Room 336 | Michaeng [TW] ✅

Por remyo2010

562K 23K 33.6K

Chaeyoung just moved to her new dorm, met her roommate, Mina, in the bathroom and naked. Más

R336 is back!
Who is My Roommate?
A Cub Doll
That Strange House
Hang Out
A Tiny Superhero
I'm Gay?
Lesbian Club
In Love
Cub X Penguin
Hi, Chaeng!
Yoo Jeongyeon
Jack and Rose
Shitty Practice
First Kiss
She's Back!
Close The Door, Airheads
Stupid Fight
Please, Stop! [TW]
Momo, Why
Best Birthday Gift
The Reason Why
Do You Love Me?
Missing You
I Miss You
Finally, Geez
I Love You
Room 336

A Promise

18.5K 791 840
Por remyo2010

At the very moment, she suddenly hears a knock, coming from the outside.

"Mina?" Chaeyoung involuntarily calls, leaps to her feet and scurries towards the door. She opens it, just to see Mina's in her drunk state.

Her face is all red. She grins stupidly, just like a drunk people do.

And she's not alone.

She's with someone. A girl, with a waved long hair and bangs covers her forehead. That girl's propping Mina's body by putting Mina's arm around her shoulders, she's shorter than Mina. The girl smiles awkwardly, but also kindly at the same time.


03 A Promise

Chaeyoung stares at the girl for a moment. "Hi," replies her awkwardly. She looks at Mina in worry. "What happened?"

"Yo, Chaeyoung!" Mina suddenly shouts. She doesn't look so good right now. Her face is red like a tomato, and her hair is such a mess. She keeps mumbling something unclearly, her lips aren't stop curving and making a stupid smile, while she can't even stand properly right now. And that's why this girl is propping Mina's body, and she looks kinda tired. "Hey, could you give me a hand?"

"Ah, sure. Sorry." Chaeyoung fastly takes Mina's free hand, putting it around her shoulder. They get inside the dorm, walk towards the bed, and then the girl throws Mina's body onto the bed recklessly.

"Hey, slowly, please!" Mina shouts in rage, apparently still conscious enough to scold her friend for treating her harshly. At the next second, she's back smiling again, with her lids are half-closed. She looks silly, but kinda poor at the same time. "Girl, I want some soju!"

"You're drunk, Mina. Please quit it," the other girl pushes Mina's body down to the bed softly. Her voice is somehow calming Mina. "Just take a sleep. You need to rest."

Mina glares at the girl for seconds. And when Chaeyoung thought the girl would get pissed, Mina suddenly shouts in eager. "Okay!" She then closes her lids, pulling up the duvet and covers her body. Just like that, she starts sleeping.

The next scene is the other girl heaves a deep sigh, eyes are fixated to Mina's figure. "Such a poor girl."

"Excuse me?" Chaeyoung interrupts, wanting to know what she meant by saying that. The girl turns her head. "Ah, sorry, there. That's nothing." She smiles, her big pair of eyes are so beautiful. "I'm Jihyo, by the way. Mina's friend."

Mina's friend. That words sound so strange to Chaeyoung. She fastly rids off the thought, being harsh is not her. "Hi, Jihyo. I'm-"

"Chaeyoung, right?" this Jihyo girl fastly cuts off the words. "Mina told me about you before. Like, a lot."

Chaeyoung ceases at this, deciphering what she just heard. "Mina did what?"

Jihyo smiles fondly. "Nothing. Forget it," she smiles again. She walks across the room, takes Mina's bottle of water, and emptying the bottle in seconds. She looks kinda tired, probably had to prop Mina's body all the way.

Chaeyoung stares at Mina's figure, who now is sleeping deeply. "What happened to her?" she nods to Mina, approaching Jihyo. She waits for Jihyo to finish her drink. "Did something bad happened to her?"

Jihyo answers the curious question with a smile. Her face shows that she's worried of Mina. "Nothing happened, Chaeyoung. She just wanted to drink, and she passed her own limit. That's all."

No. She's lying. There's definitely something happened, and Chaeyoung could sense it.

"But, she wasn't at home last night. And now, she's drunk and-"

"She was with me last night."

And then, Jihyo takes her bad from the floor, which was thrown by her before. "I have to go right now. Sorry that I can't stay any longer. Please take care of Mina," Jihyo nods towards Mina. She gives Chaeyoung a brief smile, and then she leaves in rush, not even farewell Chaeyoung or say a thanks. Chaeyoung left there with Mina, her head filled with questions.

