Between You and Me (George We...

By random_nerd34

136K 4K 772

Giselle Natalie Davison has two mischievous best friends that are like family to her, but after the Basilisk... More

Between You and Me (George Weasley Love Story) Prologue
Trip to Diagon Alley
Departing from Hogwarts
The Girl in the Red Cap
Friends and Flirting
Therapy at Zonko's
Out of the Loop
Changing Just the Littlest Bit
Caring a Little Too Much
I'll Never Forget
Overwhelming Nightmares
An Evening Stroll

She's Back

10.6K 327 79
By random_nerd34

Giselle couldn't believe it, she saw them. It might have been just a few seconds but she saw them! After all those years. "Giselle?" Alice shook her out of her deep thought.

"Sorry." she apologized and started playing with the hem of her skirt. They were at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, it was the welcoming feast that happened every start of term. The Beauxbatons Palace was much more elaborate than Hogwarts castle. The dining hall was very big with royal blue banners and the Beauxbatons crest on them. The entire hall was lit by candle light and a huge crystal chandelier in the center of the ceiling.

"You've been acting really strange since the Quidditch Cup." Sylvia said worriedly.

"Maybe it's because of those two boys that we saw at the stand." Alice said with a sing-song voice smiling. "I do have to admit they were quite attractive to the female eye. Weren't they?"

Before Giselle could answer Headmistress Maxime stood up and began the announcements. "Welcome one and all to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!" Giselle didn't listen for most of the time she was playing with her food, then one thing sounded like music to her ears.

"Zis year we shall be participating in the TriWizard Tounament at 'ogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Our whole school shall be going to support ze Champion zat will be representing our Academy."

That night Giselle was so excited. She didn't even care that they'd be arriving on Halloween which would be at least two months away. She just wanted to go back and see her old friends.


"Whoa! Look at that!" a little second year exclaimed pointing up at the sky. It was Halloween and Dumbledore had been saying that two other wizarding schools would be coming to participate in the TriWizard Tournament.

A powder blue carriage was being flown by 12 winged Abraxan horses onto the Hogwarts grounds. "Now that's something you don't see everyday!" Fred and George exclaimed as the carriage landed.

"Do you think that's Beauxbatons Academy of Magic?" Hermione asked as she, Harry, and Ron walked to the Great Hall for the Halloween feast that was being held today. "Maybe." Ron suggested.

"Wasn't Giselle transferred to Beauxbatons?" Harry asked. Fred and George smiled at each other.

"Yeah, maybe she's here!" Ginny said excitedly running up to them.

Everyone was in the Great Hall later that evening ready to eat dinner, "When is Dumbledore going to say the announcements!" Ron complained, his stomach had been growling for the past 10 minutes.

"Just wait Ron!" Hermione nagged, before the bickering got any worse Dumbledore stood at his podium and the golden owl had spread it's wings and the chatter died down.

"Welcome everyone to the Hogwarts annual Halloween feast! Before we eat I'd like to say a few words." Ron sighed, then Dumbledore went on about the TriWizard Tournament. "Now I am pleased to introduce to you the lovely ladies and gentlemen of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!" everyone averted their eyes to the entrance of the Hall where a crowd of royal blue uniformed boys and girls were standing. They started their routine, "Bloody Hell!" Ron said as the girls strode into the Hall.

"Is that... Is that Giselle?" Ginny asked, George and Fred looked to a girl with strawberry blond hair tied up into a ponytail. Giselle had grown her hair out and she was significantly taller than before and she had developed curves over the past two years. "Beauxbatons has been good to her." Fred said smirking. "Wouldn't you say George?" George punched him in the arm.

The Durmstrang boys came in and then Dumbledore explained that the champion that won the tournament shall be granted eternal glory, and a thousand galleons as a monetary prize. Unfortunately only students over the age of seventeen could enter in the tournament because of the dangers the tournament brings. "Each student who wishes to enter shall put their name in the Goblet of Fire before this upcoming Thursday." Dumbledore finished finally the feast started.


The next morning was the start of November, Giselle, Sylvia, and Alice were walking down the Grand Staircase to the Great Hall for breakfast. "Beautiful morning isn't it?" Giselle said with a broad grin across her face. The three friends passed a window, you could hear the hard rain pounding against it.

