When The Sun Comes Up (PARTY...

By geeardway

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When the sun comes up, watch your back. Dracs and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S will show you no mercy. Brutal Scene i... More

Chapter One-Introduction
Chapter Two-Colors
Chapter Three-Crawling Spiders
Chapter Four-Coffee
Chapter Five-Broken Bones
Chapter Six-Walking Motors
Chapter Seven-Even Ghouls Can Have ADHD
Chapter Eight-Throw Your Shit
Chapter Nine-Glue
Chapter Ten-Sunsets
Chapter Eleven-Exploding Hearts
Chapter Twelve-Enchanting
Chapter Thirteen-Wrath
Chapter Fourteen-Bye
Chapter Fifteen-Off We Go
Chapter Sixteen-You Have Mail
Chapter Seventeen-Dead?
Chapter Nineteen-Found Them
Chapter Twenty-I'll Be Back
Chapter Twenty One-Since You've Been Gone
Chapter Twenty Two-To The End (Part One)
Chapter Twenty Three-To The End (Part Two)

Chapter Eighteen-Planning

144 10 18
By geeardway

Brutal's P.O.V.

"B-Brutal? A-are you r-really there?"

I look into Party's eyes and put my hand on his cheek.

"Yes, it's me Party, but they are alive too."

Before he responds, someone else calls out to me.


Party let's me stand up so I can respond Bullet. Before I face her I see everyone is staring at me. I don't blame them.

"Yes, I'm here and alive. No, there is no more wound. Also they are alive."

I show her the masks in my hand. I have no clue how they got there though, and I guess Bullet doesn't either since she's looking back and forth from the masks to the mailbox. I'm guessing when I came back they just appeared in my hands.

"B-but how?"

"I'll explain everything when we get back to the gas station. Now let's go."

The boys pile into their trans am and us girls pile into our Mustang, then head off to the Dead Pegasus.


"Gather around piggies, it's story time."

I'm sitting on my bed at the gas station, and everyone is sitting down on the floor in front of me. Well everyone except Party, who is sitting down next to me. He tries to grab my hand, but I pull it away, which causes him to look down with sadness written on his face. I honestly don't really care...that much.

"Well so after I blacked out, or died I guess, everything was black. I called out for someone, and there was actually a response. When I asked if it was the Phoenix Witch, it was like someone turned on the lights. The person who responded was actually the Phoenix Witch."

Some of them gasp. If I were them, I would as well. It's not everyday you hear that someone met the mythical Phoenix Witch.

"She looked like a old woman, but she was covered in feathers and had this weird mask. I asked if I was dead and she told me that I was, then showed me all of you guys crying over my body. Then she told me that it 'wasn't my time.' I don't know why though, but I am thankful.

Anyways, right before I came back she handed me the masks and told me 'I only need things from dead people.' I was confused and tried to ask her what she meant, but she just disappeared. That's when Party kissed me and I came back."

I left out the part about the bomb because I don't even know if it's real. And even if it's real, I have no clue how to activate it. Plus, this is probably a lot to take in already, judging from their mouths hanging agape.

"So you're a zombie?"

This causes Bullet to smack Ghoul's head.

"Owie Bullet. It was a legit question."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

I laugh at them, trying to lighten the mood. Soon everyone joins me, which makes me pleased since they were all so sad before. Once the laughter dies down, I continue to speak.

"Okay so now I know that my siblings are alive, I'm going to go save them. I believe that when I saw them "die," they were actually sedated. Who knows what they did to those beams."

I start walking to the door, but Phoenix grabs my arm.

"Where are you going?"

I give her a confused look.

"To go save my siblings, where else?"

"Ha, you really think you're going without us? We already lost you once, we're not going to lose you again."

I turn around to face everyone to see that they're all nodding at me.

"Well, then let's call Dr. D and make a plan."


"Brutal! You're here!"

Missile comes running into my arms. Oh how I've missed this kid.

"Hey there missy. Did you miss me? Cause I missed you."

She nods her head eagerly.

"Yeah! I missed you a lot! So did Party and the others! After you left, they all started searching for you and left me at Dr. Death's place."

"Oh really?"

I look up at the boys and see that all of their faces are bright red. Kobra is the first to speak.

"Well-uh yeah. Of course we would look for you. You were part of our group. But I guess you're part of the Motor Mouths now."

I walk over to Kobra and pull him in for a hug, which he gladly returns.

"Don't worry, I'll always be around Kobra. You're like my little brother."

I pull away and go to give Jet and Ghoul a hug. When I reach Party, his eyes light up. I look down to avoid his gaze and give him a hug that lasts about a second. I'm still not sure how I feel about him yet.

Dr. D then wheels inside holding a bunch of papers.

"So you guys wanna break out some people? I have just the plan."

He proceeds to lay out a bunch of papers on the table that is behind the counter. I look at them for a few moments before realizing that they are maps of Battery City.

