Their Next Chapter

By donmaryfan

118K 2.7K 367

This story follows Love is the Best Medicine. I wrote this about 4 years ago. I only have a few chapters of i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85

Chapter 2

1.5K 27 1
By donmaryfan

The next night Don was released from the hospital; and per his wishes Meryl was happy she was able to keep it from the family. She was relieved that neither of them had received any calls from his mother or the rest of the family. She was even HAPPIER that she was able to keep it out of the press. This was her family, and she didn't want Don exposed more than he already was. They just told his mom and family they would be there later than expected. Meryl wanted to make sure he had time to heal so the family wouldn't know. She was also hell bent on finding out who did this to her husband; even though in her heart and mind she knew exactly who was responsible.


"Hello?" Meryl said quietly as she hurriedly answered the phone in living area of their hotel suite; not wanting it to wake up Don. "Yes, this is her, yes. It was her? Yes. I need to talk with my husband and we will get back to you on how we would like to proceed. Thank you, thank you very much."

Don could hear his wife in the other room and wondered why she wasn't still in bed with him. "Babe?"

"Go back to sleep, baby." Meryl yelled back as she dialed the front desk. "Yes, is Teresa Gillespie still a guest? Great. What room? Thank you?"

Don walked in as Meryl wrote something on the pad of paper hurriedly. "There you are."

"Hey, baby." Meryl said quickly getting up and giving him a good morning kiss as she cupped his handsome face in her hands. "How are you this morning?"

Don smiled sheepishly. "Pretty shaky."

"I was afraid of that. Go ahead and rest while I go get you some breakfast, maybe getting some food into you will help. This time, don't leave and scare me like that." Meryl said with a kiss to his forehead.

Don pulled her back to him. "I have a much better idea than you leaving me all alone in this big hotel suite. Why don't we just cuddle?"

"You're something else." Meryl laughed as she escaped his hold. "I really want you to rest and get something into your system. I promise you we will when I get back."

Don sighed as she closed the door and went over to the desk to write down some thoughts he had for his speech when he saw notes Meryl had scribbled down; causing him to rush to the door. "HELL NO!"


"MARY LOUISE." Don yelled as he ran, as much as he was able, down the hallway of where Teresa Gillespie's room was. "Don't think about it."

Meryl whipped around and came face to face with her red faced husband. "Don? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Don huffed and puffed. "I'm not going to let my wife ANYWHERE near that psycho. No way in hell!"

Tears sprang to Meryl's eyes. "But she...she tried to take you away from me again. I'm so tired of it, Don. I'm so tired of things happening to you. I'm so tired of the fear of losing you. "

"I know, baby, me too." Don sighed as he pulled her to him and kissed the top of her head. "I'm tired of it too; but I could lose you if you piss her off; and the fear of losing you overwhelms me. I can't, I won't, let that happen."

Meryl looked up and cupped his cheek. "Are you okay?"

"Will you come back to the suite and talk to me, please?" Don asked.

Meryl caved. "Come on, handsome."


"Don." Meryl sighed.

Don looked at his watch while taking her pulse. "How's your heart?"

"Physically its fine, babe." Meryl choked.

Don nodded as he gently kissed her lips. "Baby, I'm okay; really."

"I know and I am so happy and grateful." Meryl began as Don nodded knowing there was more. "Don, she drugged you. First of all, she could have killed you. Second of all, she tried to take you away from me. She tried to make me think something happened between the two of you."

Don grabbed her face. "NOTHING did!"

"I know that; of course I know that." Meryl said with a kiss to his lips. "What am I supposed to do, Don? Let the woman who drugged you, who tried to kill and get you to be unfaithful, which I know you would never be, go off scot free?"

Don played with her wedding ring. "No; but you're also not supposed to put yourself in danger. She was an utter bitch to you in the hospital."

"So, what am I supposed to do?" Meryl asked.

Don smiled at her. "Do you have proof?"

"Yes." Meryl nodded. "The police asked if we want to press charges."

Don knew his wife would erupt at his answer. "No, I don't."

"EXCUSE ME?!" Meryl erupted.

Don gently kissed her lips.  "I don't want it for us, for our family. I don't want to go through a whole stupid trial. I want to forget about her. I don't want you near her. I don't want her to hurt us more than she already has."

"So we don't do anything?" Meryl asked.

Don shrugged. "I want some kind of injunction against her so she can't hurt you or the kids."

"Or you." Meryl emphasized.

Don smiled as he stroked her cheek. "Can we please move on; together?"

"I love you, Donald James Gummer; you know that?" Meryl choked as she leaned her forehead against his.

"Better than I know my own name." Don whispered. "And I love you, Meryl Gummer."


