Homecoming ➳ Teen Wolf [1]

By eccentricboulevard

13K 301 25

Astrid Johansson is used to moving around. She's done it since she was 3 years old, and has traveled as far a... More

extended summary
part one + playlist
part two + playlist


367 6 0
By eccentricboulevard

( night school, part one )

Astrid stood farthest from the door, her mind racing to process what had just happened. She didn't notice the yelling from the boys and she surely didn't notice Stiles preparing to leave. The only thing that she did notice was the deafening sound of her heart pumping in her ears. Her brown eyes looked up at the door as it closed before realizing that one brunette was gone. Her feet carried her forward and she looked through the small window, watching the skinny boy inch forward towards an object on the ground. 

She looked over at Scott with an accusing look, "You idiot! You let him go out there?"

"He's trying to get something to hold the doors!" the boy yelled back, making the girl roll her eyes.

"What are a pair of tiny bolt cutters going to do Scott?"

Instead of replying, his eyes drifted back to the outside. The brunette watched as his eyes widened in alarm before banging his hand against the door to get Stiles' attention. Astrid herself looked out to find the monstrous Alpha creeping out from behind the Jeep. Once he noticed the even worse danger, the teenager quickly grabbed the object and sprinted back inside, placing the cutters over the door.

A moment passed with the three teenagers catching their breath, heartbeats slowing down back to their normal paces. The Alpha wasn't outside anymore and even though it should have frightened them to death, the fact that it wasn't staring at them directly was a good thing. 

The group backed up with Scott sending his two friends a cautious look, "That won't hold will it?"

"What do you think?" the girl snipped, making the two boys glance back at her. 

Stiles turned the flashlight so it was beaming down the hallway and a loud howl from outside sent the group running. They turned into the nearest classroom and immediately went to move something in front of the door, though as soon as they moved the desk it squeaked a lot louder than they needed. 

Astrid's head began to race again as the other two started to argue - this time about the identity of the Alpha. While Stiles believed it to be Deaton, Scott's boss, the Latino refused to even consider the possibility. Instead of hyperventilating like she felt like doing, the brunette yelled for the boys to shut up. 

They both turned to her as she took a deep breath, "Look. Personally I don't think that Deaton is the Alpha because he looks too nice to murder people left and right. But fuck all of our personal opinions and focus on not dying."

Stiles took her advice and the conversation then shifted to Derek dying. Despite what she saw with her own eyes, the Johansson girl voiced her opinion on that too.

"I don't know if he's dead or not but if he shows up with a smart ass comment sometime this week he clearly isn't. Can we please get the hell out of here now?" 

The plan was made - they were just supposed to run like hell, get to the Jeep and leave - and instantly they all went towards the windows. Scott was planning on breaking the window but it was quickly decided that would be way too loud, making running be their only real hope. Astrid looked over to say something to the werewolf, but instead a slight detail made her look behind him.

"Stiles your hood wasn't always bent was it?" 

"It has a few dents but I doubt you'd be able to see them from here." 

Scott seemingly noticed what she was looked at too and stepped closer, "No she means bent. Look." 

Stiles stepped up towards the window as well and his jaw dropped slightly, "What the hell?" 

Behind her, the ear-piercing sound of glass breaking was heard, and the brunette was pulled to the ground as a heavy object collided with the floor. Astrid had been pulled to the ground with the boys and Stiles' arm was still resting around her waist yet neither noticed. The three teenagers looked to each other before glancing at the object that crashed in front of the.

Stiles exhaled quickly, "That's my battery." 

Even though the boys' locker room smelled like mold and a million gallons of sweat, Astrid knew that it was the safest place for them at the moment. She knew that werewolves had enhanced everything and the Alpha could probably hear them moving around and smell where they were, but they also had Scott who could do the exact same thing. 

Said werewolf was leading the group and examined the room to make sure it was safe, "Call your dad."

The other two teens didn't know which one of them the demand was aimed at, yet Stiles chose to speak up, "And tell him what?"

"I don't know, anything. Gas leak, a fire, whatever. If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off." 

"What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight, including my dad? Including Astrid's dad?"

McCall raised his shoulders an inch and in a raised voice stated, "They have guns."

Astrid gave the boy an incredulous look, figuring that he would be the one with some common sense and not the humans, "Scott you know damn well that regular bullets aren't going to do anything to that." 

The brunette stood silent for the rest of the conversation, half-listening while so many thoughts ran through her head. Why didn't she just stay with Allison the entire night? Why did an Alpha want to murder a bunch of teenagers? What in the hell went through her dad's head that made him think it was okay for them to move to Beacon Hills?

As Scott began to walk ahead, Stiles looked back once he realized that the girl wasn't following, "Hey Ash?" 

She looked up at the boy and walked up to the same door Scott was at with Stiles right by her. As he reached for the handle, the werewolf's hand shot out to grab the pale one and his best friend looked at him in confusion.

"I think I heard something." he simply said, a look of concentration spread across his face.

"Like what?" 

Scott looked over to the two and whispered 'quiet.' The three's gazes drifted towards the door and the beta werewolf began to back away from the door. Both humans followed suit and stopped once their backs hit lockers.


Stiles scrambled to jump in one of the lockers, followed by protesting from Scott who jumped in one anyways. Astrid was left out in the open and noticed that the rest of the lockers were indeed looked. Deciding that being mauled by a mutant werewolf wasn't on her bucket list, the brunette jumped in the locker with Scott.

The boy winced and whispered in her ear, "Astrid please don't move." 

With her eyes now widened to the size of saucers, she began to grow extremely uncomfortable. Not because of what could happen but because a locker isn't really an ideal place for two people to hide. 

