The Original || Elijah Mikael...

By Fandom-broke-my-life

283K 5.1K 891

Alexandra Salvatore, the first witch to have ever lived on earth, the first hybrid to walk the earth after sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Part 2 - The Originals
Chapter 61/ Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Little Warrior

Chapter 51

2K 37 4
By Fandom-broke-my-life

3rd POV

Alex sat with Nik and Jenna at the bar in the Mystic Grill, after Alex and Nik learned that the five returned they decided to ask the one person who knows them the most. Rebekah. It was weird for Alex sitting in the middle of the three, one vampire, one hybrid and one tribrid. There probably a joke somewhere along the lines of the three at the bar but she didn't take no notice seeing as Jenna and Nik started their early drinking. Matt was cleaning the counter when Rebekah entered, putting keys onto it.

"What's that?" Matt asked as he looked at her with a glare on his face.

"The key to your new truck. It's parked outside, paid for, insured, everything but a big red bow." Rebekah answered with a smile and he scoffed.

"If that's your idea of an apology, you should probably give it to Elena. She's the one that you killed." He left her there with a frown on her face and Alex felt sorry for her. Rebekah felt people staring at her and she looked at the end of the bar to see the Klaus, Jenna and Alex. Klaus of course had a smirk on his face while Alex was smiling at her with sympathy.

"You're trying too hard." He commented and Rebekah looks away for a second before looking back at him.

"Last I heard you were leaving town, forever." She replied and he shrugged.

"Well I was but then I thought to myself how can I when my sister, clearly so desperate for love and affection, is left here bribing the help." He mocked as he got out of his seat and made his way towards you.

"What do you want Nik? I thought I was dead to you." She asked and he smirked.

"Things change Rebekah. I've stumbled upon something I think might be of interest to you."

"Doubt that." Alex stood up, going round the bar until she stood next to Klaus.

"Well, what if I told you the brotherhood of The Five still existed." Alex told her and her head snapped round.

"What?" Shocked at the sudden news and Klaus nodded.

"You see, and like that bygones. Come on love, work to do." He said and Alex shook her head, knowing that wasn't the best thing to do when Rebekah was still mad at him.

"We don't have anything to do. There is no we. I don't care about The Five and I don't care about you." She told him.

"As you wish." He left with a smile on his face and Alex rolled her eyes at him, following after him with a Jenna behind her.


Alex POV

"Looks like I'll have to beef up the hybrid security detail." Klaus commented as we felt Stefan's presence in the room. Connor was still chained up against the board, his shirt off for some weird reason I would never know. I turned as Stefan walks out from the shadows.

"Your hybrids are stupid Nik." Jenna told him and he glared playfully at her.

"I was gonna take him, but I figured you went through such trouble to truss him up in your red room of pain." Stefan told us and Klaus grinned.

"It's from the Inquisition. I thought it was a nice touch."

"What'd you get out of him?" Stefan asked, going straight to business and I shrug.

"Not enough. He's mum about the Council fire and he's not saying anything about this greater evil we're all supposed to be shivering over. What brings you snooping?" I ask with a smirk and he glances at me.

"Well, I can't say it in front of him. As I'm sure you've figured out, our friend here can't be compelled." Stefan told us and Klaus turned to Connor.

"You're full of mysteries, aren't you?" he asked.

"I told you, I don't know anything." Connor said for the millionth time and Klaus smiled.

"Thankfully, we know plenty." He told him, referring to himself and me. Klaus walks out the room and gestures the rest of us to follow. "Shall we?" he asks and Stefan stares at Connor for a few more seconds before following Klaus out. I shut the doors to his little prison as Klaus talks to Stefan. "So, what's with the home invasion?"

"Damon said you two knew something about this guy. Now, I should have figured out that you were up to something when you healed Elena from the werewolf poison without asking for anything in return." Stefan explained and Klaus smirked.

"I was feeling benevolent." He announced and Jenna scoffed.

"You're never benevolent. Who is this guy? What's the Five?" She asked, another person who we now have to tell.

"So many questions."

