Alone Together (EDITING) (Und...

By mcmxcni

3.2M 72.5K 6K


Alone Together
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Twenty Nine (the lost part)
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six (P1)
Forty Six (P2)
Forty Seven
Forty Seven (Part 2 Continued)
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One (Part 1)
Fifty One (Part 2)
Fifty One (Part 3)
Fifty Two (Part 1)
Fifty Two (Part 2)
Epilogue Part 2
It's Over
Please Read..

Thirty One

47.8K 846 117
By mcmxcni

"Doooonnnnnn!" I yelled down the steps from our bedroom only to get no answer. "Adonis! I know you hear me!!!" Huffing I reached beside me grabbing my cell phone.

"What's good?" Don answered his phone. "Where are you? I've been calling you for minutes." I whined into the phone. "I'm out front." My eyes couldn't help but roll because him being out front meant that he was smoking, something he had been doing a lot of since the whole Renee incident a few weeks ago.

"You know we have things to do and you're out there smoking. You get on my nerves." I snapped hanging up the phone. Ever since Renee claimed that she was pregnant with Don's child almost two months ago, we both have been irritated. Arguing and becoming angry with one another at small things.

Adonis had his stress relievers but what did I have? Nothing but a big belly with a son who never sleeps because he is too busy stomping on my bladder. It was either that or changing his positions. I couldn't dance or work out so it was hard for me. Sex was my only option and I wasn't even in the mood for all of that. Or even being touched for that matter.

I sat on the side of the bed for another thirty minutes just waiting. "B, let's go." Don spoke from the doorway of the bedroom. I struggled to stand until Don got the hint and came helping me up. "Thanks." I mumbled walking past him, down the steps and out the front door.

"What's your problem?" Don asked as we made our way to the Lowe's Hardware. Turning my head from looking out the passenger window, I looked over at him. He had one hand on the steering wheel and one on the gear in between our seats. "Nothing." I shrugged.

"Bullshit. We been arguing almost two months now, you don't need to be stressing with my son inside of you. I'm not having that." He spoke in a calm but hard tone.

"I'm not stressing so don't assume things. And stress over what? Me and my son are fine so," I stared back out the window "You can calm that noise down."

"Why you tripping on me Britni? What did I do?" I didn't answer him as we parked in a space at the store. Instead I just got out and started making my way inside. "Which shade of navy? The lighter one or the darker looking?" I asked Don once we had arrived at the paint section and were in front of the color swatches.

"Why would you ask which one and only give me two options when there are about 8 shades of navy blue right here?" His arms were folded across his chest, muscles bulging. "Which one?" I questioned once more. "The darker because his furniture is a light gray."

After having our paint color mixed and paid for, we headed to a water ice stand because the weather was starting to get back warm. I really just wanted it to dip a soft pretzel into a mango flavored ice and eat it. As we stood in the long line, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

Being the nosey person that I am I turned only to be face to face with Petey. Ever since Adonis has came into the picture, I had pushed Petey and his bomb ass tongue to the side. I squeezed my legs together at the thought of Petey's mouth. "Britni. Nice to see you." Petey grinned showing all his thirty two. "Hello there, Petey." I smiled back but not as hard.

"I see you've changed quite a bit since we've last seen each other. Can I touch, how far along?" He jerked his head to my huge stomach. "Sure and seven months. Almost eight." I nodded. "Do you still have your dance studio? I have my younger brother living with me now and I need for him to get involved with something good."

"We still have it. You know where it is, right? Jefferson Street by that small cafe." I glanced behind me and saw that Don was paying for our things. "I'm on maternity leave as you can see but go sign her up for classes. Kyra is there teaching. Nice seeing you Petey." I waved and caught up with Don who was now on his way to the car.

"Here." Don handed me a pretzel and a lemon flavored water ice. "You got me lemon?" I asked shocked that he would actually do that. "Oh, did I get you lemon?" He didn't even look at me. He just continued to eat his own.

Slowly I pulled in a deep breath and let it out just as slow. I felt an argument coming and I really didn't want that. I was just angry about this whole lemon water ice thing because he knows that I'm allergic to all citrus fruits.

