Best Friends with the Player

By RealityCheck101

16.1M 276K 122K

Kimberly Taylor was a quiet, shy girl with no friends growing up, until Kindergarten when Asher Knight change... More

Chapter 1- Best Friends with the Player
Chapter 2- Little Bit of Love
Chapter 3- Bad Ass Friends
Chapter 4- Asher's Day of Torture
Chapter 5- Party
Chapter 6- Regrets
Chapter 7- All For Me
Chapter 8- Awkward Movie Time
Chapter 9- It's A Date
Chapter 10- Surprisingly Sorry
Chapter 11- Silver Lining
Chapter 12- Mumbling Truths
Chapter 13- Thrill Ride
Chapter 14- Moral Change
Chapter 16- Family Gathering
Chapter 17- A Change For Better or Worse
Chapter 18- Love Can Change You
Chapter 19- Love Actually
Chapter 20- What's Said Is Never Promised
Chapter 21- Everyone Has A Breaking Point
Chapter 22- We All Have Secrets
Chapter 23- Secrets Are Secrets For A Reason
Chapter 24- Riptide
Chapter 25- Hold Nothing Back
Chapter 26- Athazagoraphobia
Chapter 27- Let's Be Normal
Chapter 28- Golden Moments
Chapter 29- Snow Day
Chapter 30- Holiday Plans
Chapter 31- Everything I Didn't Say
Chapter 32- Morning Suprises
Chapter 33- Christmas Love
Chapter 34- The Love That Must Go On
Chapter 35- Thinking Out Loud
Chapter 36- A Leopard Changes its Spots
Chapter 37- The Knight's Version of Family Game Night
Chapter 38- One Last Time
Chapter 39- Come Together
Chapter 40- Graduation
Chapter 41- Epilogue

Chapter 15- Family Matters

445K 6.5K 2.4K
By RealityCheck101

Chapter 15 - Family Matters

Kim's POV



The definition of vacation in the dictionary is 'a period of time that a person spends away from home, school, or business usually in order to relax or travel.' Well, since it is a holiday, Thanksgiving to be exact, I wanted to relax and put the meaning of vacation into action. When I think of vacation I automatically think extra sleep. Going to bed whenever, waking up whenever, long nights, hanging out with friends, all the fun stuff. That's what I used to think too until today...

Since six o'clock in the morning, I've been up cooking and cleaning with my mother. I woke up to my mother's constant voice ringing in my ear telling me to wake up. From there on, I've vacuumed the whole house, cleaned the kitchen, and dusted all the furniture. Did I mention I was still in my PJs and haven't taken a shower yet!? My whole family was coming over around six for dinner. My dad and Nick were preparing the turkey to cook and all the other good stuff. My dad loves cooking for the family more than my mother does.

After smelling like pine-sol and cleaning for five and half hours straight, I took a seat in the kitchen where my father and Nick where. Nick was being immature and sticking his hand up in the turkey laughing his head off. "Tired already?" My dad asks chuckling.

My dad wouldn't understand how tired I am right now. He woke up at the splendid time of nine in the morning with a cup of coffee in his hands and his newspaper and just started working an hour ago. Yeah compare your time with me why don't you, dad!

"You know I understand we're having people over. But I didn't know I'd be taken place in my room." I say, speaking sarcastically as I throw the towel on the counter.

"It's not, we're eating in the dining room, duh." Nick replies not picking up my sarcasm.

"Precisely. So why do I have to clean my room?" I reason, throwing my hair up in a messy pony tail as I spoke to him.

"You've got the easiest job, I wouldn't be complaining." Nick responds in return.

"How about we switch places then, Nick? You clean the house while I do the cooking!" I offer with a pathetic smile.

"Eh, pass that's your assigned job," He says after considering it.

"Thought so," I mumble, sulking in my chair.

Mom walked in, her hair in a tangled mess as she ran around in the kitchen cleaning up after dad's mess. "Hey, uh, mom, is it okay that I invited a friend over arounddessert time?" I ask, playing with my fingers.

