One More

By hargitayqueen

3.2K 68 10

Olivia and Tucker have been married for a long time. Noah just celebrated his 5th birthday. Tucker's daughter... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

296 7 1
By hargitayqueen

Jennifer laid on the couch with Matt as they watched TV, but all she was thinking about was how strange it was to have a baby and a sister the same age. "Your dad keeps calling. Now Olivia is calling." Matt mumbles unplugging her phone and handing it to her. "Hello?" She says pushing pause on their show. Sitting up slowly, she hears Olivia pass the phone to Ed. "Hey, Jen. I know you aren't happy with me right now but Liv and I were just called in on emergency. I wouldn't call you if these cases could wait." She could hear the desperation in his voice so she reluctantly agreed. 

Within the next hour, Alyssa and Jennifer were pulling up to the Tucker household about the same time. Jen had called her on her way there, explaining she didn't want to face Dad and their step-mom at the same time. Although the girls loved Olivia, they weren't always close. They were much closer to their mother than they ever were their father. Even when Kellie moved across the country without them. Together they walked in to find it an absolute mad house. Noah was screaming and crying following his parents around the house as they rushed to get ready. Olivia's hair was a mess and blazer was tossed on the floor as she tried to calm her crying child. "Noah it is late. You need to go nuh-night." She cooed upon seeing her step-children. "Thank you ladies so much." She hands off Noah and goes to put on her blazer just to notice it doesn't fit around her belly. She knew there was going to be a point she couldn't hide it anymore but she didn't think it would be so soon. "God damn it." She cried taking it off and heading back to her room to see if there was something else she could put on. "Ed already left." She said running back in and clipping her badge onto her shirt. Grabbing her jacket, she kissed Noah who was still crying and kissed her girls cheeks. "Call me if you need anything." She blew a quick kiss and ran out of their house. Jen looked to Alyssa and sighed. "What are they going to do if we move down with mom?" She says lifting up Noah and holding him while he cried. "Hire a nanny, I guess." 

Olivia was pacing in her office while she was being briefed by Fin of the latest break. It was nearing 2am and she was exhausted. Her phone lit up and she read Tucker's text message. "Still working?" She quickly responded yes and went out to the interrogation room to see how Carisi was doing with their suspected perp. She opened the door and walked to the table. "It wasn't me. I did not beat that girl with a bat and then rape her." Carisi smirked and shut their folders. "I never said a thing about beating the girl with a bat. Only you did." He stood up and moved to grab the man to handcuff him. "Put him in a cell. He will get booked tomorrow." Liv says leaving the room as Carisi follows behind her. As she came out, she saw Ed walk into her office. A smile graced her face as she called for her husband. "Hey, Liv. I brought you and your squad some food." He handed her a small bag. Her favorite 24hour deli. He knew her so well. "I have a few more papers to write but I can do that at home. Let's go." She pulled him closer and kissed his lips lightly. She was never big on PDA but right now she didn't care. Her slender fingers brushed through his hair as she kissed him again. "Lieuten- Oh sorry. I'll be uh_" Rollins quick turned on her heel and practically ran back to her desk. The 2 laughed and Ed took Olivia's bag as they head out. "Everyone head home. That's an order." Tucker tells the squad and Olivia stops with a playful glare. "This is my squad, Captain. I give the orders here." She laughed as she repeated the same request. "Oh, Olivia." He says as they get into his car to head home. 

They quietly opened the front door and put their things down. Ed brought the food into the kitchen while Olivia ventured to find their kids. She found Noah conked out on Ed's chair while the girls were asleep on the couch. Jen had her hands resting peacefully on her stomach while Alyssa was sprawled out. She bent down and slowly shook the girls awake. "You may take the guest room. It's a little late to be driving." She says and they sleepily smile at her. Ed walked in and picked Noah up off the chair before taking him to his room. "I have to get home to Matt. We have an appointment tomorrow." Jen says standing up and Alyssa followed. "See you later Liv. Tell Daddy we say bye." With that, the 2 girls left. 

Olivia and Ed were cuddled up after quick paced love making. It was now nearing 5am and they knew they needed to get to sleep. Just as they fell asleep, they were startled by Ed's phone. Olivia groaned and pulled her pillow over her head. She just wanted sleep. "What do you want Kellie?" He asked rolling closer to his wife. "Jen is in the hospital. Matt called and asked to get us down there. She needs us right now, Ed." The man was already up and throwing on clothes. Olivia sensed something was wrong and also got up, throwing on a long sleeve shirt and a pair of leggings. "I'll be there. Send me the details." He was sliding on his tennis shoes and turned to his wife. "Jen is in the hospital. We can drop off Noah to Amanda's on the way." He runs out of the room and she gathers their phones, badges, and the car keys while he gets Noah out of bed. She slips her riding boots on and the family ran out of the house.

Jen just arrived home and she was having uncomfortable pains in her back. She shrugged it off and climbed into bed with Matt. It was only mere hours later when she woke up to sharper pains than she had before. She shook her fiances shoulder as she pressed her hand into her small belly. "Matthew! We have to go. We have to go now! There is something wrong." He was quick to get her up and them on the way to their house. He called Alyssa and Kellie on their way to the hospital. She was crying because of the pain she was in. She looked down to the seat and realized she had begun to bleed. They pulled up to the hospital and Matt threw the car in park. He carried her into the hospital ER doors while she sobbed into his neck.

Ed ran into the hospital and Olivia followed behind. She jogged slower since she was pregnant and it was the middle of the night. After flashing his badge and asking for his daughter, he finds out she is in surgery. He turned to see Kellie walking down the hall with tears in her eyes and her arms crossed tightly across her chest. "Why would you bring her here?" The ex-wife hissed as she approached Ed. He just rolled his eyes and asked what was going on with their daughter.

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