Through the Good and The Bad

By Winterschild1922

51.1K 1.3K 61

Luke Bryan loses his wife Caroline to cancer. He continues to tour but when he is on break he decides he need... More

I need help
quality time
I'm here to help
i missed y'all
back home pt.1
Back home pt.2
Date night pt.1
Date night pt.2
In all honesty
Night one
Are you sure?
Our vacation
Heading home for the weekend
family time
family dinner
doing what he likes
back to Nashville
new year's Eve
Crash my playa
Crash my playa day 1
Crash my playa ~final day
Time to go back
Girls day
Valentine's Day
It's real
Buck or doe??
Almost time
Photo Shoot
Bonding time
All done
Time to go home
Baby photo shoot!
Will you.....
Girls Day
The big day
Kind of pretty i like

It's Time!

755 26 1
By Winterschild1922

(Kennly p.o.v)
I wake up at 2:30 am to the baby kicking. I sit up against the headboard  and rub my belly and talk to her to try and calm her down.  She calms down and i start to dose off when i feel my water break. I turn and shake luke. Luke wake up now! I say and shake him. What is it? He asks as he sits up and rubs his eyes. I need you to help me get dressed because it is time! I tell him. Oh alright! I'll get you some clothes.  He gets clothes and helps me get changed and gets me in the truck. He runs back in and tells til,  and grabs the bags and car seat. He puts the stuff in the truck, then he gets in and drives to the hospital. We get there he gets me checked in, they take me to a room and luke stays to fill out the paperwork.  They check me and tell me I'm 8 cm dilated and will have the baby in 2-3 hours. Luke comes in and i tell him. Well baby this is it, are you ready? He asks as he sits beside me on the bed and grabs my hand. Yes I'm ready to meet our sweet little baby girl. I tell him. Me to darlin.  He says as he kisses my head. I fall asleep on his shoulder. A contraction wakes me up. Hey the doctor just checked you and said you are at 9 cm, she said it shouldn't be too much longer and we'll have our little girl. Luke tells me. Ok. I tell him and lay back and smile up at him. He talks to my belly one last time, the doctor comes in and checks and says it is time.  They give luke a mask and gown to put on. The doctor tells me big pushes when she says.  Push! She says. She tells me a couple of more times. Alright this is the last push, give me a big push. She says. I push and the doctors shows us the baby. She is a beautiful baby girl. The doctor tells us. Luke cuts the umbilical cord and they take her to get her cleaned up and to do their tests. The nurse brings her back and lays her on my chest. Luke tells her all of information for the birth certificate and what we are naming her.

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