Tongue Tied

By EverleighAshcroft

1.9M 55K 3.3K

Featured on Cosmopolitan as an "exceptional fiction story," Tongue Tied is the second highly-praised novel fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
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Tongue Tied
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Chapter 26

34.7K 1.2K 85
By EverleighAshcroft

Dinner did not go as planned. Our usually cheerful family holiday had become the perfect opportunity for everyone to question my judgment. I felt as though I was being shunned, becoming the black sheep. Jake had broadcasted his anger over catching me with Alec to the entire family halfway through dinner. As a result, the only people who would speak to me other than to take a dig at me were the triplets who didn't know any better. I assumed they'd join right along with cutting glares my direction if they understood what was going on.

Instead of hanging around after everyone was finished eating, I skipped out on the rest of the festivities and called Alec. I needed an escape from reality and he was just the man I was looking for.

"Hey, Bree," his cheery voice came on the line while I trekked to my car.

It was dark and gloomy with rumbles of thunder overhead. I expected it to start pouring any second. I hugged my jacket tighter around my body and slammed the door loud enough that my family probably heard it inside the house.

"Alec, I need a stress reliever," I complained, starting the engine.

It had been warmer during the day and my air conditioner, which I'd forgotten to turn off when I'd arrived at my parents' house, sent chilly air blasting through the vents in my face. I awkwardly attempted to hold the phone while backing out of the driveway and turn off the A/C at the same time.

"I hear heavy metal music and jogging six miles works pretty well," Alec chuckled. "Or you could do what I do: beat the living shit out of a punching bag."

"Alec, I'm serious," I said, trying to choke back the oncoming giggle.

Even when I was absolutely miserable, he could still make me laugh. I told myself that, despite our colorful history, I was lucky to have him in my life, even if he was just a friend with benefits.

"So am I," he chuckled again.

"Are you still with your family?" I asked, crossing my fingers that he would say no.

He cleared his throat and I heard a door open and close. "I'm outside now. What's up? You okay?"

"I'm not sure what I am right now, Alec," I sighed.

He suddenly sounded concerned and overprotective. "Talk to me, Bree. What is it?"

I shook my head as if he could see me. I didn't want to talk about it. Talking about it made it more real. More set in stone. I just wanted to be in his arms. I wanted to temporarily forget the mess that was encompassing my life. I wanted him to whisk me away into a world of bliss where there was no such thing as Abernathy Advertisements or Clearwater Media Group or anyone else. Just us. Just Alec and me.

Ever since we'd agreed to being friends with benefits, we'd been there for each other when one of us was stressed beyond words. We always tried to be each other's shoulder to cry on. Half the time that meant fucking into the abyss. The other half we'd spend playing cards, watching reruns of The Golden Girls, or just hanging out, talking.

At the moment, it didn't matter to me what we did. I just knew I wanted to be with Alec and I wanted him to take my mind off of everything.

"Jake tattled on me and now everyone's mad at me. So much for a happy Thanksgiving," I told him. "I got tired of feeling like the outcast and left."

I knew Alec wasn't surprised. The last time either of our families had seen us together was when we were teenagers and we stole his father's brand new Mercedes in the middle of the night, taking it for a joyride across three counties before a deputy pulled us over for speeding. Mr. Shaffers had never forgiven us for that stunt, nor had anyone else. That was the only time Alec and I had ever gotten along, up until a few months back.

"Why don't we meet up at my apartment?" Alec suggested. "I'll just tell my family something came up with work."

I instantly regretted calling. I didn't want to be the reason Alec ditched his family on Thanksgiving.

"No. Alec. You don't have to do that." I tried to talk him out of it but he wasn't listening.

"I'll see you in thirty minutes," he said, ending the call.

Typical Alec. You couldn't talk him out of anything once he'd set his mind to it.

On the way to his apartment, I allowed my thoughts to whip into an F-5 tornado of frustration and concern about the unknown. I had just spent so much time and energy trying to bring Rutherford Laurence on and now that all this mess was taking place, my efforts had surely been wasted. Abernathy would most likely acquire the majority, if not all, of Corbin and Hilliard's clients. I'd basically gift wrapped the business of one of the most prestigious insurance companies in the country to Darin Forbes and his snarky attitude. I felt like the quarterback of the losing team at the Super Bowl.

On the other hand, maybe a fresh start would be good for me. Alec had said he was looking forward to a fresh start. Maybe I should look at the situation in a more positive perspective. I had been planning to leave North Carolina and get a job with a bigger agency at some point anyway. I just hadn't expected the opportunity to arise this soon, and certainly not in this way. Maybe I was looking at the glass half empty. Maybe I shouldn't be so upset after all.

By the time Alec pulled into a parking spot, I'd been waiting in the rain outside his apartment building for twenty minutes. The elderly woman who lived down the hall from him had walked by on her way into the building, shooting me a disapproving glance.

