When The Sun Comes Up (PARTY...

By geeardway

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When the sun comes up, watch your back. Dracs and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S will show you no mercy. Brutal Scene i... More

Chapter One-Introduction
Chapter Two-Colors
Chapter Three-Crawling Spiders
Chapter Four-Coffee
Chapter Five-Broken Bones
Chapter Six-Walking Motors
Chapter Seven-Even Ghouls Can Have ADHD
Chapter Eight-Throw Your Shit
Chapter Nine-Glue
Chapter Ten-Sunsets
Chapter Eleven-Exploding Hearts
Chapter Twelve-Enchanting
Chapter Thirteen-Wrath
Chapter Fourteen-Bye
Chapter Fifteen-Off We Go
Chapter Seventeen-Dead?
Chapter Eighteen-Planning
Chapter Nineteen-Found Them
Chapter Twenty-I'll Be Back
Chapter Twenty One-Since You've Been Gone
Chapter Twenty Two-To The End (Part One)
Chapter Twenty Three-To The End (Part Two)

Chapter Sixteen-You Have Mail

151 11 20
By geeardway

Brutal's P.O.V.

I don't think I went to sleep last night. My nerves were all over the place. So many things have happened in such little time, I feel like I'm going to burst. We need to leave because I don't know how much longer I can handle it.

I walk out of my new room with my bag in hand, and to where the girls have their "kitchen" to look for some pans. Soon I spot some, so I grab them and run into the hall where all the bedroom are.

"Wake up everyone! Time to go!"

The slamming of the pans hurt my ears, but it perks me right up. I can tell that it woke up the girls as well because they are all groaning.

"C'mon! Let's go! Last one in the car has to drive!"

Right away Bullet and Psychotic run out with their bags that they packed last night, and head straight to their bright red 1999 convertible Mustang. On the hood and trunk, they paint splattered it with blue, yellow, and green.

On the passenger door, Psychotic decorated it with rainbows and unicorns, because why not.

On Pheonix's door, which is behind the driver's seat, she has three skulls with chains wrapped around them, on fire. The fire makes sense because a pheonix is basically a bird on fire.

Then finally on Bullet's door, behind Psychotic's seat, a bird with devil horns(kind of like Frank's tattoo).

The driver's door has nothing though, maybe I can add something on it one day.

Finally, Phoenix comes out with her bag.

"Sorry, I forgot to pack my bag last night. I guess I'm driving."

As she starts walking to the driver's door, I put my hand on her shoulder.

"It's fine, I'll drive. I'm not that tired anyways."

Phoenix's face lights up with happiness.

"Thanks Brutal!"

She runs over to the side where she decorated and hops in, along with the others. I stride over to the driver's seat, pull open the door, and slide in.

"You guys ready?"

When I get no response, I turn around and see that everyone is already fast asleep.

"Well thanks for keeping me company."


It's been a few hours since we left the gas station. Everyone is up now, and we're singing along on the top of our lungs to old songs on the radio.

"Hey Brutal, can you open up the roof?"

"Sure Bullet, it is getting stuffy in here."

I hit the button and the roof slowly moves backward. As soon as Psychotic has enough room, she stands up in her seat and waves her arms in the air.

"This is living baby!"

We all laugh at Psychotic's craziness, even though I would have done the same if I wasn't driving.

"Hey guys, we're going to be there in about a half hour. Start looking out for Dracs and stuff like that."

Psychotic sits back down and then she and the girls take their ray guns out.

I heard this place gets a lot of....unfriendly visitors since it's a known place of where killjoys go. We need to be prepared.


I close the roof, turn the ignition off, and hop out of the car, with the girls following me. We walk over to the mailbox, which still has some candles and very, very dead flowers.

Pheonix hands me my siblings masks, and I take them, thanking her. I kneel down in front of their soon to be resting place, and say a prayer for Matthew and Sophia. Then I stand up, open the mailbox, and place the masks inside.

"Uh oh, we have a problem."

