Accidental love

By nochillmad

125K 3.9K 1.8K

Some times love is accidental literally More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34 part 2
Chapter 34 part two and a half
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
39 part two
Chaper 40
40 fuckin5
The end
Youve been blessed‼️
And it begins, sequel out now

Chappter 32

1.9K 65 15
By nochillmad

(Lauren pov)
Fuck! I wish she would just answer the phone, I just wanna take her back already, I was such a ass too her yesterday... but it's not like she didn't deserve it.

I just wanna hold her in my arms and play with her curls.

But at the same time I just wanna kiss all over her face till she gets annoyed and locks me in hug jail.

These thoughts piled on my mind, as  boring ass professor brigs lectured his ass off about business And a bunch of other shit I didn't give it one fuck about.

Yawning I put my head down on the small table wanting too get a nap In.

I gently closed my eyes drifting in and out of consciences.

Unfortunately my nap was disturbed by my phone buzzing.

I swung my head up wiping the sleep out of my eyes, I groaned seeing this balled ass fucker is still lecturing a half hour later.

Manibear🐻😍🤤: Hey baby, hope your having a good day, I made diner so get home soon 😘😘.

I stared down at my phone for a minute reading the text over and over again.

Home as in we live together?, before I could question it I scurried shoving my shout in my pack and going 'home'.

I was able too slip out of class un noticed quickly making my way too the parking lot.

I got in my car pulling out, where the hell is home at?

Pulling out my phone, I swiped down on the notifications bar, looking at the frequent locations it said that home was 17 minuets away.

I'm really confused because I only live ten minutes away from the main campus.

But I followed it any ways, it led me too this big ass house, the car that I bought her was parked inn the drive way and My corvette next too it.

I turned the engine off after pulling up behind my car.

I noticed a flashy rainbow key on my key ring, who's house is this? Why are my cars here?

Walking too the front door of this house I looked around, this house is nice as hell.

I looked back down at my keys then the door, if this key unlocks the door I'm gonna lose my fucking mind.

Slowly I raised the key too the lock, sliding it in quickly then turning the lock quickly, it opened, the door really opened.

I was kinda scared I didn't wanna open the door, I was swung open quickly causing me too look up.

Isaac was there with a Big smile.
"Mama!" He yelled jumping into my arms.

I didn't grunt and struggle too lift him up like I usual. Jumping down he pulled me inside shutting the door behind us. I caught a glimpse of my self in the mirror right above the shoe rack.

I'm swole as fuck, my arms are big, looking down at my abs they look even better than they did before.

Isaac dragged me into the kitchen, where Mani was making dinner, it smelled absolutely amazing, I looked around seeing my thins around the house, do we live together now.

Am I high?, "I wasn't expecting you this soon"she said kissing my cheek.

"Where back together?" I asked still looking around.

She chuckled, "what are you talking about?" She asked opening the oven. She bent over grabbing garlic out of the oven.

I may not know what the fuck is going on but I know that ass is looking good.

"When did we get back together?" I asked still confused.

"Seven months ago, Remember our wedding then our baby?" She said sarcastically

"Baby?!" In asked extremely surprised.

"Babe are you okay?" She asked turning toward me, her stomach was big and round.

"Your pregnant!" I pointed with widened eyes.

"Yes, with your daughter Isabella" she said slowly so I could comprehend.

"Who?!, who did that too you?" I asked backing up.

"The doctor" she said confused.

"Your Cheating on me with a doctor?" I asked.


"The hell are you talking about, have you not heard of artificial insemination?"


"I didn't agree too this, that's not my baby!" I said running my fingers through my hair.

"What?" She asked with a voice crack.

She started too cry with nothing but pain in her face.

"I dinner know what's going on, I-, I- you weren't answering, I'm home- then you were cooking and pregnant" I stammered.

"Lauren stop fucking around, why would you play with me this whole time?"

"What!?", "I don't know what's going on I'm sorry" I replied.

"What do you mean!, were married with kids Lauren why are you doing this too me?"

"Married?" I asked spotting the ring on her finger.

"Who go you that?" I asked looking at the big rock.

"You did Lauren just please stop" she said turning her back too me.

I looked down seeming the not too much smaller diamond on my finger.

