Eddsworld Oneshots, Fluff, Le...

By -Eddiction-

229K 2.7K 8.4K

what the title says :3 ~ (HIGHEST RANKINGS) #1 in Tordedd #1 in hehe (idk why I put that lol) #34 in Eddsworl... More

TomTord- Hot Chocolate Surprise
Tom x Reader- Humane
Jonuardo- Love Hurts
Mattord- Three Steps
Tord x Reader- Crimson Sights (Part One)
Tord x Reader- Crimson Sights (Part Two)
Norski -TordEdd Smut (SEXUAL WARNING)
A/N Shit Again
A/N again holy shit
Star Sailor- Singer!Tom x Fanboy!Edd
Howe 2 b a gud awther n generle
12 fucking pineapples
Eddsworld Stereotypes + A/N
More Updates + Happy Birthday Tomska
just a dream
Please Come Home for Christmas + Cover Contest!!
Nonfriction- Edd x Reader
Author Q+A?
Drunk Jealousy- Tom x Reader (Q+A)(New Book)

Ukulele Song- Jon x Reader (LEMON)

9.2K 102 422
By -Eddiction-



you better be happy with yourselves

He wasn't an Alpha, but he had the heart of all of them combined.

A long time ago, way before anyone on the planet at the moment was born, there was a war that broke out between the zoomorphic humans and the regular humans, which resulted in the loss of the regular humans. From then on, regular human males hid in the shadows and let the zoomorphic humans take their women, fearing that they would be killed if they resisted.

And it stayed like that for hundreds of years. The alpha zoomorphic males mated with the regular and zoomorphic omega females, while the regular beta males hid away from the rest of the world.

Until he came along, that is.


Jon was a regular humans, who was born in the shadows and stayed in the shadows. His mother, who was one of the very few females who stayed with the regular males, warned him never to go into the foreign world, or he would be killed by the humans not like him.

But he never listened.

So when he became 23, he decided to leave everything he knew behind, packed his ukulele and a few essentials, and headed out into the outside world. It took about a day of walking to reach a town, but when he did, it was worth it.

Tall grey towers loomed over his head as Jon walked along the concrete ground, which felt a bit more different from the dirt he was used to walking on with his bare feet. Colorful​ figures bearing animalistic features walked past Jon, not paying him any attention. He didn't mind if anyone noticed or ignored him. He just wanted to do his own thing.

There was a sign above one of the doors of the shops that Jon walked aside that read "RENT-A-ROOM." Wanting to find somewhere to stay for a while, Jon walked inside.

The building was very small, and it reeked of onions and manure. Jon tried to ignore the odor, his eyes watering as the wretched scent loomed about the air. There was an old man with yellowish horns and dark grey hooves sitting behind a counter, reading a magazine. He glanced up at Jon,and made a confused face.

"Are you lost or something?" He said with an unpleasant tone in his voice. Jon shook his head. "No, sir." He replied. "I'm looking for a place to stay for a while. Do you happen to have any places for rent around here?"  The man put his magazine down, and faced Jon. "Listen, kid." The man said, taking his glasses off. "You're not going to survive for long around here. Why did you come here to find a place to stay? You're a regular old human. You'll be killed. I can give you a room, but you'll have to be careful of your surroundings."

Jon nodded. "Yes, sir." He said. "I'll stay anywhere, just as long as there's a roof over my head." The man looked up at Jon, took out a book, and flipped through it. "Here's a place you might like." He said. "The rent's cheap, and there's only a female omega that lives there. Of course, it's going to cost money. Ten dollars a week. If you want to start​ now, pay up please."

Jon paid the man, bid him farewell, and left to find the place he was going to be living at. Being in the city wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.


Being a female Omega wasn't fun, especially since you were part cat. Because of this, you usually went into heat 2-3 times a year, which could go from 7 to 21 days. And it wasn't very pleasant. It was like a normal female human period, minus the blood, and it was much longer. You experienced mood swings often, and everything felt uncomfortable to you.  

At the moment, you were in heat. You needed to have sex with a male to relieve your pain, but your boyfriend was out drinking with his buddies somewhere in the city. You laid down on the couch, and let out a moan as you curled up in a ball on the couch, clutching a pillow to your stomach. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. You were ecstatic, knowing that your boyfriend would be able to provide you with some relief now.

"Come on in." You yelled to the door. The door opened up, and someone walked in. You let out a small sigh of relief. "Thank goodness, babe!" You cried, sitting up. "I really need you to fuck me real hard right now. You don't know how horny I've been all day, waiting for a taste of the big juicy, cock." You turned around to face your boyfriend, and instead saw a normal human man standing in the doorway with his hand over his mouth. He was furiously blushing, and you realized that he heard everything you said.

"Oh my god!" You cried, rushing over to the man. "I'm so sorry about that. I honestly thought you were my boyfriend..." The man shook his head. "No, it's fine." He said, giving you an awkward smile. "My name's Jon, and I've... come to live here for a while." You then remembered that a few years back, you put your house up for rent and never took the ad down, or updated it. "Oh, yeah." You said. "Well, my name is (Y/N). It's quite nice to meet you, Jon. You can make yourself at home, here. There's an empty room upstairs if you would like to put your things away."

