Mr. Mafia And His Ballerina!

De souna19

14.6K 400 101

Scarlet Ruby Red Has the perfect life, perfect parents- her mom being an FBI agent & her father being the SWA... Mais

Changing life
I'm all about the first impretion
Why are you back ?
Lets show them the Cali way
Mess with the best. Die like the rest.
We are the Lions
Cause shit goes down!
Because we're fancy like that
Don't mess with a girl who's bleeding !
Italy II
Surprises With Birthday Boy!
Never ending
A great way to end a date

Hotter than hell

1K 25 3
De souna19

"Sometimes it's the hope that makes it worse, hoping that they will come back, hoping each day that they may come to their senses and filling your self with hope each day because you miss the old times and hate looking at the thing they have become which is note them. However it is not that bad... death is final or isn't it? There is still a chance one day you will meet, far far away from here"

After our dance we all quickly showered and changed our cloths, we will great and thank everyone who came and than we will go to the restaurant that again Trevor so generously rented out, for the everyone to celebrate including Trevor, Clair, Zander and the squad

After i had finished my quick shower i put on my long sleeved deep V neck dress and shoes applying my usual makeup and quickly blew dry my hair and put on my heels

The boys were wearing jeans and buttoned up shirts and the rest of the girls were also wearing dresses

After greeting many people i reached my aunt and Trevor and couldn't help but smile and hug them, while Trevor as usual was wearing a black suit Claire wore a beige and black dress that was breathtaking on her and showered her baby bump proudly and gorgeously

"Don't you look gorgeous as hell with that baby bump C" I complimented her placing my hand on her bump and smiling

"Don't you look hotter than hell in this dress Scar, indeed you're leaving scars in all guys hearts sweet heart" she complimented back and smiled at me

"Now why don't i get a compliment, I'm jealous " Trevor pouted making me laugh

"You look sexy as hell babe" Claire said and kissed him on the lips

I pretend to gag "you guys are making me sick I'm going to Zan and the rest"

As soon as i said Zan Claire pulled back and her eyes widened

She knows i never call anyone Zan accept for my brother

"Zen?" She gasped her eyes tearing a bit "as in Zander? Your brother?" She asked again and I nodded

How could I forget that she doesn't know

Trevor still stood there very shocked

"Yeah, he's right over there, I'll call him over you just sit down Claire we don't want Ruby coming now" i said as a jock and immediately walked away

First I noticed Xavier, we made eye contact as i walked over to them and as he let his eyes roam my body I couldn't help but check him out as well
He was handsome wearing black jeans and black shirt with a beige jacket over the sleeves raised and finished the look with beige yeezys

Than I noticed the girls while Kai was wearing  black and beige sophisticated yet sexy outfit Alex was wearing a pine green and black outfit which was cute yet sexy

The other boys were wearing black jeans and button ups that differed in color just like my crew and lastly Zander

He had his arm around Alex but he was looking at me and smiling, like the rest he was wearing black jeans but he was wearing a white shirt and above it his black leather jacket, paired with white and black converse and lastly his necklace... the one that i gave him

My hand immediately shot up to my necklace and I gripped it

I, still after last night, haven't talked to him

"Hey guys" i greeted when I reached them and i got hugs from both girls immediately

"You were great out there Scar" Kai said smiling at me when we pulled away

"Yeah, you were breathtaking, i had to hold your brother down the whole time so that he wouldn't punch guys that are looking at you" Alex said with a laugh and I couldn't help the chuckle leaving my lips

"Speaking of, Zan, will you please come with me for a bit" i said not bothering to wait for his reply as I started walking towards Claire and Trevor

"I'll see you guys at the restaurant " i threw back and continued walking towards my now sat down pregnant auntie

"Claire" Zan gasped when he saw her

He than stopped his eyes widened and his jaw hung open when he saw her baby bump

"Y-you're p-pregnant" he said as he started walking towards her again

Zan knelt down and placed his hand on Claire's bump

"I've missed so much" she whispered as a tear slipped from his eye

"I'm sorry auntie" Zan said as he kissed her cheek and let a tear role down his cheek

Zander like me has a soft spot for Claire, maybe it's because she's our youngest aunt, or maybe because she was closest to mom and dad, or... or because she was like our second mother who took care of us and spoiled us rotten

"Enough with all the emotions, we need to get to the restaurant and if you keep on crying and hugging I'm gonna cry as well and ruin my makeup and that's gonna be a disaster" i said tears riming my eyes as Trevor gave me a side hug

Claire sniffed and dabbed away her tears and held Zander's face as she wiped his tears as well

"We will have a long talk my boy, later we will discuss some things" Claire said and then let Zan help her stand up

"Okay, lets tell everyone and go then" Trevor said clapping his hands

After about a thirty minute drive with the music filling my car and me singing along we arrived to the restaurant

