The Admirals Daughter

By SimpleLogics

40.4K 811 67

fanfic about a random charater I made falling for Shanks, the captain of the Red Haired Pirates. More

Author's Note
Lost and Found
Shifting World
Shifted World
Life's Prices
Strong Resolve
Broken World
Truth Unveiled
Past as a Marine
Confessions of a Fleet Admiral
Sweet Escape
An Ever After

Swimming with Steam

2.5K 66 7
By SimpleLogics

"I'm so hungry," I whined.
"You gotta wait for lunch time," Yasopp stated.
"But thats so far away!"
"Didn't you just have breakfast," Benn asked.
"So what? I'm still hungry!"
"Well thats too bad," Yasopp said. I layed on the ground and moped as my stomach growled.
It has now been a total of fourteen days since Shanks brought me aboard his ship. After I cried in his arms, I went to sleep from exhausting myself. Nazami has been around as well, which has been fun. Since I can't really swim so I ride on her back. I even caught a few fish down once or twice.

I looked up when I felt a shadow being cast over me that belonged to Benn and Shanks, who had on swimming trunks. I looked away, still embarrassed about what happened.
"Alright, Kazumi," Shanks said, "its a perfect day to learn how to swim."
"What? Seriously," I asked with excitement. I, at first, held in a squeal before jumping up and down in happiness.
"Woohoo! Alright! Lets get started!" I ripped off my cloths to reveal my strapless swimming top and swimming bottom.
"Come on Shanks," I said running to the side.
"Hold it," Benn said grabbing me and pulling me back.
"Hey, whats the big idea," I whined.
"For one, they need to set the swimming barrier down."
"Swimming barrier?" I looked over to see Yasopp and Rockstar in there swim suits and throwing out a weird looking net. It was box shaped and stiff with sea prism stones on them. They hooked it to a rope and threw it out into the water then tied the ropes to the mast of the ship.
"Okay, all set," Lucky Roo said. I burst with excitement before jumping into the water.
Ten minutes later 
"I give up," I said to them from on the ship.
"What," they all said.
"You just got in here," Yasopp declared.
"You can't just throw in the towel," Benn said. I pretended to be asleep and ignore them until I felt someone behind me. I looked up and saw Shanks with a dark smile on his face.
"Shanks?" He lifted me up before walking over to the water.
"Hey, what are you doing? Shanks put me down! I don't wanna go!" He ignored all of my protest at first but stopped and got a glint in his eyes.
"Fine, have it your way," he said and dropped me. I landed on my ass which hurt a little then looked up at him.
"You don't have to learn anymore," he turned to face me and wore a determimed smile on his face, "if you can beat me in a little one on one sparring." I was confused at first but then smirked. I stood on my feet and and tapped my foot on the floors before looking him in the eye with equal determination.
"Alright, Captain. You got yourself a deal." We had a small stare off with both of our smirks having darkness behind them. The crew made small comments as they watched from the side of the ship.
The tension surrounding Shanks and myself was so thick that a blade couldn't cut through it.
"You can back down now if you want," Shanks said, "just know that I'll only hold back a tiny bit." I laughed at him and gave me reply
"Thats sweet and all Captain but," I suddenly got serious, like a crazy person, "I won't hold back at all." Shanks smirked and we both stood there as the wind blew.
"Ready........Set.........Go!" We both said before I attacked him. He blocked my first kick with ease but I managed to connect with my other foot. His head whipped to the side and I smirked. I hadn't realized, until it was too late, that he still had my other foot. He tossed me to the side, like I weighed nothing but I managed to land on my feet.
"That kick kinda hurt, Kazumi," he said before looking at me, "but it still wasn't enough." I huffed and took it up a notch. I jumped up and down but kept my heels from touching the floor. The crew was confused about what I was doing until I finished and jumped high. I saw Shanks look around in confusion along with the others. When I got high enough I held out my foot and started to fall down. Shanks looked around in every direction but up until the last minute when he dodged me. I didn't let up through. I tried kicking from the floor but he blocked both. I stood and tried a round house kick but he dodge so I punched, connecting with it.
"Ha, take that!" Shanks looked at me then smiled before disappearing. I looked up at first but the sky was clear. I backed myself against the wall so that he wouldn't get behind me.
"Decent strategy," he said from beside me. I jumped up and made it look like I went up the stairs but used my speed to get to the crows nest.
I need to think of something quickly. Everything I do he can counter and block. He hasn't tried to attack yet so he's on the defensive.
"Well that was tricky." An arm wrapped around me and I was pulled backwards to a chest.
"If I were any other person on the ship I wouldn't have seen you." I felt his breath on my shoulder and froze. My heart was beating out of my chest right now, I wonder if he could feel how hard its beating.
"You are one tough cookie." I felt him on my neck now and he kissed a spot that made me weak at the knees.
"Since I brought you on this ship, I couldn't think right. All my thoughts are filled with you."
"Wha- omph!" I was now against the post chest to chest with Shanks. He had a clouded look on his face. He brought his head down to my shoulder again and kissed from there to my ear, then nipped at the lobe.
"Sh- Shanks, what are you-" he cut me off by biting down harder bit not hard enough to hurt me but enough to make me hot all over.
"You were good, down there," he told me softly, his hand roaming down my arm. "But your not strong enough to defeat me."
"What? Of course I could beat you! Who do you think I am you red basta-" I was cut off again when he placed his warm hand on my side, just above my hip. He turned me away from him once more, putting his chest on my back.
"What are you doing to me, Kazumi?"
I couldn't really catch what he said but thats what it sounded like. Before I could asked what he said, he spoke again this time in his normal tone of voice.
"Now lets see," He said. Before I knew it I was back on the deck, Shanks right behind me.
"W- wait a minute." Next thing you now I was wriggling in laughter. Shanks was tickling me without mercy.
"Damn it you red bastard, Haha! Stop, hahaha, cheati- hahahaha!"
"Just forfeit and I'll stop."

