Personal One Direction Imagin...

By NouisHoransons_child

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Personal One Direction Imagines
Example ~ Louis (part 1)
Example ~ Louis (part 3)
_sdrowkcab_ ~ Zayn
Anonymous ~ Larry (Part 1)
Anonymous ~ Larry (Part 2)
Anonymous ~ Larry (Part 3)
NiallerJHLovesMe ~ Niall
MissMiaHoran626 - Niall
MidnightBlackNight - Niall
cathycoturexo ~ Niall
softball stag16 ~ Niall
harmonizer9793 ~ Niall
AnnieSweetPaynez16 ~ Liam

Example ~ Louis (part 2)

706 17 0
By NouisHoransons_child

"Such bad memories." Harry groaned and I looked back at him.

"Why?" He had slouched in the couch before looking at me.

"Taylor's my ex." I went wide eyed and looked at Louis.

"Didn't you know?" He asked and I slow shook my head.

"No..." I squeaked amd Harry leant forward and put a hand on my arm. "Am I s-stupid...?" I whispered and Harry shook his head frantically.

"Of course not!" He said and rubbed my arm soothingly.

"It's just... it sounds like something I should know about..." Louis stopped at a red light and patted my leg.

"Taylor wrote a song about Harry because we all know she still likes him

Plus she does that to all of her exes." I looked at the radio in disbelief before changing it.

"Well she's a bitch." I said and changed ut to some Maroon 5. I pouted back in my chair and looked at the window. Then I heard chuckling and raised an eyebrow.

"You're so cute." Louis leant over and pecked my cheek.

"What? Why?" I asked confused and he shook his head chuckling before moving forward again. "What? Tell me." I put a hand on hus shoulder and he smiled. "Tell me." I said confused and looked at Harry.

"Your mood swing love." He laughed lightly and I raised an eyebrow. "You're just cute altogether Nicole." I blushed and looked forward.

"Ok." I muttered and sat listening to Maroon 5. My head started to bounce a few lyrics until I tapped my hands on my map.

"Moves like Jagger. I got the moves like Jagger. I got the mooooooves like Jagger." I quietly sung and giggled to myself.

"I like this song." I then burst out in a fit of giggles before pulling my knees to my chest.

"What are you laughing at child?" Louis chuckled and I started to laugh a bit louder.

"Mooooooves." I did again and giggled.

"That's adorable." I heard Harry say and pulled into McDonalds parking lot where the other boys were waiting

"I love you." Louis said and squeezed my knee. I bit my lip as we parked and the song ended. I gasped and then held Louis' as he looked at me.

"We have to tell the boys! Come on!" I jumped and stumbled from the car before slamming the door closed.

"Whoa love!" Harry chuckled and I took his hand before pulling him towards the others. "Why are we running?" Harry laughed and I turned before taking both of his hands in mine.

"We have to show them something!" I beamed and Harry smiled warmly at them. He held my hands properly before spinning us. I squealed amd laughed as he laughed and pulled me into his chest.

"I wish you were mine." He muttered and I froze on tbe spot as he slowly pulled back. He smiled at me and patted my shoulder.

"Took you guys long enough!" Niall groaned and I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

I looked back as Louis eyed Harry off for a second before smiling at me.

"I love you Nicole. So much!" He said a bit louder and pecked my lips. I forgit the weirdness and took his hand in mine and the lads joined us.

"To McDonalds!" I yelled and we all walked into the empty shop as I ran up and leant on the counter. Niall joined me and I gasped. "Look Niall! Toys!" I giggled and Niall bit his lip.

"They're for lunch." I huffed as a man came to the register.

"Hello and how may I help you?" He smiled ans I stepped back as Niall ushered Liam forward.

"What do you want baby?" Louis asked and I sighed.

"A toy..." I grumbled and crossed my arms.

"A toy?" He asked and I nodded before pointing to them on the board.

"B-but... they're for lunch..." I whispered and looked down. "Just get me pancakes or something." I said and walked off to the seating area.

"Wait!" Harry then came next to me. "Lets go to a booth yeah?" He asked and I giggled.

"Ok." He smiled and put a hand on my shoulder before leading us to one. I scooted over in my seat and Harry sat in front of me. Waiting took a few mi.minutes and I huffed. "Lets play thumb wars!" I chirped and took Harry's hand.

"Ok." He chuckled and we began playing.

"No!" I groaned and he laughed as this game got intense. "You're a pro! Not fair!" Harry laughed and I joined him. The boys came over and I leant back. "This isn't over Styles." He winked and a tray with a toy was put in front of me. I gasped and took it in my hold.

"Louis!" I turned a.d he smiled at he stroked my hair.

"I love you." He whispered and looked at Harry as he pecked me lips.

"I love you more." I giggled and the rezt of the boys sat down.

"Harry, can I talk to you for a second?" Harry shrugged and noddes before they left to the bathrooms.

"Look how cool this is!" I giggled and Zayn sat next to me as I took out my small gaming device.

"Lucky you." He chuckled and I smiled wide. I crossed my legs and turned it on before playing. I waited a few minutes before I heard a door slam open. Shooting my head backwards, Louis came out looking pissed and Harry glared at him.

"Nicole, grab your food. We're going." Louis took our bags and hauled me up.

"B-but..." I stuttered and Harry grabbed mt other hand.

"She isn't going anywhere." Louis sneered and tugged me towards him.

"What? So yoh can hit on her some more?!" I went wide eyed as the building went silent.

"It was harmless flirting!"

"With MY girlfriend!"

"What's going on?" Liam asked and I stoodin shock.

"Stay the fuck away from her." Louis growled and tightened his grip on me.

(Part 3 -->)


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