Storms of the Heart [Code Gea...

By amandaluvsya

49.2K 1.2K 132

Adelice is a long time family friend and love interest of Lelouch, but how will she react when she finds out... More

Ch.1: You're Always Gambling
Ch.2: Origami Frogs
Ch.3: What happened in Shinjuku?
Ch.4: A Quiet Dinner
Ch.5: Suzaku's Trial
Ch.6: Zero's Entrance
Ch7: An Old Friend
Ch 8: A Helpless Wish
Ch.9: A Devious Cat
Ch10: Clovis' Funeral
Ch 11: Hostage
Ch.12: Alive
Ch.13: Arthur's Party
Ch.14: The Suitcase
Ch.15: The Truth Pt. 1
Ch.16: The Truth Pt. 2

Final: Admission

2.7K 66 21
By amandaluvsya

It had been weeks of dodging Lelouch in the halls. The second she caught sight of him, she had to turn around and walk the other way, even being late for class was an option if that meant that she could just stay away from him but that hadn't been enough.

He had managed to corner her in the courtyard just a week ago. She had dismissed him quickly and ran away. Not wanting to make a scene, he hadn't followed her or called out to her. And again.. yesterday, he had almost got her alone in the council room if it hadn't been for Nina's anti-social behavior.

A shiver ran down her spine. Even though she knew the truth.. no matter how hard she tried, she could not understand how the man she loved had taken such a bad turn in his life. Those once safe and comforting violet eyes had now turned to cold and harsh stares.. at least it seemed that way to her.

"Adelice.", a male voice called to her, making her turn her head. She smiled as she saw it was Suzaku. She hadn't told the others about Lelouch and her situation, she didn't feel like reliving the moment again and again.

She was doing the best to just put it out of her mind. "Have you seen Lelouch?", Suzaku asked. Adelice shook her head slightly and tried to seem honest. Unfortunately from Suzaku knowing her so many years.. he could read her like a book.

"Are you alright, Adelice? Did something happen?", he asked, genuinely worried. Adelice shook her head again and put a hand on his shoulder. "You worry to much Suzaku, I'm fine.", she said, putting on a smile.

"I'll see you in the council room later.", she finished and turned around to continue walking. She would almost be late if she didn't hurry.  As much as she didn't want to attend the classes that she shared with Lelouch, she couldn't just simply not attend them.

She would not let her school be affected by something Lelouch had done. She stepped into the classroom and quickly hurried to her seat. She could feel Lelouch's eyes boring into her back as she walked but she dare not look back at him.

She touched Kallen's shoulder as she took her seat. "Hi", Kallen greeted, turning to her. "How are you feeling? I know yesterday you said you weren't feeling so good.", Adelice said, wearing a gentle smile on her lips. "Much better. You missed Milly's rant yesterday, she was going on and on about how we had to do something 'extravagant' for the Academy Ball.", Kallen said in her frail voice.

Adelice sighed, she had completely forgot about that event. "What does she mean by 'extravagant'?", Adelice asked, raising an eyebrow. She could only imagine what Milly had planned for them. Kallen shrugged.

"Who knows.. she said she would let us know in the meeting today, but at least you don't need to worry about finding a date. For all we know, Milly's twist might be having the girls ask the boys... what a nightmare.", Kallen said, rubbing her forehead. Adelice let out a soft giggle. "That would be horrifying."

Adelice tried not to show a sad expression. She needed to make it seem like her and Lelouch were still in somewhat of a relationship but this did pose a challenge. Who was she going to go with? She couldn't go with anyone else but Lelouch... that was going to be so uncomfortable. All her efforts to keep little contact with him would be down the drain.

Class quickly passed by and Adelice walked out of the classroom. She could hear footsteps behind her, no doubt Lelouch was walking after her. Just as she had finished that thought she felt a hand grab her arm, the grip was a bit rough but she didn't blame him. He must have been very frustrated with her always avoiding him.

