Mint. [J. J]

By Ixynoir

325K 8.9K 2.5K

"What's your favourite flavour?" "Mint." [oc x jughead] Riverdale. Book 1. [Completed on 16.05.2017] [Pr... More

Extended summary + Cast and their playlist
New Fic.


5.2K 176 94
By Ixynoir

"Reggie Mantle, i will punch you again."



Jughead, Marley, Veronica, Kevin, Betty, Archie, Drew and Dakota where all sitting at the lunch table. Marley gave her apple to Jughead which he took happily before turning back to Kevin.

"Kev, I'm sorry please forgive me." Marley apologised to her gay friend.

"I don't know if I can Marley Rose, my dad told me you were very patronising." Kevin said referring to when Marley approached the sheriff at the station when Jughead was being detained.

"Can you blame me? I was worried about Jug." Marley said while Jughead just shrugged.

"I understand you were worried about your boyfriend. I ship you guys I really do, you two are honestly my otp," Kevin said before continuing.

"But you made my father uncomfortable." Kevin said.

"Can you blame her? She's an intimidating person." Jughead said smiling slyly at his girlfriend while the rest laughed.

"He's not wrong. She scared me into taking her to the station." Drew said also looking at Marley.

"I second this." Dakota added and Marley glared at her while she smiled.

"They're not wrong, when I first met Marley she asked me why I was ginger, it made me uncomfortable." Archie added while Marley shot all of them a look.

"You can sometimes be intimidating Marley. When I first met you I had to talk myself up for a good fifteen minutes before I introduced myself." Betty teased smiling. Jughead drank from his girlfriends water bottle before speaking.

"She practically scared me into asking her out." Jughead teased making everyone laugh while Marley rolled her eyes.

Before Marley could reply Cheryl and her clones, Tina and Ginger, approached the table.

"Hello, Outcasts." Cheryl said putting a hand on her hips making Marley roll her eyes.

"What do you want, Cheryl?" Marley asked her while opening a her packet of cheese string.

"I just wanted to tell you, that my parents are very underwhelmed by the painting you did for them. You know, the painting of me and my brother." Cheryl said to Marley. Marley had taken the portrait to Thornehill a few days after finishing it.

"Are you sure? Because they didn't seem underwhelmed when they gave me a five hundred dollar tip." Marley retorted putting some cheese into her mouth.

"Yeah well, I didn't like it." Cheryl said making Marley roll her eyes.

"Then why did you lie saying your parents were underwhelmed?" Kevin asked Cheryl confused.

"Shut up, Kurt Hummel wannabe, I wasn't talking to you." Cheryl said to him making Kevin roll his eyes.

"I didn't like the painting that much either, your face decreased the value." Marley said to Cheryl causing Betty to let out a small laugh.

"If I was you, I would watch my mouth. You wouldn't want the whole school finding out about your psycho mother." Cheryl spat at Marley making her scoff. Everyone at the table looked at Marley in confusion other than Jughead.

"Cheryl that enough." Jughead said and Marley shook her head.

"No Cheryl, tell everyone. But my mother isn't a psycho. You'll just be spreading bullshit." Marley said to Cheryl.

"Your mother is a psycho and lives in a looney bin somewhere in England." Cheryl said making Marley laugh.

"Incorrect. My mother is getting married to some guy called Liam Williams." Marley said showing Cheryl her moms Facebook page on her phone. Cheryl paused for a minute thinking of a comeback while Marley just smirked.

"Whatever I'm still telling everyone she's crazy." Cheryl said and Marley just shrugged.

"Suit yourself. Now get out of my face before I slap you again." Marley said making Dakota laugh.

Cheryl huffed before walking away.

"Marls, what was she talking about?" Archie asked his friend his voice lacing with concern.

"Nothing, Arch, Cheryl is just spewing bullshit as usual." Marley shrugged putting some more cheese into her mouth.


The bell rang, Marley stood up and said goodbye to her friends and gave Jughead a quick kiss before walking to her French class and sat in her assigned seat that was next to Reggie Mantle.

"I heard you threatened to slap Cheryl again." Reggie said when Marley sat down. She rolled her eyes before replying.

"Word really spreads fast in this shitty school huh? It hasn't even been an hour." She said putting some gum in her mouth before pulling out her French textbook and her notebook.

"What do you expect?" Reggie shrugged and Marley just popped her gum in response.

"So, why did you slap her the first time?" Reggie asked Marley after she didn't respond.

"She was chatting shit." Marley shrugged.

"What did she say?" Reggie asked Marley and Marley just popped her gum again and ignored him.