"Yeah sure, sweetie. Who is it? Katie?" She asks, putting some things in the fridge and peeking over her shoulder.

"Umm, no. Spencer. Remember the guy I hung out with last Friday." I remind shyly.

"You mean your boyfriend!" Nick teases with a giant smirk on his face that reminded me of Asher. I had such an urge to flip him off, but instead my dad smacked the back of his head when he started laughing at me. Then I started laughing at him. Thanks dad. I rolled my eyes turning my attention back to my mother who was leaning over on the other side of the granite counter.

"So, is that OK?" I ask my mother again.

"That's fine," She says with a smile, "I can't wait to meet him. Right, Gorge?" Mom gives him a certain knowing look they knew well, dad looks away with a sour look. My mom kept staring at him and when my dad saw it, he just rolled his eyes.

"Please, please, please! Don't embarrass me! Don't act like those too over protective parents and ask a million questions," I beg. My mother was one of those moms that asked a million questions and if I let her go so far; take the baby pictures and show them to anyone and everyone.

Now my dad, don't even get me started on! He would make my date sit on a chair, stare at him for a good forty-five minutes, then ask questions. Do you have a fake ID? Have you ever gotten a DUI? You will not have sex with my daughter, correct? Where are you taking her? What's your GPA? What do your parents do for a living? Have you ever done drugs? Have you ever drank alcohol? It was like an interrogation course.

My father is a lawyer; he asks questions for a living so it makes sense, but does he really have to go that far and bring his work home? No, I don't think so either!Luckily, this time he didn't do that to Spencer. I just told him it was two friends hanging out. And I emphasized the friends part clearly though he may not have believed me.

"Now why on Earth would I embarrass you?" Mom asks a bit shocked.

"Because dad always asks a million personal questions and you ask all the embarrassing questions," I tell her. I know I shouldn't be too worked up about this, want to have a guy run out on me because of my parents or even worse, Asher.

"Fine, fine. I won't even speak!" My mother says in surrender, putting up her hands.

"Mhm, and as to you Nicholas, don't dare say anything to embarrass me, " I order Nick as he peeled potatoes in the sink.

"Now what would I do to embarrass you?" He questions as he thinks about it for a moment, "You know it's only fair since you embarrass me in front of my friends."

"Oh don't even get me started!" I state sitting back in my chair, shaking my head. We could go back and forth with this all day if given the chance. He chuckled evilly grinning, knowing very well what I was talking about. "And I'm the older sister, I have the natural born right as a big sister to do so, duh!"

I sigh loudly as the phone rang and mom went to answer it without hesitation. Rambling through the phone, I turned my head to the right hearing a light knock on the glass sliding door. Asher smiled, waving through the door like the idiot he is. "Hey, Kimmy, it's me, Asher!" Well no shit Sherlock I can see that, it's only glass! Waving my hand for him to come in, he opened the door with a hello.

"Thought you guys would be on this side of the house cooking. Didn't feel like walking a mile from the front door to the kitchen," He jokes throwing his arm around my shoulder and giving me a side hug.

"Yes because it's that far," I say dramatically, rolling my eyes. My house isn't really a mile from the front door to the kitchen. More like a sixteenth of a mile.

"Hey, Mr. Taylor, cooking smells good," Ash comments.

"Thanks, Asher. Better save your appetite, we need all this food gone," he notes, pointing around the kitchen. My father looked like he was making enough food for a whole third world country.

Asher chuckled, scooting me over so we shared the small bar stool. "Well, I'm going to be starved later. I have my game at three," He tells my dad. "You're coming right?" He mumbles to me.

"Uhh, I'm still cleaning and all that shit," I tell him, shrugging my right shoulder, and letting my language slip.

"Kimberly, language. Hello, Asher, how are you?" My mother says while hanging up the phone.

"Doing well, Mrs. T. Just stopped by to see if I could steal Kimmy for a bit," He says sweetly to my parents, knowing if he used that charm he has he'd get anything, as he always does.

"What for?" She asks curiously.

"I've got a big game today at around three, wondering if Kimmy could come," He retells for her knowledge.

