Nothing But An Order (Final F...

By EscapeMyHead

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Princess Isabelle Ruby Crosslinn. Words can't describe her beauty and her soft and kind heart. After losing... More

1. Fiarinnia Has Fallen
2. Tragic Goodbye, Loving Hello
3. Crimson Red and Sharp Silver
Author's Note:
5. Noctis loses his home.
5. Noctis loses his home. Prt 2
6. Tomb of the Wise
7. Wait for me
8. Photos

4. The Giant's Visits

127 5 0
By EscapeMyHead

Previously on Nothing But An Order:

Two warm arms wrap around my torso and pulls me closer to their chest. He gently rubbed my back and rested his chin on my head. "Isabelle, I was ordered to protect you. That means to protect you from yourself as well. I don't care of it means that I will get harmed in the process of doing so. My job is to protect you, keep you safe and healthy. And I won't quit now."

"Not now, not ever."

The entire day was a quiet day. Ignis would be in the living room, drinking his ebony coffee and reading a book. I sat near the window, sketching him secretly. His words kept replaying in my head.

"My job is to protect you, keep you safe and healthy. And I won't quit now."

"Not now, not ever."

A warm smile played on my lips as I think about it.

He truly is...



"Stop, I won't let you kill anymore innocent lives!" My silver spear lifts and I point it towards the dark figure hidden behind the shadows. "Or what?" They lift up a pale and weak Ignis by his collar. "Do you really think a pathetic princess like you will ever stop someone like me?" My grip tightened around my spear and I glance at Ignis. His glasses were off and I could see his green eyes but they lost their color and seemed more grey than green. "I-Isabelle, do not worry about me. Please... run away. I do not wish to see you get hurt. Just run awa-" His voice went silent. His eyes widened and so did mine. Blood splattered onto my face the warmth of it making me sick to my stomach. I fell to my knees and watch him fall to the ground, lifeless.


My body jerks awake and my forehead was resting against something hard and warm. It was moving. "Shhht. It was only a dream Lady Isabelle." Ignis was holding me close to him. Tears streamed down my face and my body started to shake uncontrollably. "I saw all the bodies of my people. Noctis was there... He laid on the ground covered in blood. You were... You were killed..." My words trailed off as more tears fell. It had been two months since Fiarinna had fallen and I've been here with Ignis. He's been looking after me and made sure that I was safe.

I'm thankful for for all he's done for me but I feel lonely. I only see him in the mornings and sometimes late at night. We would silently eat dinner at night but its very awkward. He would bring me lunch but leave straight after.

My hands clenched the shirt he was wearing as I calmed down. He felt tense under my grip and I awkwardly pull away from him. "Thank you Ignis. I appreciate what you do for me." He nods and the bed creaks as he got up and the weight lifted. "I do as I was ordered to, Lady Isabelle." He pushes up his glasses and the light hides those beautiful eyes I can't to seem to get out of my head.

Ouch... That hit hard.

His words sunk in, reminding me that he's only following royal orders and that he's not doing this by himself. I mean everything he's done is probably something that Prince Noctis ordered him to do. Infact, I have this strong feeling that he doesn't consider me as his friend. I sighed and opened my eyes. Ignis had left awhile ago and I could hear him shuffling around in the kitchen. The smell of ebony coffee filled the room and I smile.

At least I can enjoy this until its over.

But then... Why do I want this to last forever?

For it to be real and to receive more from him?


A knock interrupts my reading. It was ferm and hard. Strange, Ignis was at the palace and he wouldn't knock since he lives here too. Another loud knock could be heard and I decided to get up. "I'm coming!" I yell out when I heard another loud knock.

Impatient much?

I take in a deep breath before opening the door not knowing who or what to expect. To my surprise a large figure stood in front of me. My face facing a bare chest with tattoos that was being covered by an open leather shirt. I look up and met glowing hazel soft eyes and a large smile. "Long time, no see. Lady Shortie."

Almost instantly my arms lift and stretched around the giants neck, enveloping him in a tight embrace. Tears left my eyes as his buldgy arms wrap around my small waist. "Gladiolus! Its been far too long. A year to be precise." I felt him lift me from the ground and carried me inside. His chest rumbling as he spoke. "It has been awhile and you're still as short as ever." He laughs and I hit his shoulder. He puts me down and ruffles my already messy white locks. "Why are you here? Don't you have to train the Prince or something?" He shakes his head and sits down on the couch letting out a satisfying sigh.

