Let's Pretend [Niall Horan]

By 808sunshine

906K 15.4K 4.1K

It was the year 2009 when Niall was forcefully dragged out of the hospital room in tears, knowing he would ne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 37

423 15 41
By 808sunshine


••Feb 7, 2013••

There's no doubt about it, I was absolutely left out of everything that occurred in the Gemma household since I've gotten back. It's been a total of four days and I still felt knackered, which was silly since it wasn't like I had any ridiculous jetlag to blame. It must have just been the fact that everyone in the house was so tense, and for once, no one wanted to share any piece of it with me. I was the one everyone came to, and now it's as if I don't even exist.

According to me, all I knew was the fact that I went to go enjoy Andy's wedding, came back to think we had a lot of vocal work to do, but it seemed as if none of us ever hang out together anymore, let alone work. Zayn occasionally went to the studio to do vocal warmups on his own, but he does that even when he's on holiday. Harry has vanished, which was a bit worrisome, but I suppose he tends to disappear from time to time, especially when we are on the road. Typically, he'd find a new girl to hang out with for a few days before coming back, although I always felt as if he only came back to rant to me or Niall on why the lads from the band are his only friends since girls are crazy, blah, blah. Heard it a million times. Still, I'll probably call him to make sure he's okay. – As for Niall, he seemed troubled, depressed even, for the past few days. Only today have I seen his normal grin plastered on his face. I had just managed to roll out of bed to grab some of the coffee he had brewed and he was already so hyper and excited for something, but he didn't say anything other than 'good morning.' Lastly, Louis seemed like the only one who was acting normal. Other than being upset at Harry about his friend Aria, Louis seemed practically normal. Still, not even Louis spoke to me about anything that was occurring.

"Good afternoon, sweetie," Mrs. Gray said from behind me as she walked into the room, where I was sitting on one of the two long couches in Gemma's living room. I had left my room, initially to find one of the lads to talk to, but I ended up just sitting here alone. Although, it was kind of nice to be able to think about a plan on how I should help this bizarre mood everyone was in, since it seemed as if it was some sort of trance that I was the only one who didn't get hypnotized.

"Good day," I replied casually, not getting up from my seat. I had slightly forgotten that Faith and her mother were visiting. I found it weird that they were here. Oh, and that Asian girl who was with Niall. Was that his girlfriend? I was positive Niall didn't have many secrets from us, but I have no memory of Niall telling us about this short Asian girl.

"Have you seen my daughter?" Mrs. Gray inquired, walking around the couch so she is now in front of me. She was wearing a white blouse, a tan wrinkle-free skirt that went to her knees, with high heels, and the loads of make up on her face.

I had only said a few words to this lady, but somehow, I disliked her. I am not one to judge so easily, I leave that to Harry and Louis, who tend to joke about people and quickly come to conclusions based on how they speak or look. But that wasn't me. Yet, I felt a gut feeling that she was not a good person as I watched her stand in front of me, fiddling with her white gloves that I hadn't noticed till now.

"No ma'am," I replied. I had not seen anyone today other than Niall, who excitedly ran off into his bedroom, but that was hours ago.

"Very well," Mrs. Gray sighed, obviously upset with my reply as she grabbed the bag that was sitting on the lamp table, swinging it on her shoulder.

I felt uneasy as I stood up from where I sat. This woman was standing way too close to me. (Although she actually wasn't very close, since she was a solid few feet away.) I then grabbed my phone off the couch that must have fallen out of my pocket, and stuffed it back into my right pocket as I sprinted my way back towards the room that I was staying in. Since Gemma wasn't here for a few days, due to work in Spain, she let me stay in her room.

As I made my way down the hall, I heard a loud banging noise followed by laughter from one of the Gemma's guest rooms. (Yes, she had various guest rooms in this huge home. Talk about a dream house, Gemma's home was my ideal home.) I had to stop completely and press my ear on each of the doors to find that the noise came from the room Niall typically stayed in. There seemed to be music playing and loud commotion from inside.

Was Niall having a party and he didn't invite me?

I didn't hesitate as I knocked on the door, quickly receiving an answer from Niall.

"Mate!" He said grinning widely, opening the door half way. His eyes were bright, unlike how they have been for the past few days.

"You seem chipper," I stated the obvious as I tried to glace behind him, but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

"Just having a drink and listening to some music," he said, but he didn't let the door widen any further than about half way open.