Alec got out of his car and tapped on my window, jerking me out of my thoughts about whether or not I should go ahead and put up my Christmas decorations since I might be moving within the next three weeks. That was another thing. How the hell was I supposed to find a new home that I could afford and move on such short notice? Had Clearwater even thought their proposal through?

I shook that thought from my head. I was supposed to be thinking positive. I was supposed to see the bright side, like Alec was. Ugh.

"Nice weather," Alec joked, getting soaked without an umbrella. I had to admit, he definitely didn't look bad wet.

I hopped out of the car and we made a mad dash for the building, getting drenched along the way. We climbed the stairs up to his floor, laughing and shivering. The woman down the hall was unlocking her door when we came gallivanting around the corner.

"Mrs. Anderson," Alec smiled, acknowledging her with a friendly nod.

Mrs. Anderson scoffed and entered her apartment without so much as a hello. I wondered if it was my fault that she didn't like Alec, or if they'd never gotten along to begin with. I was betting on the former.

Alec handed me his keys and I unlocked the door while he wrapped his muscular arms around my waist, tugging my back against his chest. Our rain-soaked clothes felt ten times heavier and I was anxious to borrow one of his long T-shirts to change into. I opened the door and we went tumbling into the apartment, laughing, his arms still wrapped securely around me.

Alec rolled over on top of me, pinning me to the floor. His wet hair hung down, tiny water droplets dripping from his bangs onto my forehead. Our bellowing laughter turned to soft whispers. Staring into each other's glossed over eyes, we became entranced in one another. This felt new. Different. This didn't feel like a fuck buddy was supposed to feel. I wanted to look away and break the captivation, but I couldn't tear my eyes from his.

His breath on my face smelled like mint, as usual, with a hint of wine. He'd probably had wine with dinner. I began to study every single little detail of his face. Every feature I'd never noticed before. I started counting his freckles. As many times as I'd been inches from his face or full blown making out with him, how could I have never noticed so many perfect little imperfections? They reminded me of a million tiny stars decorating the night sky. His face was a work of art. A canvas dotted with flecks of beauty. I was in awe of him. He was the most handsome man I'd ever laid eyes on.

"Bree," he said in such a whisper, I could barely hear it.


His eyes bore into mine, but not in their usual way. Not in lust. This was something else. "You're staring."

I nodded slowly, unable to become disenchanted with him. "So are you," I pointed out.

My gaze dipped lower to his mouth. His lips were parted slightly, inquisitively, as though he wanted to speak again but didn't know what to say. I could feel his stare heat up when I watched him bite at his bottom lip. I wanted to bite his lip.

I thought back to a few nights ago when we'd gone to dinner and danced around the diner like we were at a sock hop. I'd had an amazing time with him. And the entire night after we'd gotten back to my place, he'd rocked my world in a sensual slow motion I'd never dreamt possible. We'd spent the whole night wrapped up in each other's arms and sweat-soaked sheets, furiously kissing like we couldn't get enough of each other. But morning came too soon and our lovemaking was called to a close. I'd felt deprived of him since then, but cast those thoughts aside, telling myself I was reading too much into nothing. No matter how much I tried to convince myself that we were still simply friends with benefits and that we'd just gotten a little carried away that night, I couldn't rid my mind of Alec's words echoing again and again.

"I don't understand this mushy feeling in my stomach or the urge I can't suppress to smile and laugh when I'm around you..."

His sweet, sultry voice had continued to replay in my head over and over since that night. I was no longer finding it easy to disregard our relationship as nothing serious the way I had been for the last several months. I was going to have to bring it up at some point. It might as well be now.

"Alec," I said softly. I reached up to touch his face, running my thumb over the light stubble that peppered his jawline.

He swallowed hard again, the same way he had that night at my front door. I slid my palm over his cheek and behind his neck, my fingers disappearing in the back of his hair.


I gently pulled him closer, pressing our lips together. The kiss started out soft and sweet, slowly building to a more passionate and urgent need to be closer to each other. Alec twirled my hair around his fingers with one hand while the other grasped my free hand, lacing our fingers and giving me a gentle squeeze.

Before long, our tongues were wrestling for dominance and I'd ended up on top of him. Mrs. Anderson walked by, obviously deeply disturbed by our encounter on full display with the door still open. Alec chuckled against my lips, paying no attention to her lecture on indecent exposure, and reached out, pushing the door shut. He rolled back on top of me and we broke the kiss, laughing.

"That poor woman is going to be so thrilled when you move out," I giggled.

Suddenly an awkward silence fell between us and I could tell Alec was wondering if I had made a decision yet. I probably wouldn't have an answer for him for a few days.

It occurred to me that if I decided not to move to Seattle, we would have to call off the benefits side to our friendship. But was it still just a friendship? Alec's words chimed through my thoughts again.

"You never finished telling me if you meant what you said in the diner the other night," I whispered. 

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