Killer Bad Girl | COMPLETED

By aisha-ann

513K 15.1K 2.4K

She returned a different person, with a new mindset and a new outlook to match it. The girl that once cared t... More

chapter | zero
chapter | one
chapter | two
chapter | three
chapter | four
chapter | five
chapter | six
chapter | seven
chapter | eight
chapter | nine
chapter | ten
chapter | eleven
chapter | twelve
chapter | thirteen
chapter | fourteen
chapter | fifteen
chapter | sixteen
chapter | seventeen
chapter | eighteen
chapter | nineteen
chapter | twenty
chapter | twenty-one
chapter | twenty-two
chapter | twenty-three
chapter | twenty-four
chapter | twenty-five
chapter | twenty-six
Chapter 27: "The show-down Part 1"
chapter | twenty-eight
chapter | twenty-nine
chapter | thirty
chapter | thirty-one
chapter | thirty-two
chapter | thirty-three
chapter | thirty-four
chapter | thirty-six
Chapter 37: Waiting for you.
Chapter 38: Pranking Punk Kids
Chapter 39: {Rythmic beating} Part. 1
Chapter 40: {Rythmic beating} Part. 2
Chapter 41: {F*ck Phones}
Chapter 42: {Threats}
Chapter 43: {Heartless}
Chapter 43: Part 2 {Heartless}
Chapter 44: {Kidnapped}
Chapter 45 {Locked away}
Chapter 46: Sweetheart
Chapter 47 - Forgive
Chapter 48 - Fury
Chapter 49 - For Her
Chapter 50 - Epilogue

chapter | thirty-five

4.2K 151 38
By aisha-ann

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nathan's POV :

You know how in every movie, where the hero's eyes meet their ultimate enemy and it seems as if they stare into each others soul, they both freeze and time slows down?

Yeah, well, that never happened for me. And I was never a hero.

Seeing Chase only heightened all of my seven senses, time sped up and for once everything was obvious, I knew, what I had to do.

The foggy thoughts in my head cleared and I was left starring at the facts; I have to kill chase and now may be the only chance I have.

I thought over my plan.

Chase moved forward ever so slightly and I realized that I have only a few seconds to make the first step before he does. We stalked around each-other like circling lions, our eyes locked on- one-another, an unspoken metaphor that whoever breaks eye contact first, will inevitably be the one to lose this fight.

For the first time in my life, I realized that there was one thing that I didn't know now nor did I ever, about Chase my old best friend, one characteristic I never had to look for until this very moment.

His weakness.

What is it?

My thoughts were cut off with the unmistakable feeling of a bony rough fist connecting with my left cheekbone; my face immediately burned, that would undeniably leave a mark. The metallic taste of my own blood was quick to spread though my mouth; my head snapped to the side.

I stupidly got distracted and gave him a perfect opportunity to attack, and sure as hell, he wasn't going to let that opportunity go to waste.

Chase was quick to back up his punch to my face, with a few to my ribs and stomach.

All perfectly in rhythm and stained with precision. I felt my breath be stollen from my lungs and I was left chocking for just one breath of air; that I never realized was so precious until now.

I tried to reagin composure; I look a shaky step back before moving forward and connecting my leg with the back of his knee, shocking him and sending him falling to the ground.

Chase hit the floor, and the crowd erupted into cheers, I stood over him, ignoring the pain of my clearly broken ribs. I have to finish this, for Sasha, for Sophie.

For the only family, I have left on this sorry excuse of a world.

I continued to repeatedly connect my legs with Chase's stomach as he lay on the floor.

Chase ran behind me laughing histerically while he sprayed the cold water of his water gun down my back, I let our a sound that resembled a scream merged with a laugh. My seven-year-old self-tripped over one of our many nerve guns and went flying towards the ground, Chase was quick to follow and dropped to the grassy floor next to me, his water gun breaking and spraying over both of us, I turned and looked him the eyes before be both burst out laughing once again.

I went to add another kick to his stomach a weaker and slower one than the last few, to distracted by a stupid memory to pay attention. He suddenly snapped up and grabbed my leg, turning in an awkward position so that the only choice I had to stop it from breaking, was to give in to the turn and fall to the ground.

I held in a groan when my damaged lungs began to ache even more. Chase did bother standing up; he didn't contemplate nor take a second to think before climbing onto of me and wrapping his long dirty fingers around my neck, my eyes slammed shut on human instinct.