"Please. Tell me why you got me this when you know I'm allergic? Were you trying to kill me or did it slip your mind?" He ignored my questions. "Adonis if you forgot then it's fine, I won't be mad. Just tell me."

"Yes Britni. I forgot. Kind of like how you forgot I was with you when you saw your ex boy toy." I laughed because he was nuts. "All of this over a guy I used to mess with if that's what you want to call it. You make yourself known all other times when I run into male friends but today you decide not to and try and kill me instead?" I yelled.

"That's some childish shit. I swear if I wasn't pregnant I would hurt you." I threw the cup of water ice out the car window. "If you weren't pregnant, I'm sure we wouldn't be together." He said it lowly but I heard him.

"What is that supposed to mean? Now all of a sudden you don't want to be with me? You regret getting me pregnant or something? You want to be with your other baby mom now? Right Adonis? That's what you want, then go get and do it. Please don't let me stop you."

"Britni will you shut the hell up? I didn't even mean it like that. Stop reading into shit I say all the time." He said calmly. I didn't say a word. I knew what he said and I knew what it sounded like. That shit wasn't right.

Once we got home, I began making my way to the kitchen only for Don to stop me. "Baby, I'm sorry." I kept going and went on to make a big bowl of salad. "Britni you can't stay mad at me forever." He stressed over and over. "Nigga you tried to kill me!"

"I wasn't really going to let you eat it." He mumbled coming up behind me while I was washing my bowl out. His head was resting on my shoulder. "Move." I pushed my hips backwards trying to move him away but he wasn't budging.

"You know you can't stay mad at me for long so I don't know why you putting this front up." He began placing small kisses from my shoulder and up my neck. I took in a sharp breath when his tongue made circles on the spot right behind my ear. That made me weak and he was right. I couldn't stay mad.

Don pulled away all too soon and went to sit at the island counter. "You know what you're problem is and why you take shit to heart and we don't do anything but argue?" Here he go. "And we can't blame it on the fact that I may have another kid and you're upset about that.

Leaning against the counter facing him, I waited for his solution to our problem. "We haven't had sex in a while." I couldn't help but show the smile that I was so desperately trying to hide. "We had sex the day you left for Atlanta. Besides I'm too fat for all of that." I told him.

"And then after you give birth, I have to wait six weeks maybe more to have more sex." I went and took a seat across from him. "So this is only about sex? I'm not giving it to you enough? Hmph." Don threw his head back and blew some breath out.

"I'm just saying that when we have sex, we don't argue and want to kill each other like we do now B. We need to get back to how things were. Back in our happy spot. Don't you agree?"

"Shut the hell up Adonis Smith." I threw a grape from the bowl in the center of the island at him. "Come make me, Britni Smith." He smiled. "Ain't no ring on this finger, my last name is James." I said looking at my left hand. "That's going to change soon." Silence filled the kitchen after he had said that.

"You're still opposed to marrying me?" He asked grabbing my hand which I pulled back. "Don't start this. How can we go from being mad at the other, you trying to kill me, us not having enough sex to marriage? We are acting bipolar. We can talk about this another day Adonis. I promise."

The truth was that lately I have been thinking about being married and if Don asked one day in the future would I say yes. It felt crazy to even think of it because a while ago, that wasn't something that I wanted. And even now with the drama that has been surrounding me I doubt that I could do it.

Becoming one with another was a huge step to take and I didn't think that I was there mentally. And neither was Adonis. At the point we were in, it wouldn't last long.

After some talks with my mom and dad separately I came to realize that the whole marriage thing was an operation that had to last. If you wanted something to last forever then you have to treat it differently, shield and protect it. And it becomes a more beautiful thing as time goes by.

"Hey, you okay over there?" Don wondered breaking me from my thoughts. "Yeah I'm fine." I smiled. "What are you about to go and do?" "Studio."

"Can I go?" He looked at me a while before nodding yes. "Well wait, you're not going to try killing me again are you?" I checked. "Will you let that go?" "No because you tried to murder me over an old friend." I bumped him with my hip as I left the kitchen.

"By old friend you mean the guy who used to eat you out? We both know he isn't better than me." You could hear the mixture of jealousy and cockiness in his voice. "Come on Don, you know that nobody is better than you." I cooed. "That's because Daddy puts it down." He started rolling his hips having imaginary sex with the air. "Great way to ruin the moment you ass. Let's go." I mumbled while he followed behind me laughing.

