Protecting At It's Finest ||...

By Lou_louxoxo

474K 12.9K 876

Eleanor Mae Swan finds it safe to say she's a survivor. She's been through a lot, especially in the short li... More



22.6K 733 17
By Lou_louxoxo

"Can we ask—"

"Who Elena?" Caroline shrieks, her anxiousness slipping through again, "Who the hell do we ask about this?!"

Although she probably could have been nicer about it, Caroline has a point. It really was a stupid question. I'd never heard about this before Bella, and she's a completely different sort of Vampire to us.

Also, dearest Caroline and I need to have a chat about when exactly she started sleeping with Stefan.

"There must be someone." Elena tries, and, in my opinion, fails. How exactly is that helpful?

Bonnie rubs her temples, sending me an exasperated look as she sighs, "I can go through the Grimoires again—"

"There won't be anything," Damon says, "Besides, we've already gone through them three time already."

"It wouldn't hurt to check again." Bonnie counters, her tone harsher. Ah, still not a fan of Damon then, I see.

Stefan stops his pacing, turning to face us, "No, Damon's right."

Wait, what?

"Are you okay? Because I'm pretty sure you just said Damon's right, and the Stefan I know would've cut off his own arm before admitting that." I grin, trying to bring some humour into the situation. It'll do us all no good to sit here and scheme until our heads pound.

Damon throws me a smirk, "Perhaps he's become aware of my complete and utter epic-ness."

He did not just say what I think he did, surely.

"Oh god, where did you learn that word?" I groan, "It was Jake. Wasn't it? What the fuck is wrong with him?"

"It was Seth, actually," Damon corrects me, "He's an interesting little wolf."

"Guys!" Caroline shouts over us, her tone hysteric, "Vampire! Pregnancy! Abomination!"

"Right, sorry." I grin at her, sending her a shoulder shrug.

Elena looks up from the table, her eyebrows furrowed, "Weren't you just in Forks, Eleanor? Your sister—"

"How do you know about that?" I ask, confusing flowing through me as I interrupt her. I don't remember informing Elena of my whereabouts lately. Why the hell would I? I know we're being all friendly now, but it's not like we've taken the time to actually work on being friends. We're just not at each others throats anymore. So how...

Oh, right, Stefan freaking Salvatore. Why aren't I surprised?

"What happened in Forks?" Caroline says, folding her arms across her chest. She's looking at me with that stern expression of hers. Oh Christ, that look scares me. It means that she means business, and there's no room for arguments. Caroline can be scary as all hell sometimes, especially when she pulls the whole avenging angel thing with the eyes and the teeth and the growling.

I look over at Damon, who sends me a shrug.

What's more important to you, keeping their secret or Caroline's life?

Okay, that's like, major blackmail — and from the look on his face he knows it — but it's true, too. For all we know Caroline could well die (Bella did, she was just lucky enough to turn into a vampire afterwards), because she can't exactly turn, can she? She's already dead.  He's right, so right that I don't even have the energy to moan at him about fishing about inside my head.

Their secret doesn't mean jack shit to me if it means that Caroline gets to live.

"My sister was pregnant." I say, sinking down into the corner of the couch tiredly, my elbow resting on the arm of it.

Elena scoffs, "And this is better than my idea how?"

"Oh give it a rest, would you?" I snap, "She was human, and she was pregnant with a vampires baby."

"How?" Caroline says, her tone bewildered.

"Your guess is as good as mine," I shrug, "but she carried out the pregnancy, except it moved faster than average. Lasted only a few months instead of nine."

"That's different with Caroline, though, isn't it? She's a vampire." Bonnie questions.

I lower my head, "When Bella has the baby... she died, they had to turn her."

"Turn her..." Stefan mutters, before his eyes widen and he looks at me and Damon, "Did you say vampire?"

Damon grins, "Getting old are you brother? Do we need to get you a hearing aid?"

"There are vampires in Forks?" Stefan asks, his tone hardening.

I nod, "Different to us, they..."

"Sparkle," Damon chirps amusedly, "like fairies." I send him a glare.

"They're like marble, not human. One look at them and you know they're different to us." I explain.

Stefan rubs his jaw, "So... so they're a whole different species."

"I guess."

Bonnie interrupts, her gaze sharp, "Are we purposely missing the point? Caroline could die."

"I'm already dead." Caroline argues.

Elena frowns, "And isn't that enough?"

"I'm not getting rid of it," Caroline says determinedly, "I never thought I'd have the chance to have a child, and now I do..."


"I'm keeping this baby, Elena.  There's nothing you can do to stop me either." Caroline defiantly says, spins on her heels, and leaves the room. Ah, Caroline, the most stubborn person I know.

We hear the front door slam.

How do I end up in these situations? If it isn't a half-human half-vampire spawn it's a vampire spawn about to be born. If it isn't my sister, then it's Caroline. None of us should be able to reproduce, so how the fuck does this keep happening? Maybe we should look into that witch thing again, because there is no way this is normal. Perhaps it's just me. Every fucked up, abnormal thing seems to happen around me. I reckon I must've pissed off the wrong people in a past life or something.

"Well, that was delightful." Damon's sarcastic tone fills my ears, and I throw him an eye roll. Of all the times in the world to be his usual self, he picks now.

Bonnie glares, "How can you be such an asshole about this?" She's extremely on edge lately, which is strange, because she's typically a passive person.

Until she goes near Damon, that is, but I'm pretty sure Damon has that effect on everyone he meets. He just has that sort of aura, personality, face... well, he's just him.

"I'm an asshole about everything Bennett." Damon retorts truthfully.

Well, you can't exactly argue with that, can you?

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