"Alone?" I pressed on, curious of what he might be up to.

"Faith and I are planning a party, come by at six," he smiled brightly. I couldn't help but laughing at the image of a party in his little room, but I nodded.

"I'll be there," I said between chuckles before continuing down to my room.


••Feb 7, 2013••

"This is me?!" Faith's voice asked enthusiastically from behind me, as I shut the door from speaking to Liam. I quickly spun around, finding Faith looking at the photo that I had in my wallet.

"Oh no!" I screeched loudly, my voice cracking slightly as I quickly sprinted to her side and grabbed my wallet out of her hands.

"This is confidential!" I joked, holding up the wallet up high. Faith hastily stood up from sitting on the carpeted floor and began jumping up and down, attempting to grab it out of my hands. "I swear wallets are privet and I can call the cops on you if you look at my private belongings!"

"You're so mean!" She crossed her arms over her chest, sticking out her bottom lip.

"I don't mean to be," my voice trailed off, dropping my hand and my grip on the wallet. The last thing I wanted to do was upset Faith. It's just that after a few drinks, I forgot that she had forgotten her memory. Instead, our conversations and actions became natural. Just like how we used to act. But maybe I took it too far...

"Gotcha!" she snatched the wallet out of my hands, sticking her tongue out at me.

She's going pay for that!

I grabbed her by the waist, slightly picking her up, attempting to drop her on the bed that was behind her, but instead of it being graceful, I too fell on the bed, half falling on top of her. Her laughter was uncontrollable, as she held her stomach, trying to calm down. It was so nice to see her like this again. She was back. She was the girl I knew so well years ago. I knew she was still the same Faith.

Only after she managed to stop laughing, she turned her attention back onto my leather wallet that was still in her hands.

"Oh, my goodness," she said, looking at the photo, "I just can't believe this is us." She started to laugh again. Her eyes were watering from all the laughing. Every time I'd hear her laugh, I couldn't help but laugh along. It was surreal and I couldn't even explain it into words. I tell myself to forget about how weird it all feels, but I can't help it. Faith was dead in my books. She passed away at age seventeen. And now she's next to me. Her body was touching mine. And it was all real. It wasn't a dream, though, I had to constantly check since I've had dreams like these various times.

"The photo isn't that ridiculous," I rolled my eyes, but my laughter didn't wear off as slid off from Faith so I was lying beside her now, looking at the photo in Faith's hand. The photo portrayed Faith and I when we were seven, where Faith was dressed up as Jerry from Tom and Jerry, and I was Tom. We used to adore that show.

"It's awesome to have you back," I said and all of a sudden my body jerked forward, grabbing her in my arms and pulling her small frame on top of mine. I don't think too much of my actions when I was slightly drunk, my body just decides things for me and I do them. Just like how I tend to write the best lyrics when I'm slightly tipsy because I tend to just write out anything that I think of. And a surprising 70% of all the things I write tend to make it to our albums.

She looked down at me, our foreheads nearly touching as her eyes shined in the light. I was so at bliss as I watched her bite her bottom lip as if she was nervous, but she quickly let it go, a smile forming on her lips instead.

Knock Knock

The door was loud and I knew it was Louis, who we have invited over at six. Was it that time already? We must have completely lost track of time since we had first started decorating my room at about three. (Although we didn't do anything other than blow up about five balloons before being sidetracked the entire time.)

Faith quickly pressed her lips onto my cheek before sliding off my body and making her way to the door, swinging it open.

"May I enter?" I heard Liam's voice say politely, although Louis didn't bother, as he was already walking into the room.

"Oh god!" Louis screeched loudly, covering his eyes.

"What mate?" Liam asked, walking in with a bottle of Champaign. I loved these lads, they took my mini-parties that I'd randomly plan so seriously. They were even dressed up, wearing quite snazzy outfits. Louis came in wearing red pants with suspenders going over his white polo, while Liam was wearing Green colored skinny jeans with a button up lighter green shirt. He pretty much looked like a walking broccoli, but I still appreciated their effort to look nice for my random party.

"Niall and Faith were obviously, mmmhhmm," he said pointing to me with one hand, but he still had the other covering his eyes. I only then realize that I was still laying on the bed.

"Silly!" Faith giggled, lightly hitting Louis's shoulder, still, it was enough o make Louis pout and rub his arm.

