The Past Returns Jax Teller l...

By Lacey118

303K 5.7K 85

What if Andy had dark past before she became a cop. What if after her mother left she became a different pers... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Thank You!!

Chapter 43

4.7K 97 0
By Lacey118

It had been a few days since the shooting. The retaliations by the Sons had occurred already, which Jax ordered her to stay at TM under lockdown.

She didn't push her luck and did just that, helping Gemma with the lock down procedures. Helping defend on a home soil attack is one thing, going on retaliation missions was totally different.

She had decided to stay in today and just do a relaxing Netflix and cooking day after 2 days stuck at the clubhouse for lock down she had no intentions of leaving her house at all today.

She was in the middle of stirring some batter when she heard the house phone ring, grabbing it and quickly answered before it woke Abel.

"Hello." She answered quickly while still stirring.

"Andrea, it's Unser. Hate to bother you with this at home after this week you've had, but you have some company." Unser said on the phone whispering.

"Company?" Andy said confused.

"A Detective Swarek and a Detective Nash are currently in my office waiting for me to talk with them about you. They have some questions."

"Jesus Christ." Andy said as she paced around the kitchen trying to think of a plan. One that didn't involve Jax knowing that Sam was in Charming. She had a feeling this would happen. Jax was wound up since the attack and he'd probably shoot Sam on sight if he saw him.

"What do you want me to do or tell them?

"Tell them the truth and just keep them there as long as you can. I'm going to come down there and I'll try to get rid of them. Put them in interrogation and I don't know lock them in?" Andy said frustrated and flustered that they're here and scared for Jax doing something.

"Oh and Unser, they're going to ask you for information. Police files on the club, Jax, mugshots, may be information on me. Give them the basics, but make sure there's no photos of my tattoo in those files or any record of the women's Crow tats." She ordered, knowing that if Sam saw the tattoo he could put together the puzzle that she wasn't new to SAMCRO.

"Oh and keep all this between us for now." Not wanting him to spill anything to Gemma, Clay or Jax until she'd assessed the situation first.

Andy closed her eyes after hanging up the phone. Not knowing what to even do, Abel was asleep, Jax was at the clubhouse doing club things with the Mayan aftermath. She had a bowl of batter in her hand. She was wearing a SAMCRO t-shirt of Jax's and boxer shorts. She had no plans of leaving the house today.

Now Sam and Tracy were 8 miles away.

Andy threw her hair up in a pony tail, grabbed a pair of jeans and a black fitted tank top. Packed up Abel and thought the easiest thing to do was to take Abel with her and just let Unser watch him while she was speaking to Sam and Tracy.

As she walked into the station she got a lot of stares, looking at her wondering what Jax Tellers wife was doing there. Unser ushered her and Abel in his office.

"They're in interrogation, says they're doing internal investigation about conspiracy in their division. I kept the FBI agent and Hale out. I stopped them from speaking to them."

"It's ok, it could have may be even been a good thing leaving them with Hale. He'll blab all about my teen years." Andy shrugged. "Could convince them that this isn't me on an undercover mission if that is what they are thinking."

"You rather the alternative?" Unser asked wondering which she'd rather want, them thinking she was on an undercover mission or thinking she really quit her job to be Jax Teller's old lady screwing over her PD. Andy herself thinking it might be better with the undercover story, safer bet for her. Might get them to leave faster.

"Not sure, which I rather have them believe at this point. I just want them gone and preferably before my husband sees them." Andy said rolling her eyes. "What ever they believe, I'll get go with that." Andy shrugged.

"I'll go let them know you're here." Unser said as Andy unbuckled Abel from her carrier. As she did she looked down at her hand and instantly was drawn to her engagement ring. Getting them to leave faster would probably go easier and with less drama if she wasn't flashing around a black diamond on her hand especially in front of Sam.

She pulled off her engagement ring, slipping it into her front jeans pocket leaving on her wedding band. It was less flashy and easier to go unnoticed she hoped.

"I told them they had a classified visitor." Unser said coming back in his office as Andy nodded.

"Could you watch him until, I get back?" Andy asked handing Abel over to Unser.

"No problem at all, Abel and I are going to play. I'm going to teach him about obeying the law." Unser said in baby talk as Andy laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah good luck with that, that boy will be his father's son." Andy said as she left the office and walked towards interrogation.

"You guys shouldn't be here. I'm not sure what Blackstone's told you, but..." Andy started to explain as she walked into the room before Tracy interrupted her.

"He's told us nothing Andy! You disappear early then Blackstone takes off and comes back telling us nothing other than you're not with a fake uncle in Sacramento you're really in the town of the Sons of Anarchy bikers, you can understand our concern than you move to where the 2 guys you and Marlo..." Tracy talked while sitting at the desk.

"What do you mean nothing?" Andy said confused cutting Tracy off. Fake uncle she thought? Blackstone knew so much, he didn't report anything back to Frank and the squad.

"Nothing, he came back gave us a story about you being in Charming, California not in Sacramento and that your files are sealed, FBI classified. Not even Frank can access what he put in your files." Sam spit out while not moving from where he was standing in the corner.