Chaeyoung closes the door and stirs her heels, heading towards Mina. She eyes Mina for a moment. She loosens Mina's shoes, puts it beside the door. Honestly, she also wants to change Mina's clothes. She looks uncomfortable with that tight jeans. But, she thinks she can't handle naked stuffs no more. So, she didn't do anything about her clothes.

She tidies Mina's stuffs for minutes. When she finished, she stands beside Mina's bed, staring at the sleeping girl, who looks so damn beautiful.

She chuckles. "That's not fair, Mina. I sleep with my mouth open widely, while you sleep and snore but still look like a damn princess."

She laughs at her own words. She halts afterwards, her eyes solely study Mina's face. "What exactly happened to you?" she asks to Mina. Well, it's obvious that Mina isn't able to answer that, but Chaeyoung just wanted to say it. She just wanted to know Mina better, to know why she behaves like this.

And because she's aware that it's useless to talk with a sleeping girl, Chaeyoung jumps to her own bed, trying to sleep. Although she can't even stop thinking about the girl across the room.


Mina wakes up and directly scurries to the loo, vomiting all the stuffs she drink last night. She spent about 10 minutes inside the loo, and comes out in her weak state. She sees Chaeyoung's sitting on her bed, a bottle of water on her hand.

"Here," Chaeyoung quickly stands up and hands Mina the water. Mina shakes her head, rejecting it, but Chaeyoung, being adamant, forces the bottle towards Mina. And so, Mina takes it. Well, she needs to drink anyway.

The water is warm, which is so helpful for her sore throat. She sips it slowly and cautiously, her throat is hurting right now and she's kinda regretting drinking that much.

After Mina drank the water, Chaeyoung hands another stuff to her. "This one too." It's a medicine. Mina, being a good girl, takes it without any argument.

"The medicine would reduce the pain on your throat. No more queasy." Mina nods. She swallows the medicine, although it's hurting her just to swallow it.

And when Mina's done drinking, their eyes meet.

What happened? "Are you okay?"

Mina nods, thinly smiling. "Yes, I'm totally fine. The medicine really helps. Thank you."

"Should I buy you a porridge too? If you want, I could go buy it for you."

Mina shakes her head weakly, massaging her throbbing temples. "No, Chaeyoung. You really don't have to do that. Just, let me take a rest for a while."

It's probably the last thing Chaeyoung could do for now, giving Mina a time. So, she steps back and nods. "Sure."

Mina sits on her bed, laying her body there. She closes her lids, but obviously she's not sleeping. She's just resting herself for minutes.

What happened, Mina? Where were you staying that night? There are so many questions on Chaeyoung's head. She just can't say it out aloud. Not even a single one. Mina looks so tired, and apparently doesn't want someone to annoy her. So, Chaeyoung stays silent, back to her bed again and keeps shut.

But, seeing Mina like this, so strengthless, makes Chaeyoung really wants to make her feel better. So, she asks again, "you need something else, Mina?" And once again, Mina answers it with a no. And Chaeyoung can't stop herself from caring Mina.

"Look, you have to eat something, Mina. So, I'm gonna buy you something to eat," Chaeyoung takes her wallet. "And you're gonna stay here while I'm gone."

After makes sure Mina won't go anywhere while she's gone, Chaeyoung leaves. Left Mina alone with her sore throat and dizzy head.

Chaeyoung goes to buy a porridge for herself and Mina. She does it fastly, wants to go back to the dorm in time. As soon as she arrives at the building, she climbs the stairs hastily. But, when she opens the door, she sees no one inside it. Mina has left, she's gone.

Chaeyoung sighs, slogging to walk herself towards the bed. She's so damn curious with Mina. That girl is so mysterious, like a riddle. Chaeyoung wants to talk more with her. They're roommates now, so they have to live together. And Chaeyoung just wants to be a good roommate. But, if Mina keeps doing this, not there whenever Chaeyoung makes a move, they won't get any closer.

Chaeyoung walks towards the desk, found a paper on it. A message, from Mina, for Chaeyoung.

Sorry for leaving without telling you. I know you won't let me go even though I beg to you, so I'm leaving now. I have something urgent to do. Once again, I'm so sorry for being so ignorance and oblivous, and made you buy another meal for us. Next time, I'll do it. Let me buy something for tonight..

Tonight? Is that mean that she's coming home, and Chaeyoung could finally have a time with her?

