Athena In Olympus

By NerdAlertz

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While on a mission to Greece, Athena is able to find her way back home to Olympus. She is reunited with her m... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter 5
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Eight

607 19 15
By NerdAlertz

Chapter Eight

"Again!" Said Metis.

Athena groaned, it has been two months. Two months since her welcome feast, and she had still not mastered how to control water entirely. Surely she could control the rain in Olympus and raise ocean tides, but that wasn't the extent of her power, according to Metis.

"I'll give you time darling," Metis spoke up, as Athena sat down on a hill, overlooking the ocean. "Focus on what I told you, you can do this."

Athena looked to her mother intently and nodded. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Water is the element of metamorphosis. Water is essential to our existence. Let your emotions flow like water, deep and true. Tap into that energy and you will discover its capabilities and with it you will truly be metaphoric yourself.

Athena replayed the words of her mother when it came to use her element. Metis is an Oceanid, who many would call a simple water nymph, however; she was powerful when it came to harnessing the power of water. With her power and her wisdom, Metis was a Titan that many Olympians had respect and admiration for.

As Athena concentrated and tried to meditate, Persephone appeared next to Metis as her ethereal portal closed.

"How is she doing?" Persephone asked as she looked to Athena had stress line on her forehead due to concentration.

"She's nearly there, all she has to do is let go."

"What do you think is holding her back?" Persephone said.

"I don't know, I can't sense it."

Persephone gave a shocking look to Metis, "but how?"

"Her shield, its more than just a force field,  it serves her well for any mental attack."

"Do you not think maybe it's her shield then that's not making her progress?"

"Maybe..." Metis sighed, "but you're leaving to the underworld?"

Persephone smiles, "indeed I am, I can finally go home."

Metis smiles, but then an idea crosses her mind, "Persephone, do you think Athena can stay in the underworld with you and Hades?"

"Of course Metis, I want her to come with me, but I had imagined her to be past water by now."

"Like I mentioned, she's nearly there, and I think Hekate can help, don't you?"

Persephone's lips slowly turned into a bright smile, coming to the realization, "I know Hekate will be delighted to work with her, but you? You should be the one to finish her training off. Aidon told me to assist with fire and Earth."

"I don't mind, I've taught her everything, she's almost to the finish line and I believe Hekate can take her there, as well to assist you in helping her with the other elements."

Persephone was about to speak up, when she was interrupted. The ground started to shake beneath Metis and her, and for a moment she thought it was Hades coming for her, but she knew that couldn't be since she was always escorted by Hermes every time she leaves for the underworld. This minor quake was coming from Athena.

Both Metis and Persephone looked to Athena in admiration. She was still sitting down meditating. The energy radiating of her was powerful, the quake was slowly disappearing, and her hand was stretched out towards the ocean. Stress lines were still evident on her forehead.

Metis and Persephone looked at how Athena's hand was calling for the ocean to obey a mental command. Her fingers were dancing in the air as she beckoned the ocean still for a moment. Her hand curled up as her fingers each curled back into her hand. Slowly, the ocean tide rose at a high pace and Athena scrunched her eyes, and once again breathed in and out slowly to concentrate, the ocean tide was peaceful again. This time a single string of water from the ocean stretched out towards her hand. As the single string came forward, Athena slowly rose from the ground. In between her two hands, the single string of water became a sphere. With her hands, she manipulated the sphere around and then split it in two. Both spheres of water spiraled around her, until she sent them both back to ocean. Her arms and hands were still stretched toward the ocean, and as her palms rose, creating a colossal tidal wave. She split the wave in two, wanting them to spiral together upwards, but couldn't. The waves fell vigorously back into the ocean.

"Dammit!" Athena hissed.

"As I've said," Metis turned to Persephone after witnessing the power of Athena, "she's nearly there."

Persephone looked to her little sister in admiration and she felt proud, that was truly powerful in her eyes witnessing Athena control and bend water at her will. If Metis dictates that her daughter is more powerful then this, then Athena deserves a throne in Olympus, like hers. "I will speak with Aidon, surely he will agree, and I will setup her own personal chamber while she stays."

