Best Friends with the Player

By RealityCheck101

16.1M 276K 122K

Kimberly Taylor was a quiet, shy girl with no friends growing up, until Kindergarten when Asher Knight change... More

Chapter 1- Best Friends with the Player
Chapter 2- Little Bit of Love
Chapter 3- Bad Ass Friends
Chapter 4- Asher's Day of Torture
Chapter 5- Party
Chapter 6- Regrets
Chapter 7- All For Me
Chapter 8- Awkward Movie Time
Chapter 9- It's A Date
Chapter 10- Surprisingly Sorry
Chapter 11- Silver Lining
Chapter 12- Mumbling Truths
Chapter 13- Thrill Ride
Chapter 14- Moral Change
Chapter 15- Family Matters
Chapter 17- A Change For Better or Worse
Chapter 18- Love Can Change You
Chapter 19- Love Actually
Chapter 20- What's Said Is Never Promised
Chapter 21- Everyone Has A Breaking Point
Chapter 22- We All Have Secrets
Chapter 23- Secrets Are Secrets For A Reason
Chapter 24- Riptide
Chapter 25- Hold Nothing Back
Chapter 26- Athazagoraphobia
Chapter 27- Let's Be Normal
Chapter 28- Golden Moments
Chapter 29- Snow Day
Chapter 30- Holiday Plans
Chapter 31- Everything I Didn't Say
Chapter 32- Morning Suprises
Chapter 33- Christmas Love
Chapter 34- The Love That Must Go On
Chapter 35- Thinking Out Loud
Chapter 36- A Leopard Changes its Spots
Chapter 37- The Knight's Version of Family Game Night
Chapter 38- One Last Time
Chapter 39- Come Together
Chapter 40- Graduation
Chapter 41- Epilogue

Chapter 16- Family Gathering

422K 6.8K 3.7K
By RealityCheck101

Chapter 16- Family Gathering

Asher's POV

We all sit down at the very large mahogany table that seats the whole Taylor family. It's surprising really since there's so many of them, including my mom, my two sisters and I. Once we've all gone around saying grace and what we were thankful for- a small family tradition the Taylor's have been doing- we start to pass the food along. The eating commenced, the compliments to the chef were served, and soon after the chit chatting picked up again.

Mr. Taylor isn't half bad of a cook. I enjoy the holidays especially because I got to look forward to his great cooking. I told Kimmy once, if he didn't make a good career of being a lawyer, or if he ever got sick of it, I'm sure he could be one heck of a chef at some high class restaurant. Sometimes his food tasted just as phenomenal.

"So how are all the kids doing in school?" Mr. Taylor asks from the head of the table. Why does the first conversation always have to start off about doing well in school? We're on vacation right now; you shouldn't have to think about school.

"Good. Well. Swell. I'm failing math," Are the few responses from the Taylor kids. I'm pretty sure Kimmy isn't the only brains in the family. All the Taylor's ever seem to talk about is their jobs, school, or something educational, but I guess out of all the kids Kimmy's the only one who takes school seriously.

"I can't believe the kids are already graduating this year, Kelly," Mrs. Taylor mutters to my mom. Her quite voice could be heard from across the table.

"I know. Feels like just yesterday we were yelling at them to eat their vegetables and go take a nap," My mom replies, giggling with Mrs. T about us.

"Eat your vegetables, Asher," Kimmy whispers, nudging my arm as she hears the same thing. A smile of humor plasters on her elegant face. It's so hard not to just fall in love with that smile and greenish eyes. I spear two carrots with my fork and shove them in my mouth showing Kimmy dramatically that I'm enjoying my vegetables, even though I dread eating them.

"So, Asher, how was your game today?" Mr. Taylor asked. I felt the family had just quiet down to stare at me and listen to my answer. As if a big spotlight on me, which I didn't mind at all.

"Awesome. We won, and I scored three out of the five touchdowns we made," I reply back to him. Yes, I had to add that part and yes, I'm that cocky about it. Why not be that proud of my great achievements?

"That's good to hear. Keep up the good work," He says nicely, which was a change for once. He may be a little hard on me because of the way Kimmy and I are always so close together, but there are times when he's not a stiff and treats me as any other human. But he'll always keep a hawk's eye on me.

