Edward Elric x Reader

By TheFmaFangirl

76.6K 1.8K 820

You have been friends with the Elric's since childhood. Trisha Elric died, and Ed and Al decided to bring her... More

Lieore part 2
Lieore part 3
Incoming Shou Tucker and Nina!!
The Tucker estate
The night of the Chimara's cry.
The right Hand of Destruction
The right hand of destruction part 2
The Right Hand Of Deconstruction Part 3
Road Of Hope
Road Of Hope Pt 2 &The Rockbell's
A new direction
And it now begins.
Work sucks (And so do late updates)
Author's Note
Sorry, y'all

A Human Soul

1.4K 40 7
By TheFmaFangirl

"A human soul?" You asked in a soft voice as you looked down at the notes. "But that can't be right... Right? I mean that's simply inhumane, we couldn't possibly-" 

"Y/N" Ed's soft voice cuts through your worrying. You immediately quiet down. "Yes?" You ask Ed. You hope he's not mad at you, oh god please don't let him be mad at you.

"Please. Please just be quiet. I'm trying to process all of this information. I'm trying to figure out what kind of sick, twisted person would ever even consider using something so... Vile!" Edward spat out. You flinched back at the harsh tone as Ed took a few deep breaths. "A human soul. Human sacrifices for what? More damn useless human body parts!" Edward yelled as he tugged at his hair. "'All men are created equal' we're not above anyone just because we figured out how to make a stupid stone! We're not... We're not above anyone because we understand that in order to gain something, something else must be lost. We're not. FUCKING. ABOVE. THEM!"

You gazed at your feet. "A human soul. That would leave the person dull and lifeless. A dull, lifeless shell. I'd rather be in Alphonse's position. No body, but a soul. that's what people say, right? it's on the inside that counts?" Edward nodded his head, frustration still evident in his body language. "Well, that's it for you. It's the inside that counts. It doesn't matter what we look like. It doesn't matter that we're- well- freaks of nature! It doesn't matter that two of us are missing an arm and a leg because of a freak accident when we all tried to bring your mother back from the dead. It doesn't matter that your little brother's ten year old soul is now trapped in a suit of armour for time and all eternity, but guess what? that's simply reality for us." You said with a feeling of finality upon you. "We made a mistake and these are the consequences we're suffering. Maybe it's divine punishment like they suggested in Leiore. Maybe God is punishing us for thinking we're better than he is. Maybe God is telling us "Hey, you screwed up bunch, this is what you get for knowing too much! This is the only way you can ever dream of being yourselves again! This is the only way that I'll give you. It's your one shot. I expect you to throw it away." 

Alphonse looked over at you, and chimed in "I believe that if there is a God, he very may well be doing that. Look at what we are. Look at what we just learned. I'm resenting all this knowledge. If someone would have told me "Alphonse, if you had a stomach, this knowledge would make you sick to yours" I wouldn't want it! I... Brother, (Y/N), if this is the only way that I can get my body back, I don't want my body back. I'll stay in this suit of armour forever if it's what it takes."

A small smile pulled at your lips as you whispered "I'll keep my stupid metal limbs for my whole life if it means nobody will be put to harm by this information."

Ed looked up as he took a deep breath. "Yeah." He said finally. "Me too." He picked up the notes paper that held the secrets to a philosopher's stone, and ripped it in half. Then those halves in half. And again and again and again, and he threw them into the wastepaper basket. You never wanted to see them again. 

You looked up at Edward. "Freaks forever?" You asked in a small, hesitant voice. Ed grinned and looped an arm around your shoulders. "Freaks forever."

{{A/N: *Bursts through doors wearing a magenta suit and holding a pimp cane* "I'M BACK, BITCHES!" Sorry about the long wait, my dudes. TO be completely honest, I completely forgot about this fic until I saw "Wattpad" on my computer and had one of those"Oh yeah" moments. Oh well.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Until the next time I remember this thing is a thing I need to do, -C.Kurt}}

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