I took it off, examining it, engraved on it was was L+N with a arrow through it.

I furrowed my eyebrows still not understanding.

I looked back up when I heard her sniffling.

What was behind her caught my eye, I walked over too fridge seeing a picture.

It was dated six months ago, I was holding her from behind with the biggest smile on my face, I don't think I've ever looked that happy before.

She looked happy as well with her hands over mine, she had a small baby bump but she till looked absolutely gorgeous In her wedding dress. I had one on too but I didn't look as astonishingly breathtaking as she did.

Her sniffle knocked me back into reality, I slid my ring back on walking behind her and wrapping My arms around her securely.

I don't know what's going on but I believe her, everything I believe her.

"I'm sorry Baby I didn't mean it" I said kissing her cheek.

She continued crying burying her face in her hands.

I took the pan off the stove before turning it off, it was already done.

"Babe" I reached out putting my hand on her shoulder.

"No!" She said moving from my touch.

"You don't want too have this baby with me?" She asked wiping tears from her eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean that" I said trying too get her too stop crying.

"Your an asshole" she said trying too push past me.

I stopped her, wrapping my arms around her securely

"I'm sorry baby" I said rubbing on her big round belly.

She kept crying trying too escape.

"Stop, I'm sorry Mani" I repeated apologetically.

She turned around and punched me in the chest, "your always fucking with me"

I grabbed my chest, her 30 second pregnancy gave her super strength.

"Damn Mani I'm a girl" I said rubbing the spot she punched.

She busted out laughing unzipping my jacket then kissing my bare chest.

She punched me again,"why don't you Have a shirt on?" She asked pushing her body aghast mine, I swear she's so bi polar wasn't she just crying?

"It's hot outside" I said rubbing  the spot she hit.

"It's raining" she folded her arms.

"So, I still sweat" I said.

"Which bitch you be flirting with, showing my body too" she asked pushing me back with her flung Belly.

"Nobody" I chuckled.

"I bet it's the professor with her old ass" she replied pushing me back against the fridge.

"My professor is a guy" I said.

"So he probably still wanna fuck you" she was really all in my face.

I grimaced, the thought of straight sex is so gross.

"I don't like guys" I said.

"Lie again" she replied pushing me back again.

"What?" I asked laughing.

"Look at your abs" she said running her fingers down them pulling her lip between her teeth.

"You been working out for him huh?"

"Nah this is yours" I said guiding her hand down.

"It better be" she replied kissing my lips.

It clicked in my head, I'm in the future, fucking lit.

Taking out my phone I looked at the date, March 4th 2017.

Is this what my future is destined to be?, I'm a gonna marry Mani, she's gonna have a baby for us?.

I grabbed her face pulling her in for a passionate kiss while I can, I knew what ever this is what ever this was a dream, time travel, it will be over soon.

"Look at my pregnant ass wife" I said rubbing my hand over her tummy.

"That's my daughter in there"I smiled feeling a bump moving against my hand.

I fucking hate kids but a baby by her is worth it, she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek causing me too blush a little.

"I love you baby" she said kissing me on the lips.

I smiled, she had a smile that turned into a quick frown.

"Aren't you gonna say it back?" She asked angrily.

At that moment my smile turned into a frown,I was stuck in time, the look of pain spread a cross her face again.

"I-, I-" I do I know I do, I just my mouth won't say it.

All of a sudden my phone started buzzing rapidly, I could hear professor Briggs voice getting louder as did the buzzing.

My head sprung up, I looked around seeing that I was still in the class room, people were still writing notes, I yawned taking out my phone as it was still buzzing rapidly.

Dj🤑😏💋: I'm sorry.

Dj:🤑😏💋: just sign it no time to explain.

Dj🤑😏💋:he really needs this.

Dj🤑😏💋: trust me, Mila will explain.


as if on que I hear my name come out of professor Briggs mouth causing my head too shoot up.

"Huh?" I asked still half asleep earning some giggles.

"I'm glad your well rested but your wanted out side the classroom" he says I'm a smart Alec tone.

I yawn again putting my note book in my back pack as he begins teaching again.

