I Hate to Love You-- A Shizay...

By Rainbowzebra11

7K 186 81

This takes place when there are still in high school and about Izaya not having a great home live and falling... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note!!
Chapter 9
Please dont kill me!!

Chapter 6

556 17 12
By Rainbowzebra11

{Hey guys!!! Thanks for all support! Please vote and comment it really means a lot! Hope you enjoy <3}

Shizuo's Point of View

After our confessions at the hospital, I sadly had to leave so the doctors could do a check up on Izaya. I truly don't think I've been this happy in a while. I remember yesterday clear as day. The kiss and just the Flea saying he loved a monster like me made my world. I smiled as sweet smelling wind hit my face on my way to the hospital to see my love. My mom had asked why I was so giddy, I just said I made a new friend. Which was partly true, Izaya was my friend. To be honest I'm not sure if my parents would except me if I came out. I discarded the thought and opened the door to the establishment. The same woman was working behind the cluttered desk, she looked up and smiled at me.

"Good evening Shizou, here to see Izaya?" She asked me politely she looked as if she wanted to say more. However, I nodded and walked straight to his room. Just as I reached the door I heard voices. Puzzled, I looked though the small window on the door. Izaya was standing on the other side of the room, clutching his injured hand. His expression was one of complete fear. I glanced to the other side and saw the same fucking man that threw Izaya out. The rage that had been broiling up inside me for the persons responsible for my loves injuries was suddenly let lose. I angrily grasped the door knob, ripping it off the door and stormed in.

"Shizou! Why are you here?" Izaya's quiet and slightly submissive voice asked me. I did not answer, just stood I front of him, glaring at the other man. The man that made my Flea's life hell for god knows how long.

"Well, well. What's this boy? Got yourself another fag you could fuck?" The man said with venom to Izaya who, I think bowed his head and looked away. I took a step towards him.

"Izaya is not, as you so elegantly put it, fucking me. He had been in the damn hospital for three days because of you! What ever you might say, I will never forgive your sorry ass!"I growled out. Izaya was sobbing softly behind me and the mans ugly face twisted into anger.

"Look here, you shitty bitch! The useless slime your trying to protect is nothing. He never was or will be! He should know his place, serving people like me who are-" The old man couldn't even finish because I socked him straight in the face. I didn't even know I did it. I turned to my boyfriend and looked at his small, feminine frame. I pulled him close to my chest, felling his warmth and smelling his raspberry sent. He started shaking and hugged me back tighter than he had ever done before.

"Thank you, Shizu~chan. I love you so much." He said to me, clear but still in a small a week voice. I smiled in his soft black hair and said.

"I would do anything for you, babe. I would swim across the biggest sea, fight the biggest demon you have, give up everything if it means I can still love you." (1)

I felt him smile and let go of me. He stood back from me, only to wrap his thin arm around my neck and kiss me. I pulled him closer and pulled away from his intoxicating lips to start kissing his pale neck.

"Mmm, S-shizo~chan. I-I don't think I'm really ready for that yet." I herd him say a light, almost non existent pink tinting his cheeks. I looked back into his crimson orbs and smiled.

"Okay, I wait for you." He smiled back and told me today he was going to be discharged from the hospital. My heart leaped up. 'I could finally go on a real date with Izaya!' I though to myself.

"Hey, Flea." He looked up at me. "Would you like to go on a date with me today? It's still kinda early." I said hopefully. He looked up at me and nodded him head yes eagerly. I kissed his nose which earned me a light blush spread across porcelain cheeks. I helped my love jump over his "fathers" limp body and hand in hand we walked out of the hospital. I glanced behind us and saw the lady at the desk holding her hand over her nose and giving me a thumbs up. I Sighed contently, I was going to be the best boyfriend ever.

{Hey peps sorry for the short chapter. But it is what it is! I hope you all enjoyed!!!}

(1) I said those exact words to my now girlfriend when I confessed I loved her. I just threw it in there :)

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