Forever in Love

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Next day, Rey brings Sharon to his house after getting discharged from the hospital

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Next day, Rey brings Sharon to his house after getting discharged from the hospital. Rey had informed Kriya about her arrival and a room was cleaned up and set for her. As Sharon enter her room, she was surprised by the shower of rose petals on her. She looked around the room and a smile appeared on her face as the room was decorated with roses and balloons. As she walked in further, her eyes fell on a big teddy bear lying on the bed. She quickly climbs on the bed and takes the teddy in her arms and hugs it tight. That was when she see a note attached to the teddy. She reads the note and the smile on her face widens.

Note said: 

Always keep smiling because you are my reason to smile. 

As she sat on the bed with a smile on her face hugging the teddy bear, someone nearby was looking through the window with a smile on his face. It was none other than Mr. Shekawat. He was really happy to see her smiling.

Rey enters the room to find a smiling Sharon and he was relieved to see her happy.

Rey: Wow, I finally managed to find it. It has been missing for such a long time.

Sharon looks at Rey confused as she was unable to understand what he was referring to.

Sharon: What did you find?

Rey: Your smile. I missed it so much.

Sharon smiles at Rey and hugs him tight.

Sharon: Thank You

Rey: For what?

Sharon: For bringing back that smile.

Rey: But what did I do?

Sharon: All these. Roses, balloons and teddy.

Rey: But I didn't do any of this.

Sharon: Then it must be Kriya.

Kriya: What did I do Sharon?

Rey: Kriya, did you do all these decorations?

Kriya: No

Sharon: Then who did all these?

Kriya does not say anything as Sharon and Rey look at her for an answer.

Rey: Swayam?

Sharon: No. Why would he do any of these for me? I don't mean anything to him Rey. 

Swayam hears this and is hurt by Sharon's words. 

Kriya looks at Swayam who was looking at them through the window and feels sorry for him as Sharon still believed  that he does not love her.

Rey: Sharon, it would be one of our friends who had planned this surprise for you. Whoever did it, has done a great job as it brought a smile on your face.

Kriya: Sharon, I think now you need to take rest. I will ask Kaka to get you something to eat and then you can take your medicines.

Sharon: Ok

Rey and Kriya leave Sharon in her room to rest. Swayam was still standing outside the window looking at Sharon who had gone to sleep by then. He slowly gets into the room through the window after making sure that she is fast asleep. He quietly goes near her bed and sits beside her looking at her sleeping peaceful. Suddenly she turns towards him and places her hand on his hand. He tries to remove his hand but she hold his hand tight.

Sharon (In sleep): Swayam. I am sorry. Please don't leave me. I love you a lot.

Tears start coming down Swayam's eyes as he hear Sharon blabbering sorry in her sleep. He realizes how much he had hurt her by not believing in her love. He slowly removes his hand from her hand and places a kiss on her forehead. A smile appears on her face at that moment. Swayam then goes out of the room making a promise that he will make everything alright soon.

After some time Sharon wakes up from her sleep as Kaka had brought her food. As she ate her food, she thought of the strange dream she had. She had dreamed that Swayam had come to see her and he sat beside her holding her hands. She mentally scolded herself for thinking all these nonsense as this could happen only in her dreams. She quickly have her food and takes her medicines and goes back to sleep as she was feeling very tired.

Next 2 days, Sharon took rest at Rey's house while Swayam visited her daily when she was asleep. Sharon was really surprised that she was seeing the same dream since the last 2 days. Now she was confused whether it was reality or dream. She decides to clear her doubts. That night after having food and medicine, she pretend to fall asleep. As she close her eyes and lay on the bed, she heard the window being opened by someone and then felt someone's presence on her bed. As she was about to open her eyes, she felt person's hand on her face, lovingly caressing her cheeks. She knew that touch even in her sleep. Yes, the person was none other than Swayam. 

Swayam quickly place a kiss on her forehead and get up to leave before she wakes up but gets held back by a hand. He turns around to see Sharon holding his hand. Swayam looks at her with love as she ask him to sit down. He sits beside her as per her request.

Sharon: Why are you doing this Swayam? Why are you making things difficult for me? I know that you don't love..

Swayam quickly places his lips on her lips before she could complete the sentence. Sharon was surprised by this act of Swayam but kiss him back after a few seconds. After what seem to be an eternity, Swayam breaks the kiss and looks at Sharon who was looking at him with tears in her eyes.

Sharon: Swayam

Swayam: Don't, Don't you dare say that I don't love you. I have only loved one girl my entire life and I will continue loving her no matter whether she loves me or not. Swayam is Sharon's lover boy and will always be hers. 

Sharon looks at Swayam unable to believe what he just said. 

Swayam: Sharon, I am sorry for misunderstanding you. I should have given you a chance to explain yourself before judging you. Please forgive me. I love you a lot and will die if you leave me again.

Sharon quickly covers his mouth with her hand.

Sharon: Swayam, please don't say like that. If something happens to you, how will I live. I was staying away from you because I wanted you to be happy and you had told me that your happiness is in staying away from me.

Swayam: I said all that in my anger Sharon. There is no life for Swayam without his Sharon. Please don't leave me. I love you. 

Sharon jumps into his arms and hugs him tight.

Sharon: I love you too Swayam. Please don't ever leave me. I don't know how I managed to spend last couple of weeks away from you. But if you go away from me again, I swear you will never be able to see me again, never.

Swayam: Shh.. Sharon never say that again. We will never go away from each other. We will have fights, misunderstandings but we will talk and solve everything. We will never let go of each other under any circumstances. Promise.

Sharon: Promise.

Swayam gives a peck on her lips to seal the promise.

Swayam: Our first kiss was special as I promised. It brought back love in our life. 

Sharon: It did.

SwaRon: Love You. Forever.


Swayam and Sharon has finally become one again. How will they help Rey and Kriya to find their lost love?

Continue reading to know more.

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