More talk went around the table and people just eventually started to ignore Kimmy's Grandpa Joe who kept asking about the cancer in the apple pie. Yeah, not crazy at all. Yes her grandfather is losing it while surprisingly Kimmy's Grandma Mary is still in full gear, alive and healthy. She can remember anything even if it was from years ago, and she's seventy! Unlike Joe, who's seventy-five and losing his marbles.

Kimmy's family is actually pleasant despite their snobbish appearance and intellectual conversations that anyone outside their family could not understand. They all have a good sense of humor and are very polite. My favorite has got to be the Aunts. You know why? If they can see that Kimmy and I are a perfect match than obviously they're my favorite supporting people. I've been going to these little- or actually large- parties for quite some time now. My dad is always on business and my mom doesn't have too much family that lives in the area. My dad has a few brothers and a sister, but my mom doesn't like going to their parties without my dad.

I do have to say, I miss my dad from time to time. He's a good guy really, when we do have time together he takes me fishing, golf, skiing, or to a sports game. Father son time, but then its mad depressing when he's gone for months at a time. He always shoots me a text, wishing me good luck on my games, and he gives a call at least one or twice a week to say hi and what's up. This time he left for two months to Europe, and he's not going to be back until mid-December. Hopefully, at least back for Christmas.

I finish the last bite of my meal, with force may I add, and fall back onto my chair, stuffed fatter than the turkey. I look around the table seeing almost everyone finishing their food too. I spot Kimmy's cousin Ivy, staring and smiling at me. She's the cousin that I made out with on Kimmy's Sweet Sixteen. Ever since, she looks at me like a love struck puppy. I wink at her, smiling before turning my attention to Kimmy who laid her head on my arm.

"So. Full. I never want to eat turkey again," She mutters, closing her eyes. She says that every year yet eats turkey every year and left overs for about a week. I should know, I'm always the one helping out to get rid of the left overs.

"I swear I'm more stuffed than that turkey was," It made her giggle, but she stops and moans, hold her stomach. "Oh don't make me laugh. It hurts too much." I laugh at her pain.

"Gobble gobble. Aww poor turkey, S'okay he's in my tummy now," I joke purposely to make Kimmy laugh again.

"Asher," She moaned, rubbing her hand over her stomach, "too much food. Later." I laugh as she starts poking my stomach. Somehow mine was still hard, flat and still in abs form. "How hasn't your stomach turned to flub?" Kimmy wonders in amazement.

"How can it be that it's still hard?" I asks in disbelief as well. Sure enough after this meal I'd need to go to the gym for a week straight. No cheat days. It takes time and hard work to look this good as much as I'd love to say I just roll out of bed in the morning and do nothing.

"I wish I was like that. Look, I look prego," She cries, slouching in her chair to make her little stomach look even more bloated.

"Oh my God, no freakin way Kimmy, you're prego! Holy shit who's the father?" I say, playing around with her.

"Thanks, Asher, for calling me fat." She pouts, "By the way, congratulations. You're a father; I'm carrying your child," She jokes, turning the corner of her mouth upward with a slight blush on her face. Now I swear on my life that one day those words are going to be true and it wouldn't be a joke. It's going to come true one day, you just see it, mark my words.

Not daring to let anyone hear these next few words, I bent down to her, whispering something I would get shunned for if any of the Taylor's or my mom heard me say this. Even if it was a joke, they probably would take it seriously. I couldn't hold my laughter for long so I had to say it quickly, "Holy shit, no way! When did we fuck?" I whisper, but making my voice almost sound like a yell. She starts cracking up laughing and I look around the table spotting a few glances of her family members watching us. Tears stream down her face as she crouches into a ball in her chair laughing out loud.

"You okay there, sweetie?" Mrs. T asks Kimmy who looks like she's just about to, literally, roll on the floor laughing. Kimmy laughs a bit more, enough so she can calm herself down slightly to answer her mom.

"I'm. I'm. Fine. Mu. Mom. Really," She manages in between laughs. I shake my head laughing quietly to myself, actually, more toward Kimmy and her laughing fit. Ivy looks jealous when my eyes swipe across the room for horrified looks. Nick being one of them but more of a desperate like tell me look.