"I warned you about these guys McNally!" He yelled out as Andy stood shocked.

Blackstone returned from Charming and sealed her files, he labeled them classified so not even Frank could reach them. Andy realized.

They're at a high classification level. He knew about her past in Charming, he had her own testimony about her past in Charming, her tattoo and being Jax's teenage love, being married to him now. He had so much information and he didn't report back any of it. He instead locked it all up to keep from her division. They didn't even know about Piney since they think her uncle is fake and addressed Opie and Jax as those 2 guys.

For some bizarre reason, Blackstone was keeping her choices private like she wanted it. Blackstone didn't have a lot of information against her, but he had enough to make sure she never got a job on another PD again. He had enough to blacklist her and tell everyone at her division how he was right she was not a good cop. The Opie being her cousin connection, Piney being her uncle, her being Jax's wife, the FBI agent dying days within her knowing about the FBI informant.

Instead of telling Frank and the squad any of that, he's playing into the belief that this is all a big undercover mission, he told them nothing to make them think otherwise.

"I'm safe, I'm fine. You're not, you both need to go now." Andy said blinking and in shock at everything she had just processed in her mind. Not knowing at all how to play this right now, she expected them to know about Piney being her Uncle, Opie her cousin, she even expected them to know she was with Jax at this point. Now she's really grateful Unser didn't let Hale in here.

"We're not leaving you here with these bikers, this undercover isn't worth it and don't try to act like you're not involved, you're allowed to use the interrogation room and the Chief of Police called you in here. " Tracy told her.

"Andy these guys kill like it's nothing, sells guns, drugs, kills cops. You need to get out." Sam told her seriously. Dropping down a file folder with rap sheets of all the SAMCRO members along with some mug shots, she could see Tig's sticking out along with Juice's.

"No, no. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here. The only danger I'm in is if you guys bring attention to me. You need to leave before anyone sees you." She told them standing up and thinking she had to play along since they had no idea.

Tracy thought Unser called her because she is undercover. Tracy had no idea at all how things worked in this town. That Unser was on SAMCRO's payroll.

"I'm staying here as long as it takes." She said still going along with this undercover mission belief of theirs. Knowing it was going to "take" the rest of her life. She was staying here forever.

"Andy.." Tracy tried again.

"NO! I told you at my going away party this was for real, I was leaving because it's what I wanted. I still meant that. You don't get to tell me where I can be or what I can do. I'm not going anywhere, pretend you never saw me and leave my files alone." She pleaded ambiguously on purpose so they'd continue to think this is police business.

"You want us to leave you on a suicide mission?"

"They're not going to kill me."

"That's what the FBI agent who joined up as their Prospect probably thought too." Sam said snidely.

"No, I know they won't kill me." Andy said tired of this conversation now thinking that the truth might be easier than playing this game.

"Why, because the pretty boy has the hots for you?" Sam said jealously as Andy rolled her eyes.

"Ok, I have had enough. This has nothing to do with you guys, you're getting yourselves involved in FBI and things above you. Go home, before you end up dead and you lose your jobs for ruining things." Andy threatened pretending there was this big FBI mission they were messing up with.

"You'll keep in touch?" Tracy asked sadly. As Sam just sat there shaking his head.

"Yes, my dad knows how to reach me if he needs to." Andy said honestly.

"Andrea," Unser said coming into the room seeing all 3 quiet and staring at each other. "Can I see you in my office for a minute, there's a situation." He said looking at her and Andy knew instantly what the situation was, Jax.

Andy nodded and excused herself from Tracy and Sam, telling them to wait in here for her as she headed back to Unser's office.

"He saw Abel and wanted to know where you were." Unser whispered as they walked into the office.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, I said I'd get you and ran for it." Unser said scared as Andy laughed.

"What are you doing here?" Jax asked Andy as she came into the room to see Jax playing with Abel.

"I had some police business that came up, Unser called and I came over here to handle it quickly." Andy sighed not wanting this at all, but knew she had to tell him the truth. "Sam and Tracy are here." She said quietly as Andy watched Jax's face go to stone.

"Where is he?" He asked as he took Abel and placed him back in his carrier.

"No." Andy said sternly blocking the door.


"No, I don't think killing a detective in a police department is a good idea." She told him sarcastically as Unser nodded in agreement.

"I'm not going to kill him, just tell him to stay the hell away from my wife." Jax said angrily flexing his fists.

"Definitely no." Andy said not blocking from the door. "I'm at the point where I think they're going to go away and leave town. If you go in there all angry and husbandly they'll never go. They think I'm undercover for the FBI."

"Why do they think that?"

"Because Blackstone never told them anything other than I was here, he locked up my files and now everyone thinks I'm really undercover. So I let them think that to make them go and leave me alone faster."

"Blackstone told them nothing about you? About us?" Jax said surprised, but still angry.

"I know, I don't get it either but he took everything he saw and gave him then he classified all my records. They don't even know Piney's my uncle." Andy said sitting down in the chair by the door.

Jax took that opportunity to get closer to the door, "I won't tell him we're married then, but me and the detective are having a talk." Jax said stalking out the door and down the hall as Andy sighed and looked at Unser.

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