I'm tired as fuck, not to mention hung over, I gotta head ache, I leaned down tucking the shoe lace into my brand new pair of air forces, Zendaya says I'm black by heart so I get the dressing privilege I'm trying too get my N word pass.

I slung my back pack over my shoulder, that dream I just had really got me tripping like is that gonna be my future?.

Pushing open the class room door I stopped for a second, hold on did she say Camila?, why the fuck is she still texting me and not trying to convince Mani too call me?.

Walking down this short hallway until I was outside, I probably just got a schedule change or something.

I opened the door at the end of the hall way only too be meet by Camila Isaac and a short white lady.

I was ambushed by Isaac squeezing me tightly, I could hear him crying as he was shaking he was so scared.

I furrowed my eye brows leaning down too pick him up, he through his arms around my neck squeezing me tighter And staining my hoodie with his tears.

"What's going on, who are you?" I question rubbing his back comfortingly.

"My name is Susan King, I'm Isaacs social worker" she said reaching out and shaking my hand.

"Social worker? Where Normani?" I asked worried.

"Ms Kordei was Incarcerated last night currently pending sentencing in holding" she said calmly.

My eyes widened,

"what?!, for what?"

"She was stopped and frisked, the officer than searched her vehicle and found an unregistered concealed weapon and several other charges"

"Oh shit" Said widening my eyes again, my baby arrested, she won't make in there she's too fragile.

Susan cleared her throat causing my thoughts to halt.

"Obviously miss Kodei is no longer able too take care of Isaac he will be appointed too your care" she said pulling papers out of her bag.

I look over at Camila too see the same look of shook on her face.

"Why can't Dinah do it?"

"Miss hensen cannot support a child"

She flips through the papers before handing them too me.

"Please sign here too take over as Isaacs legal guardian"

I look down at the papers the papers them too her, Then too Camila, I'm distracted quickly by a sobbing Isaac on my chest.

"Miss jauregui if you don't sign those papers he will be given up for adoption"

I ran my hands through my hair grabbing the pen from her hand, I can't let Isaac go into the system, he'll end up despising Mani just like she despises her parents

I take a deep breath signing the paper before handing it too her, she gives a reassuring smile, "congrats mommy" she said

"There will be a couple health department workers at you're house tomorrow at 11am"

"I'll get his car seat for you" she said walking off toward a Honda.

Turning too Camila, "what the fuck is happening" I said nervously.

A cocky smile spread across her lips, "congrats Mommy" she said patting my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes taking my phone out and dialing Zendayas number, I don't think I've been this nervous ever, I have a son.

"Ay Mami calling for some light skinned passion" she said cockily.

"Shut the fuck up and get out too the main campus right now" I said swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Damn, you wanna get down and dirty in public, I like the way you think" she replied.

"Would you stop being so damn horny and hurry up?" I asked before hanging up the phone.

I adjusted Isaac in my arms.

"Hey buddy it's gonna be okay" I said rubbing his back, his tears were starting too seep through my hoodie too my shirt.

"I want my mommy" he said sniffling.

"She's not here right now okay, I'm gonna take car of you till she gets back"

He nodded attempting too stop crying, he gotta ugly ass crying face just like is momma.

"When is she gonna be back?"

"I don't know buddy but it'll be soon" I said wiping more tears.

"We'll go get some ice cream when we leave and get you some toys after this okay"I say wiping the snot from his nose with his shirt.

He smiles Laying his head down on me, I wiped the snot that got on my hand down Camila's chest causing her too grimace.

"Now that I think about it why are you here?"I ask turning back too her.

"Dinah asked me too be" she said looking up from her phone.

"What did you say too her too get her too take you back cause it had too be pretty damn good" I add.

"I told her why I did did what I did and said I was sorry" she said seriously.

"Then I begged for her forgiveness"

"There it is" I laughed grabbing a piece of gum, from my pocket.

I unwrapped it only for Isaac to snatch it out my hand and shove it in his mouth, I knew there was a reason I liked this boy, I used too do that too mani all the time.

"Hey that was mine" I chuckled.

He giggled resting his head on my chest again.

"Yo"Zen says walking up from behind me.

"Don't walk up on me bitch" I say pushing her.

"Don't be such a bitch" she replies pushing me back.