"It's raining toads outside! Why are you so chipper anyways? It's probably 7:30 in the bloody morning!" Sylvia said, they stepped down to the Entrance Way and entered the Great Hall.

"Relax Sylvia! She's just happy she's able to see those boys again."

"Shut up." Giselle hit Alice in the arm.

"Good morning ladies!" a familiar voice said. A boy about their age walked up to them, it was Aaron. He attended Beauxbatons with them, "Looking absolutely stunning today Giselle." he said with a smirk. Giselle rolled her eyes at the sight of him, she hated everything about Aaron. Some girls found him attractive but to Giselle he was just an obnoxious little prat that kept pestering her about a date of some sort.

"Do you mind Aaron? You're contaminating my view." Giselle said pushing him out of her way, but he just slithered his way back in front of her. "Very feisty aren't you? I like that." he ran his fingers through his hair, Giselle just scoffed and tried to walk away but he kept stepping in front of her trying to start a conversation.

"So anyways, I was just sitting over there by myself and was wondering if you lovely ladies would like to join me." Aaron lifted Giselle's chin up, she just glared up at him and pulled his hand from her jaw. "No thanks." she said trying to get by him.

"Come on! It's just one morning! Who else are you going to sit with?" Aaron grabbed her hand.

"The lady said no." Giselle felt two bodies leaning on both of her shoulders. "Why don't you just run along." George said, standing up straight and shoving his hands into his pants pockets. "She's got better people to sit with." Fred said

"Oh really? Who might they be?"

"Just my best friends since I was five." Giselle said crossing her arms. Aaron directed his eyes at both of the twins, then back to Giselle. "I'll see you later then." with that he kissed Giselle's hand and walked away. Giselle wiped the back of her hand on Fred's robes.

"Eew! Stop that!" he said pushing Giselle away. "Care to fill us in?" George questioned her, he looked over at Sylvia and Alice, and smirked at them causing them to blush.

Giselle filled the twins in about Sylvia and Alice and about the whole Aaron situation. She occasionally saw George and Alice exchanging glances at each other, biting their lips, and smiling at each other, as if they were flirting mentally. Giselle's stomach did an uncomfortable flip as she watched them during breakfast. A chime echoed throughout the Great Hall and everyone walked to class.


That evening after dinner Giselle was walking into a secret passage way when a tall ginger fellow stepped in front of her. "Can I talk to you?" George asked her rubbing the back of his neck, she smiled, whenever he rubbed his neck he needed a favor done, she remembered him doing it when they were young.

"Yeah sure." Giselle said stepping into the hole, George followed her.

"I need to ask a favor of you." George said as they walked through the dark passage way, she waved her wand and light started to emit from the tip of it.. "It's about a girl." he added, Giselle's stomach turned uncomfortably and she stopped in her spot.

"Let me guess. You need advice on how to woo Alice." Giselle pivoted on her heel so she was facing George who had stopped at an extremely close distance, she could see the details of his face very clear. His freckles dotted his light even skin tone, and his now shoulder length hair was falling in his face. Realizing how close they were standing, they both backed away from each other, the pigment in their faces turning redder.

"Are you a seer?" he joked, his face quickly turning back to it's original tone.

"No, it's your body language." she placed her hands on her hips. "Anyways, yes, I can help you. By the looks of it Alice likes you too." Giselle said pointedly.

"Really?" Giselle sighed and shook her head in mock disappointment. "Yes really! Boys! So clueless these days!" she flailed her arms around animatedly and walked to the other end of the passage. "It'll only take a matter of time before she'll confront you about it. Just be your charming, charismatic self." Giselle tapped his long nose and patted his cheek.

"Was that a compliment Davison?" George crossed his arms gingerly, she new he had a smirk across his face, even though she was facing the other way. "Yes, as a matter of fact it was Weasley! Are we on last name basis now?" she asked laughing a little.

"Maybe we are." Giselle turned back to him and poked his forehead with two fingers. Then they both exited the passage going their separate ways.

As she reached the tower she couldn't help but wonder why her stomach flipped in an uncomfortable manner whenever she saw George flirting with Alice or when he asked for girl advice. She didn't know why she was feeling this way. 'Its probably because I haven't seen him in a while.' Giselle agreed to this thought, she didn't even know if this notion was true or not. It's not like she has deep feelings for George, they've been friends for so long. That would seem weird.

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