Another sigh from Chaeyoung. She feels happy but sad at the same time. She's happy because Mina just promised that she'll spare her night for them, but she's sad because she's kinda beaten by the fact that Mina keeps leaving and leaving. Is she busy or what? Chaeyoung has no idea about it.

But that's okay. She'll be at home tonight, and they're able to have some time. Chaeyoung smiles. Time to get ready.


"It's been a week since my first day being a college student, but it feels the same as before when I was a high-schoolers."

"No, that's absolutely wrong," Chaeyoung fastly disagrees Tzuyu's state. She's playing a game on her phone, but still manages to reply Tzuyu's words. "Being an university student feels great. No one's scolding you for being a lazy girl," Chaeyoung laughs happily at the end of the words.

Tzuyu glances. "Well, being lazy is not a thing to be proud of."

"Like you're diligent or what."

Tzuyu shrugs. "Well, at least I'm not lazy."

Chaeyoung chuckles, Tzuyu seems a bit pouty. She looks cute, though.

"Anyway, Chaeng. I want to ask something."

Tzuyu suddenly turns so serious. Chaeyoung, being a good listener, exits her game and pulls her body up. She sits on Tzuyu's bed, while Tzuyu's on Sana's. They're looking at each other, Chaeyoung waits for Tzuyu to open up. While Tzuyu looks a bit hesitated. "What's wrong, Tzu?"

Chaeyoung sees Tzuyu gulps nervously. "Well, you know Sana?" Chaeyoung hums in response. "There's a night when she asked me to come join her."

Tzuyu halts, looks so hesitated to say the words. Chaeyoung sighs at that. "Oh, come on, Tzu. Spill it."

"She asked me if I could join her going to a club. But, it's kinda far from here. It takes an hour to go there." Tzuyu stops again. And Chaeyoung starts getting impatient.


"What so you think about that?"


"I mean, she asked me to come with her, but I rejected it. She keeps asking me to come with her. I think she's oftenly going to that club."

At this, Chaeyoung sees an opportunity to tease Tzuyu. "Wait. Are you sure she's not the one whose playgirl?"

"No!" Tzuyu suddenly huffs, surprised Chaeyoung with her raised tone. Probably, she's also shocked with her own huff.

Chaeyoung, doesn't know why Tzuyu huff over that small tease, laughs bitterly. "Yo, calm down."

Tzuyu clears her throat, perhaps also feeling sorry for raising her voice. "Sorry, but she's not like that. And," Tzuyu exhales. "It's a bit unique club."

Chaeyoung thinks. A unique club? Isn't a club means a place for dance floor, alcohol and stuffs? So, what's so unique with Sana's club?

"And," Chaeyoung drawls, carefully asking. "What kinda of club is that?"

Another silence, which makes Chaeyoung kinda frustated of Tzuyu being a total thoughtful. She was the one who started this convo. She needs to finish it.

After a while of silence, Tzuyu sighs heavily. "Nothing. That's nothing. Forget it."


"That's fine. Let's talk about something else, then."

Theur conversation halted as Chaeyoung's phone rings. There's a message, from her mom.

Babe, I sent you the money. Go check it and use it well. By the way, do you have a time this weekend? Could you please come home? I have to talk about something important with you.

Chaeyoung has no plan yet for the weekend. So, of course she'll go home this week.

Thanks, mom. I'll go, so please cook something delicious for me, okay?

After texted her mom back, Chaeyoung checks the current time, realizing she has to go now. "Tzu, I'm sorry to say this, but I have to go," she leaps to her feet, shoving her stuffs into her bag. "I have a class soon."

Tzuyu doesn't say anything. She just stares back at Chaeyoung. "Anyway, you could invite me to come with you to that unique club."

At this, Tzuyu gives a very quick response. "Really? You wanna come with me?"

Chaeyoung shrugs, thinking it's not a big deal. "Why not?" She chuckles. "I mean, we're adult now. Doesn't it mean we have to enjoy it?"

Tzuyu looks kinda speechless, just ends it with an awkward chuckle. "Sure. I'll tell you if she ask me again."


It's 8 pm when Chaeyoung arrives at her room. She throws herself onto the bed. It's such a long day, and's so damn tired at the moment. She checks some messages on her inbox, some are from Tzuyu and Dahyun, and also from her high school friends. She smiles a lot while reading all of them. Though she enjoys being university student a lot, still, she kinda misses high school.

It's a time when she suddenly remembers about her empty wallet. She should take some right now. Well, Mina promised to buy something good for tonight's dinner. Though she's hungry and can't wait to see what menu will be her dinner tonight, still, the thing she wants the most right now is no more disappearing Mina. She hopes the latter would stay tonight, so they can talk properly, become closer as they're roommate right now.