With dinner dismissed and excused people start taking their plates to the dishwasher. The girls stay back, cleaning the table and putting all the extra food away, slowly taking out the sweets and desserts and making coffee and tea. I head to the living room with the guys, watching a different football game. I got a spot on the couch while the other kids sat on the floor playing board games. About an hour later, around eight o'clock, the girls finish cleaning the kitchen. As I was talking to Kimmy's uncle Frank, I spot her from the corner of my eyes leaning against the wide open door frame watching at me.

She sighs, smiling and I smile back. Can she look any cuter? Seriously even when she looks exhausted and tired she still manages to look sexy and adorable. I motion for her to come to me. She walk over slowly, but gracefully, looking around for a seat. I pat my lap, moving Bay's toys away, indicating for her to sit, but she looked around first to check if the cost was clear.

"I'm so tired," She moans, curling up beside me instead and resting her head on my chest.

"Then take a nap," I tell her, rubbing her back slowly.

"No. I'm waiting. For someone," She mutters, letting her eye lids drift to a close.

"Who?" I ask, narrowing my eyes to her. Maybe Kate? She's not so bad, that just means we'd have more fun around here. Sometimes she does invite Kate which I never mind because we always have a great time together.

She smiles to herself, patting my arm that rests across her waist. That smile of her looks like she's up to no good. Who the hell could she be waiting...- Oh God I hope it's not him!

Kim's POV

Before leaving the kitchen, I go up the back stairs and enter my room looking for my phone. I had two texts, one being from Katie asking me to save her from family humiliation and the other text coming from the one person I've been waiting for.


'Hey if you still want me I'm free for the next 45 mins...'

Sent at 7:58 p.m.

I smile widely to myself, looking at the time, it was only a few minutes ago that he sent that! YES! There's still time! I replied back:

'Of course! Come eat some apple pie with me ;)' I couldn't stop my mind from thinking like Asher after rereading the sent text, the thirst is real. OH SHUT UP ASHER MIND! This is what happens when you spend a decade with a person. You start to almost be and think like them.

My phone vibrates in my hand, looking down his message bubble read: 'Cool! Mmm apple pie! I'll see you in 5 mins then.'

I jump from my bed and skip to the bathroom, checking over my makeup. "Yay, he's coming!" I squeal to myself in the mirror. Oh Jesus I just went on a new scale of crazy! Wow, I can't believe he's actually coming!

I run down the stairs and lean against the wall of the living room. My cousins are playing on the floor along with Asher's sisters, Ivy possibly still in the kitchen with the moms, and all the guys are watching sports. Asher looks over, away from my Uncle Frank and motions me to come to him. I took around the room then walk over to him with a grin on my face, feeling a bit weary. He pats his lap but I ignore the gesture and curl up into a ball by his side, collecting his body heat.

He's so warm, and he smells way better than he did earlier I wonder if I took his shirt- WHOA, whoa there Kimberly Ann, stop the thought train.

"I'm so tired," I whine, distracting myself from further thoughts. What's with me all of a sudden? I feel like my Asher hormones are tripling every time I see him.

"Then take a nap," He chuckles as he starts messaging my back with one of his hands. I could sit here all night and fall asleep easily.

"No. I'm waiting. For someone," I tell myself, closing my eyes. I knew if I said something more than that he was going to cause a scene in front of my family. He doesn't have to know that Spencer is coming because if he did he'd try to talk me out of it and get me to call him to cancel. Which would be very rude.

"Who?" He asks, I could just picture him narrowing his eyes into slits.

As if on queue the doorbell rings. I jolt up walking out the room, hearing calls and questions from my family wondering who it is. I take a deep breath before opening the door, fixing my hair and straightening out my clothes.

"Hey," I greet, opening the door with a smile. A gust of cold air joined Spencer as he walked over the threshold.

"Hello to you too," He greets pecking me on the cheek. "Happy turkey day."

"You too," I giggle, feeling my cheeks heat up and turn red, "You're just in time for some apple pie; with vanilla ice cream," I add, showing him towards the kitchen.

"Yum. You have a huge house," Spencer whispers is awe as we walked along.