I turn around and see three white cars heading towards us. I reach down to my holster and grab my ray gun.

"Girls, get behind the car for cover. None of you are leaving me today."

Pheonix crouches by the trunk of the car, while Bullet and Psychotic are where the doors are. I hide along the hood, where there is the most exposure, but I don't care.

The cars slide to a stop about fifty feet away from our Mustang. Four Dracs and one S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W appear from each car, totaling in twelve Dracs and three S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W's. This was more than I was expecting, but I believe that the girls will survive.


The four of us start firing at our adversaries, surprising them. We're able to take down three Dracs and injure a S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W before they start firing back.

The Dracs, not being very smart as usual, just shoot from where they are standing. Unfortunately, the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W's. are smart, and they hid behind their vehicles.

We easily take out the rest of the Dracs within five minutes. The real challenge is the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W's, the only thing that BL/Ind produces that works.

Eventually we get two down, leaving the one closest to me still standing. The girls and I all shoot at him at once, making him go down quickly.

"Good job girls. We did it. Now let's go see if there is any supplies in their cars."

I walk around to the other side of the car and start walking towards the enemies' cars. I'm about halfway there when I hear Bullet yell. I turn to see what she's yelling about, but then I feel a pain in my chest.

I look down to see blood, and lots of it. There is more yelling and then the pounding of footsteps, then it goes black.

Party's P.O.V.

We finally arrive at the gas station, where my love is hopefully at. I, of course, don't wait for my friends, and run inside.

"Brutal! Are you here? Bullet! Psychotic! Pheonix! Do you have Brutal?"

I hear no response, so I start searching everywhere for them. When I reach the guest room, I see that it's been changed a little bit, like someone is actually living in the room.

The guys come into the room and a look of sadness grows on all of their faces.

"I'm sorry man, but it looks like she's all moved into here."

Kobra places his hand on my shoulder, giving me a look of sympathy. I jerk away from him and angrily stomp away. I didn't want his or anyone's sympathy, I just wanted Brutal.

I hear the car radio crackle to life, then Dr. D's voice.

"Hello? Are any of you there? We have an emergency ."

Immediately my mind goes to Brutal, but then I realized it could be anyone.

"Guys! C'mere! There's a problem!"

The others come jogging over to me and we walk over to the Trans Am and get in. I press the button on the car that allows us to communicate with Dr. D, and start to speak.

"Yeah D? What's up?"

"Um well there's a VERY big problem down at the Phoenix Witch's mailbox."

I turn the ignition on and start heading towards where Dr. D said the situation was.

"Okay, do you know what happened, or at least who they are?"

"Yes and yes. There were twelve Dracs and three S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W's. The four girls actually defeated all of them, or so they thought. One of the Dracs did survive, and when one was walking over, it shot her in the chest. She's not waking up, they fear that she's dead."

"Wow, that's very unfortunate. But you said you knew who they were."

"Yes I do, but you have to promise me not to freak out Party."

"Okay I won't, just tell me."

"It was Brutal, Party. Brutal is the one that got shot."


Instead of the usual three and a half hours, it took us two hours and forty minutes because I may have or may not have been going full speed the whole way.

When we reach the girls, I see they have moved Brutal into the shade the car was giving. I sprint over to them to find them all sobbing.

"Party! We didn't mean for this to happen! We just came to drop off her siblings' masks! I knew we shouldn't have done it!"

Ghoul comes over and Bullet starts crying into his arms. The same goes for Pheonix and Psychotic when Jet and Kobra come over.

I kneel down next to Brutal and hold her in my arms. Even a few tears slip out of my eyes. I try to find a pulse but I can't.

No. She can't be gone. She can't. By now I'm sobbing as well, rocking my love in my arms.

She can't be gone. She can't.

THE END! Haha just kidding. I'm not that mean. Mean enough to kill off the main character? Maybe. You'll find out. But in other news, today I read A Splitting of the Mind. I recommend it 11/10, but you will cry. Also there's only 7-8 chapters left! Okay that's all I have to say so bye, see you next time!

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