"Hey buddy" Z says waving at Isaac.

He waved back with a smile,

"Why the fuck is she here?" She said mugging Camila.

"You mad she stole your girl?" I laugh

"She ain't steal shit, I didn't want her anyway" she scoffs.

"Lies" I say pushing her head back.

"Oh yeah and why do you have a child?" She asked sitting next too Camila.

I hand the paper her adjusting Isaac on my hip.

A smile crept on her face, "congrats mommy" she said cockily.

"Laugh all you want but you love there too so that makes you Mommy number two" I say with same sarcastic tone

"Um I think the fuck not you trick ass bitch" she said smartly.

"Who you talking too?" I asked quickly grabbing her by the throat.

Susan came back causing me too let go  and put a fake smile on my face.

"Here you go your all set" she said handing me a car seat.

"Bye ms jauregui bye Isaac she waves before turning on her heels and walking away.

Isaac shoots her a bird causing me to grab his hand and burst  out laughing

"Maybe he's been your son this whole time" Z laughs.

I flip her a bird taking my phone out and dialing Dinahs number.

"Hello" she says, I can hear her cringing on the other side of the line.

"I am gonna break my foot off so fucking far up your ass-"

"I'm sorry okay" she cuts me off.

"Yeah I bet you are, Dinah you asshole,"

"I will come by when I leave here but for now entertain him" she replied

"Bitch how?, I don't know how too take care of a kid"

"Just put on Cartoons, he'll sit there, I gotta go I have a meeting with mani's attorney"

"Wait,is she's okay? What are the charges?" I asked worried.

"I don't know yet, I'll let you know when I see you bye"

"And make sure Camila takes her pills-" she hung up and I looked over at Camila.

"You wanna come too my house?" I ask him with a smile.

He nodded playing with the strings on my hoodie.

"Well you guys have fun I'm on a quest for pussy" she said getting up.

"No your gonna take your ass home" I say grabbing her by the hood pulling her toward the parking lot.

"You to" I say grabbing Camila by the hood.

"OKAY Mom!" Camila says in annoyed tone.

Zendaya cackled causing me too slap both of them up side the head.

"How the hell do you put a Car seat in a car?" I ask looking between the two of them.

"How the hell am I supposed too know" Z chimes in.

"Say something smart again bitch" I say rolling my eyes.

"Something smart again bitch" she says under her breath making the both of them crack up laughing.

I jumped over the Car seat chasing her down the parking lot.

I slapped her pretty hard before turning and running back too the car laughing.

Coincidently Isaac figured out how too put the Car seat and was climbing in.

"Get in" I told Camila quickly jumping on the driver seat.

Locking the door before she could reach the car again.

"Open this damn door" she banged in the window.

I laughed along with Isaac turning the engine on.

I backed out flipping her off before driving down so she had to run with the car.

When I was all laughed out I unlocked the car letting her get in.

She got in the passenger seat slapping me only for me too slap her back, she didn't get me again because I started driving off but I gotta feeling she's coming for me.

When I pulled up too my house she back handed me before jumping out the car.

"Bitch" I say jumping out car.

I open the door for Isaac grabbing my back pack from the back seat.

we all rushed into the house me still chasing Zendaya, I got back when she slipped on the rug.

Stopping Camila by holding my arm out I front of her, "what are the pills for?" I ask

She swallowed, "my borderline bi-polar disorder"she said quietly.

My jaw drops, "did you take it all ready" I asks.

"No I don't like them" she answers honestly.

I grab the bottle from her hand reading the label.

"So your gonna make me hold you down" I ask setting my back pack down.

"It's the only way I'll take it" she says bracing her self.

I sigh taking off my hoodie,

"Zee, come hold her down" I say pushing her back on the couch.

She immediately started fighting trying too break free from us,

Zen grabbed her from behind putting her in a head lock.

I grabbed her feet when she started kicking,

"Just take it" I say sitting on her.

"No!" She yells back squirming.
I hold open her jaw trying too get the bottle open.

"Damn Lauren if you were trying too poison her you could have picked another way" Z grunted struggling too hold her arms down.

"It's not poison, It's medicine, Dinah gave me stick instructions too make her take even if I have too shove it in the other end"I say taking one pull out the bottle.