I grabbed the first cupcake that ma and Sasha made and stuffed it into my mouth before Chase could beat me to it, he playfully glared at me and blew out the candles on his birthday cake, everyone cheered. I lent forward to grab another cake, but Ma slapped the top of my hand making me quickly retract my hand and hide it under the table.

Although, that didn't stop me from starring at the delicious cakes that were all covered in the number nine to celebrate Chase's ninth birthday. I frowned, upset that Ma wouldn't let me have another one, Chase looked over to me and back to the small cupcake that he was cradling between his fingers, he sighed before his hands disappeared with the cupcake uoder the table and I jumped when felt something skim my hands under the table. I peaked just to see Chases hand holding his cupcake out for me, I looked up and shook my head, knowing how much he loved cupckaes, but he didnt move. So being the selifsh eight yearold I was I took his cupcake and halved it befor handing the other half back to him.

I smiled straight away at my best friend, before stuffing another half of delicious cupcake in my mouth. He returned the smile before grabbing his own and copying my hungry nine-year-old movements; his eyes shone with happiness while he looked over my small family which had also become his own.

I opened my swollen clouded eyes and starred into now, nineteen-year-old Chase's eyes and saw nothing.

No hate. No love. No anger or happiness. I was just looking at eyes, empty, emotionless eyes.

I looked at the person, who I once called my brother, he tightened his grip on my neck, and I brought my shaking hands up to my throat. Chase stared into my eyes, which had begun to fill with water involuntarily. But, I refused to let the tears fall infront of him.

Chase's gaze slowly shifted to my neck and his hands that were wrapped around it tightly, he losses his hands slowly before tightening them again and harder this time; like he couldn't believe that this was real and he was testing if this was infact reality not a dream.

That ten years of friendship that once meant everything to me now said nothing.

Every moment-we joked, every smile-we shared. All long forgotten by Chase Carter, I guess after all, not all monsetrs have to be inhuman.

In life, sometimes you don't have to be romantically in love with someone for them to break your heart, it doesn't just have to be a relative or lover who is capable of breaking your heart. At times, in situations like mine, your friends can betray you so badly that they break your heart in the process.

I placed my shaking fingertips above Chase's and tried my hardest to pull them from my neck, the small amount of fight left within me slowly dying as each second slowly passed.

Maybe, this is it, perhaps, this is the end of my road, my last fight. I begged Chase, without my voice, but with my eyes.

His dark almost black eyes darkened even further if possible, my throat burned and I took in my possibly last chocking breath. My body began to fall numb under Chase; my head begged to be filled with needed oxygen. I crowd screaamed with excitment, how they prasied me ten minutes go was long forgotten. Now, they where chanting for my death.

"Pp-le-ase," I begged, my voice croaked as I said one simple word, my mind was falling, my vocal cord felt as if it had been ripped from my lungs.

Spots began to sparkle around my vision; I blinked quickly trying to make them leave, no this can't be it for me. I need to save my family. My senses began to dull, and the sound of the cheering crowd faded from me. Everthing hurt, then everything went numb, within seconds.




I finally realised and accepted that this is it, there's nothing more for me to do, I failed Sasha once again.

I continued to stare into Chase's eyes as my hands began to slip from his, they slowly fell to the blood covered concrete underneath me, Chase's straight set mouth twitched before falling into a deep, painful frown. The dots attacked me, covering more and more of my vision.

"NATHAN!" My ears picked up on the slight sound of Vespers panicked voice, but he couldn't do anything now.

With one last look into Chase's eyes, a tear formed and slowly rolled down my cheek leaving a trail of liquid behind it, his eyes followed the tear, watching it slip from my cheek and hit the concrete.

Chase slowly looked back to my face, and for the first time, I saw emotions in his soulless eyes.

Sadness. Regret and so much of it, but it was that moment that my fuzzy vision was mixed with complete darkness as my eyes quickly rolled into the back of my head.

I'm sorry my little sister, I wish, I was strong enough and smart enough to save you from someone that I brought into your life.

Over all the sound in the fighting room, two words echoed though my head, and it was clear that they would be the last words I will ever hear in this life.

"I-I'm sorry," Chase's voice cracked, and he loosened his grip while my head fell and hit the floor, but the damage was done, peaceful silence welcomed me, as I willingly gave into a death that I wasn't ready for.

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