Venatrix II

By queenrihbih

34.6K 776 283

"I love you, I really do Kendall," Brett tried to convince me, tears welling up in his eyes. "Why didn't you... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Hey guys
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Six

2.3K 56 10
By queenrihbih

"And slowly move your hands forward," Dad explained. Biting my tongue, I focused on what dad said but instead ended up shooting the arrow off target.

"I can't do this! This isn't my thing, it was Allison's!" I yelled in frustration, throwing the bow away.

"Yet. You can't do it yet," Dad encouraged me. I walked over to the porch and sat down. Dad came over and stood in front of me.

"Thanks for helping me by the way," I mumbled, fiddling with my hands. "I know how busy you get."

Dad sighed and sat near me. He placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me. "I know these past years I haven't been there for you after Allison, it-"

"It's fine. I haven't been here either," I smiled at him. I sighed loudly and looked at my hands. "I just want to know how I'm still Venatrix, why my eyes are purple. Why I feel like I know what Tracy has been through."

"Sometimes it takes time to figure out things. The truth always comes out overtime," Dad told me. I nodded, rubbing my hands together.

"You know," Dad started. "I've been meaning to ask you something. The ring Brett gave you, you're not wearing it right now and you always used to wear it after he gave it to you."

"I think it's broken. It flickers every now and then but I'll fix it later," I mumbled.

"Hmm," Dad replied, not believing a word. "I'm off. Gotta see who the hell is behind the making of these creatures."

"Well I have to go too. School." I rolled my eyes. I went back inside and packed my books in my bag then grabbed my keys.

As I turn my car on, my car begins to ring indicating someone was calling me from my phone. I press answer from the car, not bothering to check the I.D as I drive to school.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Kendall, it's Scott. Tracy's body has been stolen from the Vet clinic and Lucas' from the hospital. Someone took them." Scott told me. I let out the most loudest groan in my life, the car near me giving me a weird look. I smiled at them sarcastically and pressed on the gas pedal, driving away from them.

"Look, I'm coming to school soon. I'll see you when I get there." I told Scott.

"Okay see you soon." Scott answered back before ending the call.

When I finally reached school, I parked my car, turned it off and grabbed my bag. I got out, walking inside the building before a hand grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"Hey Ken, how are you?" Liam asked me as I smiled at him.

"If you want to know how I feel about yesterday, don't worry I'm fine." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Not really, I wanted to know in order for a conversation to start but I'm glad your okay." Liam smirked at me. I slapped him in the shoulder receiving a grunt.

"Man you can slap." Liam muttered as he rubbed his shoulder.

"And I can stab people." I winked at him as I finally made my locker. Liam stood near my locker before awkwardly scratching his head.

"Look, Ken. I was wondering if- like. If you can give me advise about girls." Liam stuttered, hands behind his back.

"Well Liam, bye her food and make her laugh and then she's all yours." I winked at him.

"But then how did Brett get you?" Liam mumbled.

"Because- because he always cared about me and put me first." I whispered as I looked down sadly. The bell rung as I shut my locker. "Well that's my Queue."


"I don't understand. Theo and I saw Tracy's dead bodies. Who's taking these bodies? Who's reviving them?" I asked Scott as we walked to the library.

"I dont- I don't know." Scott sighed, rubbing his eyes as he pushed the library doors open, walking over to where Kira, Malia and Lydia were waiting for us.

"This isn't how I wanted to spend my second last senior year. I don't even know why the school is making me do AP biology at a senior level but it still counts as me being a senior." I rolled my eyes as I sat down near them. "But anyway, what is it you guys so desperately wanted us to know."

"Kira is printing of extra copies but I a have the real version." Lydia started off, handing me a book as Scott looked over my shoulders.

"In a small New England town, teenagers are taken in the night and buried alive. Days later they emerge transformed wreaking havoc and spreading terror, commanded by an ancient order of parascientists known only as the Dread Doctors." I read the back description. "That sounds vaguely familiar."

"That's what I said." Lydia told me, as she looked at me with knowing eyes.

"How does the story end?" Scott asked them.

"Like I told Lydia, there's only volume one and I think we're living volume two." Malik explained. I sighed and hit my head against the desk.