The girl watched with terrified eyes as a dark figure passed by the lockers and she unintentionally held her breath. It was a pretty useless thing to do but hopefully she passed out from lack of oxygen so she didn't have to feel anything when she died. Once she was sure that she'd be passed out soon, eyes appeared in the slits of the lockers. They were pulled out as she noticed they weren't an alpha red and Stiles jumped from the locker beside them.

A man in a janitor's uniform let out curses and suddenly the girl felt sorry for scaring the hell out of him. Then again they were also scared out of their minds so her guilt isn't that bad. Stiles tried to shush the man but apparently this janitor had some sass to him.

"Quiet my ass, what the hell are you trying to do, kill me? All of you get out."

The three started to tell him to listen but the man only grabbed them and began shoving them out of the door. No way did the brunette appreciate being man-handled, saying as much when he threw them out. 

The janitor sighed and pointed a finger down the hallway, "Just shut up and go."

Only a second after he told them to go, his body was pulled backwards before the door shut. The teenagers watched as he was flung to the door, the unmistakable appearance of blood being smeared across the window by the janitor's hands. Scott, being the hero he is, tried to open the door but both Astrid and Stiles pulled him away and began to sprint down the hallway for what seemed like the hundredth time this night. 

I better lose 10 pounds by the end of the night, the brunette thought as she sped up slightly. 

A door appeared at the end of the hallway through the darkness and Astrid felt that she couldn't thank God enough. The only problem was when they all flung themselves at the door it didn't budge at all. The girl began to rub her shoulder, now aching from where she hit it, while the boys rammed the door once more. It was clear that something heavy was blocking their escape, resulting in Scott checking and announcing that a dumpster was in their way.

Stiles groaned before trying to open the door some more for them to escape until Astrid grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him backwards. He was turned towards her now, looking down at her face as she told him to stop it. 

She then pulled him as she walked forward and the buzzcut-wearing boy went right back to his erratic behavior, "I'm not dying here. I'm not dying at school."

It was the beta's turn to try and calm his friend down, "We're not going to die."

The attempts hadn't worked, but instead of having Stiles freak out Astrid was the one to ask the questions, "Do you know what he wants?"

"Me. Derek says it's stronger with a pack."

The information made her wonder why it needed Scott. It was already pretty damn strong and terrifying, what would another werewolf do for it?

"Oh, great. A psychotic werewolf who's into teen work. That's - that's beautiful."

The Latino stopped and threw his arm out in front of the other two teenagers, looking to his left. Astrid followed his eyes and found the Alpha just sitting on the roof staring at them. She felt as if its crimson eyes were looking deep into her soul again, which may have been accurate for the situation. It suddenly began to bound towards the group and they took off again as the sound of glass shattering was heard once more, except a battery wasn't thrown through the window. The brunette heard its heavy footfalls as it chased after them, and picked up her pace. 

She was the first one to hit the stairs, but wasn't expecting them and let out a loud curse before tripping and tumbling her way down. The boys followed behind and went to help her but stopped as they watched her quickly get up and sprint even faster. Remembering the danger they followed behind until they were in the basement. 

The three hid behind a row of lockers and the girl took the time to catch her breath. Stiles went to ask her if she was alright but instead directed his attention to his best friend, who looked petrified. His eyes went back to Astrid, who now had hers open again as the Alpha let out an angry growl. In the darkness her brown eyes seemed to lighten, which he found strange but not too important at the moment. 

At Scott's direction the three moved again, this time into a sort of boiler room when Stiles began to speak, "All right, we have to do something."

"What are we supposed to do to it?" the girl asked, crossing her arms as she continued to walk forward. 

"I don't know. Kill it, hurt it, inflict mental anguish on it. Something."

She slowed to stop, pointing out the shadow of the Alpha on the wall. A few seconds later she heard the jingle of keys and looked back at Stiles as Scott asked what he was doing. The boy shushed him and grabbed his car keys, throwing them in the room beside them and pulled the other two to safety.

As he expected, the Alpha went running into the cell and the boy ran forward to close the door. The girl noticed the desk and pushed it in front of the door in the place of Stiles. They waited as the werewolf let out a frustrated growl and smiled at each other, relieved that they had stopped the threat. 

Scott let out a bated breath and turned to Astrid who seemingly wasn't feeling any worse, "Hey are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" she asked, her smile falling.

Stiles pushed himself off of the wall and walked closer to his friends, "I mean you did fall down a staircase and haven't shown an indication of injury."

The girl rubbed her temple and glanced at the cell once more, "I'm clumsy, it's something you get used to. But can we focus on the thing at hand here?"

As if on cue, a loud bang came from the room and Scott looked at it with a nervous expression. The girl hopped over the desk in case they needed to make a sudden escape and with some prodding the werewolf did as well. 

Stiles leaned towards the cell window only to be pulled back by the girl, "What are you doing?"

"I just wanna get a look at it." he defended.

"Are you crazy?" Scott asked, grabbing at his friend.

Still against the wall, Stiles looked back at the cell, "Look, it's trapped, okay? It's not gonna get out."

Instead of just looking, however, the brunette decided that antagonizing the beast was going to be a good idea. It backfired and before he even finished his taunting, large chunks of the ceiling fell down in the cell and they all realized what had just happened.

The girl sighed and threw her head back in exhaustion, knowing what this was going to lead to, "Good going, antagonizing it. Honestly, best thing you've done all night." 

Stiles directed the flashlight up to the ceiling, and each time he moved it the tiles above them bent downwards. Once one of the tiles completely opened the three bolted away again and Astrid vowed never to go to the school at night ever again.

{Word Count: 2472}

Two part episode because I didn't want a 6000 word chapter that repeats the same words over and over. Honestly I'm shook at how calm Ash is, I probably would have peed myself but not the point.

Anyways, see y'all next update!

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