My Cinderella Story (Be Mine...

By k00lios

142K 5.3K 407

Love. To some it's a new beginning, a fairy tale in its making, something that brings two people together. To... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 15

4K 176 7
By k00lios

Hey all!! Sorry for updating so late! Please forgive me! To make it up to you guys I'm updating three chapters today so enjoy, vote and comment! =)

After explaining to Christian over and over again that I had nothing to do with Jenny bringing Tyler along and apologizing for not telling them that Jenny was "seeing" someone else, he finally lets me off with a huge dark hickey on my neck. He claims it's for other men's safety, so he doesn't have to waste time beating someone if they come near me. Possessive much?

It was finally game day and I still can't get a hold of Jenny from last night. I really, really hope she's okay. I have no clue what happened after she left with Avery and Christian isn't telling me anything.

I slipped on my burgundy colored turtle neck hiding the hickey which will probably piss off Christian but it's just too embarrassing to show, so too bad for him. Checking myself in my mirror one last time, I grab my bag and head out the door ready to support him and everyone else.

When I arrived at the field, it was halfway packed already with students and parents from both school. I texted Christian to let him know I was here and he replied with meet him in the locker room. When I entered the male's locker room, the boys whistle and cheer. I was so embarrassed and can feel my cheeks warm up. I walked in further, when a hand grabs my waist causing me to shriek. I turn around meeting Christian's playful smirk.

"Jerk, I thought you were someone else," I play punch him on the shoulder.

He pulls me into his embrace breathing in my scent making my body hotter and hotter by the second.

"Everyone knows not to touch you. You belong to me." He breaths down my neck sending a pleasurable sensation to my core.

"It's embarrassing, everyone's watching us," I said yet I didn't make an attempt to move away from him.

"Good let them so they know you're mine," he pulls his head from my shoulder and look me in the eye.

I reach out and touch his smooth shaven face tracing the edges of his jaw. He grabs my wrist and gently kiss my palm making me smile. Damn, I love him. Love him so much.

"Good luck today baby," I said. Getting on my tippy toes, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. He quickly responded pressing me closer to him kissing me back.

Shouts and cheers can be heard from all around us but I can careless. Like Christian said, let them know I'm his and he is mine.


It was past half time already and we were behind two touchdowns. Avery keeps messing up, his head elsewhere constantly looking to where Sarah and I were sitting and the empty seat beside us. Us three were specially saved three seats right in the front row but still Jenny didn't show and Avery wasn't doing so well and Christian was getting frustrated. If this continue, we will definitely lose.

There was ten minutes left and currently Avery was running with the football in hand when a man twice his size tackled him down so hard the crowd went silent waiting to see if he gets up. I can see Christian and Tom running over to him and panic settle in my gut.

"Shit get up Avery," Sarah quietly said.


Sarah and I looked frantically trying to find the voice. Not too far in the distance, Jenny was running towards where we were sitting.

Repeatedly, she shouts words of encouragement to him until she was right next to me.

"Hi ladies, sorry I'm late!" she huffs out of breath, "Get up baby and whoop some butts!"

Sarah and I both laughed and joined her cheering. Slowly but surely, Avery gets up and looks directly at Jenny a huge grin on his face. He jogs over to us and reaching up he pulls her towards him giving her a kiss before returning. Sarah and I shriek in excitement. My gaze turns to Christian and I give him an encouraging nod with a smile. This game is ours.


Fifteen minutes later and the final buzzer goes off. The final score 28-21. The team was able to catch up and win the game with three touchdowns. Everyone in the crowd was cheering and the team jumped excitingly giving each other hugs and high fives. Jenny, Sarah, and I joined the boys on the field.

"I knew you guys could do it!" I laughed jumping into Christian's arms. He swings me one full circle around before putting me down and kissing me hard on the lips.

"It's because you're my lucky charm." He said breaking the kiss making me blush.

"We have to celebrate tonight!" Sarah said breaking us up grabbing us in each of her arm.

We turn to Avery, Jenny and Tom and they all look just as excited and happy as us.

"We definitely have to!" Tom said.

"Agree!" said Jenny and Avery at the same time.

"Alright my place," Christian said.

"It's Amelia"

Christian's voice sounded from somewhere and we all look to see where the sound was coming from. On the score screen a video popped up.

"Are you going to tell her?" the Tom on the screen says.

"I didn't pretend to like her in the first place and you guys didn't pretend to befriend her just so we can expose her during the big game to the whole town" Screen Christian replies.

"How were we supposed to expose Amelia anyways? Grab a mic and call her down and then say just kidding we never liked you and you're not good enough for us. You're just a stupid bitch that we wanted to ruin. And when Avery started dating her best friend, that just ruined the whole plan anyways." Screen Sarah says and then giggle.