I thank him, keep a smile on my face as we walk in the kitchen were the kiddies seem to have run off to already. All of them spread out on the dining room table eating pie with ice cream, and cookies. Asher and Ivy are seated at the counter in the kitchen eating separate from the others. After feelings incredibly stuffed from dinner I don't know how I became in the mood for dessert.

"Hey, mom, this is Spencer, Spencer this is my mom," I say, introducing them to one another. I know I didn't want my mother talking to him to cause me embarrassment, but it would be rude not to tell him that this is my mother.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Taylor; you have a really nice home," Spencer compliments.

"Aww why thank you," She smiles then looks over to me. "Was that a good answer?" She whispers to me blocking her mouth with the back of her hand from Spencer to make it somewhat secretive, but it's a major fail since she's still right in front of us.

"Mom!" I complain, rolling my eyes. Big mistake, big mistake.

"She didn't want me talking to you," Mom adds, waving her hand at him.

"And there's our queue to leave," I say, pulling Spencer's arm towards the island where the sweets are.

Spencer laughs as I drag him away from my mom. "Your mom's pretty funny. Did you actually tell her not to talk to me?"

"Don't take it the wrong way!" I defend on instant, "It just spares me the embarrassment and baby photos. No joke." I tell him seriously. He laughs as I nervously hand him a plate.

His alluring smile stretches across his face, his hazel green eyes twinkling. I slice him some apple pie and a scoop of ice cream and did the same for myself, stopping at the other side of the counter facing Asher and Ivy. Well, here goes nothing. Let the Asher and Spencer face off commence.

"Spence, you know Asher from school. That's my younger cousin, Ivy," I introduce, pointing to both of them with my fork.

"Hey, Ash. Didn't know you'd be here," Spencer happens to mention. Oh great, now this seems weirder. I invite the guy that I really like to a family party, and then my best friend who's a guy is also here. Can you say two timer? I should have thought this through a bit more.

"Yeah I'm here almost every day," He smirks tauntingly.

"Almost being the key word," I hint out clearly. Oh God, he did not just say that! I feel like the worst person ever!

"Oh really?" Spencer questions.

"Hey, how's the pie, is the pie any good. Ivy do you like the pie? Apple is my favorite kind of pie! Mm, vanilla ice cream," I but in, trying to change the subject.

"Asher and Kim are really great friends. I'm not surprised he's here every day," Ivy shrugs her shoulders, eating another spoonful. Ivy you are not helping!

"Ivy, shut up," I sing quietly under my breath, putting on a fake smile. She smiles back sweetly to me like nothing is wrong, when clearly we both know I'm ready to punch her in the face.

"Hey, you must be that Spencer, dude. Hi, I'm Nick, her brother," Nick comes and introduces himself. I hold my breath and pray to God this doesn't get any worse.

"Hi, uh yeah I am. Nice to meet you," Spencer grins, shaking Nick's hand.

"Kim said not to talk to you, so I'm going to go," He said, walking away with Mason, and Shane. I go to bang my head on the granite, but luckily I'm saved by someone's hand, Asher's no less. This cannot be happening. Fuck my life; just bring me to hell now! Game over. I lose. I'm as good as dead!


"Well that was a very, very interesting night," Spencer chuckles as I walk him to his car. I still cannot believe that he spent a whole two hours with me and didn't make a run for it. Honestly, I had to keep pinching myself to make sure I wasn't in a dream and he was still standing in front of me!

"I am so sorry for this whole awkward night. I swear they're never that honest or embarrassing," I say, shaking my head in embarrassment. I could feel my cheeks heat up, turning red as all thoughts of my family's embarrassing moments came back to haunt me.

"Hey, your family is cool," He says, putting a finger under my chin to look at me with his dazzling hazel eyes.

"Yeah so cool that they said everything I told them not to say! And embarrassed me to further humiliation," I roll my eyes grumbling, irritated with them. Asher most of all; he just kept making the night worse with his snarky comments.

"Well would this help," He mutters, leaning down and kissing my lips softly and quickly.