"Lelouch.. what is it?", she asked quietly. He pulled her down a corridor so that they could be alone and pushed her against the wall. She felt his warm hands on her shoulders and sighed as she realized she could not get out of this one. He had a strong grip on her, not enough to hurt her but she knew if she tried to run, he would have just pushed her back.

"Are you done running from me?", he asked. His words came out like a knife into her heart, sharp and direct. Even though he was the one that had done something wrong, she felt so guilty inside. Her head slowly fell a little, letting her hair cover her face. "I don't know...", she whispered.

"Will you stop running for long enough to let me tell you something?", he said, again his voice sharp and cold. He had never used that voice with her before, his tone had always been warm and inviting when he was speaking to her. It was like a different person was in his body, it frightened her a little. "Yes...", she whispered back not wanting to upset him.

She felt his hands slowly loosen their grip on her shoulders but could still feel him keeping them on her. Whether it was a sign of affection or a sign of mistrust.. she didn't know. "The Ball is coming up.. and we need to keep up appearances. I'm sure you don't want all the questions that will come to us if we don't go together. I would rather not explain to everyone.", he said, she could hear the anger in his voice as he finished.

"I don't want to either.. I don't want to talk about it with them..", Adelice said,slightly looking up at him, but still did not meet his eyes. She was afraid to, what if he used his power on her. "Look at me, Adelice.", he said sternly. Adelice shook her head and kept her focus on his shoes. She didn't dare look up at him. She felt him grip her harder. "Look at me.", he said again.

Adelice felt tears well up in her eyes. "I can't..", she said through her tears. She felt Lelouch loosen his grip just slightly and bring her closer to him, she could feel his arms wrap around her. She missed that feeling more then she could put into words. "I'm sorry..", he whispered against her hair as he rested the top of his head on hers.

She wipes her watery eyes with the back of her hands and sighed softly. She was trying her hardest to trust Lelouch again.. but what he had done was so unbelievable. She stiffened when she heard Milly's voice coming around the corner. She quickly moved back against the wall and made sure her cheeks were not wet from the tears.

Lelouch let go of her shoulders and gently wrapped his hand around her upper arm. "I know... we'll have it out in the garden.", Milly said, smiling brightly as the other student council members followed behind her. "We could have-", she stopped in mid-sentence when she saw Lelouch and Adelice. "Hey you two, where have you been?", she demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.

Lelouch shoulders shrugged. "I thought the meeting was much later.", a smirk spread across his face. "Can't Adelice and I ever have some alone time?", he asked. Adelice bit her tongue to not make a protest as she felt his hand creeping down her back. "We have no time for playtime right now! We have to get the garden set up!", Milly scolded as she continued walking toward the garden.

Adelice started to walk after her and the other student council members but was stopped by Lelouch's grip on her arm again. She turned but didn't look into his eyes. "Wait. I want to talk with you.", he said, his voice was stern again. "You're not going to let me go unless I agree..are you?", Adelice whispered. Lelouch stayed silent but kept his grip on her.

"Okay... I'll listen to what you have to say.", she said hesitantly. She gasped softly when she felt his lips on hers. She stayed perfectly still and but kept her eyes closed so she didn't have to look into his. His grip on her arm loosened as she felt his lips slowly move away from yours.

When she opened her eyes, he was already walking toward the direction of the garden. "Come when Nunally has already gone to sleep.", he called back. Adelice let her tense shoulders relax, feeling the ache of having her muscles as she finally let them relax.

She really did not want to go talk to Lelouch anymore about this but how could they stay like this with a gigantic elephant in the room everyday. It would get so tiring. Perhaps it was time to talk things out and finally get both of their feelings out.

Adelice followed behind Lelouch but kept her distance. When they both got out to the garden she could see Milly shoving a pile of streamers into Shirley's hands. Adelice winced, she could only imagine the hours of Milly barking orders at people. It was going to be a long day. Milly smiled when Adelice walked up to her.

"At your service Madam President.", Adelice said in a sarcastic tone. Milly made a devious smile back. "Make as many wise cracks as you want Adelice but I shall have the upper-hand come time for the ball.", Milly said as she handed her a pile of purple streamers. "Oh?", Adelice said, now feeling a nervous ball in her stomach. Milly smiled cheerfully.

