Mommy and Daddy // lashton

By gothboi5sos

200K 2.3K 370

"I'll be a good boy, I promise." "Don't tell us you'll be a good boy, show us." - Or the one where Luke has t... More

Mommy and Daddy // lashton
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six

chapter one

32.1K 355 31
By gothboi5sos

Luke's point of view

"I'm late," I rushed to my roommate as I quickly threw a handful of mints in my mouth since I didn't have time to brush my teeth. "I'll see you later on Calum."

"I told you not to binge watch that dumb season." He tsk'ed and I rolled my eyes before grabbing his cup of coffee, drinking some quickly. "Ew Luke, mints and coffee?"

"I am twenty minutes late, have on the same briefs that I've been wearing for the past three days, and look like I haven't slept in ten. Mints with coffee is the least of my worries." I told him and he rolled his eyes, flicking water at me.

"Well get going then blondie. I'm gonna wash dishes and then get ready. Have a good day." He chuckled and I thanked him before plucking the keys from beside the fruit basket. "Wash your dirty laundry!"

"Take my job then!" I shouted and then shut the door. I ran a hand over my face frustratedly and then ran downstairs through the lobby, unlocking my car and getting in quickly.

God, Mrs. Irwin is going to murder me. I was late a majority of last week too.

I quickly turned the car on and then pulled out of the parking lot, speeding out of here and on to the main road. I turned the radio on, but then turned it off when all I heard was wanna be hip-hop garbage. The same songs have been playing on repeat and I'd it was irritating.

I took the freeway, speeding down the road in hopes I didn't get pulled over by the police. Luckily I didn't, but I did get a lot of angry honks and middle fingers. I ignored them all however. What normally took me twenty minutes to get to work, miraculously it only took me ten to fifteen minutes today. I thank God that I didn't get pulled over or stuck in some kind of traffic.

I quickly parked in my assigned spot and then ran inside the building, straightening up my tie on the way. I walked in through the revolving doors and then smiled at the receptionist. "Again Luke?"

"I know. I'm sorry." I apologized and she shook her head as she chuckled. "Where is-"

"Mrs. Irwin is currently in a meeting. You may wait in her office. She should be done in fifteen minutes." She told me and I thanked her before running up to the elevators.

I waited patiently for an elevator, and by patiently, I meant tapping my foot irritatedly against the tiled floor and counting the seconds that passed. So maybe I wasn't to patient about it.

When one finally came down, I was quick to walk inside, immediately pressing Mrs. Irwin's floor number. I sighed and leaned against the wooden walls, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

I am so fucking tired.

I ran a hand over my face when I heard the soft ding of the elevator and I walked out, apologizing to someone when I bumped into them. I made my way to Mrs. Irwin's office quickly, walking in and then sitting down on a chair.

I had ten minutes to kill, so I rested my elbows on her desk, leaned over at an awkward yet comfortable position, and took a deep breath as I tried getting over my minor headache and stomach ache. I don't suppose this day could get any worse.

Mints with coffee was not my brightest move today. I was really starting to regret that.

I closed my eyes and yawned quietly, my stomach turning and twisting in a painful way. The thought of jumping out the window in front of me, which was over ten stories high, was more than just appealing, but I fought the urge. I'd survive.



I jumped up and then looked around, seeing Mrs. Irwin standing by her desk with her arms crossed over her chest. "What in the world is wrong with you?"

"I am so sorry Mrs. Irwin." I apologized, holding my head as it throbbed. "I've been having the worst day, and week, and month ever." I told her and she was silent.

"You look like you're in pain. What's wrong?" She asked and I watched her step forward. "Are you alright?"

"Fine. I'm fine. I just... I just stood up too quickly... I think." I dismissed and then glanced at her.

"What's going on? You've been really off track lately." She pointed out and I nodded shamefully.

"I know. I know. I'm so sorry." I couldn't help but apologize yet again. "I've just... I don't know. I'm at the stage where I'm being pushed to find a career by my parents, but I just don't know what I want to do. On top of that, my roommate comes home at four in the morning, very loudly may I add, and doesn't know what silence means. My car needs new break lights and my boyfriend dumped me like last week for one of my other ex girlfriends. I haven't been the best lately."