"Nope," I reply with sigh. Not even a kiss from Spencer Gray himself could bring me out of this slump and that says a lot! He leans down, again, lingering his lips a little longer. When we parted, I barley say the first letter of 'No' when his lips crash down on mine passionately, kissing me aggressively, but sweetly.

"Okay I think that one helped a little," I giggle, leaning up for one more. I can feel his lips turn into a smile when I press my lips to his, enjoying the thrilling sensation.

"Well I got to go. It's already eleven and I told my mom I would be home an hour ago," He says kissing the top of my head. "See you Saturday still?" He reminds me.

"Yeah, totally. Wouldn't miss it," I reply waving goodbye as he hops in his truck and drives away. Walking into the house, I rub my cold hands together, leaning my back against the door only to be met face to face with... a tipsy Asher? What? Is he-?

"Heeeeey, Kimmy cupcake!" He slurs, throwing is arms up in the air. He wasnot like this an hour ago I swear it!

"Are you drunk?" I whisper in shock, narrowing my eyes viciously to him. If looks could kill, Ash would have been combusted and evaporated on the spot. I only left him alone for an hour! What trouble could he cause with a house full of adults!?

"Me tooooo!" Ivy calls, dancing her way forward. She swayed her hips way too much and she came to meet us.

"You let Ivy drink with you? What's wrong with you?!" I shout quietly to Asher trying to get him to focus. Ivy just turned sixteen two weeks ago. Since then, she thinks she's somewhat a 'free women.' She thinks she can do whatever she wants and whenever she wants. The day she turned sixteen she went out to a frat party and didn't arrive home until two in the morning, she was grounded for two weeks, and isn't allowed to get her permit until after the holiday's, including Christmas and New Year's.

"Why me? Me? Me! Kimmy and meeeee!" Asher speaks in a fail of a southern country voice.

"Whoooooa!" Ivy chants, draping half her body on Asher's. Any second now, I will open my eyes and today will be just a horrible nightmare. There is no way my family embarrassed me, and no way are Asher and Ivy drunk now. I'm not even capable to speak any words for what I'm seeing right now. My mouth is open, but nothing is coming out because of how shocked I am.

"Let's see if you'll be this happy when you're grounded for another month," my Uncle John chuckles in fake humor. He looks at his daughter with pure rage and if this were a cartoon this would be the time when smoke would be coming out of his ears, his face would turn red, and the devil horns would slowly come up.

"I'm so, so, so, sorry Rachel, I don't know what happened, Asher knows better than this. Don't you, Asher," Kelly says determinedly, looking at him sternly.

"Nope," Asher replies drunk, popping the P.

Asher can be quite the idiot sometimes, actually, most times, when he's drunk, and even sometimes when he's not drunk. It wouldn't be a typical intoxicated Asher if he wasn't an idiot. Asher can also be, when he's drunk, a stubborn, and a slightly emotional wreck. It's not pretty or adorable when he's drunk. It more hurtful and disappointing, not just to me or people around him, but he brings it upon himself. To hurt himself with the things he says.

You have to think too, this is what Asher probably thinks in his head. Things said while intoxicated are the things that are most kept from one another. Sometimes, even your darkest secrets. But I can't be hypocritical and say getting drunk is beneath me, immature, stupid, a way of asking for attention; I can't. Because I've done it to myself unfortunately, not that I'm proud of it, but Asher was there for me when it happened, and it's only right that I'd be there for him too.

"I think we should head home, since this one is not in her stable mind," Aunt Rachel said, waving a good bye to everyone.

"Aww we got to bring her home! I call not sitting next to her in the car case she pukes!" Shane declares, running outside. All my other cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents had already left. The only ones still here are the Knights. Asher childishly played with a strand of my hair, twirling it around his finger while making air plane noises and laughing to himself.

Taking him by the arm, I dragged him over to the next room, slapping his hand away. "Where did you get the alcohol?" I ask, snapping my fingers in his face so he would pay attention to me.

He shrugs, pursing his lips looking like a duck. "You're pretty," He slurs picking up my hand and playing with my fingers.

"Asher, stop. Why would you do this?" I whisper, looking in his eyes for an answer. His sapphire eyes looked back, wetness pricking the surface. They were bloodshot, and darting all over the place. He couldn't even look at me straight for the slightest second.

