The Gold Ninja (A Lego Ninjag...

By TurtleGirl21

15.9K 527 416

Dawn Allenott. Just your typical socially awkward baker. She lives in a small town with her cat, Butterscotch... More

The Gold Ninja (A Lego Ninjago fanfic)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven

Chapter 3

1.1K 47 34
By TurtleGirl21


The room was silent, all except for the faint mews from Butterscotch that echoed from upstairs. A ninja? Me? These people must have the wrong girl. I'm just me. Just me, as in, nothing special. The silence was closing in on me, and this was getting mighty awkward. Had I dozed off? I pinched myself under the counter, and a small pain shot up my arm. Nope.

"Uh, what is that sound?" the one guy in blue asked, munching his cupcake. 

Assuming he meant Butterscotch, I muttered, "my cat." However, I don't think he heard me, because he didn't acknowledge me in any way.

After that, it became quiet again, and I tried to process everything in my head. The people standing before me claim to be ninja, my cat is hungry, these people are asking me if I want to become a ninja, and the one guy with blonde hair is kind of cute... now is not the time. Shaking my head, I mulled over the decision I was about to make. Becoming a ninja would mean leaving the bakery behind. I guess that would be okay, although I would have to bring Butterscotch, and I'm not totally sure if ninja have time for tabby cats.  Then again, not becoming a ninja would leave everything normal, and I would go back to my dreary old life. 

"Are you guys sure you have the right person?" I inquired with my eyebrows raised. I fiddled with my hands clasped behind my back. 

"What do you think, Zane?" the girl asked. The blonde one gave a curt nod, and the girl shrugged with a smile. "That's a yes," she confirmed.

I figured that if they wanted to recruit a new fighter to their team, it was very important, because it wasn't often that they did that. The last I'd heard of an incident like this was with the green ninja, but apparently this girl in fornt of me had joined without too many people knowing. I guess she was just that good, that not a lot of whatever she had to fight got into the main world. If these people needed me, then, sure, I would go.

After nodding, I spoke up. "I'll do it, but how do you guys feel about cats?"


Cats? What did that have to do with anything

"What?" Kai wondered aloud.

"I have a cat," the girl behind the counter repeated. That explained the sounds coming from the ceiling. "Speaking of that cat, he's very hungry right now, so if you'd excuse me," she trailed off as she began to walk into the back room. 

Kai grabbed her wrist before she could leave. The girl's gray eyes widened with alarm.

"Let go of me!" she grimaced, trying to wrench out of Kai's grip.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Cole asked, prying Kai away from the girl. She sighed in relief.

"What if she's trying to sneak away from us?" the red ninja grunted.

"Kai, she has already said that she accepted our request. Just let her feed her cat, which can also come with us," Zane sighed.

The girl gazed at Zane with admiration. "Thanks," she replied, "um, I'm also going to pack my things, so I might be a little bit."

"Er, I'll come with you," I explained, to help if you need anything." I stared daggers at Kai as I followed her into the back of the shop.

The girl led me into a door off of the bakery kitchen, which opened into a stairwell. We climbed it in silence, but once we reached the top I decided to try and spark a conversation with her.

"So," I tried, "what's your name?"

"Dawn," she stated.

"I'm Brielle."

Dawn flashed a small smile, but nothing more as we stepped into her apartment. It was quite tiny; the living room and teeny kitchen were squished together, and the only dining area was a small, cluttered table with two chairs under it. There was an old television and a couch on top of a plush green carpet. There was a litter box and some cat toys were in one corner, and I nearly tripped over the owner of said items upon entering the home.

The cat was a small, orangey tabby with golden eyes. It sprinted away from me as soon as my leg touched it, and I heard Dawn chuckle as she walked into the minuscule kitchen and begin to prepare dinner for her cat.

"I know it's not much," she huffed, giving her pet it's food, "but Butterscotch and I are happy. Are you sure he won't be a nuisance? Because I can call a cat sitter or something-"

I cut her off. "No, it's fine. We should start packing your stuff. You'll probably need most of your clothes and shoes, and then necessities and all that," I explained.

Dawn nodded as she took her pale blonde hair out from it's messy ponytail and untied her green apron, hanging it on a hook by the door. "I'll be right back."

With that, she pulled a large suitcase from a closet and disappeared into one of the other two doors, which I assumed was a bedroom. Unsure of what to do, I perched lightly on her solitary couch and waited. Doors opened and closed behind me, but I decided not to be nosy and sit still, that is, until her cat approached me. It rubbed against my legs and pounced up onto the couch next to me, which I took as an invitation to pet it. 

"Hi, Butterscotch," I cooed, scratching behind his ears. Believe it or not, the cat actually started to purr.

"Okay, I'm back," Dawn said at last. Her big suitcase stood beside her, clearly fully packed. A cat crate was in her hand. Upon seeing it, Butterscotch jumped from the couch and tried to run away, but because of my quick reflexes, I caught him and gently placed the cat inside the cage. In Dawn's other hand was a bag that I suspected contained cat-related products.

"Need me to carry anything?" I inquired.

Dawn gestured to the heavy suitcase, and I stifled a groan.


Jay had finished his dessert and was getting antsy again. His foot tapped obnoxiously on the tiled floor. 

"What's taking them so long?" he whined.

I was about to say something when, of course, the two girls walked through the doors. Brielle was lugging a gargantuan suitcase, and the other girl carried a bag and a crate which contained a cat. 

"How are we getting all of this back?" I questioned.

"Well," Brielle explained, "Dawn here is coming with me in my plane, and we thought that maybe you could take her things in your car-thing?" 

"Okay then," I muttered, taking the suitcase from Brielle, and the other things from Dawn. Of course, I made sure to be extra careful with the cat. I hoped that Brielle wasn't planning on letting it around loose at the school or anything. 

"Wait, what did you say about a plane?" Dawn (that was her name, right?) wondered aloud.

Jay smirked, "Oh, you'll see."

Once outside, we went around to the back of the building, where a parking lot stood, deserted except for a beat up Subaru that was stationary in the corner of the lot. I assumed that it was most likely Dawn's car.

"You asked about planes, right?" Brielle asked Dawn.


Smiling, Brielle pulled her fans from her boots and closed her eyes. Within seconds, they morphed into the sleek fighter plane that we all knew and loved. Taking it as a cue, I pulled a matchbook from my pocket (Sensei taught us how to make our weapons look like normal things to conceal them in public) and opened it, and it turned into my glittering scythe. I then transformed it into it's corresponding vehicle, placing Dawn's luggage in the backseat, and her cat in the passenger.

"Wow!" Dawn exclaimed, obviously awed, as the rest of the guys retrieved their weapons and turned them into transportation devices.

"C'mon," Brielle beckoned Dawn, "let's go!"

Dawn hesitated, but then followed my girlfriend into the aircraft. Brielle laughed as her plane rose into the air, and she has the cutest laugh that makes everyone else want to laugh. I smiled as I hopped into my car, and we sped off, back to the current dwelling of the ninja. 

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