"Thank you, Persephone." Metis took her hand.

"Metis, I've said this many times before, she's my sister, I will help her in whatever she needs."

Metis smiled, "I knew from the beginning that you, Artemis, and Athena would be close, but please keep an eye out for her while she's in the underworld, I don't want her accidentally going to Tartarus..." Metis finished coldly. One of her biggest enemies was in Tartarus, and if he knew Athena had returned, he would do anything to break his bonds and go after her daughter.

"I swear on the mother River Styx that I will look after Athena, and don't worry about him, he can't escape."

"Of course he can't, but if he knows she's back, he will play with her mind and taunt her into going in."

"Kronos knows better than to taunt people in my realm with Aidon, just think of what Aidon would do if he so ever taunts Athena, and let's not even speak about father."

Because of Metis, Kronos lost power. He hated the Titan Goddess so much that he called her a traitor to his cause. Metis was the one who helped Zeus into freeing his brothers and sisters from Kronos' stomach by poisoning him.

"Once again, thank you Persephone!"

"No a problem Metis," Persephone said as she was about to leave, "Tell Athena that I hope to see her in the underworld."

Metis nodded and smiled. Persephone looked forward and a sudden rush of flower like scents enveloped around her. A circular portal of flowers was forming, then the most precious jewels around the flowers, and lastly fire followed. Persephone stepped through her portal and it disappeared after her.

Metis turned back to Athena who was still concentrating and smiled.

"Darling, let's call it a day, it's about to get cold."

Athena snapped out of her meditation to look at her mother, "why I'm nearly there, I know I can do it!"

"I have no doubt in my mind that you can, but Persephone is leaving to the underworld, and Demeter's autumn will soon be upon us."

"Oh," Athena said disappointed, "I can't believe I haven't finished..."

"Not to worry, you will be leaving for the underworld tomorrow."

"The underworld?" She looked excited.

"Yes the underworld," Metis said putting an arm around her daughter.

"And what will you be doing?"

"Assisting Amphitrite and Poseidon in the kingdom."

"I'm going to miss our history lessons..." I sighed sadly.

"Not to worry darling, you'll have Nyx, Hekate, your uncle, and Persephone." Metis encouraged Athena, "they will teach you so much more."

Athena had a insight in the events before she was born, not all the details, but the big events like the wars, including the one Thanos raged on Olympus while her mother was giving birth to her in Libya.

"Even the small details, because I know Thanos was not attacking Olympus because he wanted to take over, there's more to it, isn't there?" Athena questioned her mother.

"Yes there is, but Hekate can and Nyx can tell you with colors and pictures."

Athena shrugged, but then recalled the story her mother had told her a few days ago, "why did father believe in marrying us all off?"

Metis shrugged, "that was the way of our world darling in ancient times, Persephone being the first one."

Athena had learned that from birth or before birth, Zeus would already set up an arranged marriage for all of his daughters and sons. Persephone was promised to Hades. Artemis was promised to Orion. Hephaestus was promised to Aphrodite. Dionysus was promised to a Princess of Crete. Hermes to a nymph. Athena was then at the time promised to Apollo.

Athena laughed harder than what she ever thought possible, her own brother. As soon as she was born, Zeus had already thought in marrying her to Apollo.

"I still can't believe father wanted me to marry Apollo!" She laughed.

Metis joined in unison to laugh with her daughter, "seems silly now doesn't it?"


After Zeus had left Metis, it took him a while to settle down with one wife eternally, and that was Hera. After sending Athena away and leaving Metis, he still arranged marriages for his other children from his lovers.

"You know darling," Metis spoke up after their laughter had died down, "when your father and I were looking after you on Earth, and saw you with that mortal man, your father did say he was still trying to marry you off."

Athena stopped abruptly, "you are joking right?" This was serious to Athena, she would never accept an arranged marriage when her feelings for Steve were still brewing inside of her.

"Not to worry darling," Metis tightened the arm around her daughter, "I don't think he meant it, he only said those words because I don't think he'll want you to be with a mortal man, but a god."