"What?!"Camila asked stoping her fidgeting for a second.

"She said if you don't stop fighting she's gonna shove the pill up your ass" Z clarified sitting directly on top of Camila.

"Oh hell no" she says freaking the fuck out.

"Open your mouth" I said pinning her legs.

"I don't open anything on my body for anyone except Dinah" she squirms.

"I'll put something in your mouth if you don't calm down" Z says causing us too look at her.

"Could you stop hitting on Camila you sex addict" I say dropping the pill in her mouth.

"Are you saying that cause you wish I was hitting on you?" She asked.

"Oh god, get over yourself" I reply rolling my eyes.

"What you said you wanna touch yourself" she said loudly.

I punch her arm looking over at Isaac, he was too busy in the tv too know we exists.

I heard Camila swallow the pill so I let her go and got off of her.

"What the fuck are in these pills giving her super strength and shit" She asked grabbing the bottle from the coffee table.

"Damn so like was it you who hit her or like another you?" She asked.

"Why would you ask that your an asshole" I say

"It wasn't me I love her, but my temper just became uncomfortable and like somebody else formed inside me and I tried to fight it but I just couldn't" she says sadly.

"Honestly Mila I shouldn't have just cut you off like that, we were best friends for over ten years and your sick and needed help, it was stupid of me to ignore that" I say sitting down next to her.

"It's no your fault, I knew I needed help but I didn't do anything about it, I was ashamed and embarrassed I wish I would have just said something instead of taking my anger out on her" she says.

"I mean you still can, I'm here even though I'm a asshole I'm here" I reply.

"Hug?" She asked, it was honestly so cringe worthy but she's was my best friend

"Too late she's my best friend now" Zen said pushing Camila's head back and throwing her arms around me.

"No she's mine" Camila shot back jumping on me as well squeezing the life out of me.

"No,we cuddled and we did it all night long, on the couch, on the floor, in the bed, in the kitchen" said back sticking her tongue out.

Camila gasped,"you slut, we never cuddled" she said pushing me.

"Sorry?" I laugh pushing Zs big ass off me.

"Oh your so-" her words stopped when a lighter fell out of her pocket.

"What's that for what you got on you?" Z asked quickly.

Camila pulls out a decent sized nug out her pocket causing a smile too spread a cross my face.

"You ever smoked medical marijuana?" I asked grabbing it.

"Nope" Z says with the same devious smile.

"Wait when did you start smoking?" I asked Camila?.

"Well you let me take that pill it made me feel super happy and relaxed, so when ever Dinah smoked I just take a hit from hers" she replied.

"Oh yeah" I laugh in rolling the bag and taking a whiff, this is some quality shit.

We ended up smoking two hole long ass backwoods between the three of us, and I can tell you I feel a lot better now, my gut just keeps telling me Manis okay, that everything is fine so I'm just really chill right now.

I feel like we've been watching spongebob for like 5 hours straight even though like it's only been like 17 minutes and shit.

Isaac was glued too my side resting his head on me, he won't even let me go too the bathroom, if I try and leave he pulls the I miss my mommy card on me.

"Lauren" he taps my leg, tbh It was in slow motion but like at chuck e cheese tho you feel me? Never mind I'm high.

"Huh?" I asked looking at Camila.

"I'm hungry" I heard.

"How the fuck did you just talk without moving your lips" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"That wasn't me man, I was just thinking about how many chickens it takes for a cow too jump over the moon" Camila said with a smile,

Me and Z simultaneously look at each other before busting out laughing, "I was trying too fugue out how many feet there are Ina marathon" Z says laughing extra loud.

"Isn't it like 1500?" I ask counting on my hands.

"No you dumb ass its 150 steps" Camila says.

"That doesn't make sense" I grimace.

"It's 110,752" a male voice says causing me too look down and see a whole ass Kid next too me.

"Oh shit I forgot I had a son" I laugh putting my arm around him.

"Wait os that right Z asked pulling out her phone.

She holds her home button until Siri comes on, "how many steps are in a mile" she asked Siri

"4224" Siri says back quickly

"What is 26.22 times 4224?" She asked, I for rowed my eyebrows in anticipation.

