The Devil's Mark (Book 1)

By GuardianAngel22

645K 34.6K 5.2K

He's smart, he's sexy, he's the devil in disguise. Lucifer Morningstar has ruled Hell since the beginning of... More

Author's Note
Chapter One: Happy Birthday
Chapter Two: A Wet Dream
Chapter Three: The City of Angeles
Chapter Four: Dinner for Two
Chapter Five: First Night Together
Chapter Six: Just Good Business
Chapter Seven: Money, Money, Money!
Chapter Eight: The Blood Diamond
Chapter Nine: Quiet Evening At Home
Chapter Ten: The Accident
Chapter Eleven: The Aftermath
Chapter Twelve: Scale of Judgement
Chapter Thirteen: Remedy
Chapter Fourteen: King of Hearts
Chapter Fifteen: World Traveler
Chapter Sixteen: Sex, Leather & Chains
Chapter Seventeen: When In Rome
Chapter Eighteen: Last Minute Impulse
Chapter Nineteen: A Surprise Visit
Chapter Twenty: The Proposal
Part 2
Chapter Twenty One: Feeling Lucky Tonight
Chapter Twenty Two: The Morning After
Chapter Twenty Three: Isle Morningstar
Chapter Twenty Four: Skinny Dipping
Chapter Twenty Five: Creation
Chapter Twenty Six: The Devil's Plaything
Chapter Twenty Seven: Meeting Between Brothers
Chapter Twenty Eight: Last Minute Appointment
Chapter Twenty Nine: Realization
Chapter Thirty: Growing Pains
Chapter Thirty One: The Pentagram
Chapter Thirty Two: Arrested
Chapter Thirty Three: Masquerade Ball
Chapter Thirty Four: Blindsided
Chapter Thirty Five: Empress of the Seas
Advertisement 2016: Renegade Vampire Outlaw
Chapter Thirty Six: Newfound Power
Chapter Thirty Seven: Second Trimester
Chapter Thirty Eight: Pain & Loss
Chapter Thirty Nine: Stalker
Chapter Forty: Wedding of the Century
PART 3: Intermission
Chapter Forty One: Honeymoon in London
Chapter Forty Three: The Deal
Chapter Forty Four: Lover's Quarrel
Chapter Forty Five: The Beginning of the End
Chapter Forty Six: Smoke & Mirrors
Chapter Forty Seven: The Last Supper
Chapter Forty Eight: Late Night Romance
Chapter Forty Nine: Entrapment
CHAPTER Fifty: A Broken Heart
Chapter Fifty One: Always & Forever
The Saga Continues!
Another series?! Give it up GuardianAngel22

Chapter Forty-Two: A Strange Encounter

5.1K 297 82
By GuardianAngel22


The sound of thunder was the first thing that woke me up in the morning. Dark gray clouds loomed overhead as droplets of rain slid down the windows. But inside, the condo was silent. I moved my leg to the side and kept going until it reached the edge of the bed. Looking over my shoulder, the spot that was once occupied by Lucifer, my new husband, was suddenly empty. His touch comforted me, held me, protected me whenever we were in bed together. Except now he was gone and the only thing that reminded me of him was his scent from where his head lay on the pillow case.

Rolling over in bed, I grab the pillow and planet my face in it, inhaling his scent. Dark woods, the deep aroma of tobacco and vanilla. With these combined I could picture him in my mind's eye perfectly, almost like he was here with me. Then I lay on my back with my head still on his pillow, my eyes staring up at the ceiling, listening to the rumbling sound of thunder in the distance. I placed my hands on my stomach and felt the jab, jab, jab of the baby's tiny feet nudging me in the sides as I winced and wondered how much longer would I have to endure something like this magical pregnancy until I could be able to move around on my own again freely.

"Hopefully, not for very long." I muttered to myself.

Sitting up though was a bitch in my opinion. Trying to get myself up and out of bed was a workout even in itself. I felt like a penguin as I waddled my way over to one side and planted both feet on the floor. Steadying myself with my hand on top of the headboard, I waited a beat until I was sure I got my bearings straight before moving slowly across the floor. I went to the bathroom first and did my morning business followed by a quick little birdbath in the shower. Afterwards, I went into the living room and noticed that a newspaper from the Telegraph was folded up on the coffee table with today's date.