"No, I should be able to choose who I want to be with, whether it's human or not, and father does not have a say in my heart!"

"I agree with you, but do not worry, I will talk with your father, for now rest and be ready for tomorrow. Hermes will escort you to the underworld." Metis kissed the top of Athena's forehead as they had both traveled through Metis' ether portal to Mount Olympus.

Athena nodded to her mother and made her way to her bed chamber to rest. Metis stayed behind on Olympus, she wanted to find Hermes to do her the favor in taking Athena to the underworld.

"It's already been done."

Metis gasped, she turned to see Zeus walking towards her.

"What do you mean?" Metis asked, Zeus always surprised her in the most unexpected moments. Her senses always failed her whenever Zeus would approach her.

"I've told Hermes to escort Athena to the underworld tomorrow."

"So you were watching us?"

"Indeed," Zeus came closer to Metis, "walk with me?" He offered.

Metis looked to his hand extended to her and back to him, "what do you want to talk about out?" She said ignoring it  and walked ahead.

Zeus chuckled, "no need for hostilities, I only wanted to thank you," he said and Metis looked at him, "you've taught her well, her power is growing."

Metis smiled, and reminisced about how Athena created a tidal wave. That was the most powerful she had come to.

"I'll never stop saying this," Zeus said and Metis shook her thoughts away for a moment, "she resembles you in every way."

"She has some of your qualities as well, not everything is from me."

Zeus chuckled, Metis' company always made him comfortable, "and what are they? Because I only see you in her."

"She hasn't discovered it, yet, but she has the capability to be a great leader and queen, like you."

Zeus smiles and momentarily stops walking to look at Metis, "you were a great queen too, a fierce one." Involuntarily, he takes Metis' hand and intertwined his fingers with hers.

Metis was shaking, even her breath when Zeus dared to come closer. He was doing it again, trying to seduce her thought Metis, but it was all the opposite. Zeus genuinely couldn't help himself. Metis was everything to him and he never could rip her out of his chest, no matter with how many women he'd lain with, or tried to love, no one compared to Metis.


Metis quickly slipped away her hand from Zeus' when she saw a scowling Hera.

"Metis be a darling please and go back to the ocean," Hera said venomously.

"Hera!" Zeus hissed.

"Hera nothing!" Hera said as her eyes were hard and intimidating.

"Not to worry, I was leaving anyways," Metis said genuinely sorry.

"Then what are you still doing here!" Hera exclaimed to Metis coming for her.

"Stop this!" Zeus held her back by her elbow.

Before any more fighting went about, Metis opened her ether, and as she stepped through, she looked back to Zeus. His eyes were apologetic and she understood as she disappearing into the water.

"Control your manners!" Zeus quickly snapped as soon as Metis disappeared.

"My manners?" Hera snapped, "I am the Queen of the Gods, I have every right when I see another woman being intimately close to MY husband!"

Zeus shook his head annoyingly and walked away, Hera still snapping at him.


The next day, Athena was ready to leave for the underworld. She walked the corridors of Olympus by herself. She admired Olympus' beauty and wondered how the underworld would look like. She remembered the many times Hades joked with her about coming from Hell and living in Hell.

How does Hell look like?

She couldn't wait to see her uncle again and Lady Nyx.

"Ready to go?" Hermes appeared.


Hermes swooped down to carry Athena in his arms, "hang on sweets!"

Athena giggled, "is this really necessary?"

"Yes it is, now hang tight!"

Athena laughed as Hermes slowly rose from the ground, with her in his arms. She didn't think he was truly fast until the wind hitting her face became unbearable.

"Hold on!" Hermes said flying almost at the speed of light.

Athena had to hide her face on the crook of her brothers neck to avoid getting dizzy.  She held on tighter to Hermes when she noticed he was taking sharp turns and dodging obstacles that were on his way. Athena tightened her grip around Hermes, thinking she would fall into oblivion. She counted seconds in her head to distract her, until all went still. She felt Hermes' hand on her back reassuring her.