"It's a good thing I have nothing to do today, except get answers out of you." Stefan said as he sits down on the chair, Jenna following suit as they wait for us to tell them the story. I share a look with Klaus and he sighs, walking further into the room.

"Fine. You might actually be useful in persuading my sister to cooperate." He said. "The brotherhood of the Five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters. We crossed paths with them in the 12th century Italy."

Flashback - Italy 1114

"My siblings and I had followed the Normans as they conquered the South. Feeding, turning people as we went."

Klaus, Elijah and I walked down the path to the towns square, there was a man on stage demonstrating something that was probably not important, he was probably crazy. Most people are when they go on that stage. It wasn't until I saw the several men staked to a pole to realize that this was serious and was about Vampires.

"These demons live among you. Passing as human." He announces as he walks the stage.

"But with the bloodshed came exposure."

"We stopped to watch the show, standing in the middle of the square as the man approaches the tall wooden box that was at the back of the stage.

"I didn't turn anyone or eat like idiots, leaving the bodies around. I had control."

"Yes, thank you for your contribution to the story Alexa."

"So, witness with your own eyes." The man said as he unlocks the box, the man inside steps out only for him to start burning, seeing as he has no enchanted jewelry that kept him from the harm of the sun. The man eventually set ablaze and the crowd screamed in fear, I rolled my eyes as the guy finally dies. The man completely unfazed as to what just happened as he probably had seen it a million times.

"He's putting on quite the show." Elijah said to the pair of us and we scoffed.

"He is nothing. I could eat him for sport." Klaus replied with a grin on his face and Elijah frowned.

"Still you should heed the warning. Between you here and Kol in the east, you have not been discreet. Stories of the Original vampires are spreading." He explained and I nudged him. "Sorry the second Originals, even though Alexandra that no one knows about you."

"Yes and I would like to keep it that way seeing as I don't get into trouble like you lot." I tell them and Klaus rolls his eyes.

"I welcome such infamy, but if you're worried about discretion, perhaps you should wrangle our sister." He said and we follow his gaze to see the man and Rebekah standing together nearby. The man kisses her hand and she smiles as the walk away together, arm in arm.

"Our Rebekah sure knows how to pick them."

End of Flashback

"So these hunters have been around for nine hundred years?" Stefan asked as we stopped and I nod.

"Apparently. Though our friend in the other room is the first I've seen since then. Kind of makes you wonder what they've been up to all these years." I say with a grin.

"And Rebekah had a thing with one of them?" Jenna asked and Klaus shook his head.

"Oh, she didn't just have a thing. She fell in love with him. He told her all his secrets. Which I will gladly share with you provided you do one thing for me." Klaus explained and Stefan sighed.

"And what's that?"

"Get Rebekah over here. She's being stubborn and hateful. I need to make peace with her. I want her to give me some very important information about the hunter which she won't do, unless she believes we've made up." he explained and I scoffed.

"Well hears a thought Niklaus, why don't you just actually forgive her you nutter." He glared at me and I give him the finger as Stefan gets up.

"And what's in it for me?" Stefan asked and Klaus rolled his eyes at him.

"Just get her here and I'll tell you. Oh, and Stefan, trust me when I say this; that hunter in there holds the answer to all your prayers."


"You feeling alright, mate?" Klaus asked as we stood in front of Connor, I laughed as he pretended to care for Connor as he asked him questions while Connor remained silent. "Are the shackles too tight? Welcome home, sister." He said as we turn our heads as Rebekah enters the room.

"Is this a trick? How do you know he's one of the Five? Where's his bloody tattoo?" She demanded as she looked at Connor.

"Oh, the tattoos aren't visible on this lot like they were on the last." He explained, gesturing to his bare body. "Let's eat."

"I've been waiting for you to say that all day." I cheered as we walked into another room with a table and chairs. I sat beside Klaus who sat between Jenna and I while Rebekah and Stefan sat across from us. A compelled pretty girl stood in the room as she served us. I immediately dug in, shoveling food into my mouth as if I hadn't eaten for days.