"And I think it's time for us to go too," Kelly says approaching us from behind me. "You're in such big, big, trouble," She mutters under her breath to Asher while wagging a finger at him.

She grabs Asher's arm, but he shakes her hold away. "No I don't want to go," He half whines and half grumbles.

"Well that's just too bad. Now let's go. Now," His mother orders, pushing him towards the doorway.

"No," He shouts, stopping dead in his tracks, "I want to stay with Kimmy the cupcake," He points to a faraway place where I'm not standing.

"Like hell you are. Now let's go," Mrs. Knight growls at him. I have never seen her mad before. It's a first and let me tell you, it's scary. I would never want to be Asher when he's drunk and face his mother.

"But my caaaaar," He cries out, slouching his shoulders back.

"You're not driving," She instructs, shaking her head with a bewildered look.

"Kiiiiimmy," Asher calls out, whining for help as he pouts his lower lip.

I sigh, giving into this worthless and helpless drunk argument. We could be here for hours, maybe longer until Asher got his way. I don't think anyone is willing to push and tug Asher, a six foot one monster of one hundred and eighty-five pounds, "I'll watch over him, Mrs. K. He can sleep on the couch or something," I inform her, waving it off like it was no big deal.

"No, sweetie, I don't want you to think it's your responsibility to watch over my drunk, idiot of a son. It's OK, he's coming home with me. Now," She orders him as he ended up lying on the floor, once again making weird noises.

"No! I want to stay here with Kimmy cupcake!" He shouts.

"Really, Mrs. K, it's no big deal. He'll be no trouble at all, right Asher?" I say, looking down at him.

"Nope!" He said smiling and popping the P again. She growls at him in frustration, running her hand through her shoulder length, brown, wavy hair. I hadn't noticed it much, but Asher looks a lot like his mom, more than his dad. The girls look more like their dad then they do with their mom. The way their lips are shaped and the angles on their faces; like miniature replicas.

"Fine. Stay. I see no point of me winning this with you." She says sounding a bit upset. "Your father would be very disappointed in you," She whispers in his ear.

Playful Asher turned into a serious looking one for nearly two minutes before he jumps up and starts clapping his hands like the monkey does in Toy Story 3. I knew that if Asher were sober he wouldn't have taking that lightly. He didn't like it much when people talked about his father.

As my parents escorted Kelly and two very worn-out twins to their car, I go upstairs grabbing some blankets for Asher and heading back down stairs and to the living room to lay them out.

"I don't want to sleep here," Asher whines, stomping his foot like a three year old.

"Well this is where you're sleeping," I tell him sternly. I surely didn't want to sleep next to him with alcohol breath and puking all night, plus my parents know he's staying so it's not like I can hide him in my room.

"Noooo," He pouts, giving me that look he knew I wouldn't be able to resist.

"It's either this or the guest room," I knew clear-headed Asher wouldn't have liked the guest room. He swore that once he heard something crawling in there, multiple times. To creep him out further, I told him that Nick had lost he pet lizard and that it escaped from its cage and we couldn't find it. The idiot believed me and would never sleep in that room again! That's how he always ended up sleeping with me. We just became comfortable with the fact that it was normal and we weren't doing anything wrong. Just sleeping. Plus, can you believe it? Tough, macho Asher Knight scared of a little noise or lizard, cracks me up all the time when I think about it.

"Yes!" He chants, throwing his hands in the air.

Its official, he's out of his mind drunk. "Okay then let's go," I say, leading the way to the guest room. I'm half way up the stairs when my dad stops me, asking what I'm doing. "He's just going to stay in the guest room. Better to do that so when he throws up he has a toilet," If he makes it, I thought.

"Why did you insist that he stays here? That's Kelly's responsibility not yours." He argues with me, walking up the steps.

"You wouldn't understand." I mumble, grabbing Asher's arm before he swayed a little too much a tumble down the steps, "If this were me, Asher would have done the same thing." I tell him as he passed. Honestly, some little part of me felt guilty and responsible. Maybe if I hadn't invited Spencer over and left Asher alone, maybe he wouldn't have gotten drunk.

"But that's the thing, Asher wouldn't have to do this because you'd never get drunk, correct?" He challenges me, raising an eyebrow as he passes.