After Don and Meryl went and met with the doctor at the eye institute, they went out to his mother's house where the rest of the family was congregating. "I don't know about this."

"Babe, I'm fine." Don tried to encourage as Meryl pulled up to the house he grew up in, that help some pretty bad memories. "The doctor released me, and we are stopping Teresa. This was supposed to be a fun time with the family."

Meryl sighed as she parked the car and looked at the big house. "This place has never been the source of fun or happiness."

"Yes, it has." Don said with a kiss to her hand. "Every time you've been here with me."

Meryl wrinkled her nose at him. "Sweet talker."

"Are you okay?" Don asked seriously.

Meryl smiled widely at him. "I'm with the man of my dreams, here in a town that he has given so much to, and I get to watch him show the world how remarkable he is. Yeah, I'm perfect."

"Now who's the sweet talker?" Don asked with a kiss to her lips. "Come on baby; let's go face those crazy Gummers."


Don and Meryl were enjoying a nice visit with his mom, nieces, nephews, brothers, and sisters-in-law; waiting for their own kids to arrive when his nephew Billy came in with a friend of Don's brother, Topper. "Uncle Don! You up for a game of softball?"

"Who's the cutie?" Don heard Meryl ask her sister-in-law.

Kate giggled. "A YOUNG friend of Topper's."

"I can tell." Meryl teased as she took a drink from her iced tea.

The conversation and looks between the two women didn't go unnoticed by Don. "Yeah, I'm in."

"Excuse me?!" Meryl exclaimed as she almost spit out her tea. "You're not serious; you can't play!"

Don shook his head. "Have you forgotten all the teams I've been on?"

"Not for years!" Meryl pointed out.

Billy was getting a kick out of this. "I guess the wife thinks you're too old, Uncle Don. Right, Aunt M?"

"Yes." Meryl laughed then saw the look on his face. "I mean no, I mean you just had hip and knee surgery."

Don shook his head as he got up. "I'm fine; let me go grab my sneakers from the car and I'll be out there."

"This should be good." Billy laughed as he walked off with Trevor, Topper's friend.

Meryl ran after Don. "Babe, you can't be serious?"

"I'm not some old fart, M." Don shook his head at his wife.

Meryl stood outside the car as he put his shoes on. "I know, but you were drugged a few days ago; not to mention all your recent surgeries."

"The doc has said I'm healthier than I have been in years." Don said standing up and gave her a kiss. "Come on, don't you want to see your man show those punks how it's done?"

Meryl shook her head and whispered to herself as she followed him into the back yard. "This should be good."


"Stupid man." Meryl shook her head as she and Kate watched their husbands and much younger kids and friends play baseball. "He just had a hip AND knee replacement."

Kate laughed. "They're men...what can I say? Jack has no business playing either."

"He thinks he's 20 again." Meryl laughed.

Kate shook her head. "It's just a game."

"No, I mean in EVERY part of his life." Meryl lowered her sunglasses and winked.

Kate almost choked on her lemonade. "You complaining?"

"Not until he thinks he can play softball with these young ones." Meryl laughed. "I don't want what he does out here to affect him in other areas."

Don looked back at his wife and extended his forearms as he got ready to bat; he knew how his forearms drove her crazy. "This one's for you, M."

"Show me what you got, stud." Meryl played along as her eyes were glued to his forearms and she got lost in her consuming desire for him. Meryl couldn't believe her eyes as her husband hit one out into the back woods. She got up and jumped. "GO, DON MAN, GO!"

"That's how it's done, boys." Don looked back at his wife jumping up and down for HIM, and not that young show off Trevor. As he rounded third base he felt his ankle roll and pop. "Fuck!"

Meryl ran over to Don. "Babe?"

"I did it." Don winced in pain as he looked up at her. "I showed those babies how it's done."

Meryl laughed as she kissed his lips and wiped the dirt from his face. "Yeah babe, you did; now you're going to have to deal with me."


Meryl was glad Jane was taking a nap when she got Don inside; she didn't want her worrying about him. While everyone else was outside, Meryl got him settled in the den on the sofa, and after propping his foot up she went to get him ice. She wasn't happy what she saw when she came back in. "Donald James Gummer, what in the world do you think you're doing?"

Don looked up at her. "I tried to tell you I'm fine."

"Bull shit, Gummer." Meryl said as she watched him hobble. "Sit that cute ass down."

Don rolled his eyes. "You really are over-reacting. Damn that ice is cold. Could you not warm it up?"

"Warm up ice?" Meryl asked as she raised her eyebrow. "You're such a baby. This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been out there playing."

Don winced. "I may look like an old man, but I'm not."