"Thank you, my lovely." Klaus said with a smile before we heard a plate drop on the table as if it was kicked, I looked up seeing a glaring Klaus and I followed his gaze to see that he was looking at Jenna who was looking anywhere but him as if she did nothing wrong, Jenna caught my gaze and smiled at me. "You might want to slow done love." Klaus told me and I looked at him, my cheeks filled with food.

"Piss off." I told him but it probably sounded like 'pithh offf' Klaus raised his hands in defense as he turned back to our remaining guests.

"I could kiss the Council for burning up all the vervain in town. They made my life so much easier. Rebekah, love, eat your veggies." He said and she just stared at him.

"I'm not eating until you apologize." Rebekah said, arms crossed.

"For which indiscretion? There have been so many." Klaus chuckled and I shook my head at him, telling him to stop.

"You broke my neck." She said.

"You threw away Elena's blood so I can't make any more hybrids." He retorted.

"Because you took me for granted."

"That's what big brothers do, sweetheart!" Klaus shouted.

"Let me just name the million other people I'd rather be having dinner with right now." Stefan piped and Jenna and I nodded our heads in agreement.

"Alright, fine. I'm sorry. I often forget how delicate you are. Forgive me?" Klaus asked, giving his famous puppy dog look.

"I'll take it under consideration." Rebekah finally said after a couple minutes silence.

"Okay, good. Now, why don't you tell me about Rebekah's hunter?" Stefan asked and I nodded, sitting forward in my seat.

"Right, Alexander. Nice chap foregoing the obvious issues." I started. "And a horrible use of the name Alexander of course." I added ignoring the eye rolls around me.

Flashback - Italy 1114

He was looking for creatures of the night which is why we felt quite safe around him wearing our daylight rings.

We sat around the table, partaking in a feast as one of our maidens poured us some wine. "I am unaccustomed to such luxury." Alexander said as he helped himself and we – the brothers and I – smiled falsely at him.

"Well, it's the least we could do to repay you for opening our eyes to the truth. We're curious to hear more about your order. Your crusade." Elijah said curiously, wanting to know how many we were dealing with.

"We are but five men. Bound by fire in the last breath of a dying witch to a single cause; the destruction of all vampires." He explained and I shared a secretive look with Klaus and Elijah, which went unnoticed by Alexander.

"And how do you hope to achieve this?" Klaus asked.

"We have the ultimate weapon which no vampire can survive." He replied and I snorted, covering it up with coughing when he looked at me.

"Sorry, I've been feeling under the weather." I told him and he believed it.

End of Flashback

"So, that's what this is about? A weapon." Stefan asks and Rebekah shakes her head.

"Not just any weapon." Rebekah tells them.

"Rebekah, love, don't get ahead of the story."

"How is a weapon the answer to all my prayers?" Stefan asks and we look at each other, but don't say anything.

"Okay. Why don't we just skip with the theatrics and get right to the point?" Jenna cuts in with a stern look and Klaus shakes his head.

"Not quite yet, because in order to find this weapon, we need to solve the puzzle. Which seems to have disappeared." Klaus said and Stefan looks at him confused.

"What puzzle?" he asked and I raise my eyebrows at him and wait until he figures it out. "The tattoo. What is it?"

"A map. Leading us to its treasure." I tell him.

"Fat lot of good a tattoo's gonna do, if we can't see it." Rebekah comments.

"We can't, but someone else can." He said before turning to the compelled girl. "Why don't you tell the hybrid to bring him in, love?" The girl leaves the room and Klaus turns back to us. "You see, the hunter was so eager to get to the bottom of his mystery tattoos that he mentioned there was only one other person that can see them."

The hybrid that Klaus asked for came back into the room, Jeremy in his grasp. Stefan and Jenna super speeds out of their chairs and towards Jeremy only for Klaus to get their first and stand in between them and Jeremy. I wasn't surprised by Klaus' actions, it was bound to happen eventually.