The scene of the four best friends, and their words replay over and over again on the big screen. I pulled my arms away from Sarah backing away from them. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing.

All their eyes were on me now, no not just them, the whole damn town. My body feels like it was being lit on fire and burn alive with their gazes. Hush whispers surrounded us. I looked into the eyes of each and every one of them, Sarah, Tom, Avery, and then Christian. Tears swelled up in my eyes at the sight of him. This can't be real. They all seem to be just as shock as I am, as if this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. I turn my gaze to Jenny who had step towards me, immediately I knew, she knew about it. I stepped away from her and she stop her advance towards me, looking as guilty as ever.

"Man, I knew it! You wouldn't fall for someone like her," a teammate smack Christian on the back smiling and breaking the silence.

I look at him, the tears I held falling down my face. He didn't react to the guy but instead steps towards me.

"Amelia," he whispered loud enough for me to hear. I took one step back. People all around me start making horrible remarks.

"She was never good enough for him."

"She's ugly as hell."

"She's fat."

"Christian played her."

"That's what she gets for thinking she can fit in."

I wrap my arms around myself to try and stop the shaking. Suddenly, something hits me on the head before falling to the ground. Something wet and cold starts dripping from my hair to my forehead. I look down to see what was thrown at me, I almost wanted to laugh. A hotdog, covered in ketchup and mustard. Everyone around me starts laughing, everyone but them.

More tears fall as everything starts to make sense, and I finally realize how stupid of a human being I really am. I bite my trembling lips and look back up wiping the ketchup mix with mustard dripping on my face with the back of my hand.

"Amelia, listen it's not what you think –" Christian said but I cut him off.

"I understand, you don't have to explain," I said refusing to meet his eyes.

"None of you have too."

"No Amelia you have to listen!" Christian cried out coming at me and taking my wrists in his hands. The crowd starts booing loudly which only cause me to pull my hands away from him.

"Please, don't embarrass me any more than you already have," I croaked my voice breaking. Swiftly I turn away and ran from the field, the crowd, the noise and Christian.

I can hear him calling my name sounding more and more distant as his voice fade away and my own voice scream loudly in my head. It was a lie. All of it. Christian, he never loved me.



I watch as Amelia's back disappear, anger and fear like never before seep through me. What the hell was going on here? When the video started playing, my heart literally dropped to the pit of my stomach. Someone had done this, recorded us and cut and edit the video perfectly so that it seems we wanted this to happen. But no, it wasn't us, and had nothing to do with us.

"Avery," I breath, "find out who did this. NOW." Without looking to see his reaction, I dashed off after Amelia. I have to explain it to her no matter what. She has to know I love her and I refuse to lose her.


It was super late already and I couldn't find her anywhere in this damn small town. I thought she went home but she didn't, I looked at her work places but she wasn't there. Not at the park either. I shouldn't have let her run off on me. I was just in shock and I really didn't know what to say to her or how to explain it.

I wipe my sweaty palms on my dirty uniform which I had yet changed out from as I walk into my house. If not for Avery's call about finding the culprit of this mess, I would still be out there looking for her. Avery, Sarah, Tom and Jenny were all already there waiting for me.

"Did you guys have any luck finding her?" I said defeated. They all shook their head slowly. Fuck me!

I punched the wall beside me denting it and cutting my knuckles open, sure that I startled everyone. Blood drips down my hand slowly but I can careless.

"Who the fuck did this? Where are they?"

"I don't know who it is yet but my men called and said they caught the culprits, two of them." Avery replied.

"Where are they?"

"My family's warehouse, outskirts of town."

"Let's go." Whoever did this, is going to regret every second of it.

I turn to leave first and can hear Avery and Tom trying to convince the girls to stay behind but Sarah wasn't going to have any of it. At this point I didn't give a fuck to who was going to witness me possibly murdering someone.

No more than twenty minutes later, we arrived in two cars outside of Avery's family warehouse, which at this time of the night looks as terrifying as an abandon haunted one. My knuckles were constantly itching, having the need to release some tensed up anger.

A man came jogging towards us as we got out of the cars, "We tied them up inside. It's two male."

Without saying another word, I push pass him and entered the warehouse. Whoever these guys were better start praying because when I was through with them, they're going to wish they were dead.

The two chairs sat in the middle of the large room and on each chair a body was tied to each. I wasted no time and stride over looking at each very familiar faces that only boils my blood more.

A gasp came from behind me from Jenny's mouth upon seeing the bruised face man sitting in front of us. "Tyler," she choked.

Yes fucken Tyler was sitting there with a smug grin on his face. And right next to him, a not so confident Erik whose eyes automatically found Sarah's. These two did this? Sarah's ex and Jenny's so called new guy friend.

"Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show. Where's the chubby redhead?" Tyler taunted.