"Everything is alright sweets." Hermes put her down slowly, but still held her so she wouldn't fall over.

Slowly, Athena started to open her eyes and noticed she was in a much more darker place, yet beautiful.

A vast river stood before her that glowed and released a silver mist.

"It's so beautiful here," Athena admired her surroundings.

The shores of the River Styx were like a cave. The mystical waters of the Styx released a silver like mist that made the ebony like rocks shine in the dark.

"Yeah, it is," Hermes chuckled, and finally released her slowly.

"I'm not going to fall, but your flying is insane!"

Hermes laughed, "you'll miss me, but," he said taking Athena's hand, "here," he placed an obol on her palm, "to pay Charon for the ride."


"Welcome, Lady Athena."

Athena turned to see a hooded man on a boat with an oar in one hand.

"Good to see you Charon," Hermes said to the boatman, and he nodded.

Charon extend his arms towards Athena, and she eyed it with curiosity. The hand seemed fragile and extremely pale. Before she took Charon's hand, she turned to hug Hermes tightly.

"I'll miss you brother, I'll see you soon, hopefully."

"I'll miss you too sweets, come back in all of your powerful glory, and if you ever need a message sent, I'll be here quicker than you think."

Athena smiled sheepishly, "oh I got that nice and clear with a few dizzy spells."

Hermes hugged Athena tightly one last time before letting her go, "as the mortals say, kick some ass!"

Athena laughed, "I will, don't have too much fun without me."

"We'll try, but go, Charon is waiting."

"Right," Athena turned towards Charon and took his hand, surprisingly it was warm. She didn't know she could board the boat from the shore with no leverage. She picked up the skirts of her dress to not get them wet and Hermes appeared behind her, lifting her by her waist to land inside the boat with Charon. She turned to Hermes one last time and smiled to her brother who returned the favor as he started flying away for the upper world.

"My queen and king await," Charon said and brought Athena's attention back to him.

Athena nodded politely and remembered the coin Hermes had given her and offered it to Charon.

Charon smiled and pocket it inside his dark cloak, and started rowing the boat forward, while Athena continued to admire the beauty of the underworld.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

Athena turned to Charon smiling, "it is."

"I must say, it's nice to meet you my lady, your mother is dear friend."

"I'm not surprised."

By the looks of it the boatman smiled and was humming in content. It gave Athena the opportunity to still admire the beauty of the Styx.

"What is that?" Athena looked toward a glowing red-orange light coming into view.

"That is the River Phlegethon, the River of Fire that guards the entrance to Tartarus."

Athena stunned looked at Charon for a moment, "so that's where the Titans are?"

"Indeed, but not to worry, they are heavily guarded and the Phlegethon is protection for all of us."

Athena couldn't keep her eyes away from the light, she didn't see the flames, but she wondered if she could tame them. Fire was one of the elements she could control after all.

"When you arrived, and had the upper world in havoc, the Phlegethon flames were striking, Lord Hades had to leave in a hurry to see what was happening."

"And--and what did he tell you?"

"That you had come back, he truly is very fond of you as your sister, the queen."

Athena not knowing what to say only smiles as Charon keeps rowing the boat onward. It's not long she sees the shore again and people gathered there waiting for her. She smiles when she spots Persephone and Hades together. A few more paces, and the boat reached the shore and many faces look to her in admiration. Athena felt intimidated for a moment.

Charon once again offers his hand to Athena to step of the boat, and she takes it, but this time she's worried. She would land in water and Hermes was not here.

"Oh well." She thinks and lifts up the skirts of her dress to step off the boat.

"I have it from here brother."

And there he was again, the beautiful dark angel. Thanatos. Death came to Athena's aid. She held out her hand, but he ignored it and caught her waist and brought her safely to the shore. His darks eyes never leaving hers.

"Welcome to the underworld, my lady."

Athena smiles and walks into the entrance of what seemed to be the palace. Persephone is the first to break away from Hades to hug Athena.

"Welcome little sister!"

"You have a beautiful home."

"Thank you!"

