Lost (Camren 5h)

By TheNamesBri99

26.6K 459 221

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be in the studio until 6?" Camila asked, happy for the call but a bit confused... More

June 18, 2017
June 19
June 24th
June 25
June 26
Later That Night
July 3rd
July 4th
July 5th
July 7th
The Crash and Burn
Author's Note
2 Months Later Part 1
2 Months Later Part 2

Maybe This Was a Mistake

1.5K 23 101
By TheNamesBri99

Hey, sorry I took so long to update. I've had a lot of school work and then I left town for spring break and all of a sudden a month was over and a new one was half way through. I'm gonna try to get back to updating once a week on Fridays or Saturdays like I was before. I'm also going to try and lengthen my chapters a bit more. Thanks soooo much for 7.6k that's insane!



One Week Later

Camila's POV

Camila awoke in the arms she had grew so accustomed to, holding her tightly from behind. Camila honestly loved it when Lauren was the big spoon. She grabbed Lauren's left hand and pulled the girl closer to her body, planting a kiss on the back of her hand. She felt Lauren lean farther into her at the contact.

Camila laid awake like this for a while tracing a figure eight pattern on the back of Lauren's hand. She began to slowly lift up Lauren's arm so she could slip out of the bed when she felt Lauren strengthen her grip and kiss her neck right on her sweet spot. The contact made Camila weak in the stomach. She loved the power Lauren had over her body.

"Where are you going?" Lauren's raspy morning voice was Camila's weakness. It took everything in her every morning not to have sex with Lauren when she spoke. Camila felt another kiss on her neck and whatever rational thoughts she had disappeared. Camila knew what Lauren wanted, she always made it very clear. But, much to Lauren's pleading, they still had not had sex. Camila wanted it to be special, it would be her first time after all. Well, first time with someone other than herself.

When she was finally able to breath and compose a thought, Camila turned around and looked into her favorite galaxy of green orbs. She stroked a strand of hair out of Lauren's eyes holding her hand against the girl's cheek. "I love you." Lauren whispered. Camila couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face, it always happened when Lauren said those words. "I love you too." She relied, getting the same reaction from the other girl.

They laid like this for a long time, just looking into each other's eyes studying one another's souls. Camila swore that she could look into Lauren's eyes for the rest of her life and not care one bit about anything else. Those eyes were her favorite thing in this world.

"I love your eyes." Camila breaks the silence with a very slight whisper. The look on Lauren's face changes to pure happiness and love and a smile spreads across her face. "I love your eyes more." Camila just nods her head at Lauren's statement. "My eyes are poop colored, how can you possibly love them? Do you love poop or something?" Lauren chuckles and Camila's joke but then goes serious, lifting a hand to stroke Camila's cheek. "They are beautiful Camz. I have never loved a pair of eyes as much as I love yours. They tell a story, your story. When I look into your eyes I see the different shades of brown that make up your soul. I see the hurt and the love. I see everything you have ever felt. I love your eyes because they tell me exactly who you are, even when you can't speak to me yourself. Your eyes are always there for me to read." Lauren leaned forward just slightly as they were already close enough to kiss and connected their lips. The kiss was soft put full of passion and love. Lauren felt wetness on the hand that was still stroking Camila's cheek. She moved her lips from Camila's to her cheek, kissing her face softly right where her tears feel.

"Why are you crying?" Lauren asked, kissing another tear away. "Because... I don't know what I did to deserve someone so amazing. You always talk about me like I'm the most beautiful thing you have ever seen and it warms my heart to know someone loves me that much." Camila closes her eyes, trying to force back the tears but they continue to fight through her eyelids. Lauren just smiles and pulls the younger girl closer into her chest, placing a kiss on her forehead. "You are the most beautiful thing I have ever laid eyes on, that's the truth." Lauren whispers, placing another kiss on the younger girls head.


Camila woke back up about an hour later, still held tight in Lauren's arms. "I could stay like this forever." She whispers to herself. She practically jumps out of her skin when she hears Lauren respond with a very quit and raspy, "Me too." Lauren giggles at Camila's reaction, making circle patterns on the younger girls back. "You know we should probably get up at some point." Lauren whines at Camila's words and nods her head. "I don't have anything to do today, I can stay like this." Camila smiles at Lauren's clingyness. "I promised to hang out with Sofi today remember?" This causes Lauren to whine again, but she opens her eyes and loosens her grip on Camila's waist.

