Swaron/Kriyaansh FF : Tere Bin

By artismypassion84

19.1K 720 47

As we all know, before the Alvida dance sequence, Swayam came to know about Sharon's fake friendship with Kri... More

Character Sketch
The Incomplete Truth
Away From My Love
Truth of My Lost Love
My Love For Her
Getting Back My Love
Forever in Love
Love You, Hamesha

Broken Trust

1.8K 70 4
By artismypassion84

Swayam was heart broken and dejected by Sharon's lie and he did not want to perform with her. But he decides to do it anyway for the sake of his friends and their dream. He soon gets ready and waits for Sharon. 

Meanwhile in the ladies green room Sharon was still reeling under the impact of what Swayam told her a few minutes back. He called a egoistic and selfish person who would follow any path to get what she needs. What hurt her the most was the fact that he thought that she never loved him and that she was trying to get back with him just because she was used to having him around her. She could not believe that Swayam, out of all the people could think that she is so shallow and self centered. She was really hurt and decides to focus on the annual day function for now as it was her best friend's dream. She changes into her costume and joins Swayam backstage.

Soon their cue music starts and Sharon and Swayam take their position on the stage. As the song begins, they begin to move with the music , reliving all the pain that they were feeling at that moment. The song Alvida was apt for their present state of mind as they could feel themselves drifting away from each other. When they looked into each others eyes, they could feel the pain of betrayal, break up and separation. As the song came to an end, they could no longer control their emotions and rushes to their greenroom to cry their hearts out.

Swayam POV:

I am sorry Sharon that I hurt you with my words but I cannot take this pain anymore. I will not be able to take one more heartbreak. After what you did to Kriya, I can no longer trust you or your love. 

Sharon's POV:

I am sorry Swayam that I broke your trust. I can never think of hurting you but I always end up causing you pain. I really wish you had just heard me once when I wanted to tell you about Kriya but I guess I have broken your trust completely.

Meanwhile at the Annual day function:

Kriya got her injured leg treated and came back to college just  as her performance was announced. She was feeling dizzy due to the pain but decided to perform with Rey because she knew that this Annual Day performance was very important for him and she didn't want to let him down again. 

Rey was on the stage ready to perform a sole act as he thought Kriya had ditched him once again but as soon as the announcement happened, Kriya joins him on the stage. Rey was about to ask her where she was when the music starts and they begin their performance. 

As Rey and Kriya danced to the music of the song 'Khuda Jaane' lot of memories run through their mind. This song was very special as it reminded them of their fights, their friendship, their love and finally the heartbreak. They were so lost in each other that they did not realize when the song came to an end. Their eye lock was finally broken by the loud applause of the audience. As Rey let go of Kriya's hand she stumbles and starts to fall but was caught in time by Rey. That was when he notice the bandage on her leg. He quickly picks her up in his arms and rush backstage.


Rey reaches backstage to find his friends waiting for him. They were surprised to see him carrying Kriya.

Swayam: What happened Rey?

Rey: She is in pain. Looks like she has injured her leg. I need to take her to a doctor immediately. 

Swayam: Ok Rey. You please take care of her and we will manage everything here.

Rey: Thanks dude.

Rey quickly takes Kriya to the hospital while the rest of the team try to wind up the annual day function and manage the press and foreign delegates.

At the hospital:

Inside doctor was checking Kriya's leg while Rey waited outside for an update.

Rey's POV:

I am sorry Kriya that I was so rude to you. I could not forget how you broke my trust a year back. But now I am confused as who to believe, the Kriya who told me that she used me for her personal gain or the one who suffered all the pain and danced with me just to fulfill my dream.

Kriya's POV:

I know Rey that it's not easy to trust me after what I did to you. But I wish I could tell you what you mean to me and how I wish I could regain your lost trust. 


"Broken trust and anger will close a heart until honesty and love are once again found."

Will Sharon and Kriya be able to gain the trust of their loved ones with their love?

Continue reading to know more.

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