Hades came up to greet Athena in another of his warm hugs, "little one, I am glad you're here."

"Happy to see you again."

"As am I, come there's some people waiting to meet you."

Hades and Persephone introduced Athena to the many underworld nymphs and to the many of Nyx's sons and daughters. For example, Hypnos, Thanatos' twin brother. He was the God of Sleep. He was the opposite of Thanatos. Thanatos had a dark aura around him with his dark eyes, dark hair, and black wings. While Hypnos had silver wings, silver hair, and silver eyes. She greeted Nyx again as well, this time with a hug , and the darkness surrounding Nyx, also hugged Athena. She also met Morpheus who wasn't exactly a son of Nyx, but he considered Nyx his mother for her motherly care for the underworld deities.

"You should be glad to know Lady Athena," Morpheus spoke, "your mortal father is more calm now in his sleep."

Athena sighed contently, "thank you so much, how was he?"

"Restless my lady," the God of Dreams spoke, "very worried for your safety, until mother Nyx asked me to deliver the message in his dreams that you were perfectly safe."

"I don't know how to thank you, the both of you." Athena said to Nyx and Morpheus.

"No need to thank us child," Nyx said sweetly, "your mortal father is now more at peace, and soon will see you again."

"Thank you." Athena smiled.

Persephone guided Athena towards other guests waiting anxiously to be introduced to the young Goddess.

"The queen seems very relaxed with her," Morpheus said to Nyx as Hypnos and Thanatos came by.

"The queen has never had a sister from the upper world join her in her home," Hypnos spoke.

"Indeed, and the reason why is because her very essence gives off peace, her aura is about peace," Nyx spoke admiring as Athena along with Hades and Persephone laughed and talked amongst the rest of the guest. Some of the daemoness from Tartarus, the Furies came to the gathering to set eyes on the daughter of Zeus and Metis.

"I think Thanatos here sees something else mother," Hypnos grinned along with Morpheus grinned as they look to Thanatos who never took his eyes away from Athena.

"She's very beautiful, that's all," Thanatos said simply, but Morpheus and Hypnos mocked him.

The gathering went into the throne room of the palace, where two ebony thrones sat close together on top of a dais. Persephone's throne was more feminine with jewels and flowers decorated and engraved on it, while Hades' was well polished.

The music started and the nymphs all started dancing as small talk and chatter also filled the room.

A beautiful brunette came by with a crescent moon crown on the top of her head. She smiled at Athena from where she came as other guest greeted the goddess.

"Your majesties," the goddess bowed to Hades and Persephone.

"Glad you could make it," Persephone hugged the goddess.

"I wouldn't miss this my queen," she said, and then acknowledged Hades, "Aidoneus."

"Hekate, good to see you my friend."

Athena noticed how Persephone was much more appreciated than  Hera who was another queen.

Maybe that's why she's always bitter, Athena thought.

"It's an honor to meet you, Athena," Hekate said.

"It's honor to meet you too Hekate," Athena smiled.

"Whenever my queen deems it, I will help you control your elements."

"Thank you Hekate."

From there on, Hades invited Persephone to dance as Hekate and Athena conversed amongst each other. Hekate thought she was quite the scholar, yearning for knowledge and history of the cosmos. In between their conversation, Thanatos came up to Athena.

"Shall we?" Thanatos offered his hand to Athena.

Hekate semi rolled her eyes and grinned.

Athena took his hand, and he pulled her to the dance floor where more guests danced amongst each other.

"How have you been," Athena this time started making small talk.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, reaping people, the usual."

Athena laughed, "of course you have."

"The queen has said you are here to learn how to control your elements?"

"I am, I want to return back to Earth as soon as I can."

"I see," Thanatos said as his grip around her tighten a bit, bringing her closer, Athena didn't seem to notice. Every time she saw Death, everything else was a blur to her. "You miss your mortal father?"

"You have no idea," she said sadly.

"No sad time here, please enjoy your time here, you'll see him soon," Thanatos said twirling her, and catching her back in his arms.

"No sadness here when you're a fine dancer," Athena smiled but then she just realized she complemented him.