As I moved into the kitchen, I heard the muffled ding of the elevator followed by a familiar humming tune. Lucifer was home. The keys jingled, the lock unlatched, the door swinging open before closing with a gentle click. I was in the midst of sticking my head in the refrigerator when I caught the scent of chocolate, powdered sugar, and dough. Doughnuts. The man bought doughnuts. Pulling out a carton of orange juice, Lucifer appeared around the corner carrying a paper bag that was filled to the top. He smiled, set down the bag, and kissed me good morning all within a minute of him being home.

"Morning beautiful," he said. "Hungry? I got doughnuts."

"I know. I could smell them as you came down the hall. Thank you anyways, though."

He shrugged and opened the bag, popping a chocolate one in his mouth. "Are you alright? You seem moody."

"I'm fine. I was just wondering what made you get up so early."

"I couldn't sleep. So I decided to go out and clear my head a bit."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. It's just that with you getting so close to your due date. I'm getting nervous."

"Lucifer. Listen to me. You have nothing to worry about because we are going to be fine. And you are going to spoil this little bundle of joy rotten until it can't stand it anymore. Just like you've spoiled me."

He took me in his arms than. "But I love to spoil you. It's my favorite past time."

"I know you do. But we need to start thinking about entering the next chapter in our lives."

"What chapter? Are you writing a book? Is it about me and my dashing good looks or my irresistible moves to get you into my bed?"

I rolled my eyes. "No. Lucifer, please. This is important."

The Devil ignored me while not going any further on the subject. He finished off what remained of the chocolate doughnut before leaving the kitchen. Another little kick jabbed against my stomach as I placed my hand on it and closed my eyes and then took a deep breath. God, I could not wait until this baby was out of me and I'd have my body return to its former glory. I heard the phone ring in the living room as I went to go answer it. The caller ID came up Clinic followed by a ten-digit phone number.


"Good morning. This is Kate, from Dr. Pierce's office. I'm looking for Mr. Jason Morningstar."

"This is him."

"Hi Jason. The reason I'm calling you is to remind you of your appointment today at ten-thirty."

I looked at the grandfather clock in the corner. It was nine forty-five. But to be scheduled for an appointment without my knowledge. How weird was that? I looked towards the bedroom and made my way there while telling Kate I'd be right back. I heard the shower running coming from the bathroom as I placed the cordless phone down on the bed. Lucifer was in the midst of lathering up his body with soap as I opened the shower glass door and reamed him out.

"You made an appointment without telling me?"

"Oh! Didn't I? I could've sworn I mentioned it to you on the flight over here."

'No, you didn't. My appointment is at ten-thirty. So hurry it up. Get dressed and let's go."

"I'm afraid I can't do that love. I have an important business meeting with some investors in about twenty minutes."

"You can't be serious. We're on honeymoon and already you're working as if it were just another day at the office."

"I'm sorry."

"You're sorry! Un-freaking believable."

The shower shut off in an instant as Lucifer stepped out and grabbed a towel off the nearby rack. He didn't even bother drying himself off. Instead, he just wrapped the towel around his waist and walked into the bedroom before going behind the headboard and pulling out drawers that revealed various articles of clothing. Behind him were a set of double doors that opened into a large walk-in closet. Suits, ties, slacks and even shoes. Everything a powerful man like himself could ever want when it came to looking his best day after day. Classic contemporary with regards to neither style nor fashion, his looks alone were enough to turn heads no matter where he went.

Except, there were no more words left to say. The argument was over as quickly as it had begun. The Devil had won like he always had, and will probably always will. I left him alone for now and returned to the phone in the living room.

"Hi, Kate? Yes. Sorry to have kept you waiting. You said that my appointment is at ten-thirty? Uh-huh. Fine then, I'll see you soon. Bye."

I ended the call and put the phone back on the charging station before finding my suitcase lying open at the foot of the bed while my wallet, cellphone and a key fob were on the nightstand. Dressing casually for a visit with the doctor was the easiest thing to do given my current situation. By the time that Lucifer had a emerged putting on the finishing touches to his suit. He came over to me and placed a kiss on my head, his hand on my waist as he pulled me in.

"How long will you be gone?" I asked.

"A few hours, hopefully. I can't say for sure."

"Okay. Then perhaps after my appointment I'll take in the sights."

"Sounds like fun, London is a beautiful city after all."

"Hmm." I murmured. "I should get going. Don't want to be late."

I reached for my wallet and phone, taking them off the nightstand when Lucifer said, "Don't forget your present." He said, holding up the key fob.