"Sure dad. Sure." I mumble with a small grin. "He'll be no trouble at all, promise. Good night."

After everyone saying their good nights, we departed our ways to our rooms on different levels of the house. Mine on the top floor along with the other two guest rooms, my parents and Nick's were on the second floor. I climbed all thirty-seven steps until I reached the landing on my floor. I turn around and became nose to nose with Asher. I jump back startled because I didn't expect him to be so close.

"Jesus Ash. You scared me a bit," I mumble, putting a hand over my heart as I walk to my room to get him some sweats he's left behind.

"Kiiiiimmy," He whines, slumping on my bed.

"Yes Asher?" I ask slightly annoyed. Why does he have to be drunk? He's never drunk! OK maybe two or three times, but that's it and it's only if something really bad happens to make him upset. He's never done this before in front on my family. He knows better.

"I'm bored," He says as he rubs his eyes tiredly.

"You're tired Ash. Come on let's get you to bed," I say, struggling to pull him upward and drag him to the guest room.

He strips his pants off right in front of me, but I exit quickly to the bathroom checking if everything he would need is there. I walk back in the room as he's twirling around.

"Asher that will only get you sick, stop. I don't want you puking." I tell him, stopping him from rotating aimlessly around the room, "Come on, Ash, time for bed," I state, dragging him to his bed. I felt like I was taking care of an imprudent five year old.

"I'm not tired," he whines even though he crawls into bed.

"Yes you are. Now go to sleep. You'll feel better in the morning," I saw that he still had his button up shirt on so I slowly started unbuttoning him.

He giggles looking up at me. "Oh, Kimmy."

I roll my eyes as my face heats up for the numerous time tonight, "It's not like that, Ash, and you know it," I said throwing the shirt on the ground and tucking the covers around him.

"But I'm bored," He mumbles, his eye lids closing without him even knowing.

"Good night, Ash," I whisper, kissing his cheek.

"Nighty nighty, Kimmy cupcake," He mutters, cozening up with his pillow.

I chuckle at the nickname, stupidly different, but it was an Asher thing. Acting like a child, while in a drunk state of mind. He's one of those people that you could laugh at when he's drunk. There's serious people, abusive people, emotional people, angry people, but not Asher, no; he's funny, a child, playful. But sometimes annoying as hell if you aren't in the mood.

I got myself ready for bed, and then crawled in my cozy, fluffy, empty double bed, that called for me. I'm not one to go Black Friday shopping at two in the morning. But somehow my mother can do that and my father usually gets dragged along. I listen to the melody of the wind coming from outside as it slowly puts me to sleep. But someone didn't want me to snooze off just yet as I felt the other side of my bed dip.

"Kimmy. Kimmy cupcake," Asher's voice whispers through the dark peaceful night.

"Ugh. What Asher?" I mumble against my pillow. Does he not understand the meaning of sleep, I love my sleep!

"I told you I'm not tired and I'm bored," He slurs, bouncing his bum on my mattress.

"Asher. I'm tired. Let me sleep," I grumble, covering the blankets over my head to block out his voice.

It's quiet for several moments, but not quiet long enough until Asher spoke up, "Do you like him? That guy... Um... Specter? Sliptor?"

"Spencer. It's Spencer, Ash you know that," I sigh, just begging for sleep.

"Well I don't like him. Not at all," He says determinedly, pounding his fists on my bed. Now he has my full attention, for one talking about Spencer mainly, two for keeping me awake for too long already. I knew what this was leading to and hopefully he'd shine some light on this subject.

"Well what's it to you? What did he ever do to you, huh? Because frankly, Asher, I don't get why you're so upset about me dating him." I tell honestly as if he were understanding me.

"Because he's a jerk. I don't like him looking at you like... Why do you like him he's no good and... Ugh. Dump him!" He grumbles, all his words in slurs not knowing what to say or how to finish his sentence.

"What? Dump him! Ash, what's wrong with... This is pointless talking to you, you're drunk, and this is inane."

"Kimmy, but I love you. Dump him," He begs, shaking my arm.