"Why don't you hang those up in the Gazebo.", she ordered. "What do you have planned, Milly?", Adelice asked, still feeling nervous. "Don't worry about it! Let's just say... don't worry about buying a dress for the ball. I got you all covered.. or lacked of cover.", she said with a coy smile. "Milly...", Adelice said, already knowing where this was going.

"I'm not wearing a tight, short and riskey-", Adelice was cut off by Lelouch. "Did you want these hung up near the buffet table?", he said, as he held onto a green ribbon in his hands. Milly shook her head and turned back to Adelice.

She gently grabbed Adelice shoulders, turned her around and gave her a gentle push toward the gazebo. "Go put the streamers up and stop asking silly questions, Adelice! We've got a lot of work to do!", she said. Adelice sighed as there was no way out of this. She would just have to play Milly's little game even if she did have to dress up in a ridiculous outfit.


Adelice arms felt like they were about to fall off as she put the last of the streamers up. Her arms ached as she let them fall back to her sides. She looked toward where Milly was, seeing if she could spot Lelouch but he seemed nowhere to be found. He must have gone home already to have dinner with Nunally.

Adelice waved to Milly from afar and started to walk over toward Lelouch's home. She quietly knocked on the door, it slid open to reveal Sayuko. "Ms. Attwood, how lovely to see you again.", she greeted. Adelice gave a soft smile. "Good Evening Sayuko. May I come in?", she asked.

Sayuko ushered her into the dining room where Lelouch and Nunally were already eating. "Ms. Attwood is here, she announced to both of them. I'll prepare a bowl of soup for you as well.", Sayuko said as she walked off to the kitchen. "Thank you", Adelice whispered back to her as she turned to Nunally.

She could see Nunally's face brighten at the her name. "Adelice I didn't know you would be joining us for dinner, my brother didn't say anything.", Nunally said surprised. Adelice slowly walked around her and touched the top of her head softly. "Well I decided that I would surprise you.", she said smiling at the fragile girl. "I'm very happy to see you.", Nunally said as she sat next to Lelouch in her usual spot.

She felt weird sitting next to him again. It was like everything was back to normal but in reality it wasn't. Sayuko came back from the kitchen and placed a bowl in front of her along with a spoon and a glass of water. Adelice smiled at her and took a sip of the soup. The warmness helped ease her nervous stomach.

Lelouch turned toAdelice. She stiffened as she felt his hand grab under her chin. He turned her face to him as he placed a soft kiss on her lips. She kissed him back not wanting to make a scene and upset Nunally. They had to keep up appearances as much as possible. She felt him smile against her lips and kiss a little harder but she pulled away. She would not give him the satisfaction of taking advantage of her in this delicate situation.


"Sayuko could you put Nunally into bed. Adelice and I have to go over what we are going to do for the ball tomorrow.", Lelouch said with a smile. "Good night, Nunally. I look forward to seeing your dress tomorrow.", Adelice said with a smile. Sayuko wheeled Nunally to her room as Lelouch got up and started walking towards his.

Adelice sighed, she dreaded this but it was now or never. She watched as he sat in his desk chair. One of his hands gently rocking the chess pieces back and forth. "What do you have to say?", Adelice said, siting down on the corner of the bed. Lelouch slowly grabbed the king in his hands and twirled it between his fingers.

"I want you to believe me when I say that I am doing this both for you and Nunally.", he said, setting the chess piece down on the table once more. "How so?", she asked wanting to hear his explanation. Lelouch leaned forward and grabbed her hand. "I have the power to control people, think of the possibilities... I can make this world abetter place.", he said.

Adelice shook her head. "You can not change this world, I don't care how many times you say it.", she said, frowning deeply. "That girl with the green hair... why would you keep that a secret from me?", she asked. "Because you would have just jumped to conclusions. I know you Adelice, I know how you are. You wouldn't have let me explain and you would have just figured I had found another woman.", he said.