"Twin! Move!" I tried pushing him away from me. "Aw come on Britni, I'm just having fun." He laughed. "No. You're torturing me and Junior." I was trying to relax in bed but Ant was making it hard on me. It was like ever since he found out that the baby could hear loud noises and see light we were tortured. He was here everyday shining a flashlight and playing music. A different song every single day.

"Look at how your stomach is moving, that shit looks nasty." Ant chuckled as Young Dro's "Strong" played. I liked the beat and made a mental note that I needed to dance to the song once I was able to. "Can you not play this hoodrat music? My child doesn't need to listen to this." I snatched his phone away and put on some classical music.

My baby stopped all movement. "Look what you did Anthony. You corrupted my boy already, we were fine with our Mozart and Beethoven before you came with your trap music." Ant said nothing and just hit me with a pillow making me muff him.

"Anyway since we missed our birthday celebration should we turn up one night this summer?" He asked while snuggling up to me. "No. I told you I'm not having fun once I deliver and that all of my time will be focused on my son and work."

"You have to have at least one night to yourself sis." Leaning down I bit his shoulder. "And when that night comes, little Adonis will be staying the night at his uncle's house because mommy and daddy will be having sex from the time you two leave until a few minutes before you bring him back."

Anthony started laughing so hard as if I had told the most funny joke in the world. "Ugh move since you think shit is funny." I pouted. "Stop being a baby, just make sure you're on birth control because y'all asses will be extremely fertile once little man is born. Wait two years for your second."

"Anyway, how's Mia?" I asked changing the subject. "Getting on my damn nerves like I'm becoming bored of her. Did I tell you she tried to kill me the other night?" He sat up shaking his head. "Shut up! Don tried to kill me a few days ago." We looked at each other and said "Lemons."

"Damn we almost died together." I said letting out a small laugh. "Well what reason did he try to kill you for? Mia didn't know so I couldn't get too mad you know."

"We went to get water ice, I saw Petey and Don got mad and ordered me a lemon water ice. I could smell it but I asked to make sure and he was like "Yeah it's lemon." Ugh I could've shot his ass. Talking about some he forgot, let me forget that his ass is allergic to peanuts and give him a dose of peanut butter." I huffed getting mad all over again.

"You can't go shooting people just because. Daddy took us for our gun permits and purchased those guns for security purposes only. I'm still mad that you shot at me that one day at your old-"

"Because you deserved to be shot at." I interrupted. "I didn't. You were mad because Don had a girlfriend and I knew. Yeah I should've told your crazy ass but it wasn't my place to." He said while plucking my stomach. "And ever since, she keeps on finding her way into the picture." I sighed sliding down the bed so that I was flat on my back.

"I've been meaning to ask how you feel about that. I mean it has to suck for your boyfriend to possibly have another k-" he started and again I cut him off. "Anthony. Please just shut up. I don't want to talk about it." My eyelids began moving fast and my breathing a bit labored. "Brit come on man, you can't cry." I didn't say anything and just allowed tears to fall as my brother comforted me.

I woke up to darkness and a headache. Ant must have left after my crying spell and my falling asleep. It felt good to let that out because I pretty much had it all bottled in when I was with Don. It wasn't that I couldn't cry around him but it seemed as if he didn't know what to do when that happened anymore.

Instead I would hold them in and keep it moving, it even took a lot to let the tears fall around my twin. It just made me realize that on the outside, I'm extra hard when on the inside I'm the softest person. But I'm only soft in private. And it honestly never had to be that way but given the way that my past has been, I have no choice but to be hard.

Looking at my phone I checked the time to see it was a little after midnight and Don wasn't in sight. I knew that he was in the house because after turning on the room light I saw that his phone was on his side of the bed. Either he was back outside or somewhere in the house. And I was just sitting here deciding if I felt like walking around to find him.

"Are you coming in or do you plan on standing there?" Don called from inside of his workout room. I had been watching him about five minutes doing some bench pressing. "What? A girl can't just watch your weak ass lift a few pounds?"

