
By aestherose

82.3K 2.8K 197

Xander . He was just like any other alpha . Didn't know how to love , didn't know how to meet a person's need... More

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3.3K 116 14
By aestherose

Xander POV
Getting up from my office chair , I notice Violet asleep on the sofa with her hand on her stomach . A small , tired smile spreads on my lips she's gonna be a good mum .

After turning on the kettle , I start making some coffee . My sister smiles tiredly asks " how's Violet?" I say " sleepy in pain but I think she's okay a side that ."

She nods before grabbing a bowl , her hands start to shake . The bowl falls to the floor with a smash before I can grab it .

My sister gasps looking up at me , she says " your be the death of a loved one " her eyes changing back to normal colour . My breath hitches for a few seconds , death of loved one? Not Violet . Never . I won't let that happen .

I say " you okay Rose?" she nods mutters " sorry about the bowl " I shake my head going to grab it . Someone's foot steps come into the kitchen , Rose says " morning Violet how was your sleep?" she shrugs slightly .

Violet now looks more tired , almost as if she's had the life sucked out of her . After cleaning up the bowl , I grab another one for Rose and make breakfast for Vi .

She sits down at the breakfast bar before sighing , I ask " what's wrong love?" Violet writes ' bored can't we spoil the baby already?!' I chuckle at her excitement .

Giving in I say " we could go on a shopping trip if you would like " Violet's eyes widen in excitement whilst she nods . Rose says " I'll be at my apartment , X look after Vi knight and shining armour!."

Violet laughs a little before smiling at me , I shake my head huffing whilst handing pancakes to her . Rose leaves the house , just leaving us two .

A moan escapes her mouth again , I say " hey no moaning that's my job not the pancake's " she laughs before almost choking . Grabbing the plate I bin the rest say " that's it! No more pancakes you almost choked love ."

She huffs , pouting before getting up to go up the stairs to change . After showering , I change into my clothes grabbing my beanie Violet seems to love .

Violet pulls off my beanie putting it onto her head , I pull her by her scarf gently kissing her forehead . She smiles hitting me on the chest , before we step outside .

In the air it's clear winter is arriving soon , I open the door for her and she gets in before giving me a kiss on the cheek . Getting into the drivers seat , I say " baby clothes first?" she nods .

I really need to get her a phone , just in case of emergencies . Including if she goes into birth and I'm not there .

We reach the shopping centre after an hour drive , with Ed sheeran playing . Violet seems to love him for some reason , I have a plan for us two though .

Going straight to the nearest baby shop , we look at a carrier and clothes . I kiss her cheek say " we might as well get a black carrier since we don't know the gender and then get a few clothes each for both genders ."

She nods before picking up some onesies to put the baby in once it's born , I smile slightly not wanting to wait any longer for the baby .

We go off to the Apple Store after paying for the baby stuff , I pick up an iPhone 6s for Violet . She sits playing on the display iPads etc whilst I get it sorted , I chuckle remembering how she's still a kid at heart .

A worker in front of me asks " are you expecting?" I nod smiling , she smiles says " that's so cute good luck with the new born " as I hand her the money to pay for the phone .

I say " thank you have a good day " the lady nods smiling , we go back to the car as Violet gets sleepy again . Chuckling I say " your like a kid who gets tired easily " she writes ' sounds rather wrong since I'm pregnant .'

Violet laughs a little before resting her head against the head rest behind her . After I load up the car , I kiss her cheek before shutting her car door .

Someone's here . My ears instantly perk up .

Violet POV
Xander's ears perk up after giving me a kiss on the cheek and shutting the car door . He rushes to the drivers seat , says " seat belt on?" I nod doing it .

His breath gets faster by the minute , I touch his arm write ' what's going on?' Xander says " love I just need to get you home so hold on I'm gonna have to speed a bit ."

Nodding I hold onto the side , he speeds up going straight to the pack house . My stomach drops , sick rushing up my throat but I suck it up letting tears fall .

Xander picks me up going straight into the house , forgetting the baby stuff . I rush to the bin , throwing up and my stomach feels okay now .

He pulls my hair back rubbing my back , Xander says " sorry love I had to get you home safe first I'll make it up to you promise " I nod understanding . 

Getting off the floor , I pour myself a glass of water taking gulps before putting it down . Xander goes to the car , grabbing the bags not letting me lift a finger .

After setting up my phone , I go towards the living room grabbing a blanket . My eyes start to shut but I turn on the tv to watch something .

Xander gets on his knees , his face inches from mine he kisses my forehead whispers " I'll be right here I'm not gonna do anything ."

Nodding I eventually fall asleep , wondering who was after us .

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