colors shine better when they...

By galaxhyun

665 46 0

Shinwon is shy, quiet and incredibly intelligent. But he is also lonely and uncomfortable, thinking his life... More

하나 · one
둘 · two
셋 · three
넷 · four
다섯 · five
일곱 · seven
여덟 · eight

여섯 · six

65 5 0
By galaxhyun

Yanan had insisted he should invite Yuto to hang out at the frat so they can all get to know him better. Shinwon was completely against it and when he mentioned it to his boyfriend to complain about the Chinese boy, he said both Changgu and him will be there on Wednesday. Shinwon had almost chocked on the water he was drinking.

So, as promise, Wednesday came and the Kapa Lamda was a mess. Hongseok was screaming about some cream on the kitchen while Jinho tried to calm him down. Hyunggu was so impressed by the fact that the school's prince was going to be there that he spent two hours trying to decide on what to wear. Yanan was reading a book on the couch, regretting his life decisions. Hwitaek and Hyojong were setting the table while Shinwon was trying not to faint. Wooseok was the one opening the door, as he also was the only one nearly clueless about everything that was happening. When he stared down at their guests, he could barely hide his surprise. He was kinda dumb, but not an idiot.

"Hi," Yuto greeted him, smiling and extending a hand.

"Hi," he took his hand, shaking it and turned his head left a bit. "So you're Shinwon's boyfriend. I shouldn't be surprise after all I've heard about you, I mean, he and Yanan can't shut u-"

"Well," Shinwon screamed, regretting it immediately and making his voice small. "Let them in Wooseok, please?"

The taller boy moved off the way, finally letting the blonde study their guests. Yuto was wearing ripped jeans and a light blue shirt, looking as flawless as always. Changgu, by the other hand, was wearing almost entire dark cloths, except for his pink shirt that, not only looked amazing on him, but also made him stand out. Yanan, who had lifted his head to stare at the newcomers, moaned and rolled his eyes at the side of the brown haired. Ups, this was going to end badly, Shinwon could tell.

When he presented the two to the rest of the house, the thing got worst. Hongseok looked at Yuto as if he had saved Shinwon from a fire and Hyunggu at Changgu as if he was seeing a Greek God, which didn't help the obvious uncomfortable boy. But when they got to Yanan and Shinwon shot him a look of 'if you do something bitchy I'm unfriending you' and his friend answered with one of 'you're lucky that I love you', Changgu seemed delighted. The Chinese boy greeted Yuto with a smile and his friend with a blank expression, that didn't stop him for widening his eyes and smile a little. He then moved to Shinwon and murmured 'okay but, why didn't you mention him before?' Oh, poor Changgu, he had no idea. The blonde simply shook his head and petted his back. Jinho was the only one acting normal and Shinwon reminded himself to thank him later.

He had no clue who had decided how they were sitting on a table way too small for all of them but he wasn't thanking him. He, because life hated him, had ended up between Hyojong and Hongseok. Yuto was in front of him, next to Hyunggu and Hwitaek. Yanan, who had a worst luck that Shinwon, had Changgu sat next to him, looking incredibly pleased with the table distribution.

They started eating Hongseok's food, but the Japanese boy wouldn't stop staring at Hyojong and then back to Shinwon. The blonde flushed, asking himself if he was still worried about that. He wanted to look into his eyes and tell him he shouldn't, but he couldn't bring himself to do so.

"So, sorry for ask but the intrigue is killing me. Hwitaek, how did you and Hyojong meet?"

Shinwon almost spit his food. Great question Changgu, just amazing. Couldn't you choose a better timing?  Yuto stopped eating, suddenly incredibly interested on the topic.