"You don't look like one; and that was some hit." Meryl said with a kiss to his lips. "But what on earth possessed you to turn the bases like that?"

Don grew red. "I was trying to show off."

"For who? The boys?" Meryl asked.

Don was really embarrassed; he knew he was being an ass and didn't need to impress her. "You."

"Yeah, right." Meryl laughed until she saw the look on his face. How long had they been married? How much did she love him and he still wanted to show off for her? "You're serious; why?"

Don shrugged. "You thought I was too old and were gushing over Trevor; I wanted to show you that I've still got it."

"Baby, trust me, I know you've still got it." Meryl said with a kiss to his lips. "It wasn't because I think you're too old, I know you're in good health and shape...NOW. Don man, it wasn't that long ago you were lingering between life and death. Hell, you could have died the other night when you were drugged. That's why I was so concerned."

Don nodded as he kissed her left ring finger. "I know, babe, I just don't want you to go looking for a younger, fitter model."

"That, my love, would never ever happen." Meryl choked as she leaned her forehead against his. "I'm head over heels in love with you, and I don't know what I do without you, your heart...and your forearms."

Don laughed as he kissed her. "So damn predictable."


Meryl was relieved that once the swelling went down on Don's ankle that he was able to put weight on it; he had just twisted it wrong and it needed ice and to be elevated throughout the day. She swore that she was becoming grayer by the day due to worrying about him; but she wouldn't have it any other way. Meryl was worried about how Don would feel around his family with the truth about his paternity hanging over him like a very dark cloud; especially after he confessed to her that he wasn't sure how to feel around his brothers anymore. Meryl couldn't help but notice that Don seemed to keep his distance from his brothers and mother. Yeah, he participated in full family conversations and activities; but stayed away from any one-on-one time with his mother or any of his brothers. She knew he would always have issues with his mother because of James and how Jane treated Meryl, but she had hoped that would be better after Jane apologized to Meryl at Mamie's wedding. She was incredibly relieved when they cornered him and forced some brotherly bonding time while he was sitting in the library and checking emails on his phone. She hated to interrupt them, but she knew her mother-in-law wanted a family picture. As she approached the library her heart stopped at what she saw and heard; she couldn't help but notice how her husband seemed withdrawn. She understood why when she heard the conversation.

"You're pretty quiet, D." Jack commented.

Don shrugged his shoulders as he took a swig of his beer. "I just have different memories, and a different child than all of you."

"How is that possible?" Topper asked. "I mean we all grew up in the same house and have the same parents."

Bill shook his head. "It was almost like you were never quite like us. I don't know how to explain it. I mean Dad treated you different than the rest of us. Why did he hate you so much?"

"Son of a bitch." Meryl silently swore to herself. Her heart literally hurt when she saw the pain and anguish written all over her husband's face.

"What can I say?" Don tried to laugh. "Some of us are just blacksheeps."

Meryl couldn't hear anymore, there was something she needed to do. After asking Mamie to keep a close eye on her father, Meryl went on a mission.


Don needed a break and as he walked towards the kitchen he saw his daughter. He just needed some time with HIS family. With Meryl and the kids.  "Hey, Mames."

"Hi, Daddy; how are you feeling?"

Don shook his head and laughed. Mamie always reminded him of Meryl, but especially then. "Are you channeling your mother, now?"

"I told her I'd look after you while she was gone." Mamie answered as they walked into the kitchen.

Don had a confused look on his face. "Gone? Where did she go?"

"I'm not really sure; she just said she had to go for a walk." Mamie said looking down at her phone. "I'll be back; Ben and I need to go pick up Henry and Gracie from the airport. Tell Grandma not to worry, we'll be back for dinner."

"Be safe." Don said with a kiss to her cheek. Don went over to the sink to get some water, when his eyes were caught on a figure moving swiftly across the yard. He knew who it was, and he knew where she was going. Don sighed and took after her.


It took Don longer than he wanted to catch up with his wife; who had practically ran to James' grave at the family cemetery on the family's property in rural Indianapolis. While his ankle was much better and he could walk on it, he was still slower than he wanted. He stopped and stayed a few feet away as he listened to his wife; he thought she might need privacy but he was also worried about her. Knowing she needed this, but he didn't want her to get too worked up. It was obvious she had been yelling for awhile.

"Above all else; above what you have done to me and my children, I hate you most for what you have done to my husband. Who gives a shit you weren't the fucking sperm donor? YOU chose to raise him and you should have done that with love and acceptance. NO child deserves what you did to Don, no son deserves that. It makes me sick. You make me sick. I hope you are rotting in hell for how you treated him. I guess the ultimate revenge is he is NOT like you, he is nothing like you. He is the best man in the world, and I will never forgive..."