She started sketching in her textbook while the teacher, Mr Moreau, handed back tests the class took on Monday along with worksheets.

Mr Moreau placed Marley's test in front of her, she looked at the grade and smiled, she had got 97% which was equivalent to an A.

"You're pulling A's in this class?" Reggie asked her in awe.

Marley took a stray piece of hair and twirled it around her fingers popping her gum before speaking.

"What? it's like hard?" She said quoting Elle Woods from legally blonde.

"Yes it's hard." Reggie answered not getting the reference and Marley just rolled her eyes.

She looked at Reggie's test paper and saw a bold 3%.

"Reggie you should study more." Marley said stating the obvious.

"You need to tutor me. I need to be getting at least C's to stay on the football team." Reggie said making Marley scoff.

"Please tutor me, Davis." Reggie begged making Marley laugh.

"No." Marley said to him.

"Please, friends tutor each other." Reggie said and Marley looked at him in confusion.

"Friends? Reggie I don't like you. At all. Not even in the slightest bit." Marley said to him.

"Please." He begged.

"No." Marley repeated.

"I'm begging you."
"It's not going to happen."

"I'll kiss you?" Reggie offered making Marley scrunch her nose up in disgust.

"Ew. Don't do that. I have a boyfriend." She said and Reggie raised an eyebrow.

"You have a boyfriend? Who is he?" Reggie asked her confused.

"Yes I have a boyfriend. Its Jughead." Marley shrugged.

"Jones? Your boyfriend is Jones? Why? He's like a 4." Reggie said to her making Marley roll her eyes.

"Yeah, but he's a 10 to me." She said simply going through the worksheet quickly.

"Please," Reggie begged.

"Reggie Mantle, i will punch you again." Marley said loosing her patience.

"I really need to pass, Davis. My whole team is counting on me. I can't fail another test and i can't pass something I can't comprehend." Reggie said to her making Marley roll her eyes.

"Can you even spell Comprehend?" Marley asked him sarcastically and Reggie rolled his eyes.

"Now i see why you like Jones so much." Reggie said and Marley just went popped her gum ignoring him.

"You have to tutor me." Reggie said again.

"No. I would say it in French but you clearly don't understand it." Marley said looking at Reggie's test score. Reggie shot her a look before sticking his hand up to ask Mr Moreau a question.

My Moreau, looked in Reggie's direction pointing at him. "Monsieur Mantle, quelle est votre question?" He asked him and Reggie just blinked at him in confusion.

"Yes I want to ask a question." Reggie said while Mr Moreau rolled his eyes.

"What is your question?" Mr Moreau said not bothering to say it in French again.

"Do you think I need tutoring?" Reggie asked and Marley shot him a glare.

"Mr Mantle, you need more that tutoring, if that's even possible." Mr Moreau replied making everyone giggle including Marley.

"Can you assign me a tutor then." Reggie said knowing that Mr Moreau will assign Marley to tutor him.

"Well it would make sense, and the person in the class with the highest grades is Miss Davis." The teacher began.
"Miss Davis would you please tutor Mr Mantle?" Moreau asked her while Reggie shot Marley a smirk.

"No. I can't." Marley deadpanned and My Moreau sighed.

"I'll give you extra credit." He offered and Marley shook her head.

"Autant que cela semble tentant.Je ne peux." Marley said in French while Reggie looked at her in confusion.

"It's like teaching a monkey, Mr Moreau." Marley continued. Mr Moreau ran a hand through his curly hair before speaking.

"That is true, how about if I give you an A for the rest of the semester." He offered Marley an offer she couldn't refuse. Marley sighed before nodding her head in agreement.

"Great." Reggie said smirking at Marley while she rolled her eyes.

At the end of the lesson Marley got up quickly and left the classroom to avoid Reggie. She wasn't quick enough as Reggie followed her down the halls.

"So your house?" Reggie asked her while she walked quickly to her locker where Jughead was waiting.

"Nope." She said when she arrived her locker giving Jughead a slight smile. Jughead looked at Reggie in confusion wondering why he was following his girlfriend around.

"My house then?" Reggie asked her causing Marley to laugh.

"I would rather stab forks into my eyes." Marley said, while putting her books away.

"Où est la toilette pour étudier?" Reggie attempted to say in French making Jughead and Marley look at him in confusion.

"You just said 'Where is the toilet to study' in French." Jughead pointed out looking at Reggie with a raised eyebrow. Reggie pointed at Jughead to prove his point.

"See, look how much I need a tutor." Reggie said to Marley making her roll her eyes.