"Come over here and let me lift you then since you want to rag on somebody." He said sitting up straight. "No thanks you just go back to doing what you were doing. I don't want you to try lifting me and dropping me." I smirked and crossed my arms across my chest. "Get your ass over here Britni." I stood in the door unmoved until he stood up. I moved as fast as my feet would carry me.

"I only came over because my feet and back were hurting from standing. You can sit down now." I pushed him back on the bench and straddled his lap. "Lie again." His hand squeezed my ass as I grabbed his face and placed kisses on it everywhere but his lips before pulling away.

"You missed the most important part on my face." He smiled. "Did I?" "You did, gimme some lips." Pulling my lips into my mouth I shook my head no. "Don't make me say it again." My lips popped out and met his in a short but heated kiss until I pulled away.

"Why you always cutting shit short?" My shoulders went up and then down. "Well kiss me some more so I can finish you off." I rolled my eyes. "Ugh no. You just want me to kiss you so that you can make me weak and give into you and we have sex. I'm not."

"Why don't you?" He asked rubbing my belly making Junior go crazy. "I'm too tired." I whined. "Let me do all the work." "I'm fat and I can't do all the positions that we like to do." Don laughed and said, "You're pregnant not fat. And I can hit it from the back, we can spoon and you can ride. Lay on your back, clearly I won't get on top of you because we can smash Junior."

He was making this hard. "I'm gassy." I lied. "We have candles and air freshener." He laughed. "I can't get wet." I mumbled looking away. "Britni, you're sitting on my lap commando and I know you're wet because I feel it and you always get wet when I'm demanding or even just talking." Giving up with the excuses I lay my head on his shoulder and kissed his neck. "I guess you ran out of those lame ass excuses huh?" I bit his neck instead of responding.

"You know I like that kinky shit, keep it up. And I ain't get no action in a minute? I get turned on way too easy." He whispered while smacking my ass earning a low moan out of me. I don't know what it was but my body was suddenly on fire. Lifting my head to meet Dons I kissed him hard and long. "You sure?" He asked the unspoken question to which I nodded my head. "I don't trust this gym equipment, let's head to the room."

"No. Right here." I told him pulling his already hard member from his shorts. "If it breaks then it just breaks." We made eye contact as my hands gently tugged on him. Don let a groan out, "Britni I swear if this is some type of game where you get my dick all hard and you get up and wal-" I cut him off with a kiss. "I'm not playing games." I was already sliding down on his large rod. The feeling felt brand new, something that I couldn't describe as my walls were being stretched. It could have been from the lack of penetration.

I was ready to go to work once I had gotten used to his size but the banging on the front door along with the ringing of the doorbell stopped us. "B let up, the door." Don tapped my thigh. "Ugh just let them stand out there, it isn't winter anymore." I told him. "No, neither one of us have our phones in here and it could be an emergency." I got up with attitude but not before pushing Don backwards making him fall onto the seat of the bench.

After putting some bottoms and my shirt back on, I made my way to the door. "Niggas coming to the house all late, like people are trying to see them. And they still knocking and ringing like damn take your ass home if you been knocking over five minutes." I complained all the way down. Looking out the peephole I saw none other than Renee.

"Don! Come get the door!" I yelled up the steps before going to sit down. Hell, the door wasn't for me and I didn't care to speak to the girl. She was always coming by on random and because I was about to get me some before she ruined the moment, oh my attitude could break the richter scale. "Who is it?" Don asked once he finally came down. "Your baby mom."

"You my baby mom too." He spoke before leaning down to kiss me. "No, I'm the mother of your child. Trust me there is a difference baby." I smiled. "Stop being mean Britni James." He shook his head opening the door.

"What's up Renee, everything good?" "Can I come in?" I heard her ask but I never heard him answer. Moments later, she was entering the living room. "Oh, hello Brandy, surprised your up." She spoke rubbing her stomach and flashing a smile. This bitch got my name wrong like she doesn't know it. "Aw shit." Don muttered running his hands over his face.

"Don't come up in here acting all funny and shit. You stay coming at me on childish bullshit and I'm not having it. It would be different had we never met but you know me." I huffed. "Now in all the time I've known you or known of you have I been disrespectful? Nope I don't speak to you but that's because you're a snake and I don't fuck with bitches like you."