My mom thought about it for a moment, then nod her head lightly, "Sure, as long as Kimmy finished her half in cleaning-"



"We forgot to pick up the pies!" He grumbles, not caring that he just cussed and my mother yelled at him for it.

"Then go pick it up," My mother resolves.

"I'm watching the turkey and I still have to- damn I forgot the chips for the dip!" My dad growls, slamming his fist on the counter.

"Jesus, Gorge!" My mom scolded.

"Gees dad, you know what they say about old age, first goes the memory," Nick taunts, earning a laugh from some of us. 

I shook my head, chuckling quietly to myself. "How about I go out and pick up the stuff you need?" I offer.

"Could you please? I still have a bunch of stuff to do," He says. I nod my head, jumping up and running away, up the stairs. Throwing some random clothes on just for now, I head down stairs probably looking like a bum, but who cares. Getting ready within five minutes is a record.

"Alright, I'm heading out!" I shout as my voice echoed through the house.

"Here's the list. Be back by one please," My father orders, handing me a piece of paper.

"Alrighty then," I mutter looking over the list. "Asher! Want to come with me!?" I shout, not finding him in the kitchen.

"Sure," He says with a smirk, striding up to me. Aww why does this smirk always look that cute? He's so.... Um, Kimberly, wait, stop, what are you saying, you're going crazy, stop think about Asher like that! He's your friend... Cute friend- SHUT UP!

Taking Ash by the wrist and pulling him to the garage, I slid into the driver's seat of my dad's BMW with a triumphant smile on my face. I love driving this car, but my dad never lets me. If he only knew I'm driving this right now... I wouldn't even want to know. Backing out of the garage, I drum my fingers to the beat of the music on the steering wheel.

"So are you coming to my game?" Ash asks, putting down the volume.

"Umm, I don't know," I reply honestly. Ever since telling Asher the truth about me liking football he hasn't seem to ease up on asking me still. You'd think he'd get the message that I don't care for the sport, but he's so persistent. It's like I said that day had little to no effect.

"Did you finish cleaning your half of the house?" He asks.

"Yeah but-"

"No buts, just come," He erupts. We sit in silence for a moment as I stare at the road making my decision. "Please," He begs after a while.

I sigh. "Fine, I guess I'll go and support you." I think if I said no to two home games in a row he'd be livid with me.

"Yes!" He rejoices, throwing his arms around me to squeeze me into a hug.

"Asher, I'm driving!" I shout as I swiveled on the lane a bit.

"Oops," He says quickly retreating back. I giggle as I parked the car at the food market and stop out of the car. "Can I talk to you about something serious for a minute?"

A little surprised with the question, I looked up at him full of wonder. Asher asking permission to ask me a serious question? He's never asked, he's always just said or ask what was on his mind, "Yeah what do you want to talk about?" I ask him, grabbing a basket on our way in.

"Why were you skipping class on Monday? Its bullshit you were at the nurse's office. I saw you and Spencer walking out." He tells me, grabbing the basket from my hand.

I sigh, rolling my eyes and walking away to the bakery section. Is he seriously going to bring that up! I missed five minutes of class, not even. "Asher it was nothing. It's not going to be a habit and I think you're over reacting about it."

"Kimmy, just cut the shit, okay. You're a straight A student with the highest GPA in the whole school. You're going to graduate as Valedictorian, don't start to ruin it with lies, and ditching. You should have tried it freshman year." He advises me with a light chuckle.

"I know where I stand in school and having a boyfriend or missing two minutes of class isn't going to affect me." I express to him, waiting in line at the bakery so I could pick up my pies.

"That's what you say now." He mumbles, a little irritated. I sigh, rolling my eyes, not wanting to fight with him on this. Not wanting to fight with him at all. Its Thanksgiving, a day to be thankful for what you have and who you have in your life.

It was just in time too, being the peacemaker, because I was next in line to pick up my order of pies. "Hi, picking up for Taylor." I tell the baker behind the counter. He nods his head and walks off to the back to grab what my parents ordered. "I'm grateful that you're worried about me and you've got my back. We're best friends, I get it, that's what friends do, but Asher I'm a big girl. I can handle my own relationship. Please." I tell him in the most caring tone I could express.