I was now in the water, grumpy might I add. I gave up after Shanks started tickling my feet. Benn and Rockstar both picked on me while Shanks was ruthless with his swimming lessons. When the sun went down, Shanks let me stopped. I collapsed on the floor in fatigue.
"I think...I'm gonna just die here." I relaxed and pretended to be dead.
"Oh no! Captain killed Kazumi," the crew exclaimed.
"Stop being so dramatic," Benn said, "your just out of shape."
"Am not! Who the hell do you think you are? You calling me fat, you sac of crap? I should really kick you a new ass you behemoth!" I stormed off into the room, grumbling on the way there.

I took off my towel and sunk in the bath.
"Who knew that they had a bath on the ship," I said out loud, "even though I had to look for it. I wish they would have told me they had one!"
I turned to stare at the wall when my mind wandered to the crow's nest.
"What was his deal anyways," I asked out loud, "I mean why would he do that? Its not as if he couldn't have just tickled me to begin with."
I sunk into the bath a little more until my nose was submerged under water.
My mind replayed every touch and kiss he placed onto my body.
"Gah! I shouldn't be thinking about this," I yelled out scratching my head wildly, "okay, Kazumi, pull your head in! He was just teasing you! Yeah thats it! And here you were worrying for nothing! Hahahaha." I relaxed into the tub again for another minute or so but decided to get out. Just as I reached for my towel, the door opened, revealing Shanks in a towel himself. I stared in shock and embarrassment and he just stared with a shocked face. After a moment passed I ducked back into the water, covering my chest.
"Gah! Get out of here you perv!" I threw the bar of soap at his face, making him fall.

I stayed in the room after the bath incident. I was too embarrassed to face anyone. Yasopp tried to talk to me but got scared saying I was being creepy. Benn and Rockstar also left me alone after I punched Benn on accident when he snuck up on me. I layed in my bed and put the blanket over my head.
"Just when I reassured myself that I was just imagining things!"
I laying on my stomach and held onto my pillow in thought.
"Why did he have to come into the bath right then?" I sighed and closed my eyes to go to sleep. When I was half way to slumber, the door opened. I was too tired to even open my eyes to see who it was, or to see if it was even real.
The side of the bed dipped and at this point I was able to open my eyes a little. Shanks sat there staring at me with longing. I closed my eyes, tired from everything today and just tried to ignore his presence.
"You're driving me wild, you know," He whispered. If felt the bed dip a little more before something soft and warm touched my lips.

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