I looked over at Don who was standing with a smirk on his face and a look in his eyes silently telling me to calm down. "And another thing, try calling before you come banging on people's doors like you're the fucking swat team. It's rude and I'm sure it could wait Renee. I know you're pregnant and it's supposedly Don's but if you can't get him at any time of the day, you do have a whole boyfriend that you're laying with who can help. Now am I right or am I right?"

Her hand came up to her chest and a gasp left her mouth. "I know who my baby's father is and I'm sorry that it happens to be your boyfriend. How could you say something like that?" I didn't say anything as I sat back in my seat. "Is it safe for me to speak now?" Don tried to joke until I cut my eyes at him. "Sorry. But Renee you can't be disrespectful to Britni when you come here. I agree with everything she said to you. This isn't just my house anymore, it's hers also so don't ever come up in here doing what you just did. Now what's up?" By then I was headed back upstairs because I no longer cared to hear that conversation. Whatever she was going through I had nothing to do with it.

After a quick shower and putting on a large shirt I was climbing in the bed when Don walked in the room. "I'm sorry about that." He apologized. "Don't apologize for someone else's actions." He said nothing as he stripped down and climbed in bed beside me. "So you really don't think that she's pregnant by me?"

"I don't. I mean y'all used protection that day and unless the condom broke or something..." I trailed off. "It didn't break well not that I know of." "Or you two fucked after or before then." I mumbled looking in his eyes. "If it was before I would've cheated on you and after it would've been the same thing. I won't lie, I have my doubts."

"Enough about that. I'm ready for this baby shower so then he can come on out. I wanna breathe without being out of breath, walk without waddling, wear my old clothes, high heels, eat a bunch of seafood, not feel like a whale, dance and-" Don clapped his hand over my mouth interrupting my rambling. "I get the point B but why do you have this shirt on?" He asked pulling on it.

"This is what I sleep in." I slapped his hands away. "Adonis move your hand. When I was all ready and willing, you stopped me. I'm not ready and I'm not willing to right now." Don ignored what I said and spread my legs apart before moving his tall body to the middle of the bed. "And I told you that you're always wet. That means you're always willing, and it seems that you're denying me of my pussy." I inhaled a sharp breath followed by a moan as he slipped a finger inside my walls.

"You remember what I said about you denying me right? I let you get away with it for too long, right?" His fingers plunged in and out as I bucked my hips to meet their thrusts until he pulled them out making me whimper. "Right?" He looked up at me, a devilish look in his eyes. "Adonis stop playing with me." I whined. "Britni answer me." He whined back making me smile and roll my eyes. "Yes I remember what you said even though I think that it's a pretty stup- mmmm shit!" I was cut off by his tongue circling my clit.

My right hand found it's way to his head to push him in deeper but he pulled away. "Why do you keep starting something only to stop? You about to get raped, keep fucking around." I complained and he slid his naked body under the covers. "What do you think you're doing?" He shrugged. "Fucking around. I think I want you to rape me." Following suit, I got under the covers also making sure that my ass was directly on his semi hard member. "Good night Don."

"Babe, come on. We can't keep them waiting." I said to Don as I sprayed my body with perfume. "Man, they're fine. They can entertain each other while we get ready." Our families were downstairs because Nana and my mom wanted everyone to meet before the shower in two weeks. They both had came over early this morning and prepared a smorgasbord of good food that I couldn't wait to eat.

"Don't even know why they're here." He said coming up behind me as I was brushing my hair into a bun. His hands were now on my hips. "No, they're downstairs and I don't want anybody to hear." Don moved back and leaned against the wall. I could feel him staring at me through the mirror. "Britni."

"Adonis." I said twisting my hair into the bun only to have him move my hand and take my hair down of the bun. It fell down my back and past my breasts. "Really?" I huffed. He didn't say a word as he pulled me out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where he bent me over so that my hands were placed on the mattress. I felt the material of the maxi dress I was wearing being bunched up around my hips. "You knew this was coming. No panties huh?"