Adelice sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. No matter how much she didn't want to admit it... he was probably right. "You really believe what she says?", she asked. "I didn't until it worked. I have controlled people. I have changed the outcome of events.. and I can do it again.", he stated. She could hear an almost proud tone in his voice as if controlling people was some sort of accomplishment.

"I saved you and Euphie from that tower.", he continued. Adelice glared at him. "You also pointed a gun at both of us." "And did you really think I would have pulled the trigger?", he asked. Adelice bit her tongue and sighed. "I don't know.. you lied to me so much.. how can I trust you again?", she whispered, feeling the tears coming back.

"I know it will take a lot to earn it back but please believe me when I tell you, Adelice that I was going to tell you... I was just looking for a good time where I could show you just how amazing the possibilities could be.", he said, leaning forward in his chair.

Adelice nodded slowly as she wiped the tears away from her eyes. Perhaps Lelouch was telling the truth. Perhaps deep down inside her she wanted to forgive this man. She could not deny that she still loved him with every fiber of her being. "If I ask you to promise me something...will you keep it?", she asked.

She heard him getup from his chair and walk toward her. She slowly opened her eyes to see him kneeling in front of her. She felt his hand grab hers, he slowly kissed each fingertip. "I will. Ask me anything.", he whispered against her fingers. "Will you never use Geass on me?", she asked biting her bottom lip. His eyes widened a little as he looked at her. "I would never Adelice. You should know that. I would never want or need to control you.", he squeezed her hand. "Please believe me."

She could hear the desperation in his voice. It pained her to hear him use that tone. She could feel her heart slowly letting her feelings for him return. Her heart wanted to forgive him. She felt both of his hands grab both of hers.

"Listen to me...I can make a better world for the three of us. Imagine it. A world where killing and fighting no longer exists. A world where Nunally doesn't have to hide anymore. A world where you don't have to hide anymore." He squeezed her hand. "A world where WE don't have tohide anymore.", he said, emphasizing the word 'we'.

Adelice let out a deep breath. She said the one little word that Lelouch had be endieing to hear for weeks. "Okay..", she breathed. Before she could say another word he kissed her with so much love. There was so much desperation and happiness in his kiss. She held onto his shoulders and kissed him back just as passionately.

She pulled away from the kiss and held his face in her hands. "I want to take it slow though... please? No 'Zero' stuff right now.. I just want you to be Lelouch. The boy I knew when I was younger. In time... maybe we could talk about 'Zero' but... right now.. I just...", she was silenced by his lips on hers again.

He pressed his forehead to hers. "I understand. You don't have to explain.",he said, smiling softly at her. Adelice nodded slowly and let her hands fall to her side. "Thank you.", she whispered. She watched as he slowly stood up and grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. He gently handed it to her. "Spend the night with me?",he asked. Adelice smiled and took the clothes from his hands.

"I don't know if I should.. I mean.. I want to take things slow..", she whispered. Lelouch eyes looked pleading and she shook her head. She couldn't say no to those eyes. "Alright.", she said smiling. She walked toward the bathroom and got changed. Folding her clothes on the sink counter for the morning. She slowly walked back to Lelouch's room where he was undoing his jacket.

Adelice smiled and walked up to him, moving his hands out of the way and started undoing the buttons for him. "What are we doing about tomorrow?", she asked as she wrestled with the last button. "I'll pick you up from the council room. I think Milly wants you and the rest of the girls their to get dressed together.", he said.

Adelice groaned unhappily as she slid his jacket off. "I can only imagine what Milly has planned for us.", she said. Lelouch smiled and set his jacket on the chair. He slowly took off his shirt and slipped on a regular t-shirt. Adelice climbed into his bed while he slid off his pants and climbed into bed next to her. "I missed you.", he whispered.