"I wouldn't. Lucky for us, young Jeremy here, is a bit of an artist." Klaus said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm not helping you with anything." Jeremy said determined and the hybrid grabs Jeremy's hand and takes his ring off and tosses it to Klaus who catches it before holding it up for Jeremy to see. Who was glaring at him for taking away his only defense in Mystic Falls.

"Oh, I'm afraid you are."


"So, tell me more about this tattoo." Stefan said.

"My sister's suitor was unwilling to tell us anything. Rebekah, however, was more than willing to investigate. Isn't that right?" Klaus gave her a look and she looked down, ashamed.

Flashback To Italy

Rebekah and Alexander are in bed together, Rebekah sitting on top of him as they kiss passionately. They eventually pull apart and Alexander smiles at her as Rebekah runs her hand across the tattoo on his chest.

"How do you read these symbols?" She asked, innocently.

"The map took my brothers and I years to translate." He started to explain and he grabs the sword leaning against the bed. "The sword is the key to reading it." He said before putting the sword back where it was. "Have you considered my offer? To come with me when I leave to follow the map." He asked her and she smiled.

"I have and I would like that very much." Alexander smiles as she kisses him. When they pull apart, Rebekah glances over at something on the cabinet next to the bed. "What is that?"

"Oh, that. That" He picks up the silver dagger. "is a very special weapon. For a very special kind of vampire." He explained as he dips the dagger into the white oak ash. "When my brotherhood has achieved its destiny, those monsters will cease to exist. Until then, we have the daggers."

"Do you really believe they're all so evil they must be put down?" Rebekah asked and Alexander shook his head.

"Let us not talk of such evil. Let us do this." He kisses her. "And this." He kisses her again. "And this." He does it again. "And this." He whispered as he stabs Rebekah through the heart with the sliver dagger.

End of Flashback

"My sister's boyfriend threw a slumber party that night. He and his brothers put us all down in our sleep. Elijah, Kol, Finn, and me." Klaus glared over at Rebekah.

"What about you Alex?" Jenna asked and I winked at her.

"I didn't get put to sleep but you'll find out what I did soon enough." I grin at her and she nods hesitantly not knowing what to expect.

"How was I supposed to know?" Rebekah defends and I sigh at the argument brewing between brother and sister.

"Cheers, to my sister's uncanny ability to choose men." Klaus raises his glass in a toast manner.

"I thought the daggers didn't work on you because of your werewolf side." Stefan said stopping the argument to which I was glad for. Klaus gave him a smirk.

"They don't."

Flashback To Italy

Rebekah gasps and wakes up, looking around the room scared before she sees Klaus and I standing at the foot of the bed, both covered in blood along with the walls. "What happened?" she asked.

"Ask him." Klaus says before stepping aside to show Alexander stabbed onto the wall with his own sword, Rebekah starts to cry at the sight and I wrap her into a hug. "Only, he cannot answer, because I have ripped out his tongue. Along with the rest of them." He added as Rebekah shakes in fear of her brother and his temper.

"Nik, I had no idea." She told him and he shook his head.

"But you should have. Your only family was nearly wiped out, because of your stupidity. What did he promise you?" he threatened.

"Nothing. Nothing." She replied.

"He would not have made a move unless he knew you were vulnerable. You trusted him, over me!" He shouted, gesturing to himself. "What did he promise you?" he asked again and Rebekah cried harder.

"Nothing, Nik. I swear." She cried.

"What did he promise you?!" He shouted and she shook her head in my arms as she cried harder.

"Nothing, Nik. Nothing." She repeated and grew angry, pushing my arms away and grabs her roughly by the shoulders to stand her up.

"Tell me, Rebekah!!" he shouted

End of Flashback

"Go ahead, Rebekah. Tell them. Tell them what the hunter told you the tattoo leads to. What is this great weapon that could bring about the end of the vampire species?" he said, pointing at Stefan and Jenna and they both looked at her as stared ahead.

"A cure. He said there was a cure." She admitted and Klaus gets up, Stefan following him.

"There is no cure for vampirism." Stefan quickly denied.

"He's telling the truth, Stefan."

"Then why wouldn't you have searched for it, found it?" Jenna asked and I get up.