"Fine, leave me I don't care." Camila was sitting up, laughing at Lauren's child like behavior. "It's just one hour babe, it will be over before you know it." Lauren ignores her, rolling over to face away from the younger girl. Camila gets up off the bed walking over to Lauren's side of the bed. "You'll be okay I promise." She places a kiss on Lauren's forehead. "I'm gonna go shower." She turns to walk away when she feels a hand grab her wrist. "Kiss me..." Camila smiles and obliges, placing a kiss on Lauren's lips.

The kiss lasted longer than expected but she was complaining. When they finally parted, Lauren opened her eyes and looked into Camila's. "I guess it's only and hour.." She lets a small smile spread across her face. Camila returns the gesture. Turning to gather her clothes, Camila is soon making her way to the bathroom.


Camila's Parent's House an Hour Later

"I thought you would bring Lolo..." Sofi whined to Camila as she walked in the door and saw her sister was alone. "I'm sorry Sof, next time I promise. She's sleeping right now." Sofi seems to be okay with this answer because the next thing Camila knows her sister is jumping on her giving her a hug. Camila lifts up her sister and returns the hug., squeezing a bit too tight which makes Sofi scream out "You're hurting me sissy!" But she just laughs as Camila puts her back down.

"You're such a faker." Camila giggled back at her sister, both making their way into the dinning room. "Mija!" Camila's mom exclaims moving around the table after setting down the last plate to embrace her daughter. "Hey mama." Camila responds as they pull away from the embrace.

Your dad is in the kitchen pulling the chicken out of the oven. What do you want to drink?" Sinu asks, taking Camila's glass from the table. "Umm. . Wine please.." Camila hesitates. That was always her answer but every time her mom went into the kitchen, she always came out with soda or juice instead. Which is why when Sinu came back and placed a wine glass at Camila's spot and asked, "How much?" Camila was speechless. Not waiting for an answer, Sinu poured the wine and walked over to her seat just as Alejandro entered the dining room with the chicken.

"Nice to have you to dinner. Weekly dinners are turning into monthly dinners." Alejandro spoke to his daughter as he took his seat. "Yeah..." Camila says under her breath. "Sorry about that.. I've just had a lot going on." Camila bows her head, twirling her fork in her hand. "I know honey. I didn't mean to upset you, I just meant it's nice that you're here that's all." He smiles at his daughter but she misses it as her head is still bowed, eyes looking into her lap.

Camila only lifts her head when she hears her dad place chicken onto her plate. "Thanks.." She says weakly, forcing a small smile. "Is everything okay with you and Lauren mija?" Sinu asked from across the table. This seems to break Camila out of her thoughts. "Of course... Why would you ask that?" Camila questions, picking up her knife. "You're just acting weird that's all." Camila's brain quickly switches back to her previous guilt. "I know.. It's just I never come by anymore and I feel bad. I know you guys understand that I had to deal with things and Lauren happened and everything but..." Camila was cut off by a loud crash.

"Sofia!" Sinu yelled at her youngest in anger. "I'm sorry mama, it was an accident.." Tears started to swell in the youngsters eyes and Camila rushed to her sisters side to comfort her. "It's okay Sof, it's just a glass. Don't worry about it." Camila tried to calm her sister by stroking her back. "Don't worry about it? That was pure crystal!" Camila rolled her eyes at her mom. "I'll buy you a knew set, it was an accident." Sinu just nodded her head "No" and told Sofi to go to her room.

"Mom, it was an accident." Camila was boiling inside. She hated when her mom yelled at Sofia. She is just a kid and it's like her mom forgets that accidents happen. "That's the 4th glass she broke this month." Sinu defended. "So stop giving her glasses. There are plastic cups here, use them." Camila was still standing, not having returned to her seat at the table. She slowly began to walk away, but it wasn't towards her spot at the table. "Where are you going?" Her father asked. "Home." Was all she said as she walked out the door.