"Urgh, fine." Marley said giving in while pulling out her skateboard and shutting her locker.

"My house, tomorrow after school and Saturday mornings at 11am. Don't be late. I have a dog, one that looks like a wolf, if you piss me off, I'll get him to rip your face off." Marley said pointing a finger at Reggie.

"Great, it's a date." Reggie said smirking before walking away.

"I really hate that guy." Jughead said looking at his retreating figure.

"Me too, Jug. But I have to tutor him if I want an A for the rest of the semester." Marley said tucking her skateboard under her arm and grabbing her boyfriends hand and interlocking their fingers.

"It's a pretty sweat deal." Jughead said while Marley shrugged.

"You're beautiful." Jughead said randomly making Marley blush while they walked out of school together.

"Stop." Marley said looking down at her shoes making Jughead laugh.
"Are you going to come in and help me study?" Marley asked Jughead gesturing to her front door and he nodded in response.

Marley opened her front door expecting Chewie to run up to her but instead he ran past her and into Jughead pushing him over onto the floor his tail wagging happily in the air while he licked Jughead's face. Jughead just laughed.

"Have I been replaced?" Marley asked putting a hand on her chest in feign sadness. Jughead chuckled and got up brushing off his jeans.

"No. Not by me anyway, I could never replace you." Jughead said giving Marley a kiss on her lips making her roll her eyes in a playful manner.

"How cheesy, using flattery to make up for the fact that you stole my dog." Marley said making Jughead chuckle. Marley made her way into the kitchen, Jughead and Chewie following behind her. She dumped her backpack on the dining table while Jughead sat down. Marley went to the pantry and got out a bag of salt-free pretzels and two cans of coke before going to sit down next to Jughead.

"We only have coke, unless you want water?" Marley asked Jughead.

"Cokes fine." He said while Marley opened the packet of pretzels. Chewie heard the sound and put his front legs on the table looking at Marley.

"After you choose Jughead over me, you then want my pretzels?" Marley said jokingly to her dog before throwing him a pretzel nevertheless.

Marley put some pretzels in her mouth before she took out her American studies book and her notebook while Jughead took out his laptop.

"Let's start with presidents?" Jughead offered typing in his password and Marley nodded.
"Even though Bill Clinton possibly lied about not having sexual relations with that woman he was still a democrat. He was impeached for perjury...." Jughead rambled while Marley got distracted by his lips. She watched them move while he rambled on about Bill Clinton.

Jughead stopped at turned to look at Marley.
"Are you even listening,Ro?" Jughead said looking at his girlfriend.

"Nope." Marley said before putting her lips on Jughead's and he instantly kissed her back. Marley smiled into the kissed before going back to making out with her boyfriend.
Marley stared at her ceiling in boredom. Jughead left two hours ago. She looked at the clock on her bedside table, it was only 11pm so Jughead should still be awake. She grabbed her phone and started composing a text.

To Juggs:

Are you awake?

She immediately got a text back.

From Juggs:

She smiled before replying.

To Juggs:

Wanna FaceTime, and talk about conspiracy theories?

After she sent the text a few seconds later she got a FaceTime call from Jughead and she answered it quickly.

"Time traveling is real." Jughead said as soon as Marley answered making her chuckle. Jughead was laying down on the air mattress in Archie's bedroom.

"Aliens helped build the pyramids. " Marley said making Jughead laugh.

"The moon landing is fake." Jughead replied.
"The Mandela effect is real." Marley responded. This went on for a few minutes.

"9/11 was a inside job." Jughead said naming another conspiracy theory.
"Lindsay Lohan had a twin." Marley said before Jughead could reply a pillow hit him in the face.

"I'm trying to sleep, Jug." Archie grumbled off screen, making Marley laugh.

"It's only 12:30 Archie." Marley said looking at the clock on her bedside table, a few seconds later Archie's face came on the screen.

"Yes, Marls, but we aren't all night owls like you and Jughead." Archie said before continuing.

"Plus, if Lindsay Lohan had a twin I think we will know." He said before going off screen.

Marley and Jughead both laughed at their ginger friend.
"I'm gonna go,Ro, before Archie shaves my head in my sleep. We will come get you tomorrow morning." Jughead said and before Marley could reply Archie spoke.

"Not if I don't get enough sleep I won't." He said off screen making Marley and Jughead chuckle.

"I'll see you tomorrow Jug." Marley said to her boyfriend.

"I'll see you tomorrow Ro." Jughead said before hanging up.

A/n; I love legally blonde and I love Jughead.

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