Taking his silence as my answer I turn my head back to the baker as he hands over two boxes of pies and a cookie box. I thank him, placing it in the basket and walk off with Asher striding beside me. We went around the aisles, grabbing the things my dad asked for.

Having Ash carry the basket around might have been the worst idea. It was when I was deciding on what chips I should get for the dip when Asher decided to forget about the basket he set down on the floor after flirting with three girls stalking shelves. The next thing I noticed he was doing wasusing the heavy basket as a weight and stated flexing his muscles! He has no shame.

After paying for the items in the basket, Asher helped carry them to the car and put them in the trunk. "Why are you so quiet?" He asks, looking over to me as I stood at the driver's door looking for my keys.

I shook my head, grinning lightly, "I find it so amusing that you just throw yourself at any girl. Strangers. You're so full of pride." I observe after so many years and finally speak my mind, "You are such a tease and a flirt, Mr. Player," I mentioned as we got in the car.

"Why, are you jealous because you aren't getting any?" He teases. My cheeks warmed up slightly as I looked away. From the passenger seat, I heard him fake a gasp. "My, my, I guess someone is jealous!"

"Am not." I say quickly after his absurd accusation.

"If you just want to be friends with benefits Kimmy all you have to do is say so." He snickers, leaning dangerously close to me with an amused look on his face.

"Asher. That's not funny," I say with a scowl.

"Take a joke babe. Ha-ha-ha." He said dryly. After a few moments of peace in the car it seems like Asher couldn't stand it, "I'm going to serenade you with love songs all through the night," he said, beginning to prep his voice and I began to laugh. He sang a high note then a low note as a warm up which made me laugh.

"Asher, you're whack job," I laugh, smacking his chest as he tried tickling me. "Hey I'm driving, don't distract me!" I told him as I saw a cop car parked on the side of the busy street to catch people speeding.

"You know you love it," He said, kissing my hand.

I shook my head as we drove into the garage, announcing to everyone that we arrived. Grabbing the groceries, we make our way to the kitchen where my dad and Nick were still cooking. "Got your stuff," I announce putting all the bags down.

"Perfect," My dad murmurs, "Thank you. Nick hand me the knife."

"I'm going to take a shower." I shout, heading up the stairs. I heard Ash's footsteps follow as I enter my room. Closing the door behind him, I organized a couple of things around my room. "Don't even think about following me or joining me," I say, smirking as I head off to my bathroom. With his comment earlier I wouldn't put it past him.

"Dammit, so close," He pouts, snapping his fingers.

I chuckle, realizing he was joking, I think. He lays on my bed turning on the TV as I enter the bathroom, turning on the shower. I plug in my iPhone in the dock playing the playlist I made just for the shower. I walk into the shower, releasing the stress from my aching muscles as the hot water poured down my skin. I scrubbed until my body turned pink, smelling like peaches.

I got out and wrapped a white towel around my body, drying up. I open my door and step into my room, quickly heading to my closet to look for something to wear. I searched endlessly in my closet only ending up with nothing. My walk-in closet filled with clothes and I couldn't decide on what to wear! I growl in frustration, slumping onto the floor, still wrapped in my towel, looking around.

"Can't decide on what to wear?" Asher asksme his monotone voice, his eyes still glued to my TV.

"Yes! Dammit, I need new clothes," I whine, pouting at my clothes in front of me. As foolish as this may sound, I still had in mind that maybe, just maybe, Spencer would come so I had to look good for him too, not just my family. Dress to impress.

"Call Katie. Isn't that what girls do when you need fashion help or what not," He suggests simply. Contemplating Asher not so bad idea, I got up and tossed around for my phone putting Katie on speaker as I bounced ideas off her and vice versa, "Don't forget about my game, babe, it's at three," Asher reminds the moment he heard dress.