Death grinned, always looking into her brown eyes, "Didn't think Death could dance?"

"No, on Earth everyone this uncle is evil, when he is not, and that you reap without mercy."

"Only to those who are deserving, you have not seen my sisters, the Keres, they are worse, but I am not as scary people make me out to be, I simply show them how death can be peaceful."

"I can sense that." Athena said, never leaving his eyes. It was as if she was under a spell, death was intriguing. She hadn't realized they had stopped dancing until Hypnos came to dance with her. Thanatos nodded to his brother and passed Athena on to Sleep.

The gathering went on for a few more hours. Athena always found Hekate and they continued where they had left of in their conversation. When night in the underworld came to pass, the various torches hanged on the rocky walls dimmed, staring it was night. Persephone and Hekate showed Athena to her bed chamber in the underworld. Persephone had decorated to her liking to make her sister feel comfortable in her home.

The halls of the underworld were nothing like the white marble she had seen in Olympus, instead there were lit candles showing the beautiful artwork scorched into the walls. Jewels decorated the sleek floors.

Persephone opened a large ebony door, Athena walk in and gasped in awe. There was a small fire place, a divan with a table before it, then a tub made of black onyx, with a wash basin next to it.

Persephone opened another door that led I to another room. Athena and Hekate followed, and inside a bed just as the same size as the one in Olympus with a bed post with curtains drawn around it. The sheets and everything was black. The room had a lower ceiling with decorated jewels engraved in the stone. Sapphires, rubies, diamonds, emeralds, quartz, amethyst, malachite, and many more. The underworld was indeed the realm of the riches.

Persephone left various wardrobe arrangements that were modern for Athena. Once Persephone and Hekate helped her accommodate and leave her to bathe, Athena relaxed.

In the following morning, Persephone gave a tour to Athena as promised of the underworld. They walked through the various halls and gardens. Unfortunately, Hades did not join due to his time in judging the souls of the dead, but he suggested that Charon take Athena on a tour through the River Styx. She also visited the Elysian and Asphodel Fields.

"Honestly, why do people on Earth think that Hell is all flames," Athena walked now through the palace halls with Persephone. The tour was finished and now Hekate and Persephone were going to help Athena control her elements.

"Or that Aidon is evil and scary," Persephone reminded.

"That too!" Remembered Athena, "so you guys have seen Hercules right? The movie where he has flaming blue hair and a sassy personality, right?"

Persephone erupted in laughter, "He secretly loves that film by the way!"

"Who doesn't!" Athena laughed along with Persephone.

"Wooo! I haven't had this much fun since Dionysus got drunk in one of my temples!" Persephone's laughter was dying down.

"I have to see that one day!"

"Oh you will little sister, but for now let's get ready, I'll meet you in the throne room okay," Persephone hugged Athena and left towards another hall to get ready herself.

Athena was left alone to walk to her room. She knew the way perfectly, but didn't know that she was nearing Thanatos' room. Her fingers ran through the walls feeling an energy that she couldn't explain.

Was this earth? She thought.

She stopped in a corner by a pillar, her fingers were attached to the wall wanting to get the energy she was feeling. It was strong, almost as if neurons were firing at each other. Life. She closed her eyes wanting to concentrate.

On the other end of the hall, Thanatos was leaving his room to perform his duties, that is until a certain beauty caught his eye. He watched in curiosity how Athena was concentrating hard by a corner pillar, her hand on the wall. With a sly smirk, death walked towards the goddess and stood a few steps behind her.


Athena gasped and loss concentration, she turned to see Thanatos with his arms crossed on his chest, smiling at her.

"What the hell!" She said breathless.

"My apologies." Death charmed.

"What's so interesting?" Athena said noticing the near proximity Thanatos was so her. She couldn't keeps her eyes away from him, he was truly handsome and well defined.

"You can feel the Earth when it's so far away."

Athena's eyes widen," so I was right..." she said to herself.

"I beg your pardon?"

Athena looked again at Thanatos, "I was curious what energy I was feeling and thought it was Earth, and now I guess I was right all along."