I sitting up and facing him, hoping he could understand that I looked ticked off. "Asher, I'm not talking to you. You're drunk, you don't know what you're saying, and this conversation is worthless and pointless, because it doesn't make sense."

"He's no good. He's a liar, he, he, he don't- do- really, like you." He stutters, pronouncing everything wrong with horrible grammar.

This is like déjà vu. The same time when I told him I'd be going on a date with Spencer instead of going to one of his football game. As supportive and understanding I am with Asher and the way he lives his life and has relationships with girls, he couldn't do that same for me. "How can you say something like that to me? You're supposed to be helpful, kind, and supportive. Not act like an ass! Why can't you just let me go out with a guy that I actually like? Why can't you just understand that I could tell you every horrible thing about your relationships with girls but don't. I could say so much because it's all wrong. Then you come and tell me that I'm wrong and the guy that I date is bad for me? Asher, take your own advice and stop being hypocritical. At least I'm not sleeping around with a bunch of guys and making a horrible name for myself." I could feel tears prick the surface of my eyes, my teeth grinding together. Asher could be an ass all times of the day, sober or drunk, but never to me! He never acted like that around me and he never said anything to hurt me or bring me down.

"He doesn't deserve you." He mumbles, it almost sounded like the normal Asher.

"You don't know that." I tell him shaking my head, "You say that because you don't like him."

"I know him." Drunk Asher says in a whiney voice.

"No, no you don't because you don't even make the effort to get to know him."

"I love you more than Spectal." He says, pulling me towards him for a rough hug.

I sigh, restraining the eye roll as I pat Asher's back awkwardly, "I know you do."

"So tell him goodbye. Ugh, he's Spectal he's, he's." He orders me, looking somewhat in my eyes.

"Asher, no. I'm at least trying to make a relationship work. You never stay with a girl more than two weeks. I finally get a guy to like me for me, accept my crazy family, and for once he's not a jerk, and he's not trying to make someone jealous, or use me. And you know what, I like him back. Maybe you can't understand that because you've never tried to be with one person." It was more arguing about all the things Asher doesn't understand and does wrong more than anything else. I guess, after so many years, I could finally let out all the things that were so wrong about Asher. Reasons why I stopped loving him romantically like I once did. I just hoped he realized that. But he wouldn't, because his mind is in a fog and all of this tomorrow will be unclear to him. It felt so much better though to let it out, whether or not he really understands what I'm saying or not.

I didn't realize a tear had escaped from my eyes until he wiped way the one trailing down my cheek. "Don't worry, be happy."

I snickered, blinking back the tears and rubbed my eyes, "Yeah, be happy." I grin, patting his arm awkwardly, "Now, go to your room so I don't have to hear you throw up in the middle of the night," I say with a slight chuckle, shoving him closer towards the edge. Wow even when he's drunk he's still a rock. I can't even move a drunk person! He shakes his head, laying on the opposite side of my bed with cuddling his face into a pillow, "Ash go," I said shoving him harder. Nope still no luck. "Asher I'm serious." I tell him. He doesn't move so I just give up because I'm too tired to do anything more about it. "Wakes me up, gets all personal and emotional on me. The least he can do is sleep in the other room to prevent waking me up-"

"Who are you talking to, Kimmy cupcake?" Ash mutters in the dark.

"My imaginary friend Mr. Snuff-a-Lot and Cucklewakal," I says sarcastically, throwing my head on my pillow. I'm so tired that I just came up with two ridiculous imaginary names.

"Ohh hiiiiiii!" He says cheerfully now.

"Asher, just go to sleep its midnight, I'm tired," I whisper, exhaustion hitting me as I turn my head towards Asher's dark silhouette figure.

"All right, Kimmy cupcake. Good night," He sighs, as I close my eyes feeling something soft touch my lips. My eyes shot open to find Asher smiling, his eyes closed, snuggling with the pillow he's laying on.

I stayed up for one hour, thirty-six minutes, and seventeen seconds thinking about what had just happened. Hopefully he would forget what happened by the morning. Maybe, he missed. He meant to kiss my cheek or nose, yeah, that's what it is Kim. Don't rile yourself up. Then again, my first thought stuck to my mind stronger than super glue.

Asher.... Kissed me?


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