The Bad Boy's Charm

By DaintyPerfection

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"I want you," he whispers huskily into my ear. I go to gasp but it gets stuck in my throat because of how thi... More



518 22 10
By DaintyPerfection

We arrived at the arcade fifteen minutes later, parking in one of the bays right out front of the building.

We climbed out and walked inside the arcade and was greeted by ear bleeding music and blinding neon lights. If they didn't deafen or blind me I would have probably have liked them. Unfortunately I dislike them right about now.

I followed Dylan to the machine where it exchanged our notes of cash into tokens for the game machines.

"You want to race?" he asked, pointing towards the four machines in a row that looked like the inside of a car on the drivers side.

I nodded eagerly. "That's one of my favourite games, I'm really good at it."

He raised his eyebrows in a way that said 'really'. "Wait till you compete against me then," he said with a smug smile.

I grinned at him. "You're on."

We went over to the game and sat next to each other. We inserted two tokens and wait for the game to load.

We customised our cars and race track and then we both pressed the big green button 'Go!' to begin the race.

There was about three laps that we both have to complete in order to cross the finish line, and my race car had just gone over the line, going into it's second lap, whereas Dylan's race car was already ahead.

Eventually, though, I caught up to Dylan's race car and we were head to head, competing to see who could cross that finish line first.

He pressed on the blue boost button to get a few seconds of a turbo jet, which got him once again ahead of me. That was until I could see the finish line right in front and pressed down on my blue boost button, which, successfully shoot me over the finish line before Dylan.

I letted out an enthusiastic 'whoop' with a first pump into the air.

"Alright, alright," Dylan began, holding up his hands and shaking his head. "No need to brag."

I rolled my eyes at his sore losing and poked my tongue out of my mouth at him.

"What else do you want to do?" he asked with a sigh.

I shrugged. "Anything. What do you want to do?"

"Skee Ball?" he asked, pointing towards the row of Skee Ball machines over to the right of us.

I nodded in agreement even though I'm not that great at Skee Ball. I'm much better at the car racing games.

We walked over to the Skee Ball machines, stood behind our chosen one and inserted one token.

The nine Skee ball's rolled down the side in a line and we both picked one up. I watched as Dylan perfectly potted the Skee Ball in the hole that was labelled five hundred, instantly making Dylan let out a 'whoop' with a first punch to the air.

I chuckled. "You're very enthusiastic about Skee Ball."

He turned to look at me and raised an eyebrow. "Care to show me if you're any better?"

"Why not." I picked up one of the Skee ball's and closed one eye as is attempt to aim for the hole that was labelled one thousand. It was a long shot of getting it in, but if it impressed Dylan if it did go in, I may as well try.

I swung my right arm back and then forward, letting go half way. I watched as it speedily rolled until it hit the bump and then went flying straight into the hole labelled one thousand.

I gazed ahead of me in shock and amazement, and then when I realised what I just did I let out a squeal. "Ha-ha!" I also fisted pump the air, copying Dylan's previous actions.


After we played a few more arcade games and had something to eat, Dylan drove me back home. I'm gob-smacked that he got out of the car and the passenger door for me.

He must have seen the surprised look on my face because he said, "I'm not a complete arse. I can be a gentlemen at times."

I swung my legs out of the car and hopped out. "I know," I answered honestly. "I've seen it." I gave him a sweet smile and a chuckle as I watched him blush and give me a sheepish smile.

Just seeing Dylan like that did things to me. My mind gets all fuzzy and my insides become mushy. Is that normal?

He walked me up to my front door and we lingered for a moment, basking in a comfortable silence. I realised he was staring at me and I immediately hung my head down as I felt the blush creep up my neck and onto my cheeks. I twiddled with my thumbs, a habit of mine whenever I was nervous or embarrassed.

"You have a beautiful smile," he said, taking a step closer.

My head still hung down but I shot my eyes up to his and replied, "thanks."

"I had a great night," he told me, stuffing his hands into his jean pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet.

"Me too," I said. "and I don't usually do this sort of thing but I'm glad I decided to tonight."

"I'm glad you agreed." He took a couple more steps closer so there was only a few inches between us. It wasn't too close but it definitely wasn't far. "I was wondering if you would like to do it again next weekend? Maybe go to the cinemas?"

I nodded eagerly with a big grin, but I quickly stopped myself so I didn't look like a total embarrassing fool or desperate. "Yes, that would be nice."

Dylan shifted from one foot to the other before taking the one big step forward and finally closing the space between us. His hand mades it way from his pocket up onto my cheek. His thumb caressed my soft and delicate cheek and I felt a shiver go up my spine. My heart started to pound fiercely in my chest which made me thought it was going to explode.

It was like adrenaline had taken over my body, and every part of me was excited yet scared for the prospect of what was going to happen next. Well, what I thought was going to happen.

But it did happen.

And it was amazing!

His lips pressed against mine in the sweetest way ever. It felt like tiny bubbles of happiness were bursting in my stomach, and that sparks of fireworks were crackling in my mouth when his lips touched them. It was surprisingly such a nice feeling. I could do this all day, everyday with Dylan.

But did he feel the same? Did he like the kiss as much as I did?

My rushing thoughts got blown away when I felt his hands grip into my waist and pull me flush against him. I thought before we were really close together, but now there wasn't even an inch between us.

As his mouth parted so did mine. I didn't have a clue at what I was doing since this was my second kiss, but I didn't seem to mind that and neither did Dylan. I was learning from him and I'm enjoying it.

My hands slided up his arms and gripped onto his biceps as the kiss that was just small and chaste suddenly got warmer, wetter and more passionate within 0.5 seconds.

I couldn't complain, though. I may be very inexperienced but this was like heaven and I couldn't stop myself from wanting more of his kisses.

However, to my disappointment Dylan stopped the kiss by pulling his lips slightly away from mine. His forehead rested against mine for a bit as we both breathed heavily, but once our breathing calmed down his forehead parted from mine and I saw an elusive but satisfying smirk plastered on his face. That charming look that he always had on his face at school appeared as he played it 'cool', as he would put it.

"You're one good kisser for a girl who's awfully shy," he muttered in a hoarse voice. I wondered what mine must sound like since his sounded deep and raspy.

I gave him a shy smile and coughed so I could get rid of any raspy or croaky-ness. "You too."

"Well, I better let you get in so you can go to sleep." I nodded in agreement and then he slowly started to back away to his car. 'Goodnight, baby cakes," he called out with an added wink when he was half way between my house and his car.

I blushed and smiled at the nickname he used and quickly turned away to open up the front door. As I stepped into the house and locked the door, I quickly ran up to the window, hiding behind the curtain as I watched Dylan getting in his car and drive off into the dark night.

I bit my lip when I thought of the kiss again. Our first one was a shock for me and a complete surprise so I never really got my head around it, but this time I saw it coming and I seriously couldn't wait for more!


I'm so, so, so sorry for the extremely long delay but I'm currently working on another story on that is more popular than this story so of course that was a priority.

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you would like to see next. :)

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