Chaeyoung takes her wallet, getting ready to go to the ATM. When she's about to open the door, suddenly Mina opens it just right before her, make them both jolt in shock.


"Sorry," Mina grins, moving aside so Chaeyoung get an enough space to walk. But, Chaeyoung stays, so Mina asks, "where are you going?"

It's the time when Chaeyoung realizes that Mina's holding plastic bags in both of her hands. "What's that?"

"Ahh, this?" She shrugs. "I promised to treat you a dinner tonight, so..."

Mina trails off, so Chaeyoung fastly comforts her by saying, "wow, thanks!"

Mina, probably seeing treating Chaeyoung a dinner tonight is nothing compare with Chaeyoung who already spent her allowance more than her, fastly thank Chaeyoung back. She deserves that words more than her. "No, Chaeyoung. Thank you."

And once again, they're trapped inside a doom of awkwardness.

"Hey, I'm going out right now. So, excuse me."

"Are you leaving?" Mina's still standing there outside the room, her eyes following Chaeyoung whose walking away from her. Chaeyoung ceases, suddenly somehow, feeling bad for leaving the latter. "Give me ten minutes, okay? I'll be back in ten minutes." Mina nods at this.

Mina is inside the room, when Chaeyoung suddenly remembers a thing. She stirs her heels, scurries to the room again.


Mina turns, just staring at Chaeyoung in confused. "Yes?"

Chaeyoung gulps. "You're not gonna leave again, are you?"

They just stare at each other. Mina halts, didn't expect Chaeyoung gonna ask her that.

But, she also realizes that she'd been leaving Chaeyoung too often, that probably makes Chaeyoung a bit worry that she's leaving again.

So, Mina shakes her head, giving Chaeyoung a reassuring smile.

"No," she answers. "I'll stay. I promise."

It's a promise. Another promise.

Chaeyoung knows it's been only their few time chit chatting, and all of those were just a brief conversations, still, she knows that Mina is trusted.

"That's good," she smiles happily, relieved with the answer. "I'll be back in ten minutes. You better wait for me."

Mina nods calmly. "Of course. I'll be waiting for you, tiger."


Chaeyoung's pretty sure that Mina is the only person who call her with that name.

But, Chaeyoung doesn't mind it at all. Because she likes it. A lot.


Chaeyoung walks fastly towards her dorm. She'd been gone for more than 10 minutes, and she just won't make Mina wait any longer. Her steps are bigger than usual, and she's so damn tired by that. But, that's fine, because she feels so excited right now.

Chaeyoung doesn't exactly know the reason why she feels this excited. Probably, it's because she'd been waiting to have a proper talk with the roomie? It's not only about curious with those rumours she heard. She wants to be friend with Mina. She wants to know more about this mysterious girl. She wants to know her real self.

Chaeyoung arrives at the dorm, and currently is standing before her door. Yet, she feels heavy, a bit afraid that Mina might be gone again. She wants to be Mina's friend, but if Mina keeps disappearing again and again, every time Chaeyoung wants to talk to her, how could they be friend? So, Chaeyoung could only pray to god that Mina didn't leave.

She opens the door, and is totally relieved when she sees Mina inside.

Mina looks up, finds Chaeyoung's eyes and smiles at her. She's hugging her penguin doll, which looks so cute to Chaeyoung.

"You said ten minutes," Mina mumbles, pouting. "I'd been waiting for you."

Chaeyoung smiles at this. Mina being a pouty is something new to her. And well, it's pleasuring.

"I'm sorry," Chaeyoung walks in, closes the door behind with her eyes still on Mina. "There was a line at the ATM machine before. Sorry for making you wait."

"Nah, no problem, Chaeng," Mina giggles. She points out the plastic bags on the desk. "I bought some hamburgers for us. Also a medium size pizza and two bottles of beverage."

Chaeyoung stares at the stuffs she mentioned in disbelief. "Woah. That's a lot, dear." She never expected the girl has a big appetite.

Mina responds in by a small laugh. "Let's start the party."

She takes one of the hamburgers, eats it without waiting for Chaeyoung to also take one. Her first bite is pretty big, resulting her mouth is full. She halts when she catches Chaeyoung's amazed stare. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just, wow," Chaeyoung gets flustered. "Didn't know you're a fan of food."