"We were only playing," Faith continued to laugh, picking up her second glass of the amazing screwdriver I've made for her. (We had to use orange juice with pulp instead of regular orange juice, but it still tasted amazing.)

"Right, 'playing,'" Louis air quoted the words 'playing,' "kids now a days and their damn slang words." He joked, sitting down next to me on the bed, as Liam poured him and Louis a glass of the Champaign he had brought.


••Feb 7, 2013••

"Could we play truth or dare?" I pressed on for the third time. It's like no one here listened to me, or maybe they were all just too drunk.

"I already said I want to play!" Faith, who was sitting between me and Niall laid her head on my shoulder as if she was tired. I don't blame her though, it had to be about midnight by now. We had been here playing games like monopoly for hours. Of course, as I expected, I won by far. I owned all the utility properties and then I added homes to the most expensive lots. I was invincible.

"Your girl agrees with me and wants to play truth or dare!" My voice came out much louder than I expected, which made Liam jump. He was the only one that wasn't too drunk.

"Alright Lou," Liam nodded as we all readjusted our seating, that way we were all sitting in a circle on the carpeted floor of Niall's bedroom.

"I go first," I said, putting my hand up, excitedly.

"I don't know how to play," Faith said quickly, as she ran her fingers with her shoulder length hair.

"Don't worry," I waved her off, shrugging, "it's an easy game, you just do what the person asks or tells you to do; you'll catch on quickly."

She nodded as I continued hurriedly, not wanting to let another moment pass, "Niall, truth or dare?"

"Obviously dare," he said, as if I was supposed to know. (Yes, I did know he would chose that, he always did, and that was exactly why I wanted to play this game.)

"Perfect!" I jumped up in excitement, "I dare you to snog Faith!" My excitement radiated through my body as I grinned widely at Niall's surprised expression.

"What?" Niall replied, but to my surprise, Faith, who was sitting next to him simply turned to him, put her left hand on his cheeks, turning his head towards her and pressed her lips onto hers.

Um, you're welcome?

She seemed more eager to snog him than I expected. Although, I wasn't dumb to not notice their random eye contact that made monopoly a bit weird, but I wanted this to happen. She was genuinely sweet, and knowing Niall, he wouldn't get past a hug. So that is why he had uncle Louis to save the day. One day they'll thank me.

Instead of the kiss ending in a few seconds as I expected, I was quickly proven wrong. Since, after ten long awkwardly long seconds, Niall placed both his hands on Faith's waist and pulled her closer to him by laying back on the carpet behind him and pulling Faith's body on top of his. Their lips didn't part.

"What have I done?!" I squawked at the loudest voice I could possible make, standing up, making the two part, but they didn't even care to look my way, while they grossly looked at each other's eyes. "I'm done, this is officially weird."

"I mean, it's kind of your fault," Liam commented, but I didn't care to reply as I gathered my things.

"Have a wonderful night," I walked out of the room. Although I walked out as if I was annoyed, which I was since it was definitely disgusting, I didn't mean it. I felt happy. Niall had spoken of Faith for years. Ever since I've met him at X-Factor, he'd tell me things about her, and he was clearly head over heels in love with this girl.

I smiled to myself as I entered my bedroom.

I loved seeing Niall happy. And if this girl made him happy, then I knew that I had to torture myself to play a little truth or dare to get them to get over the awkward boundary that they'd put up between them. I mean, it was already obvious that they were perfect for each other. They just needed a little bit of Louis to help them out.  


Happy weekend everyone! I took all week to re-read this story so I could remember everything that was going on, as well as my billions notes on this story. (Yes, it's been so long that even the author forgot her own story, God, that's saying something.) That being said, I want to post more often. (And yes, I've said this a million times, but I mean, it's a few days till my 21st birthday and it was my goal ages ago to finish by summer of my 21st year.   If I don't, I ruined the only goal I've ever had for myself.  So that just means this is serious business guys.) 

Oh and to [hopefully] receive your forgiveness for posting literally ages since my last update, I wrote a pretty long chapter.  So, forgive me? 

Any who, I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, and I promise you'll hear from me sooner than later :)

Tina, x

(PS: Pleaaasseeee comment!  It brings smiles to my face and motivates me to post another chapter sooner, ehehehe) 

(PSS: If that bribery for a comment didn't work, Faith & Niall finally kissed.  C'mon, I expect some type of reaction.  Even I've been excited for this to finally happen. lol. ok bye! =] )

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