"I don't believe that the Dread doctors are taking the bodies. Twice, they left Tracy's and the other kid's body alone." Scott explained.

"Guys where's Stiles?" I asked everyone as I put my head back up.

"I don't know. He said he was going to do something but I forgot what. He seemed pretty nervous as fidgety." Lydia explained, a worried expression on her face.

"Isn't he always." I said, trying to ease Lydia's stress. "Now what are we meant to do with the books?"

"Read them?" Lydia told me.

"It isn't that simple. What if something happens if we read it?" I asked her.

"Well I guess we have to find out then?" Lydia smirked at me.


I was in the Library, sitting in the back by myself as I read the first two pages of the book. I've been sitting here for an hour and only read two pages.

I wanted to cry.

I felt like I couldn't concentrate. I felt like someone was watching me read it and it felt a bit eerie. Shaking this feeling off, I dived my nose back into the book.  

"Then she raised her dagger an-" I jumped when Theo stood directly in front of me. "You son of a wolf!"

"What the hell are you still doing here?" Theo asked me, ignoring my statement. I quickly shoved the book into my bag and stood up.

"Studying." I mumbled. Theo crossed his arms and smirked at me, not believe me.

"I'm sure you were. Look, do you want a ride home?" Theo asked me.

"No I'll just catch the bus home. Lydia had to borrow my car." I told Theo, leaving the part how she wanted to go to Eichen House.

"The last bus left an hour ago. You still want a ride home?" Theo asked me.

"Ugh fine." I rolled my eyes as I put my bag over my shoulder. "Lead the way Theodore."

Theo and I walked side by side as he lead the way to his bike. He swung his leg over the bike as he sat down on it.

"You know, almost every guy I know or knew has had a bike, but I never learnt to ride one." I told Theo as I got into the bike with him.

"Sometimes I like riding my bike, sometimes my car." He told me. "Hey maybe I can teach you?"

"Really? When?" I asked excitedly, as I took the helmet he handed me.

"Right now, c'mon." Theo told me.  I looked at him, not believing him. He continued to smile at me, encouraging me.

"F*ck it." I muttered as we both got up so that I could sit in the front.

"Okay first you want keep one leg on the ground and the other on the bike. When you turn the accelerator, lift one leg off and try to balance." He instructed me.

I did what he asked me and jolted forward and tried to stop the bike with my foot which ended up bending my foot a bit back.

"No! What the hell Ken! Never stop the bike with your foot ever again! You can snap it!" Theo yelled at me. He then looked at me and sighed. "Look I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt because of me."

My heart jumped.

"Just do it again, but without putting your foot up to stop it." Theo explained to me. I nodded before looking down at the dark road. I turned the accelerator before lifting my feet up and slowly moving down the road.

I then begun moving faster and faster, laughing as I heard Theo cheer me from afar. I drove so far I could barely hear Theo cheering for me again. I laughed and screamed so hard as I felt fresh air entering my body.

"Told you this would be fun!" I heard Aiden yell as my arms were wrapped around him.

"Aiden! Please! Slow down!" I yelled at him as I laughed against the fast wind.

"Go faster? Yea sure!" Aiden laughed as he started going faster. I snuggled closer into his back as we rode in the dark streets together.

"It's so pretty out here." I whispered, but his werewolf hearing was able to catch it.

"Anytime I spend with you are moments I'll remember till the day I die. Those memories are beautiful." Aiden told me. I moved a bit forward to kiss his cheeks.

"I love you." Aiden told me as he kept driving.

"I love you too." I whispered.

"Kendall." Aiden spoke. "Kendall! Kendall!"

I kept hearing my name being yelled over and over, a blinding white light flashing in front of me before I felt like I was being shook.

"Kendall! Kendall? Are you okay." Theo told me as I started blinking, taking in the surroundings of the school. "You just sat their, doing nothing."

"I saw him." I whispered as a tear left down my eye. "I saw him."

"Who?" Theo asked me.

"Aiden. My baby Aiden." I sobbed out. Theo pulled me off the bike and hugged me as sobs begun to rake my body.

"I'll take you home now."

A/N- Sorry for the late update. It's going to be a bit slow because exams are coming up soon and also, I'm promoting a new book I'm writing called banished. Follow me on instagram @queenrihbih and check out the banished trailer.

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