Mina squints, swallowing the food. "And why did you even think that way? Is it because of my slender body?" Chaeyoung keeps shutting her mouth. "Chaeng, I'm a human too. And I think everyone is a fan of food, especially when they hungry as hell."

Chaeyoung grins ruefully. "Sorry."

"Remember when I told you to stop saying sorry?" Mina mumbles, smirking. She takes one of the hamburger, handing it to Chaeyoung. "So, let's stop apologizing and come here. Eat this."

"Okay." Chaeyoung approaches Mina, takes the fast food from Mina's hand. She's about to sit on her own bed when Mina grabs her wrist, latching her from walking to her own bed. She draws Chaeyoung's hand. "Just sit beside me."

Chaeyoung gulps, doesn't know why she becomes so nervous. "Yeah, sure," she sits down beside Mina. Though she's not as nervous as before, still, she could feel the pressure from sitting down right beside a gorgeous girl like Mina.

Chaeyoung starts eating, doesn't want to hurt her hungry tummy no more. They don't talk, just eating in silent, both avoiding to stare at each other, probably because it's a bit awkward right now. When Mina's finished with her food, she gets into her feet, walks to the desk and takes one of the soda. She takes a big gulp, and burps afterwards, which only makes Chaeyoung baffled more.

"So," Mina leans her lower body onto the desk. "You're two years younger than me?"

Chaeyoung nods. And Mina asks another question. "What major are you studying?"

"Film major. And you?"

At this, Mina wow-ing. "You know you'll get busy anytime soon, don't you?" Chaeyoung chuckles, nodding, absolutely aware with the consequences. Mina smiles. "I'm communication major, anyway."

Chaeyoung nods. "Where are you come from?"

"You mean my hometown?"

Chaeyoung nods. "You know, you're family name is a bit... not-Korean."

Mina laughs bitterly. "Right, Myoui," she shrugs. "I'm from Japan."

"Ahh, I see."

There's a bit silence continues after that talk. Chaeyoung doesn't feel as nervous as before, but because probably they're two shy girl, it's hard for them to just talk and talk. But, as Mina feels like she has to lead the conversation, being the older one amongst them, she clears her throat and smiles when Chaeyoung looks up into her eyes.

"I actually don't know what to ask again. This is the first time I have a roomie," Mina rubs her nape, grinning. "Anyway, welcome to room 336. You know, I don't really have so much stuffs, so it's a bit vacated here. But, if you want to buy something and put it here, that's fine. You also allow to decorate this room, if you want. Just, make sure you inform me about that before you actually do it."

Chaeyoung innocently asks, "and why should I tell you?"

Mina shrugs. "Because this is our room and not yours only?"

Ugh, savage. Chaeyoung laughs. "Okay."

Mina laughs with her. She takes a slice of pizza, and starts eating again. It's good for Chaeyoung that Mina eat this much. She thought Mina doesn't eat well, considering that she didn't even touch the tteokpokki and pizza Chaeyoung bought for her.

"Uhm, this night would be better if we have a soju here."

Wait. "Soju?" Chaeyoung asks.

At this, Mina squints. She already faced some people who's like Chaeyoung. "Why? You're an anti of alcohol?"

Chaeyoung shakes her head. "No, it's not like that. Well, I don't drink alcohol, because it's bad for health. But, you want soju?" Chaeyoung stares at Mina in disbelief. "After yesterday, when you just got so drunk?"

Mina halts, shrugging. "Well, yeah. I tend to drink soju, whenever I feel like, I'm stress or sad."

Chaeyoung breathes, thinking. "So, you feel kinda stress and sad right now?"

Mina, after silent for a while, laughs bitterly. "What answer you want to hear the most? Yes, or no?"

"What?" Chaeyoung asks. "Well, both are the same for me, though. If you answer with no, then I'll stop asking. But, if you say yes, then I'm gonna ask you another question."

Hearing this, Mina furrows her brows. "And, what is that another question?"

"You didn't even answer the first one, girl."

Mina stares at Chaeyoung in a deep silent. Her eyes look sad, but Chaeyoung doesn't know why.

"Just," Mina shrugs, swallowing her pizza. "Forget it, okay?"

It's a secret, Chaeyoung can tell it. Mina just won't tell her anything right now. But, she understands. They just 'really' talk tonight, and they're no more than an acquaintance. Well, they're roommates, of course, but they barely know each other, so, Chaeyoung really knows why Mina still won't tell anything about that to her.

Chaeyoung nods. "Sure. Let's just talk about something else."

Another silence. It's kinda choking Chaeyoung, to be honest.

