The Incomplete Truth

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After the end of  Annual Day function, the entire D3 team rush to the hospital to meet Kriya

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After the end of  Annual Day function, the entire D3 team rush to the hospital to meet Kriya.

At the hospital :

As Rey was still waiting for an update from the doctor, the entire D3 gang join him at the hospital.

Swayam : Rey, how is Kriya?

Sharon : Nothing serious right.

Swayam gives Sharon a disgusted look on seeing her concern for Kriya as he thinks all these to be an act.

Sharon is hurt by Swayam's attitude but decides to ignore him and concentrate on Kriya.

Soon the doctor comes out of the room.

Rey : Doctor. how is Kriya?

Doctor : She is Ok right now. She has to a bit more careful. I had asked her to take complete rest but looks like she has ignored my instructions and the injury has become worse.

Rey is shocked to know that Kriya had ignored doctor's warning and performed with him in spite of her injuries.

Doctor : Anyway, she needs complete bed rest for 2 weeks and no strain on her leg.

Rey : Don't worry doctor. I will take complete care of her.

The entire D3 gang looks at Rey , shocked to see his concern for Kriya.

Rey and the entire team goes in to meet Kriya.

Inside the hospital room :

Swayam : Hey

Kriya : Hey Swayam. Hi Everybody

Everyone : Hi Kriya

Sharon: How are you feeling now?

Kriya : Better, much better. I am so sorry that I was late for the performance and got you guys worried.

Sharon: Nonsense. You should not be saying sorry. We should thank you for performing in spite of your injury.

Vicky and Nil feel bad seeing Kriya's condition.

Vicky and Nil : We are sorry Kriya for playing those pranks on you.

Kriya : It's Ok guys. I am happy that you realized your mistake.

Rey : Guys, I think we need to let Kriya rest now. You can meet her tomorrow.

Everyone agree to Rey and bid goodbye to Kriya and leave the room. As Sharon was about to leave the room, Kriya stops her.

Kriya : Sharon, can you stay back for some time. I need to talk to you about something.

Sharon looks at Swayam who was looking at her suspiciously.

Sharon : Sure

Swayam leaves the room closing the door behind him.

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