"Another present. Lucifer, we talked about this."

He smirked. "I know, I know. What are you gonna do, sue me?"

"Hardly. It's not like I can win in court against you. You must have an army of lawyers at your disposal."

"What can I say? I'm a very powerful man who's made a few enemies in my lifetime."

Putting the key fob in my hand, he pulled me in for a quick kiss. Instantly, my body reacted the same way it always did when it came to his lips on mine. Molding myself against him. I felt like we were entwined, like when we would be lying in bed together in the middle of the night after an hour of hot, passionate sex. Even still, I loved that about him. His ability to make feel wanted, special, protected. I don't think I would've been able to find that in anybody else but him. Proving that once again chivalry isn't dead. It just takes form in one thing or another, no matter how you look at it. All it takes is that one guy who can change your world in the blink of an eye.

The kiss ended on a more intimate note as I felt his hands slip from my body and return to his sides. I left him there in our bedroom. The sound of my footsteps retreating as I headed for the foyer and then eventually the doors. But once in the elevator, everything that I used to worry about became no more. Like it was wiped from my memory without even given a second thought. I felt lighter, more relaxed. My conscious was clear for the first time in a long time. How could something like this happen to me? A tiny little jab in the center of my stomach told me the answer as I smiled and stepped out into the lobby.

Strolling across the pristine marble flooring, a concierge sees me approach as he kindly opens the door and tips his hat. I acknowledge his greeting but only for a moment that is until I see a fancy sports car parked next to the curb in front of me. A blue Audi RS-7 with tinted windows drew quite a crowd as I shook my head. Lucifer did love the finer things in life, no matter the cost. Especially when it came to cars. The key fob weighed like a hundred pounds in the palm of my hand as I casually tapped the auto-start button twice, causing the lights to flash and the engine to roar to life. All eyes were upon me as I walked up to the driver-side door and slipped into the cockpit.

Hand-made crimson red leather seats mixed well with the black interior of the dashboard. I buckled my seatbelt and shifted into drive as I slowly pulled out into traffic and cruised down the street.

"At the next light. Take a left," said a female voice, coming from the navigation system.

I could literally feel the power coming in off the engine as I held onto the steering wheel with both hands while I waited for the light to change. A few minutes later I arrived at the office of Dr. Amanda Pierce, a world renowned pediatrician and surgeon. Her office sits on the sixth floor of a highrise overlooking the water. As I approach the receptionist's desk, I recognize the name of the young lady who called me just a short while ago.

"Hi Kate," I said. "Jason Morningstar here to see Dr. Pierce."

She smiled. "Yes, of course. Welcome. Please have a seat. I'll let the nurse know you're here."

Luck must've been on my side because by the time I sat down and flipped through the first few pages of a sleazy tabloid magazine, a woman dressed in scrubs called out to me by name as I looked up and waved. She gestured for me to follow her but not before checking my height and weight just beyond the door. Once that was done then she led me into examination room two. I sat on the table after taking off my coat and allowed her to take my blood pressure. Afterwards, she jotted down her notes and asked a series of questions regarding my health.

"Alright. Now you just sit there and Dr. Pierce will be with you shortly."

"Thank you." I replied.

Twenty minutes passed before I heard a gentle knock at the door and there in its place was a mature forty-something year old woman with raven black hair and lime green eyes. Her work attire was professional, classic. Clearly this woman had a knack when it came to finding the latest trends in the fashion world. She wore a white lab coat with her name inscribed on the front and a stethoscope around her neck.

"Ah, Mr. Morningstar. Thank you for coming in on such short notice. I realize that this appointment must've come as quite a shock for you."

"You could say that."

She walked over to the small desk in the corner and set down my file before standing in front of me and having me lie down on my back. Snapping on a pair of rubber gloves, she gently raised up my shirt and felt around my stomach.

"Have you noticed any changes to your body during the pregnancy?"

"Not that I can think of. Though I have experienced a slight discomfort whenever the baby kicks."

"It's nothing serious, I'm sure. That's just the baby switching sides. Now, let's take a look inside with a quick Ultrasound then you'll be good to go."

"Great. Um, Dr. Pierce? When the time comes, what's going to happen?"

Sitting in a chair next to the table, she power up a machine and grabs a bottle from nearby. "Well, to be completely honest. Nothing like this has ever been seen before. Men can't give birth like women can so at the time of labor, you'll be going under the knife in terms of having a proper C-section. Now I don't want you to worry, you won't feel anything and neither will the baby. My job on the day is to monitor the baby's vital and to make sure that either him or her is perfectly healthy. Other then that, you are in good hands."