Don was starting to get worried; he could tell her breathing was getting shallow as she began to sob. Don went up to Meryl and took her in his arms and held her up as she sobbed. "Baby, he's gone; it's okay. I need you to calm down for me, beautiful. He can't hurt me, he can't hurt you, and he can't hurt our family anymore. He will NEVER hurt us again, baby."

"I hate him...Don...hate him." Meryl cried.

Don pulled away and tenderly kissed her lips as he wiped her tears. "Babe, look into my eyes and take some deep breaths for me. We don't want your blood pressure or heart rate to get out of control."

"I love you." Meryl whispered as her breathing became even and she slowly stopped crying.

Don placed a hard kiss on her lips and took her hand in his. "And I love you, so much; you're coming with me."


Don had every intention of taking Meryl to the pond on the family property, the place where they always went for some private time when they were out at his family's place. Unfortunately, Louisa came after them and said her Grandma wanted dinner now and then a family picture when Ben, Mamie, Grace and Henry got back. Meryl gave his hand a squeeze and followed their daughter inside. Don sighed as he followed, knowing it would be awhile until he got her alone and could find out what happened. The last thing he wanted was for them to endure a family dinner with everything that had transpired, but he really didn't have much of a choice. The only time he let her out of his sight was when she went to clean herself up in the bathroom before anyone knew something had happened. Don was driving himself crazy wondering what could have driven his wife to go and "talk" to James. He wondered if his brothers said something; or more likely his mother. She had been fine all day and then this. Don couldn't wait to get done with the "family thing" so he could find out what happened with his wife.


Meryl was quiet as she drove them back to the hotel, and Don didn't want to push her to talk just yet. He just rubbed her leg, her head, and shoulders. As soon as they got back to the hotel Louisa called her with a question about the next day. Don knew his wife needed to relax, and he needed to make sure she stayed calm; he knew a romantic bath would help. He started the bath and put some of her good smelling soap in it, then he turned off the lights and lit the candles that were in there, and finally he sat his iPhone on the counter which contained "their" playlist on the iPod. It was perfect. He stripped down to his boxers and found his wife sitting on the bed taking off her jewelry. She looked so tired and worn that he hoped this would help. "Hey, beautiful."

"Well, hello sexy." Meryl finally smiled when she saw her husband standing there in only his boxers. "What's the occasion?"

Don walked over to her and pulled her up and close to him. "Do you know what would make my ankle feel better?"

"I'll bite." Meryl teased. "What?"

Don started to undress her. "A bath with my wife."


Don and Meryl were in the bath, with Meryl sitting in between his legs, and Don was happy that she seemed to finally be relaxing. He was rubbing her shoulders and placing kisses on them making her moan. "This feels amazing, just what I needed. How do you always know what I need?"

"Because we're one." Don answered honestly as he kissed the top of her head. "Babe, what happened tonight?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Meryl tensed up and Don stopped rubbing her shoulders. "Nooooo....don't stop....please."

Don whispered in her ear and turned her around. "Tell me what happened and I'll continue."

"Okay." Meryl choked as he placed his hands back on her shoulders and continued.

Don slowly kissed her lips. "Baby, he's gone, he has been for years. What brought that on?"

"I heard you and your brothers and I had to yell at someone, something, for what he did to you. I've watched you all day, Don Man, you felt like an outsider. We've been here for days but you haven't told anyone because you're trying to wrap your head around all of this. I know part of it has to do with Teresa, but part of it is him. HE is the one who agreed to raise you. Yet he treated you like shit. He made you feel like you're not good enough. You're the best person in the world and I'm tired of you being hurt. First it was him for all those years, then lately it was your health, then Teresa, and then in a way it was him again. I'm so fucking tired of it. You don't deserve it. You deserve the best, and in a way I guess I was trying to make sure you have it. By telling him off. Which I know I've done before, but I just needed to do it again."

Don nodded as he kissed her lips; glad she was staying calm. "Which you gave given me for the past 33 years-you, your love, and our family; I have the best because I have you. This may sound heartless, but I don't need them. Of course I love my brothers, their families, and my mother; but I don't need them. Not like I need you and our family. And in a way, he has brought us closer. His games and tricks brought us closer together; they didn't hurt us like he wanted. He can't touch us, baby, he never could. I'll sort all of this out. Babe, I can handle feeling like an outcast. But I can't handle losing you."

Meryl kissed him as she placed her hand over his that was on her heart. "You won't baby, I promise. I'm sorry, it's just..."

"It's been a lot of shit lately and being here hasn't helped." Don acknowledged.

Meryl nodded as she wrapped her arms and legs around him. "But THIS has."


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