I had no response for him until the hard smacks came down on each ass cheek repeatedly making me yelp then moan out in pleasure. The more the smacks came, the more wet my center became. Reaching behind me to release him from his boxers he smacked my hand away and placed it back onto the bed, sliding into my folds all at the same time.

Wiggling my hips I pushed back at him filling myself up. Don immediately began sliding in and out in a slow fashion, moving his hips rubbing against my spot on every entry and exit. Fighting back the moans that wanted to come out, I kept my mouth shut. "Let it out." Don spoke smacking my ass once more. My head shook as he pulled out. "Don," I gasped feeling his large member dip back into my folds before it was gone. "You can get it all if you let it out. I need to hear you scream. Fuck anybody hearing." "Okay, okay just stop teasing me and fuck me."

Don propped my right leg up on the bed and entered me again this time with a force that made me cry out in pleasure as he pounded into me harder and faster each entry. "Ahh mmmm." Reaching around, Don took two fingers and began strumming my clit as he fucked me. Feeling the pressure build up from my toes and into my core as I came hard causing him to slip out as a mini gush of fluid squirted out. "Shit Britni." Don laughed out making me turn my head and glare at him.

"You plan on laughing or- shit, fuck yes!" My words got lost as he started back up. "I'm sorry, were you saying something?" Don asked. "Fuck you." It came out as a moan. I felt pain as he grabbed my hair, wrapping it around his fist pulling me up so we that my back was to his chest. Bites and kisses were placed on my neck as we continued until Don went stiff and released inside of me. "Whoo." He let a breath out before turning me around, kissing me deeply making me moan into his mouth.

"Pull my hair like that again and watch what happens." I smirked while heading to take another shower. He shrugged. "Act like you didn't like that shit, I know you did." I did but he didn't need to know that. His ego was big enough. "Excuse you, what are you doing?" "We about to take a shower, you did squirt all over me you know." I rolled my eyes and began pushing him out. "Go across the hall."

Turning I went and stepped into the shower only for him to be right behind me. I just looked at him as he reached past me grabbing his body wash. "What? I'm saving water." Paying him no mind, I just washed my body, rinsed off and stepped out.

Once we were finally dressed again, we made our way downstairs together. Entering the living room all eyes were on us. "Don't stand over there looking at us with y'all nasty asses. Up there sexing like it's not company downstairs." Nana was the first to speak. "It was Britni's fault Nana. She seduced me." Don lied pushing me forward. "No I told him no and he seduced me." I whined.

"I don't care who seduced who." My mom said coming from the kitchen. We just stood there. "Get in here so we can eat." Everyone piled into the dining room and I ended up between Ant and Don. "Aye twin. You should've seen Daddy's face, straight comedy." He laughed. "Shut up before I rock your shit." I whispered making him laugh even harder. "I hope you choke on that piece of chicken you're eating." He whispered back.

I took my fork and tried stabbing his leg and he did the same. "Can you two grow up?" My mom snapped at us. "Anthony started it." "Britni started it." We both said. "I don't care." Everybody let out some form of laughter at us as we continued eating and talking. After our meal Ant, Don, Turquoise, Corey and I had kitchen duty while the adults went to the living room. Alayna and Peyton in the game room.

"Britni you're supposed to be putting the food in the containers, not eat it." Turquoise said bumping past me. "Shut your mouth, I got hungry again." "Greedy ass." Ant coughed out. "Y'all leave my baby alone." Don stuck up for me jumping at the both of them.

As the night went on and everyone left except for my twin and Don's cousins. I was watching Ant and Turquoise interact while Don and Corey played on the Xbox. They were a little too close for comfort and I needed to see where he was headed with this. "Twin. Let me talk to you right quick."

As we were out in the hall we didn't say much. "What's up?" He asked. "You and Turquoise." A big cheesy smile came across his face. "Aww come on Brit, it's not even like that." I watched him closely as his left eye twitched. "You little liar. I'm not telling you what to do but don't go fucking up what you have with Mia."

"I'm not lying. And I wouldn't hurt Mia even though she won't die if she doesn't know." He shrugged. "You're such a dog. If you plan to cheat just break up with her. "I hear you twin. I hear you, now move so I can finish spitting game." I stepped to the side and shook my head. "Something is seriously wrong with men today." I mumbled to myself.

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