"Wow. How did you get these?"

Dr. D looks up at me.

"Well a magician never reveals his secrets? Does he?"

He turns back to the papers and starts pointing to different places.

"This place here is the front gate, then back here is the rear gate. You all definitely need to avoid these places, and you can by going through the sewer pipes right here.

There needs to have two people watching the cars about three hundred feet away, so they can't be seen. Then the rest will go into the pipes and will arrive here. After that, two of you go make distractions in the.....armory. So whoever is doing it can can blow up their weapons.

After those two go off, the last four go to the prison building. There is a vent on the side of the building that two of you will guard, and the other two will slip in. Then the two in the building will go to the control room that is here, to find out where Brutal's siblings are. Finally, they go to wherever they are, get them out, then get out of there. Easy enough, right?"

We all stare at Dr. D in disbelief.

"How the hell did you plan that?"

"Well, Psychotic, when you have as much time as me, you get bored very easily. And when you get bored easily, you plan out things."

I nod at this, and so does the others. It makes sense...right?

"So you guys decide amongst yourselves who is doing what so we can leave around midday tomorrow. But I'm going to go to sleep now, good luck."

Dr. D rolls back to the van where I guess he has a bed.


I jump at Ghoul's yelling. Well I guess he and Bullet have claimed that part.

"Jet and I will watch the cars, we don't really feel like running around in Battery City."

"Kobra and I will watch the vents, since we believe that Brutal should be the one to find her siblings."

All eyes turn to Party and I. Oh great.

"Well I guess that leaves me and Party to find them....together."

I grimace at the thought, but everyone, especially the red haired man, is extremely untroubled with it.

"I'm going to bed now."

I leave the room that I don't want to be in anymore. It's making me sick. I know that I'm going to end up with Party someday, but I also know it won't be soon.

I enter my room and lay down on my bed, heaving a sigh. How did my life get like this? Sometimes I wish that I never went into that factory. Then I would have never broken my foot, met Dr. D, run away to the diner, met the Fab Four and the Motor Mouths, fell in love with Party, have him betray my trust and break my heart, run away once again, die, and then finally find out my siblings are alive.

Nobody should go through this much shit in such little time. But that's the world. It's fucking messed up.

My thoughts are interrupted by the door opening. I turn my head to see the the man I once loved entering my room. I close my eyes to pretend that I'm sleeping so I don't have to speak to him.

"You know that I know you're awake. I slept next to you for about two months, I know how you sleep."

God dammit.

"What do you want?"

I open my eyes and sit up, leaning my back against the wall. Party comes over and sits by my feet.

"I want to know what happened. What did I do wrong?"

Oh no. Not this. Anything but this.

"Please Brutal, don't I at least deserve it?"

I guess he's right.

"Fine. You want to know what you did? You left me. You all did. You guys told me that I was going with you, then you just left me! For the whole day! That is exactly what my old group did to me after my siblings "died." I can't be in a group that leaves me behind because they think I'm weak. Oh and the reason that I'm being so cold to just you is because you were my boyfriend. You're supposed to always be there for me, stick up for me, and NOT leave me."

I huff at him, all my anger returning. God, why can't he just leave me alone.

"Brutal, I didn't leave you because I thought you were weak or anything. Hell, you're the strongest girl I have ever known. I left you because I couldn't risk you getting hurt. I know that there was a ninety nine percent chance that you wouldn't have gotten hurt, but I couldn't risk that one percent. I'm so sorry though. I now see why you resent me so much, but I hope you know that I don't love you any less than I did when you left. Actually, I probably love you even more."

No, no, no. He can't still love me, he just can't. Now I'm going to feel guilty.

"Party, you hurt me, very badly. How can I be with someone who will leave me? First it was that, then who knows what else you'll leave me for?"

"Brutal, my love, I promise you I'll never leave you again. There is nothing in the world that will make me part from you. I will always love you unconditionally no matter what, and if there is a day I don't, then I hope to die. Just please, forgive me.

Should I forgive him? I want to, but don't at the same time. It's all so conflicting. Maybe I should since I'm to be working with him.

"Fine, I forgive you."

Party's face lights up and he gives me a bone crushing hug. I only let it last for a few seconds though.

"I said that I forgive you, not trust or love you. But it's the first step."

"Being forgiven is good enough for me right now. Now let's get some sleep because we have a big day tomorrow."

He gets off of the bed and starts heading towards the door. Before I realize what I'm saying, I let five very familiar words slip out.

"Please stay with me Party."

Hey guys! I hoped you liked it. It's currently very, very late and I'm very, very tired so forgive me (like Brutal forgave Party...sorry I'm terrible) if there are any mistakes that I failed to fix. I don't have much to say except that there's only going to be 23 chapters, so we're almost at the end. Good night(or morning/afternoon) and I'll see you next time!

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