My fist immediately swings and connect with his already bruised jaw. The cracking sound vibrating thought out the building. He coughs a couple times before spitting blood out and turning to smile at me again.

"Hi Jenny," he said turning to her. Jenny stood there shaking with the look of disbelief on her face.

"Why?" she barely whispers.

"Why not? You see Erik here is my best friend," he looks at the man who has yet to speak, "Remember beating him? This here is a little payback for that. Thanks to Sarah and Jenny of course."

"What do you mean?" Sarah said anger laced within every word.

"C'mon babe," Erik finally speaks, "remember you told me everything about your evil plan to ruin the girl. I remember clearly."

"And thanks to Jenny being so desperate to make you jealous," he directed his gaze at Avery, "I was lucky enough to just capture the moment on camera."

Avery lunge at him, tipping over both him and the chair.

"Leave girls," I ordered, "You guys don't wanna see this."


If I were a murderer, both Erik and Tyler would have been six feet under. Regardless, we made sure they regretted ever being born.

It was the next day and I still haven't seen or even been able to contact Amelia. I stare at my phone hopelessly wishing that she would call or even just text relying to my hundred text messages I sent her but nothing. I know for a fact I'm going to have to work an arm and a leg to get her back but it doesn't matter because she's worth it. If I have to crawl on my knees, I will. So long as she gives me another chance.

Jenny suggested that we give her some time to think and gather her emotions before we going tearing down her door. I doubt I can hold out for that long before barging into her house looking for her. I was so worried it made me sick.

My phone starts ringing and a tiny hope sparks within me, but seeing the name on the screen completely destroy it.

"What do you want Avery?" I said rubbing the bridge on my nose.

"Dude you need to come here now! Amelia's." his voiced sounded so panic, my heart started racing.

Amelia's front door was open and I allowed myself in finding everyone in her living room. Jenny was bawling her eyes out nonstop and Avery was trying to calm her down.

"'s all my fault! I should have told her, I never should have...Tyler" she sniffs.

"What happen?" I asked getting everyone's attention.

Sarah's stands up and hands me a paper, her eyes wet from crying.

"She's gone," she choked.

I took the letter out of her hand and started reading. It was addressed to Jenny.


I thought I should at least say goodbye to you since you've been my best friend and probably my only friend. I want you to know that I've forgiven you. I'm sure you had a good reason for not telling me and I'm okay with that. I should have known better anyways. I guess along the way, I forgot who I was. That I was only Amelia, the chubby redheaded girl who hides from the world. The girl who even her own brother hate. I was blinded by friendships I have secretly seek to have and the greatest love from a man I will never compare too. Regardless, the short lived fairy tale was probably one of the best time of my life and one I will forever remember. I just wished it never came to an end, at least not this way. Please tell everyone that I don't blame them at all. And Christian...I guess I have nothing to say, it wasn't real. Anyways, thank you for always being there for me, for always supporting me, and for being my friend.


There were tear stains smudging some of the ink on the paper. Crumbling the paper I toss it on the floor.

"This isn't real..." I whispered, "This isn't real!!"

"Amelia!" I ran to her room, my frantic heart causing a nauseating feeling to set in my stomach. She wasn't there. Quickly I open her closet and notice that half of her clothing were missing along with the photos that stuck to her closet door.

"No. no. no. no." I backed away.

Turning around I scan her room for any kind of hint of her still here. My eyes land on the covered easel in the corner. Walking to it I lift off the white cloth with a shaky hand. There lies the now finished painting of me. Slowly I trace my fingers over the paint. Grabbing the painting, I clutch it against my chest and fell to my knees.

"Amelia...Amelia! My voice crack and I break down holding onto the painting like my life depended on it. For the first time in a long time, I cry.



I stare at the water crashing violently at the dark jagged rocks below. The streams of tears falling loosely blending in with the pouring rain tasted like sea water upon touching my lips.

"I've lost everything mom. I just can't go on anymore." My cries were drown by the raging storm of the sky and sea below. "Neither heaven or hell wants me."

After holding on for so long, I finally decided to release the pain and anger to the world. The screams came loud and pierce right through the wind.

After releasing all the pent up pain and anger from my mind and body, I felt weak. "I'm coming home to you mom. I'm coming to find you." My voice was barely audible and breathless.

Taking careful steps closer to the edge of the cliff regulating my breathing and sobs. Looking down I begin to count. One...two...three...jump. 

A/N: OMG! Did you guys expected it to happen like this?

But yes the secrets finally out. And don't we all just hate Tyler right now? We all were feeling bad for him but he planned the whole thing. 

Okay, WARNING! The next chapter is going to come as a shocker for many of you guys but just so you know, this was something that I had plan on doing way in the beginning of the story. 

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