"It's actually funny!" Hwitaek smiled at his boyfriend, who obviously didn't think the same way. Hyojong had also stopped eating and looked uneasy on his sit. He shot the blonde a quick look. "We meet thanks to Shinwon! I never asked how they met though. Anyway, ones I came back from a morning class and Hyojong was in our apartment. We started talking and I realized he was just so cool. The three of us kept hanging out but ones, I decided to invite him for dinner because I was sure he was into me and he told me he'll think about, I almost smacked him. But after like a day he said yes and I realized that I couldn't have felt happy again if he wouldn't have. It's stupid, but I had felt for him already. "

Changgu fixed his eyes on Shinwon, obviously noticing he had asked the wrong question. Moving to stare at his best friend, who had returned eating, and to Hyojong, how looked between really happy and really sad, he said 'that's cute' and changed to subject to university majors. The rest of the dinner went well, except for the fact that Hyojong, Shinwon and Yuto didn't say a world. Yanan had realized something was going on because he couldn't stop looking at his best friend, which was also an amazing way of ignoring the boy next to him, answering with 'yes' and 'no's to his questions.

The Chinese boy offered to wash the dishes, asking Shinwon for help. Yuto offered as well. This is going to be fun. As soon as they stepped into the kitchen, the grey haired gave his boyfriend a back hug.

"Are you okay?"

That wasn't what Shinwon was expecting. He was waiting for questions and angry looks. Not hugs and sweet worlds. But, then again, Yuto was Yuto, sweet, adorable, caring and understanding. God, Shinwon was falling so hard for him he was centimeters of crashing his face into the ground.

"You stole my worlds, Yuto-kun!! That's not fair," Yanan was pouting

Shinwon looked back, giving his best friend a killer look but Yuto just giggled. "I'm sorry, Yanan-dianxia."

The tall boy cringed at the honorific. "Okay, never calling you that again, I'm sorry," he rested his weight into the counter. "But really Shinwon is everything okay?"

"It is," the blonde said, looking at the floor.

"I may not be Sherlock, but I know how to read you and that's bullshit."

"Of course you can't be Sherlock, you're Chinese."

Yuto had placed his head on his boyfriend's shoulder and laughed a bit. Shinwon would never get tired of his laugh, never. It was just so perfect, making his stomach flip upside down and the sides of his mouth lift unconsciously.

Shinwon sighed, pulling his hair back. He didn't feel ready to talk about it, even though he was sure Yuto had almost everything figured out. "I really don't want to talk about that and less than less here. But I am fine, I swear."

Yanan didn't seem to believe him and the blonde thought that that was what made him one of his best friends. He also thought how he had found in Yanan some comfort that he had lost in Hwitaek and he wanted to scream at himself for been so stupid. The Chinese boy turned around, starting to actually wash the dishes he was suppost to wash.

"Okay, I'll be here when you're ready to talk about it."

"Same," Yuto said, wrapping both arms around the blonde's waist. "I just want you to be alright."

Before he could think about it better and regret it, Shinwon turned around and placed a soft kiss on the Japanese's lips. "I am."

"Oh. My. God," Yanan had barely caught the plate he had dropped. "That was the cutest shit I've seen on my life."

Shinwon buried his face on his boyfriend's collarbone, hiding his embarrassment. It's not like he wasn't sweet with Yuto too, but it was the first time he had kissed him in front of anyone, excludin Changgu.

"Talking about cute," Yuto said, hugging his boyfriend back. "What do you think about Changgu, Yanan?"

The blonde chocked on his laughed and Yanan groaned. "Where is the connection between those two things?"

"Oh, come on! He is cute."

"No, he's not."

"Yes Yanan," Shinwon's voice was small because Yuto's shirt was covering his mouth, but still audible. "He is."

"No, he's not. And you two don't try play wingman because I swear to God that I'm going to throw a drink at his face," Yanan remarked his threat by lifting a knife he was about to wash. "And at yours."

"Wow stop there," the grey haired said, pulling his hands up just to look more sarcastically scared. "I'm not doing anything, don't kill me."

The three of the broke into laughter and Shinwon realized how his life was starting to feel amazing again, worth living and fun, surrounded by people that genuinely seem to love him.

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