"By the way, Mina," Chaeyoung opens the talk. "I'm sorry to ask this. But, where were you at the night when you didn't come home?"

Mina halts, probably trying to recall the night. "Ooh, that night?" she smiles. "If I tell you the truth, would you believe me?"

What? Why she asked that?

"I apparently have no reason to not trust you, Mina."

Mina chuckles, nodding. She smiles slightly when she says, "I was working."

Suddenly, Chaeyoung remembers about Tzuyu's words, that Mina is a girl who like to 'play' with those old rich man.

"And," Chaeyoung cautiously asks more. "Where exactly do you work at?"

Mina feels the oddness behind Chaeyoung's question. But, she just shrugs off the thought. "A place you would never expect before."

Chaeyoung chokes. What's the meaning of her answer? Why she referred her work place with those words?

As she really wants to know where exactly Mina works at, she once again asks, "and where exactly it is? And what kind of job it is, that you work at night-"

"Why are you so curious about that, anyway?" Mina cuts Chaeyoung's words off. She looks composed, doesn't get annoyed by Chaeyoung prying over her.

Chaeyoung grins awkwardly. "Well," she gulps. "Honestly, I heard something about you before. That you usually go out at the middle of the night. And, I just want to know about that."

Okay, so, Chaeyoung just blabbed it. And now, it's time to see Mina's reaction about herself being rumored by students around the campus.

Actually, Chaeyoung expected that Mina would get mad and offended. The fact that she's not, and right now just stares at Chaeyoung with a sad expression, kinda makes Chaeyoung baffled. "And, what do you think about it? About the stories you heard about me?"

Chaeyoung shifts her eyes from Mina to somewhere, can't face Mina right now. She probably just hurts Mina's heart, by being blunt like that. She gulps, takes the cub doll and stares at it. "Honestly, I'm not kind of person who easily believe on rumors. I tend to believe what I experienced, not only by people's stories."

Mina halts for a while, thinking. "But, what if the rumors are true?"


"What?" Chaeyoung turns her head and eyes Mina. The beautiful girl's smiling bitterly, forced. Her eyes are really look sad and beaten, even though she tries to cover it with her smile.

"What do you mean?"

"What if I really sell my body for some filthy old man, just for getting huge amount of money?" Mina bluntly says it. Her voice is shaking. "Yes, I do know about the rumors. They say that I sell my money to a... sugar daddy. Right?" Mina chuckles bitterly, she looks so sad and down. "What if the rumors tell the truth? That I am really a... girl like that?"

Actually, Chaeyoung never expected Mina would ask her that. She's kinda confused, doesn't know what to say. She won't think badly about Mina, and she won't hurt the girl's heart no more.

After a while, Chaeyoung smiles.

"It's okay."

There's a big silence afterwards. Mina just stares at her in silent, squinting.

"What's so okay with that?"

"It's your life, Mina. It's your choice. You have your own right to choose that path. I can't judge you, and make a distance with you, just because you work that way," Chaeyoung smiles, trying to speak out her real mind. "After all, we all are just human. We have our own life, with different condition and problems. We have our own way to cope the life." Chaeyoung pauses, her words kinda sound cliché. "And probably, that's your own way to survive."

Mina stares at Chaeyoung wordlessly. She looks speechless. Her eyes are wavering, couldn't believe what she just heard. "What a wise words, Son Chaeyoung," she mumbles softly. "This is the first time I heard someone saying that. And it's... so touching."

Chaeyoung stares at Mina in concern. She doesn't look so good at the moment. Moreover, when the latter just shifts her gaze away from Chaeyoung, makes Chaeyoung gets more worried.

And it only makes Chaeyoung surer that she really said something wrong when Mina finally leaps to her feet, her eyes are apparently avoiding Chaeyoung's. "Excuse me."

Her voice's wobbling. She suddenly runs to the bathroom, gets inside it and slams the door behind.

Five minutes just passed, and she's still inside the bathroom. Chaeyoung bites her lower lip, couldn't hold herself from worrying more and more. She's eyeing the bathroom door, wanting to continue the chit-chat, with another topic. But, it looks like Mina won't go out anytime soon.

So, Chaeyoung thinks she would just wait for the girl. It's the time when she hears that.

A sob.

Chaeyoung freezes for a moment, wanting to hear the voice clearer. And she fastly stands up, approaches the bathroom. She puts her earlobe onto the bathroom door, and that's the time she realizes.

That the sobbing voice is coming out from the bathroom.

Mina is crying inside it.




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