"He send me here to keep you some company and besides I kept nagging him to let me see you. To know if you're okay." Those last few words were laced with concern. He was truly worried about me. I've known him since I was a young princess. I was ten at the time when I first met him. He was a teenagaer, seventeen I guess.

"Noctis! Look out!" I yell as I see a red ball fly towards the young wheelchaired Prince. I run up and get hit in the face with it. It hit me hard like it was some rock. My nose started bleeding and I angrily look up at the four boys who threw it. Noctis and I were playing in the park when these four boys came to bully us. "Oi! Look at that! The bratty princess is bleeding on her new dress!" One kid with dirty blonde hair said and then laughed with his friends. "Oh no! Whatever shall we do?" He continued.

"Belle, are you okay?" I heard Noctis' faint voice say behind me. Wiping my nose, I turn around and smile sweetly at him. "I'm okay. Don't worry about me."

"Oh look! Now she's the hero! How pathetic." The boys were much older than us. We can't run away, we'll damage Noctis' wheelchair if we go too fast. I sigh and felt the warm blood trickle down my lips. "I'd rather say you are the pathetic one, picking on two defenseless children. Have you no shame?" I hit a nerve. The leader of the group grabbed me by my arms and picked me up with ease. "What did you say to me bitch?" His hands tightened around my shoulders and I flinched in pain. "Belle!" Noctis yells behind me. "It's alright Little Prince. Don't worry about me. I'll be okay." I smile but it quickly fell. "We'll see about that." The blonde knees me in the stomach and all the air left my lungs. I fell to the hard ground coughing and wheezing for air.

My vision started to fade but I heard yelling. "Belle!! Belle, please wake up!!" Black dots covered my vision. The last thing I saw was the King's face nearing mine and a dark haired boy punching the blonde.


My head hurt but it was resting on something warm and soft. What happened after I blacked out?

Please let the little Prince be okay.

My eyes slowly flutter open and everything was a blur. I felt myself moving, so I must have been inside a car. Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw a boy. He had dark chocolate brown hair and almost red brown eyes. His facial features were rough.

From my perspective, I guess I was laying on his lap. "Belle! Your awake!" I slowly turn my head and saw Prince Noctis sitting next to his father, King Regis. "Prince Noctis? Are you... okay?" I slowly sat up and held my head but was forced back down. "Princess Isabelle, please lay back down. Your nose will bleed again." I look at the boy who spoke. He had a rather deep and rough voice. "Yes dear, its best to stay put. I'm just so glad we got there in time. Thank you for protecting my son, Princess Isabelle." I smile at the King and nod. "It wasn't a problem. Anything to protect a friend but what happened after I blacked out?" The King frowned at the very thought.

"Once we arrived we had seen you drop to the ground. Gladiolus ran over and tried to get those hooligans away from the two of you. He scared them off and by the time we reached you, you were already unconscious." Gladiolus? So he was the one who saved me and the prince. I give the boy a warm smile and nod. "Thank you Mr.Gladiolus for saving me and the Prince. I will forever remember your actions." His cheeks reddened and he looked away. "Yeah, whatever Princess Shortie"


From that day on we became close friends. I still owe him for what he did for me and I will make sure to pay him back soon.

"Isabelle, I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your kingdom. If there was a way I could stop it." My eyes fall to his fists that were tightly clenched. I look down at the ebony cup in my hands. "Thank you Gladio but there was nothing we could do." We sat in silence. Gladio stood up and walks to me. "Iris wanted me to give you this. She knows you love these things." He pulls something out from his pocket and hands it to me. It was a pocket size Moogle. He had purple wings, a golden crown, a big red nose and it was holding a blue rose. "She finished it. It took her a rather long time to make him and he's absolutely perfect." I smile and hold the little Moogle close to my chest.

"When you see her again, give her my thanks and let her know that I will be visiting her soon." I sigh. "If Ignis let's me leave the house." Gladio grabs my hand and started dragging me. "G-Gladiolus! Stop sh-shoving me!" He pushes me into my room and crosses his arms over his broad chest. "You get dressed and pack a few things. Were going on a trip for a few days." He grins at me. "But what about Ignis? What will he say about this?" I put the Moogle down and grab a bag from under the bed. "Oh don't worry. Iggy will be joining us, along with the Prince and Prompto."

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