"Oh, yeah," I say with a sigh. Almost forgot about that, "Change of plans Katie-Koo, I'm going to have to dress a whole lot warmer." I mumble sadly into the phone. Oh how much I hate football.


"WHAOOOOO! I AM THE CHAMPION OF THE WORLD! YEAH! AND I'LL KEEP ON FIGHTING TILL THE END! Sing it with me Kimmy! WHAO!" Asher's loud voice pierced through the quiet, cold, nippy air of my neighborhood. I giggle, shaking my head as I fumbled with the keys.

Through the whole car ride, Asher could not stop bragging about how awesome he was because he scored three out of the five touchdowns the team got. Obviously they won or Ash wouldn't be in this good of a mood. I have to say, the game was pretty interesting, even though they kept on having to add extra time because they were tying it. The other team was good, not going to lie about that either. The only reason I knew was because of the boy sitting behind me talking about it.

"Ash, take a chill pill your little victory party has been going on for half an hour already," I joke. He grabs me by the waist and starts spinning me around in the air. I scream and holler while Asher kept laughing. He finally put me down while I was in the middle of a very dizzy state of mind. It only reminded me of the time Asher did this after practice right in front of Spencer.

"And for that you're giving me a piggy back ride," I order, pointing to one of the three Asher's.

"Over here, babe," the Asher on the left said. He scoops me up, throwing me on his back as he made a run to the door. I don't understand how he can still run after his game. If that were me I'd probably not even be able to get out of the car. He barged in, laughing and spinning around again.

"Asher, I'm going to see multiples for the next week if you keep spinning me!" I told him as he finally stops. Seeing one Asher was quite enough.

"That's perfect! That means you're going to see multiples of my amazing, beautiful, sexy face that we both know you love and can't have enough of." He banters, I could only picture a smile stretching on his face as he brags about himself.

"Of course because one Asher isn't enough already," I say sarcastically. He squeezes my butt cheeks with his hands and spins me once more, almost knocking into a wall of picture frames. "Hands off my tush, you're not worthy enough to touch my nice tush. Come on, put me down, please," I begged.

He laughs loudly, turning his head slightly over her shoulder to look at me, "When will you stop calling your ass a tush? You're seventeen not seven!" He explains, shaking his head.

"I like the word tush. Now if you'd let me down-"

"Not until you say the three magic words," He sings, walking further into my house. As I rest my head on Ash's shoulder, I didn't realize until now how bad he smell. Gross.

"Take a shower." I tease.

"Nope that's not it." He denies, holding me tighter into place.

"You're a freak?"


"I'm more beautiful."

"Debatable. I could win that award."

"Best friends forever!"

"Ding! Just kidding, that's not what I wanted to hear, but accurate."

"Football is stupid."

He gasps, trying to look me in the eyes but he couldn't turn his head far enough, "Take that back."

"Not possible." I say shaking my head.

"If you don't say what I want to hear next than you're not going to like it when I put you down." He threatens.

Taking a dramatic pause, and during that really considering if Asher would make well on that threat, I decided to give in and just say it so we could move on and I could get ready. And for Asher to shower because he was smelling horrendous! "I love you Asher Michael Knight." I peck his cheek.

"Yes you do and don't you forget it!" He reminds me. As we pass by the living room I notice people casually mingling.

They were all sitting on the couch or standing with on their feet with wine glasses already in hand. The guys- my uncles, and cousins - were already sitting on the couch with chips, dip, and beer watching a football game. My aunts were in a corner, gushing over a group family photo that was taken at the beach during the summer. They all notice our presence instantly because of how loud our voices must have been. Dammit, were we a little too loud?

"Hey, guys. How's the, um, food?" I ask, slowly sliding off Asher's back. Taking a quick peek at him, I saw from the corner of my eyes a smirk on his face that he was giving to the people in the room. I smack his chest swiftly as his face recomposes into a guilty smile.

"Hey, uh, Taylor's? Um so- oh look touchdown! YEAH!" Asher cheersturning an awkward family moment into a cheering crowd as all heads turned to the TV screen watching the players dance on the field for a touchdown. I mouth a thank you to Ash when he winks at me. Awkward moment just turned back to normal.