I nod in understanding. "I see. I guess I'm just getting nervous because I'm, you know, so close."

"Don't feel bad. Every woman goes through this stage during the final weeks of their pregnancy."

"Yeah, but you don't see many men going through something like this."

Grabbing the scanner, she smears the jelly around on my belly, typing at a few keys here and there. "No, you're the first. You're one for the history books, Mr. Morningstar. I've gone ahead and record the baby's heartbeat for you to listen to and will print out a picture for you to take home."

As she leaves the room, I stare at the pre-recorded screen of my baby as it moves around. Then I hear the sweetest sound in the world. A sound that matches their father, I listen to the steady heartbeat and find out that it calms me by the time Dr. Pierce returns with the picture from my final Ultrasound. She hands me a tissue as I wipe off the gel and lower my shirt back into place before sliding off the table and grabbing my coat off the back of the chair.

"Thank you, Dr. Pierce." I said, shaking her hand. "I guess I'll be seeing you soon."

"I'm looking forward to it. And don't worry about thing, you are in good hands. Just take it easy the rest of the week and with any luck by the middle of next week you'll be able to hold your little bundle of joy."

"Wow. Even hearing that sounds so surreal right now."

"I'm sure it is. My receptionist Kate, will give you my contact information should anything happen in the coming days. Enjoy the rest of your day, Jason."

"Oh, you too. And thanks again, for everything."

"You're very welcome."

I leave the room having felt better about myself and exit through the door as I approach Kate's desk. She types away at the keyboard, her eyes dancing across the screen. Then she tells me that the bill has already been paid for and that I'm all set to go, along with Dr. Pierce's personal contact information. But once down in the streets of London, I see what appears to be a cute little coffee shop. I sprint across the cobblestones and head inside as the smell of roasted coffee beans fills me with delight. And with only being the third person in line. I order my drink in no time at all. When my name's called, I decide to sit down for a bit and enjoy my favorite pastime: people watching.

Firmly holding onto my plastic cup with both hands, I slowly and carefully take a sip so as not to burn my tongue. In the moments that follow, I don't notice that somebody is standing next to my table until I look up and nearly spit out my drink in shock. Wearing a suit and tie, I can't help but stare at him for the longest time without feeling like some sort of creep. His eyes are gray and his hair is cut short that is close to the scalp but even that makes him look more attractive. I finish what remains in my throat before wiping the traces of coffee off my lips.

"I'm sorry. Can I help you?"

"Not at all," he said with a friendly smile. "I saw you sitting here all by yourself and I wondered if maybe you'd like some company."

"Sure. Yes. Have a seat."

He slides the chair out and sits down. "You're married. I'm stunned."

"You are? Why?"

"Because you're already taken before I even had the chance to try and win you over."

I looked down at my coffee. "You're flirting with me."

"One of my many charms. So where is this husband of yours?"

"He's in a meeting at the moment. We're supposed to be here on our honeymoon. But now it doesn't even feel like it."

"I'm sorry to hear that. What's the lucky guy's name?"


"Lucifer," he mutters to himself. "You don't mean Lucifer Morningstar?"

"Yeah. Do you know him?"

"In one form or another. Let's just say that we have a history together."

Lifting his arm, he checks the watch on his wrist. "I apologize, Jason. But I just remembered that I have a previous engagement I really have to get to. It was nice to have met you.

"Wait!' I call out to him as he heads for the door. "How do you know my name?"

"It's written on the side of your cup. Enjoy your honeymoon, Jason. While you still can."

Author's Note: *Scrambles the pages together and heads for the door. Out in the living room, a large group of people lounge around on the couch, the floor. Their eyes are distant and lifeless and it is only when they see me that a flash of color returns to there cheeks at the sight of a new, long-awaited chapter from the story of Jason and Lucifer. I quickly put the pages in the middle of the floor and run back to my room, locking the door behind me* FINALLY!!! The new chapter is here for your reading pleasure. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please be mindful that I haven't written this story in forever so some structure's in the form of narrative or dialogue might be hinky. But all of this will be fixed once the novel is completed. :D

Anyways, I'm off to bed guys. Love you all and be sure to leave me lots and lots of beautifully written comments. Xoxo. 

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