The man nodded, and departed up the steps. You put the pillow you were holding up to your face, and screamed at it. You mistook a random human man for your boyfriend, and now h was going to live here for a while. What would your boyfriend say. You walked over to the kitchen, and started to brew yourself a cup of lavender tea, which usually calmed you down and put you in a better mood.

You started to wonder about the male that entered your home. Why did he decide to live here? Why was he so calm, after you mistook him for your boyfriend and asked him for sex? What would your boyfriend think if he found him living here? Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. You turned around, and saw that it was Jon, who had a large black case on his back. He seemed to be wearing it like a backpack. He then walked over to the couch, sat down, and pulled out a small wooden instrument from the case.

"What is that?" You asked, making Jon jump a little. "Oh, this?" He replied, pointing to the instrument he held in his arms. "This is a ukulele. It's like a guitar, but it's smaller and it's higher-pitched." He then proceeded to strum the strings on the ukulele, producing an oddly satisfying sound. "Can you play songs on it?" You asked. "Um... actually, yes." He answered. "I don't know a lot of songs, though, but I can still try. Have any requests?"

You shook your head. "Not really." You said. "Can you play something from your heart? That would be fun to hear." Jon shrugged. "Sure, why not?" He said. He then started to strum a light-hearted tune on the ukulele, closed his eyes and started to sing.

I know I may be different,

I know I may be strange,

I know I may be weird,

I know I'm out of your range...

But I love you, I love you,

And I can say it proud...

I love you, I love you,

I'll shout it, I'll shout it out loud,

That I love you.

Jon opened his eyes, and looked over at you. "I know it's not very good." He said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I mean, I just came up with it right on the spot." You smiled. "I thought that was actually pretty good!" You said, clapping your hands together. "Oh shit! I forgot about the tea I was brewing." You ran over to the kitchen, poured a cup of tea for yourself, and looked over at Jon. "Would you like a cup of tea?" You asked. Jon shrugged. "Sure." He said. "What kind?" "Lavender," you replied.

Jon chuckled. "It's like you can read my mind!" He laughed. "That's my favorite!" You smiled as you poured him a cup, and sat down next to him. Your ears twitched as you took a sip of tea. Even though this man had just entered your home no less than 30 minute ago, you felt like you held a strong connection with him. "Hey, Jon?" You asked. "Yeh?" He asked, taking a sip of tea. "Do you... happen to have a girlfriend?"

Jon shook his head. "No." He answered. "Why did you ask that?" You shrugged. "I don't know." You lied. "I just wanted to know a bit more about you."

"Hey, (Y/N?)"
"Yes, Jon?"
"I'm sorry if this is too personal, but... what's your boyfriend like?"

Your ears perked up at hearing this question. "Oh." You said. "Well, his name is Mitchell, and he's part wolf. He's a bit... dominant, and he can be a bit aggressive at times. He's strong and quick, but he isn't very intelligent or passionate. He likes to go out with his buddies to get a drink or two a lot, so you don't have to worry about him much. You'll be okay, just as long as you stay hidden when he's in the house. Honestly, I wish he could be more like you."

Yes, you thought, I wish every guy could be more like you.


You were reading a book on the couch, when suddenly, you heard the door open up. It was Mitchell, who didn't be to be too happy or sober at the moment. "You okay, babe?" You asked, walking over to your boyfriend and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He grunted. "No, I'm not okay." He bluntly growled. "I just lost $100 dollars in a card game with my buddies! That's a lot of fucking money!" You wrapped your tail around his leg, and softly purred. "You want to take this to bed?" You whispered, stroking his chest.

Mitchell took your hand off of his chest. "No." He said. "Leave me alone." You sighed. "You always have alone time to yourself." You muttered. "Why can't we spend a few minutes in bed together?" "Because I'm a busy man!" He yelled, clutching his fists in a tight ball. "I have things to do, stuff to see! I can't always spend all of my time with you." Suddenly, all of the anger pent up inside of you burst.

"What things?" You hissed. "Drinking with your 'friends?' Gambling with your pals? Cheating on me with NORMAL women?!! How am I supposed to put up with your bullshit if you never talk to me?!!" Mitchell looked up at you. "I'm not cheating on you." He said. "Yes, you are!" You cried. "I've been through your phone. You've been sending dick pics to four other women, and one of them is a normie! I don't know why I should put up with your fucking bullshit-"

"Shut up!!!" You heard Mitchell cry, and in an instant, you were on the floor and your cheek was bleeding. You looked up at your boyfriend with tears in his eyes. He didn't have any regret, any guilt, any remorse in his eyes at all. He looked down at you, and left the house in a rush. As soon as he left the house, you heard Jon run down the stairs and to your side. "(Y/N)!" He cried. "I'm so sorry... I wanted to interfere, bit I couldn't... I'm so sorry..."