"Hey baby, how was your game?" Asher's mother, Kelly, asks coming up to him with wine glass in hand and hugging him. "Football, not my game," she says laughing with my aunts whom she became good friends with over the years since she's been invited.

"It was great! We won, I scored three touchdowns," He retoldsmugly and proudly, stuffing his hands in his front two pockets.

"Fantastic! And how are you sweetie?" Kelly said,pulling me into one of her warm hugs.

"Fabulous, Mrs. K. How are you doing?" I ask politely with a smile on my face and hugging her back.

"Every day I'm full of sunshine!" She smiles in praise.

"Well that's great," I giggle, looking over at Ash who just rolled his eyes.

"Asher, sweetie, please go take a shower. You smell awful. Worse than a fish market," His mother orders him, fanning her nose with her hand.

"Mom," Ash whines, rolling his eyes.

"She's right, Ash, you smell worse than a boy's locker room," I giggle, copying his mom.

"It's the smell of victory, baby," He says shoving his jersey in my face.

"eww, ew, Ash gross! Get off," I shout, pushing him away. "Come, you're taking a shower now."


"Don't 'babe' me; come on you can take a shower in mine. You smell terrible," I say, pushing him towards the stairs. I shove him in the bathroom and shut the door on him as he continues on with his protest. I change out of the casual clothes I wore to the football game and decided to put on a thick knitted, woolen sweater dress and brown opaque tights. A very autumn look I was going for. I slipped on brown leather boots that almost touched my knee, since I thought it'd be weird if I walked around barefoot.

I had to wait for Asher to finish his shower in order to do my hair and makeup so in the mean time I left my room to go down stairs to the kitchen where my dad was taking out another dip while Nick and my cousins, Mason and Shane, sat on the stools picking croutons off the salad.

"Hey, boys, hands off," I order, smacking their hands lightly in attempt to fend for the salad.

"Ow, Kim! What the hell!" They whine.

"What the hell," I mimic in their annoying little teenage voices.

Both Shane and Mason are Nick's age; fourteen. But they're only freshman in high school. Mason and Shaneare my cousins on my father side of the family. They aren't brothers, but they look like they can be with the identical dark brown hair and greenish tinted eyes that the rest of the family had.

"Kim, can you bring this into the living room?" My dad asks, handing me a dip that's still steaming hot.

"Sure," I grab the oven mitts and walk over to the living room and place the dip on the coffee table, "Enjoy!" I tell my uncles, leaving it right in front of them. They didn't even wait until I set it on the table before scooping it up with some chips.

"Kimberly, how are you doing, sweetie pie?" My Aunt Rachel asks me, squeezing my side for a hug.

"Doing well," I inform nodding my head as my other two aunts listen.

"And how's school?" Aunt Jill asks next.

"Same ole, not too hard. I got straight A's on my last report card," I happen to mention, nothing new.

They all praised me, nodding their heads. "Kimberly, sweetheart, put school first instead of boys and your life is going to be sweet sailing. You'regoing to find out it's like living in heaven without them," My Uncle John butted in.

"Okay, thanks?" I say a bit confused.

"Oh really, John? It wasn't sweet sailing and living in heaven when we were dating in high school?" My Aunt Rachael snapped back, putting her hands on her hips.

"Well, honey, you see, back then it was different and now- Oh what a great pass!" My Uncle John says, slowly drifting off in his defending words to his wife. She rolls her eyes at him, turning back to me with a shaking head.

"Speaking of boys, what's up with you and that boy Asher, Kelly's son right?" Aunt Jill asks.

I roll my eyes at them. This is the same question every year. They think just because Asher and I are really good friends we're secretly something more. They don't believe that boys and girls can be just friends. I doubt Asher ever thought of me that way. I did once in Junior High,and moved on when I started finding out he became 'the player.'

"I think he's becoming handsomer every time I see him," My Aunt Rachaelsays, nodding my head to my other aunt. Oh great.

"Still my best friend, Aunt Rachael. Nothing's changed," I reply with a grimace.