Adelice smiled at him. "I did too.", she whispered back. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close, wrapping his arm around her waist. She could feel his lips on her neck. "Lelouch...", she protested. "I said I wanted to take things slow..", she said,laughing softly. "We are.", he insisted as he kissed down her neck. "No.", she protested as she gave a playful tug at his hair. "Alright alright.", he sighed, placing a kiss on her lips. "I'm happy.", she said softly. Lelouch smiled and caressed her cheek. "That's what I want."


"Oh my god! What is that?!", Shirley squealed. Adelice couldn't help but let out a laugh as Milly held up the dress that Shirley would be wearing. A lime green, skin tight, one should dress. The sides had been cut out so that it revealed more skin. "Come on Shirley, it'll be fun. Just think of the attention you'll get.", Milly said, laughing.

"I'm not sure that's the kind of attention she wants.", Adelice said, between giggles. "You be quiet. I haven't gotten to your dress yet.",Milly said, handing Shirley the dress. Poor Shirley looked like she was about to be sick to her stomach. "Oh I can't wait.", Adelice said sarcastically. Her mouth dropped open when she saw the dress that Milly was holding up.

"That looks like something you would wear.", Adelice said, still dumbfounded. "Yep and you are going to wear it tonight.", Milly said cheerfully. "Lelouch won't be able to keep his paws off of you when he sees you in this.", She said with a cheeky smile. Adelice shook her head. "I don't need any more attention from him.", She said.

A smirk spread across Milly's face. "Oh? Satisfied recently, perhaps?", she asked, straightening out the dress on the hanger. Adelice blushed. "I didn't mean it like that.", she whispered back.  Milly thrust the dress into her hands and pushed her toward one of the empty storage rooms. "Hurry hurry, get changed. I want to see my genius idea at work.", Milly said.

Adelice sighed and took off her clothes. She unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor, she wrapped up everything and set it on the ground. She would have to come pick it up at the end of the night. She looked down at herself after she had fastened the dress.

The V-neckline plunged to just below her naval button. The train of the dress was long and the skirt of the dress had a slit on the side. She had to admit it was beautiful... revealing but beautiful. "The things I do for you, Milly..", she whispered to herself. She slowly walked into the room. Milly eyes grew wide. "I.. am brilliant.", she said, loudly.

She quickly grabbed Adelice hands and turned her around. She fluffed out the train and fussed with the tie around Adelice's neck. Shortly after Shirley came out in a short dress that ended very high on her thigh. She walked out trying to pull down the dress. "Milly.. is it supposed to be like this?", Shirley asked, still pulling at the skirt of the dress. Adelice took the opportunity and quickly exited the room and started heading for her home.


As Adelice fastened the last pearl clip into her hair, a knock came at her door. She had fastened her hair into a bun with some pearl clips and had left a few strands of hair on either side to frame her face. Even though she wasn't ready to fully give into Lelouch, she still wanted to have a good night and just spend time with the boy that she used to know. Not Zero, not his plans, not C.C, no one. Just Lelouch. Adelice stood slowly, making sure to not get her heels caught on the train of her dress.

She had to admit she was starting to warm up to the idea of this dress. The more she wore it, the more she liked it. She opened the door slowly and smiled as she saw Lelouch. He was dressed very nice in a tux. A smirk played across his lips.

"Milly did a great job.", he said eying the dress. Adelice giggled and shook her head. "I'm warming up to it.", she said, grabbing a little purse that she could use to carry her makeup. Lelouch smiled and led her to the garden.

It was already starting to turn dark. The setting sun made beautiful purple and orange rays in the sky. Adelice grabbed Lelouch's arm before they went out to the garden courtyard. "Lelouch... tonight I don't want to talk about anything. Not Zero. Not C.C. and definitely not anything about the resistance group. I just want to spend my time with you.. and only you.", she said looking up at him.

He smiled softly and nodded, placing a kiss on her forehead. "I know.", he whispered. Adelice looked toward the courtyard, she could see people gathering there quickly, grabbing their drinks and snacks from the buffet table. Adelice turned back to Lelouch. "In time... I think... I could learn to accept it.", she whispered,biting her bottom lip. Lelouch wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. He placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"That's all I want Adelice... that's all I want."



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