Change Me

By kidrauhljustin365

4.2K 48 7

Intro Noelle is a shy girl that happens to be Scooter Braun's daughter. Noelle has always been a self con... More

Change Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors Note
Authors note

Chapter 3

330 5 1
By kidrauhljustin365

Sorry its been such a long time since I've updated. I just have so much going on. I'll ttry to update more often.


Noelle's POV

I lightly shook Justin so he could wake up. Even though I was mad at him, I just had to be gentle. He means too much to me to hurt him. After a minute of shaking, Justin finally woke up.

"What?" I heard Justin's grogy voice ask.

"What is this picture?" I asked as I shoved my phone in his face.

"I'ts a picture of you, beautiful" Justin smiled as he sat up from his position.

"Justin! Now everyone is up my ass! I told you that I didn't want to be in the public eye but thanks to you now I am" I scolded.

"you said that we could be public friends when we get out of Atlanta" Justin defended.

"Yeah we can but that doesn't mean you can make people think we are a couple" I threw my hands up in frustration. I sat down and opened my twitter. Once I saw the horrible things people were saying about me I just lost it. Tears were rapidly coming down my face. I just sat there, sobbing. Once Justin realized that I was crying h erushed to my side and wrapped his arms around me.

"Whats wrong Noelle? Please don't cry. Talk to me" Justin said as he rubbed my back.

"look, @beliebinginjuju66 says "get away from our man you little slut" and @believetour456 says "Look you little whore, no one likes you. I hope you burn in hell"" I sobbed.

"Noelle don't listen to them. They don't know you. Don't let people behind a screen bring you down" Justin whispered as he whiped my tears.

"Promise it will get better?" I asked Justin.

"Promise" Justin answered as he interlocked fingers with me.


12:00 PM

Justin's Pov

Noelle eventually stopped crying and got ready for the day. It really hurts to see her hurt. I have to protect her. No matter what I always have to make sure she is happy. Thats a promise I made to myself when she told me what happens at school. I have to make sure she never feels that ever again. Noelle was sitting in one of the rooms listening to music. I decided to join her.

"hey Elle" I said as I walked into the room.

"Aye Jay" Noelle replyed while throwing up a piece sign.

"Watcha listening to?" I asked her.

"Katy Perry's 'Who am I living for?'" Noelle replied. I know Noelle has always looked up to Katy. I look up to Katy too. She's so inspiring and genuine.

"Nice" I siad as I sat down on the couch.

"Hey you wanna go out today? I don't have a show tonight" I asked her hoping she would say yes.

"Wanna go now?" She asked.

"Wow you actually wanna hang out with me in public?" I fake gasped.

"Yes I do" Noelle giggled as she got up and headed out of the bus. I followed her and lead her to my range rover.

"So where to?" I asked Noelle as I started up my Range Rover.

"Hmmmm, let's go to the mall!" Noelle clapped her hands in excitement.

"Really?" I sighed.

"Come on please!!! I need new clothes"

"Scooter doesn't give you enough?" I laughed.

"Yeah but those are Atlanta clothes. I need a California style" Noelle explained. Oh girls.

"Alright fine. Anything for you" I gave in. We finally arrived to the mall.


"Here put these on" I handed Noelle a SnapBack and sunglasses. Noelle laughed and handed them back.

"I don't think those are fooling anyone" Noelle giggled.

"Better safe then sorry" I shrugged. Noelle giggled and put the snap back and sunglasses on.

"So where do you want to go?" I asked Noelle.

"Hmmmm, oh! Let's go in there" Noelle pointed to Steve Madden.

"Anything for you shawty" I said as I opened the door for Noelle. Once we walked in Noelle's eyes little up like a little kid in Dylan's Candy Bar.

"Oh my gosh look at these shoes! They're ah-dorable" Noelle gasped as she rushed to the black combat boots.

"You like em?" I asked her.

"Like? No I LOVE them!!" Noelle exclaimed.

"Keep looking around. If you see something else you like just tell them to hold it at the front" I told Noelle.

"Kay" Noelle said as she continued freaking out over the shoes. Girls.

"Hey I'm gonna ask a cashier if there is a bathroom in here" I said. Noelle nodded her head in approval for me to go.

"How may I- wait are you Justin bieber?!?" The cashier freaked out.

"Shhhhh. Yes I'm justin bieber but please don't freak out. I don't want to start a big commotion" I whispered. The cashier took a few breaths before she calmed down.

"So how may I help you?" The cashier asked again.

"You see that girl over there?" I asked.


"Well I need you guys to do me a favor to make her happy. Whenever she asks you guys to hold a box of shoes for her just swipe my card" I said as I gave her my card.

"We're happy to help" the cashier smiled. I thanked her and walked back over to Noelle. She was to mesmerized by the shoes to notice that I never went to the bathroom.

"Find anything else you liked?" I asked.

"Ugh I wish I could have the whole store" Noelle sighed. That gave me another idea.

"Hey Noelle, I was kinda cold to the cashier over there and I feel kinda bad. I'm just gonna go and apologize." I said.

"Kay" Noelle said as she ran to some leather wedges.

I walked back over to the cashier.

"Change in plans. I want to buy every shoe in the whole entire store. All size 7." I told the cashier.

"Wow lucky girl! Is she your girlfriend?" the cashier asked me.

"She's my best friend. For now" I smiled. The cashier smiled back at me and added up my total.

"That will be $7,459 dollars and 62 cents" the cashier told me.

"Swipe the card" I smiled. The cashier swiped my card and gave me my receipt. Just then Noelle came to pay for her shoes.

"I'm ready to pay" Noelle said to the cashier.

"The rest will be delivered to your hotel later today" the cashier said as she handed Noelle to bags with boxes of shoes.

"Wait I need to pay" Noelle said with a confused look on her face.

"Surprise! I bought you every shoe in the whole store!" I hugged Noelle. She looked shocked.

"Justin you didn't have to do that" Noelle said.

"Of course I did." I smiled at her and hugged her again.

"Thank you so much justin" Noelle thanked me.

"No problem babe" I said as we walked out of the store.


<a/n: I know I said that they were on a tour bus but now they are in a hotel in L.A>


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter


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