"I better be, otherwise what the hell am I doing here?" Asher says coming from behind me. He threw his arm over my shoulder, nodding confidently to my aunts. "Number one best friend, right?" He prompts, nudging me with his hip.

"Of course. Nothing can replace you Ash," I say nonchalantly, rolling my eyes and smiling.

"Aww," My aunts cooed, smiling at us.

Oh God, give me a break. "Kimberly, dad needs your help," Nick declares, quickly coming into the living room and asking for the game score.

"Coming!" I shout to my dad in the kitchen, hoping he'd hear me. Nick ran past me, catching up with Shane and Mason again as they were all hovering over an iPad.  I walk in the kitchen with Asher on my tail. When we entered the kitchen, my dad hands me bowls of chips to bring in the living room. Passing through some rooms, I greet people with a smile or quickly giving them a hug.

"Kim!" Two identical voices sang calling me.

"Hey Bay! Hey Shay! What's up?" I greet smiling at them. Asher's younger twin sisters just turned seven last month. They love me to death and they're the cutest things out there. They both looked adorable with the matching yellow and white dress and their curly dark brown hair and blue eyes, and their DSI in hand. Yeah DSI, what happened to Barbie dolls and Polly Pockets!?

"Nothing," They replied in unison, "Want to come play with us?" Bay asks me.

"Sure, in a minute," I tell them, watching them follow behind me as I go to the living room to deliver the chips to my uncles.

"Yay! Ashy never plays with us," Bay mentions.

"Yeah, he's too cool to for us," Shay adds.

Out of nowhere Asher comes into the conversation hugging both of his sister in surprise. "Damn straight I'm cool. Hey, I play with you guys all the time!" Ash said offended.

"We're girls, not guys, Ashy," Bay corrects, turning her little nose at her brother when he referred to them as guys.

"Yeah, and you don't play with us. You only play with your other girlfriends," Shay adds.

"Ooo, Ashy, I think they know your dirty little secret," I tease, sending him a wink as I sit on the empty couch, gesturing for the girls to sit too.

He rolls his eyes, pretending to be petrified."Oh no, what on earth shall I do!"

Instead of realizing there's no room on the couch for him to sit, he decides to fall on my lap and make himself comfortable there. It felt like one hundred bricks falling down on me like rain. I gasp and suck in the left over air that's pushed out of me.

"Oh my- no Asher, can't breathe!" I cry, trying to push him off me. Damn what does this boy eat? Correction what doesn't he eat.

"Yes you can, I can feel you breathing!" He jokes, laughing hysterically at me.

"Oh please, get off me, you weigh like 300 pounds!" I whine, forcing all my energy to push him off me. He didn't budge or move one inch!

"I'll have you know I weigh one hundred and eighty-five pounds, thank you very much. And all of it is muscle," He corrects me, flexing his arms.

"All of that fat is chips, brownies and pudding!" I correct him, putting my hands on his back and using my lack of muscle to push him off still.

"The last time I ate a pudding cup was in third grade," He scoffs in amatter of fact, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Nah uh! You stole my chocolate pudding cup late night! Liar!" Bay accuses, pointing a finger at him.

"Liar liar pants on fire," Shay sing, pointing to him as well. I laugh with both of them and stick my tongue at Asher like a child.

"And it was a damn good pudding cup," Asher complements, pretending to be falling in love with the dream of pudding.

"Ok, great. Now can you get off of me?" I reclaim, giving him one last push.

"DINNER IS READY!" Dad announces in a loud voice that echoed throughout the house. Everyone cheered, heading to the dining room like a heard.Asher sprung to his feet, making his way to the smell of food without even a glance at me. Oh, so that's when he decides to get off of me! Ow, now I feel like a mushed pudding cup. 



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Meet Sadie Taylor, currently a senior at East High. You can say she is the nerdiest student East High had ever had. She took either advanced placemen...
189K 2.7K 39
"You don't know what I went through!" I yelled at him, angry tears streaming down my face. He stared at me for a long time before he spoke. "I loved...