"The answer is 110,752.28." Siri says back making my eyes widen.

"Oh shit" Z says in disbelief.

"He's a genius" Camila said.

"I'm too high for this shit" I laugh sitting back.

"Maybe he just really good at math" Z says.

"Mathematician" he corrected her.

"He's good at English shit too" I say with a smile that won't fade.

"You like science" Z said trying too keep her eyes open.

He nodded giggling at her.

"Say something smart then" she added.

"Newtons third law suggests that for every action there is a equal or opposite reaction"

My mouth fell open,"he really is a genius" I say looking back at him.

"Who fought in the Cold War?" I asked.

"It actually wasn't a war, but it was between USA and Russia" he said causing me me too widen my eyes again.

"Yooo, how do you know that's?" I asked.

"When mommy was in School she would leave her books around and I would read the ones with the funny covers" he said proudly.

"Well shot brainiac lets get you some food" I say getting up, he grabs my hand following me into the kitchen.

I open the cabinet only too find oatmeal and fitness powder.

"What do kids eat?" I asked scratching my head.

"Mac and cheese" he smile adorably.

I look in the next cabinet grabbing some noodles.

He walked around and sat the breakfast bar, "did mommy leave cause she was mad at me?" He asked cautioning my motions too stop.

"No why would you think that" I say softly.

"Because my first mom did" I furrow my eyebrows, maybe being smart all the time isn't so good.

"Your mommy loves you, she'll be back soon bud" I say taking the pot from the dishwasher.

"I wish I knew why she was mad at me" he said sadly.

"She's not okay, she's mad at me"

"Don't worry about that, untie Dinah is coming in a little she's gonna bring you some toys" I smile trying too change the subject.

"Am I gonna sleep here?" He asked.

I nodded grabbing cheese from the fridge, before adding a little olive oil too the noodles.

"How if it only has two bedrooms" my head shit up, he's right, that dream pops in my head again if Mani doesn't get out were gonna have too move.

I stop and think, how does this play out, is she gonna get out and come and live with me?,  I'd have too move anyways if we're gonna have a baby together, I've lived here a while anyways.

"How are you gonna get me and Isabella in one room?" He asked causing my head too snap too him.

"What?" I asked quietly.

"I Said can you get Spider-Man in my room?"

I nod turning back too the boiling water,

"I had no idea you can cook" Z says walking over and opening the fridge.

"I gotta take care of my family" I utter out surprising my self.

"What are you talking about bro?" She asked opening the Gatorade.

I look around for a second,"we gotta move" I say

"Look at you sounding like a responsible adult" she laughed taking a sip of her drink.

"I got a daughter on the way" I say remembering certain things that never really happened but did because I saw them happen in my head.

"Stay away from those drugs" she pats my shoulder before walking off too the couch.

Am I high or does the house jail and Isaac thing kinda make since?

I put Isaacs Mac and cheese in the oven before giving him a bag of chips for now.

I go back and sit in the couch thinking long and hard about this.

My pieces shit t together process gets thrown off by a knock at the door, I get up and let Dinah in.

"Hey chunky monkey" she greeted Isaac first scoping him for a big hug.

"Hi babe" she says pecking Milas lips, damn I Remember when Mani used too greet me and kiss me like that.

"Hey Z" she waves.

She gives her a dry sup nod before typing on her phone quickly.

"Hey Lauren" she said letting Zs attitude roll off her back.

"Hello asshole" I greet.

"I know I, sorry okay, I thought they'd give me custody" she explained.

"What the hell do you even do, how can you not support him?" I ask.

"I'm a dental assistant" she said.

"What the fuck,do you hand out free floss at the door?,aren't you supposed too be making more money then me?" I asked.

"We've had a lot of law suits lately shits been tight okay" she said sitting down in the couch with Isaac in her embrace.

I groaned,"what ever did you see her, is she okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, the stolen vehicle charge was dropped and the concealed weapon charge but she still has like 19 unpaid tickets" she says sadly.

"Her attorneys says she could be looking at three years in minimum security jail facility  but he's trying too get it down too under a year in county"

"Lauren she's a mess"

I didn't hear anything after three years in jail, how, why couldn't I just give in like I wanted too she wouldn't have even been driving home last night.

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