It took Camila 30 minutes to drive from her parents house to her apartment. She wasn't any less angry when she pulled into her parking spot, it didn't help that her mom called her 6 times during that time. She got out of the car and made her way into the building. She didn't smile at the doorman like she usually did, instead she kept a straight face and looked at the ground. When she got to her apartment door she stopped for s second and took a deep breath, not wanting Lauren to know she was upset. She set a smile on her face and opened the door.

Ashley don't read

When she walked in there was no sign of Lauren. The TV and lights were all off. Confused Camila slowly made her way to the bedroom. When she was just a few feet away was when she heard the heavy breathing. Her heart began to race. She knew that sound. Unable to move, she leaned her head against the door and listened. It was then that she was able to tell that Lauren was alone. It was set of breathing and it was intense.

Camila slowly opened the door, not wanting to disturb Lauren. She managed to close the door behind her and set her purse down without Lauren noticing. Well, if she did, she didn't show it. Camila walked her way to the end of the bed and watched as Lauren's fingers slipped in and out of her center. She felt herself getting hot in between her own her legs. Camila's left knee gave into the sensation and she hit her leg against the bed. Lauren's eyes shot open and shock took over her face. she went to go pull her hand out when Camila reached forward and stopped her. "No please, don't stop on account of me." Camila smiled seductively. Lauren didn't have to be told twice.

Throwing her head back, Lauren slid her fingers back inside her center. Camila grabbed her desk chair from the other side of the room and sat in front of Lauren's legs. Watching Lauren made Camila really wet. She slowly slid her own hand down her pants and touched her core, sending a number of sensations through her body. She moaned at the feel which. Lauren opened her eyes to see Camila sitting in the chair with her head back, hand in her pants. Lauren smiled and closed her eyes again, letting out a moan of her own.

They would each open their eyes every few seconds to get a glimpse of the other, sometimes meeting eyes as they did. It was one thing to masturbate thinking about someone, it was another thing to masturbate to that very person doing the same thing. Lauren came undone after a few minutes. Camila kept her eyes open the entire time Lauren came undone, speeding up her hand and adding a third finger. When Lauren finished her orgasm, she slipped off the bed and knelt down behind Camila's chair. She took her hand and slowly slipped her fingers into Camila's mouth. Camila immediately began to suck on Lauren's taste, moaning into Lauren's hand.

Lauren snaked her other hand around to Camila's waste and slipped her hand into the younger girl's pants. Camila immediately removed her hand only to have it replaced by Lauren's. Camila moaned and leaned farther into the chair as Lauren slipped a third finger into her center. Lauren curled her fingers around Camila's g-spot causing the girl to bite down on the fingers still in her mouth. Lauren continued to hit that spot, increasing her speed with every swipe. It didn't Camila long to unbuckle. Lauren helped her ride out her orgasm.

Once Camila's orgasm was ridden out, Lauren pulled her fingers out of the younger girl's center and placed them in her own mouth. She closed her eyes and moaned at the taste. Camila having seen the entire thing, felt herself wanting Lauren's touch. She got out of the chair and slowly pulled Lauren's fingers out of her mouth.

Before Lauren could say anything, Camila pressed their lips together, immediately sliding her tongue into Lauren's mouth. They both moaned as their tongues fought in each other's mouths. Lauren slide her hands up Camila's shirt, Camila following suit. Unlike Camila, Lauren was braless, which allowed Camila full access to her boobs. Camila began to massage Lauren's breasts, causing her to moan once again.

Lauren was able to quickly remove the undergarments that were in her way, taking Camila's breasts in her hands. They both slowly massaged the others breasts and they continued to make out. After a few minutes, Lauren pulled away breathless. They both lowered their hands and Camila slowly opened her eyes.

You're good Ashley

"Wow.." Camila exclaimed breathlessly. Lauren just smiled at her, lifting her left hand out from under Camila's shirt. She locked eyes with Camila as she moved a piece of hair behind her ear. "I love you." Camila smiled back at her. "I love you too." They took each other into an embrace, each breathing in the other's scent.

They each got up and washed their hands before snuggling into bed, falling into a deep bliss.

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