Thanatos unfolded his arms and went to grab Athena's hand, she held her breath for second. He was getting closer, with her hand under his, he placed it again on the malachite wall. He loomed over her smiling, "feel the Earth, you can create anything if you focus enough..." Athena took a breath and looked from Thanatos eyes to the wall, his hand never left hers and she closed her eyes. Thanatos began to instruct her, "life is happening beyond this wall, control that energy, make it yours..."

She closed her eyes, Earth was a different energy, that's why she was so curious as to what she felt. With Thanatos not moving his hand from hers, she felt growth and new life being formed very second.

"Focus." Thanatos reminded.

Athena exhaled slowly, she didn't know what to do, but used her strength to conjure anything. Easy enough, a slow rumble took place, becoming stronger. She felt many boulders beyond and reached for those. Her energy making them rupture from the ground, making the underworld tremble.

No, she thought.

"Don't loose focus!"

Thanatos' words gave her strength, he squeezed her hand, never letting it go. She could feel the quake she was creating in the upper world and in the underworld itself. A boulder was erupting on the surface, she could feel it and Thanatos smiled sensing it. It grew tall as the quake took it further up, until she stopped deliberately.

"By the Gods!" She cursed to herself, opening her eyes.

The aftershocks of her quake were dying down.

"I can't believe I did that," she said in disbelief.

"Nonsense," Thanatos brought her hand back down, "you did beautifully, I knew you could." Again, his intense dark eyes bore into her brown ones.

"Thank you," she smiled softly, "I--um-- need to get ready, Persephone is probably going nuts..." she said quickly and disappeared around the corner, leaving Thanatos by the pillar alone.

A single clap from behind startled Thanatos, he turned quickly seeing Hekate with a smirk on her face.

"Smooth!" She grinned.

Thanatos rolled his eyes, "save me the commentary Hekate please, shouldn't you be with the queen in the throne room waiting for her?"

Hekate moved in closer, an amusing smile played on her lips, "you should join us don't you think? Since you just made her shake the whole cosmos itself by creating a boulder in the upper world, impressive no?"

"She was curious about the energy she felt beyond the walls," he defended.

"And you are curious about her, are you starting to have feelings for her?"

Thanatos laughed, "oh that's a good one!" He slapped his hand to his knee, "Hekate you know me better than anyone, I am not that type of immortal."

"Then why look after her?"

"Because the cosmos depends on her--"

"Oh don't give me that!" Hekate interrupted him, "you care about her, just admit! Thanatos it's okay to care, it's okay to feel something towards another immortal," Hekate placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Stop saying that," Thanatos said non emotionally, "death is not capable of love, you know that."

"Who said this is love?" Hekate said, "she sparks curiosity in you because she's not like the many others who begged death to take them in other fashions."

Thanatos rolled his eyes again at what she meant, "so now you're assuming I want to fuck her!" Thinking of all of his past relationship with his many lovers.

"No of course not! The point is, is that you don't want her, at all."

"Took you long enough to get that one," Thanatos said nonchalantly.

"First of all, you know I would never look into that obscene mind of yours," Hekate shriveled in disgust, "but that's it isn't it? You're trying to mark her."

"Look Hekate, Thanos will wage a war in her part of the cosmos, and she will be powerful. Our cosmos will not have balance at all if she's gone again. The Fates have spoken of this for aeons, it's not three parts, its four, and one of them is hers to rule, and when she dies what?" 

"So have you marked her?"

Thanatos sighed, "no, her shield is too powerful that I can't, I have to catch her off guard."

"I see, if you want to do this, you have to before she leaves the underworld."

"I know."

In the end, there isn't anyone that Thanatos can't have, because he takes them all. Reaps them. Athena was not going to be one of the many he would reap, she will never see his form of the reaper, because Thanatos refused to come for her.

Hi guys! I enjoyed writing this chapter so I hope you all like it and tell me your thoughts on Thanatos? Did you all actually believed he would fall for her? Or was he lying? ;)

Let me know! 

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