You sat up, and put your hand on his cheek. "It's not your fault." You whispered. "You did what I told you to do. Let's go upstairs." Jon nodded. "You're bleeding." He said, looking at your cheek. You touched your cheek, and saw blood on your fingers. "I'll be fine." You said. "Go to your room. I'll be with you in a moment."

You walked into the bathroom, and looked into the mirror. You looked like an absolute mess. You quickly wet a towel with some water, wiped your cut clean, and put a patch on it. "There," you said to yourself, "that's much better."

You walked into Jon's room, where he was sitting on his bed, strumming his ukulele. He looked up at you, and waved, smiling. "Hey, (Y/N)!" He said. "I... wrote a song for you a while back,and I just finished it. Do you want to hear it?" You nodded. "I would love to." You said. Jon cleared his throat, closed his eyes, and started to quickly strum on his ukulele.

I know you may think of me as weak,
I know you may turn the other cheek,
When you see me...
Believe me, I would too...

I know you go out with better guys,
And I think that that's no surprise
For me,
But I still love you...

Give me a chance, and I promise I'll do better for you,
I'll heal your scars from the problems that you've been through,

Just give me a chance, and I'll make you happy each day,

So will you give me just one chance?
What do you say?

Jon looked up at you. Your eyes were watering now, not from sadness, but from happiness. In an instant. you pushed him down onto his bed, your lips connected to his. You embraced him in your arms as your tail wrapped around his legs. After a while, you slowly pulled away, and smiled. "I... love you, Jon." You huffed. "I honestly do."

"Wait, wait, wait!" He cried. "I... don't know if I'm ready for this kind of thing. I mean, I just met you less than a day ago, so it feels a bit weird to be doing this kind of thing for me." You sat on his lap, and nuzzled your face into his neck. "Don't worry." You said. "I'll lead you through it. I promise you it isn't as bad as you think it is."


also imma drink some bleach after writing this so if anyone wants to join me they can jump on the bleach train (╥᎑╥')

You slowly unbuttoned his shirt and tool it off for him. "I love your body." You whispered. "I want it on me." Jon slightly blushed. "Oh, um... thanks." He said. He then helped you take off your shirt and unhook your bra, revealing your chest. "You like what you see?" You seductively whispered. Jon held you close to him, and let out a shaky breath. "You're so beautiful..." He whispered.  "Your boyfriend doesn't deserve such a beautiful woman like you."

"I guess a handsome man like you deserves a beautiful woman like me, then." You chuckled. You once again sat on Jon's lap, and rubbed against him. "I want you inside of me." You said. "I want to please you... I want to satisfy you." (wowo fucking hang me right now) Jon smiled. "I want to make you moan." He suddenly said, surprising you. You got off of his lap, and watched him take off his pants... and then his boxers, leaving him in absolutely no clothes. You had to admit, he wasn't as big as his boyfriend, but he could probably please you better than he did.

"Wanna ride?" Jon seductively asked. You smiled. "Let's go, buddy boy." You said, positioning yourself over his lap. Slowly but steadily, you slid yourself onto his cock until all of his 5 inches were inside of you. You let out a small moan as you started to move up and down, trying to make it last as long as possible. "J-Jon..." you whimpered, "Are y-you okay with this." He nodded, bring his lip with satisfaction. "Let me do the work." Jon said, and in an instant, you were lying on the bed as Jon thrusted into you.

You let out a small yelp with the first thrust, as you didn't expect him to be as fast as he was. But with each thrust, the pain soon melted into pleasure. "J-Jon!" You cried out in pleasure. "F-faster!" He started to pick up the pace, slamming into you aggressively and fast. This wasn't the sex that you were used to, with your boyfriend getting all the pleasure and you suffering. Instead, it was like Jon was trying to satisfy you as much as he could. He truly did love you, and you loved him too.

"(Y/N)!" Jon cried. "I'm going to come!" And in an instant, Jon collapsed on top of you, his cock still inside of you. "I love you." He murmured, planting a kiss on your cheek. You smiled, and watched Jon drift asleep.

It was wonderful, seeing how a beautiful relationship sprouted from a song on the ukulele.


You laid in your bed, looking up at the ceiling. You grabbed your phone, silently snapped a picture of Jon, and started to text your boyfriend.

if you can cheat on me, then I can cheat on you, you texted with the picture attached. You then blocked his number, deleted the conversation, put your phone down, and drifted asleep.


but then again all lemons to me are unpleasant to write (except cola-losers, that's my shit)

also I heard they're making an invader zim movie ???? like invader zim is totally my shit so fuck yea

also my friend made a YouTube channel, it's called Saffy McTaffy, so pls check it out... her video is the one at the very top and I help her edit her videos from time to time, so it would be really nice if you would support her

I would get a YouTube channel of my own, but my parents won't let me get one so I just help my friend with hers

also also, if you want, you can request an oc x reader one shot, you just have to include (at the bare minimum) the name, gender, type of story, and a brief description about them and who they will be accompanying in the story

so yeh

have a nice day everyone

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