me lose my focus. . . . I wanted that leech dead, she has hurt and tormented my pack and Forks for too long. Not only that she interrupted my time with Emmett.

"We are nearly there Taylor"  Sam says to me, I growled as I caught sight of the leech "Wait for us Taylor"  I let out a whine, I need to obey my alpha but she was so close.

"TAYLOR NO"  Sam screamed at me, I whimper and slowed down a little, just enough to keep her in sight.

I felt one of my pack member coming up beside me, it was Leah. She overtook me and following behind her was Seth and Jared. I went to join them but was stopped by Sam. Even in wolf form you could see his scowl, my ears pinned back and I lowed my head "I'm sorry"  I say to him, my eyes made contact with his. . . . I knew I was in trouble.

"Go back to Emily's"  Sam tells me.

My eyes widen, I shook my head "Bu-t"  I stuttered, I needed to be here, I needed to help.

"NOW TAYLOR"  His order had me bowing my head, my paws moved backwards. I let out a sigh, I look at Sam and growled at him "Piss off Sam"  I snap at him then turned around and headed in the direction off Sam and Emily's house.

I blocked all thought off my brothers and sister. I was fuming, I felt humiliated, I had been ordered home. Ordered away from the fight, I am one of the best fighters in the pack and I'm being left out of the action. . . . And how dare he order me to slow down, I was so close in to sinking my teeth into her leg.

I let out a calming breath as I saw Emily in the window, I trotted over to the door and used my left paw to scratch at the door, minutes late Emily opened up the door. She sure did seemed suprised to see me "Oh, Taylor" I nod my head a her. Emily places her hand on my head and stroke behind my ear, I let out a slight purr at her touch "Come on, lets get you dressed" I walk into the kitchen, my stomuch grumbled at the smell of freshly baked muffins.

Emily came back over to me with a pair of shorts and a tank top, I grabbed them in my mouth and went behind the sofa and shifted back "Thank you" I tell her with a little smile.

"Why are you back?" She asked.

I growled and took a seat at the table "Ask Sam" Emily nods and goes back to the kitchen, she knew not to try and talk to me when I was in a mood. The only ones that could are Paul and Sam but my anger was at him.

It felt like hours till the pack returned but it had only been twenty minutes. They where joking and pushing each other. One by one the pack filled the house and dug into the muffins "Did you get her?" I asked looking a my brother, he sighs and shook his head.

My body shook a little, my eyes flash over to Sam "Why did you do it?" I stood up from my seat and stared my alpha in the eyes "Why did you stop me Sam" I shouted, my body shook more as my anger grew "I almost had he-"

"ENOUGH" He barked out, the whole pack froze and looked between me an Sam "I did it because you always end up hurt from that bitch"

"I'm a wolf" I spat back "Of course I'm going to get hurt" I took a step forward "We chase vampires for god sake"

"We are all wolves Taylor, your the only one that seems to be getting hurt"

"Well sorry for been such a problem" I snapped, a growl rumbled in my chest "If I remeber correctly your the reason I got hurt the first time" Sam's face fell, sadness filled his eyes. I almost felt guilty by my words to him but my anger was too great.

Sam's face suddenly changed to anger "Your punishment is"

I hold up my hand cutting him off "Punishment" I said, my teeth gritted together "What the hell am I been punish for?" I didin't do anything. . . . Well I don't think I did.

"For not listening to me before I used the alpha comand on you" His eyes narrowed on me "I was worried about your safety" He sighs and rubs his fingers over his face "You were too angry and I doubt you where thinking straight"

"Screw you" I spat, I felt myself loosing control, without looking at the other I sent Sam one last glare and headed to the door. The pack called out for me but I was too far gone, I just made it outside before exploding into my wolf, I sprinted into the forest and headed home.

I just wanted this awful day to end.

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