"That's a lot." She commented and I nodded. "Are you okay?"

"I ate mints, drank coffee right after, and then speeded down the highway to get here like ten minutes faster." I admitted and she crossed her arms. "I think I'm not okay, but I'm somewhat managing."

"I didn't realize how full your plate is, and you come to work six days a week?" She asked and I nodded. "When was the last time you had a break?"

"When my older brother flew in, a few months ago maybe?" I mumbled unsurely and she nodded. "Why?"

"I'm giving you a break today. Go home. Go sleep and take care of yourself. I'll be fine today." She assured but I shook my head.

"Mrs. Irwin, that is very kind of you but I can't. I need the job to keep my mind off of things and the money to pay my car payments and bills." I shot her down and she nodded.

"You'll still get paid."

"I can't do that." I told her and she sighed as she took a seat behind her laptop. "What do you need? Want? I'll go grab it."

"I want you to take care of yourself Luke. You're nineteen, don't wear yourself down." She reminded me and I shook my head.

"Thanks for you concern but I'll be fine." I promised and she nodded. I sat here as she typed on her laptop and then yawned.

"You're very sweet Luke, and you have a lot on your plate right now. If you want you can fall asleep inside of my meeting room, it won't be used until seven, that's six hours. Go." She offered and I was hesitant.

"Are you sure?"

"If I need anything at all, I'll wake you up." She said, smiling gently at me. "Go ahead."

"Thank you Mrs. Irwin. This won't happen again." I promised and she just shook her head, telling me not to worry about it.

I went to her meeting room and then sat down on the large chair at the end of the table. I yawned and then rubbed my eyes, closing them slowly after pushing a button that drew the blinds shut.

God bless Mrs. Irwin's soul.


When I woke up again, it was completely dark inside of here and there were voices coming down the hall. I could vaguely recognize them as Mrs. Irwin and her husband.

"Why's he asleep in your meeting office?"

"Poor kid is going through some rough patches, it's okay. I told him that he could." I heard Mrs. Irwin say and I stood up, rubbing my eyes gently.

"Is this why you've been using my office?" He asked and she confirmed it."What's wrong with him? Did you ask?"

"Of course I asked! I care about the kid." She told him and I began walking to the door. "It's kind of a shame... I didn't get to see his pretty face like all day. He even has the scruffy beard that you know I like."

I backed away from the door, wondering if I heard her correctly. Did Mr. Irwin hear that too? She said I had a pretty face.

He chuckled, telling her that there's always tomorrow if I feel better. He didn't get upset that she called me attractive. He just told her that she could see me tomorrow.


"He's always so tired babe, maybe you should calm his schedule down. After all, it was your idea." She told him.

"Alright, maybe I will. Go see if he's awake. It's almost time to leave." Mr. Irwin spoke and I pulled my phone out.

It read eleven. I slept an extra four hours than what Mrs. Irwin said.

I slipped my phone in my pocket and the door opened, the light shutting on. "Lu-Oh, you're up." She smiled.

"I... I yeah. Yeah I'm up." I repeated, my voice a little huskier since I just woke up. "Thank you Mrs. Irwin. I really, really, needed that."

"Don't mention it." She chuckled. "It's almost time to leave. Come on love." She urged and I nodded, slowly walking up to her.

I stood beside Mrs. Irwin and we left the room, coming face to face with Mr. Irwin soon enough. He just smiled at me and adjusted his circular glasses on his nose. "Good afternoon Luke." He spoke and I waved.

"Good afternoon Mr. Irwin." I replied, his hazel eyes staring me down. "I promise I'll be more on task tomorrow. Today's just been a bad day."

"Of course. We all get a bad day every now and then. I understand." He nodded and I played with my fingers. "Would you like us to drive you home? You still look exhausted."

"My car is-"

"We'll take care of it, maybe get you new break lights aswell. Let us drive you home." Mrs. Irwin pressed and I just couldn't look at her the same now that she said I had a 'pretty face'.

"Okay..." I agreed hesitantly, deciding to just let them take me home. What was the worst that could happen?

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