"Because when the hunters drew their final breath that night, the marks disappeared from their body, the map was gone, the brotherhood of the Five extinct. For nine hundred years, there was not a whisper of another hunter, until our friend in there showed up in town." I explain.

"Well, now we have the map, what do we do next?" Rebekah asked and Klaus turned to her.

"We don't do anything. You can't be trusted, little sister. You'll be blabbing this secret to the first boy who calls you pretty. I mean, it's pathetic, really, isn't it? How she continues to hand her heart to any man who shows her a hint of affection. You'd think she would have learned by now from the endless cycle of disappointment and deception." He ranted and I rubbed my eye in frustration as they were back at nip picking at each other, throwing any insult they could at each other.

"But, I haven't, instead I stayed with you and let you leech every moment of happiness from my life! You know, at least I fared better then Finn, Klaus left him daggered because he was tired of his judgment." Rebekah retorted and Klaus laughed sarcastically.

"No, Finn was a dullard. He was more interesting lying in a box." He said and Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"You want the cure for Elena, don't you? So you can go back to mass producing your hybrids. That's why you brought Stefan here, because you knew that he'd help you even though he hates your guts! You know what? You can shove your cure." Rebekah storms out of the house.

"Kill me now please." I whisper to myself as I start eating again.

"Well, I hope you got what you wanted out of her before you chased her off." Stefan scoffed and he smirked.

"She never would have told me what I needed to know. But she'll tell you." He said and Stefan nodded in realization.

"What do you need me to find out?" he asked, knowing he was going to regret it eventually.

"The map is useless without the tool to decipher it."

"The sword." He said confused and Klaus nodded.

"She knows where it is. And you're gonna get her to tell you. You have a chance to save Elena from the very thing that is going to destroy her. You can call it a deal with the devil, if you like. But you know you won't walk away from it." Klaus told him, leaving it up to Stefan to decide when we already know what he was going to do. Stefan eventually leaves and I look at Klaus who looks proud of himself at what he just did.

"You're an arse, you know that right." I tell him and he glares at me, walking out the room.


"Nice lines. Now, if you could just hurry it up a little bit." Klaus comments as we watched Jeremy draw on the sketchpad before he handed it to Klaus.

"I'm done." He said and we look at it, before walking closer to Connor.

"What is this?" he asked, looking at the unfinished sketch.

"It's the tattoo." He told Klaus as if he was stupid and Klaus speeds round, grabbing Jeremy by the throat.

"I've seen the tattoo, you impertinent punk. There's more to it." He seethed and Jeremy shook his head.

"That's all of it." He said before a look of realization spread across his face. "He says every time he kills a vampire it spreads." Klaus throws Jeremy back into the chair and I turn to Connor.

"Nate!" Klaus shouts from behind me. "Tell the girl to take Jeremy home. Keep this one alive at all costs." He ordered before dragging me out the room.


"No I will not go!" I protested for the millionth time.

"Why not?" Klaus whined and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Because it's Rebekah you idiot." I told him but Klaus just rolled his eyes.

"She's got a point, I mean what if Rebekah just went up to you and stabbed you in the heart for no reason." Jenna piped in, as she ate ice cream with the serving spoon. Klaus turned with a frown.

"Really you're taking her side?" he looked at her in disbelief and Jenna rolled her eyes.

"Obviously, I mean at times when my sister was alive I wanted to murder my her but I would never go through with it." She told him.

"Yes but you weren't a vampire back then." He told her smartly and she mocked him, putting her ice cream on the table.

"I don't get you Niklaus, one minute you're asking why I wasn't on your side and the next you find my point irrelevant?!" She shouted, over reacting a bit as she stood up.

"No I wasn't—"

"Make up your mind, god!" She shouted before storming out the room, it was silent for a couple of minutes before she came storming back in. "I—forgot–my ice cream." She said sheepishly with a smile before it turned back into a frown, she grabbed her ice cream roughly, glared at Klaus once more and stomped out the room again. Klaus turned to me with a hopeful expression and I shook my head in dismissal.

"No – No, goodbye Niklaus."




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