I couldn't help the amazed look on my face

The front wall of the restaurant was made of glass letting us see the inside

The inside could probably fit two hundred people, it's walks were of a dark mahogany wood, the bar was to one side giving the already dark atmosphere a darker feeling, the tables and chairs were set in a way to fit all of us as if it was one table, making the dancing area larger and than there at the farthest of the restaurant was about and inch high platform made to fit about three king sized beds but the black Steinway and Sons grand piano, Walden limited edition "The Black Guard" D560CEB acoustic-electric guitar, the satin black Martin OMCPA5 cutaway orchestra model acoustic-electric guitar and the microphone set filled half of that platform

True you might be asking how did she know all of the names of the musical instruments and see all that just by looking through the glass

Well i had a fascination with musical instruments and could recognize a price of beautiful art anywhere still the headlights of the taxi cars and the others cars were enough for me to see the beauty of the restaurant

I hadn't come here before but after tonight I'm making sure to come here again after tonight

We all got out of the cars and walked over to the  automatic glass sliding doors

When i was halfway there something crashed into my legs with such force i almost fell

I looked behind me and saw the little angel that is hugging my legs

She let go and I turned around and kneeled before her

"Hello angel " i said and kissed her forehead while she giggled

" you were great Scar" she squealed and hoped in her place her

Wearing a black dress with a burgundy leather jacket, knee high black socks and lastly burgundy converse; her hair up in a bun and a and cat ears on top she looked like the cutest angel ever

"Thank you baby" i said and kissed her forehead again and then pooped her nose

"Anna, don't run away from me like this, you could get lost" i heard his voice before i saw his face

I stood up and held Annas hand

"Hey" i said and gave him a small smile

He looked like a deer caught in headlights which made me giggle

Maybe he looked like that because of me practically avoiding him like the plague all weak

I saw his smile when I giggled and my eyes widened for two reasons

One His smile was beautiful, and two i just fucking GIGGLED

"Lets go in, before you girls freeze out here" he said and took Annas other hand as we started to walk in that's when I realized that everyone was already in there

As soon as I stepped in i heard the buzzing of voices and the light music in the background, I smelled the wine that was being poured in the glasses but couldn't help myself as i threw a glance at the piano and guitars

"Guys" Rita said silencing us after we all got our beverages

"You were absolutely great on stage, and I think you better start searching for apartments in NY because I'm positive that you are already accepted to at least two universities now" we all cheered at that

"How about we here a song from you now Scar?" Trevor asked and everyone raised there glasses and cheered again

"Guys-" I began to protest when Claire gave me a pleading look that I couldn't resist "I'll do it" i said and started towards the microphone as i heard Claires cheer among the others

She loves it when i sing

When i stood on the platform my wine glass on the table nearest i cast everyone one last glance before closing my eyes and starting to sing

"I took the supermarket flowers of the windowsill

I threw the day old tea from the cup

Packed up the photo album Matthew had made

Memories of a life that's been loved"
I opened my eyes when i heard the piano follow up and expected to see Zander sat on the chair his fingers on the keys but was surprised to see that it was Xavier who was sat there his back straight his eyes on me and his fingers grinding across the keys as my lips moved and the words came out

When i was done my eyes were filled with tears as i had remembered mom and dad and how they supported me and never missed a dance of mine even those out of country

The cheers and claps of everyone brought me out of it

"You were great princess" was all Xavier got out before Anna was had hugged my legs and cheered for me

"I wanna be like you when I grow up" she said when I lowered myself to her level

I smiled at her and tapped her nose " be like yourself princess, remember an original is with more than a copy" i said and chuckled at her confused face

"You'll understand when you grow up angel now go dance" i said patting her back and standing up

"She really loves you, you know" Xavier said as we started walking towards the rest

I smiled and took a hold of my wine as i took a good look at everyone

"I know and i love her very much as well" i said and glanced at him to find him already looking at me

"I'm glad you're okay with Zander now, he was devastated ever since he found out that you practically hate him and it's the most happy i see him ever since he came here almost two years ago, even when he's with Alex I could always sense his feeling of sadness" we both looked at my brother who's dancing slowly to the music with Alex
"I'm glad too, i missed him a lot" I confessed

When we reached everyone Xavier took my glass from me and placed it on the table

" would you like to dance?" He asked as 'youth' came on

And me loving this song couldn't say no so except i just nodded my head and placed my hand in his

When we reached the others I placed my hands around his neck while he placed his around my waist, his hold firm, tight and secure as if he was scared that I'd slip right through his fingers and disappear

Our feet moved along the music in perfect sync, if you were someone from the outside you would of guessed that we are a couple

I looked up at his eyes, big hazel beautiful eyes that seemed to hide too many secrets but still managed to smile, "you know, I never imagined you to be like this" he said and in reply i gave him a confused look

"I mean Zander told us that you're a ballerina and different, and that we would love you and always told Kai that you two would be the bestest of friends as soon as you meet, but he didn't tell us that you're good with guns" he said giving me a questioning look

I chuckled "well, I'll tell you then, I'm not only good with guns, I'm great in hand to hand combat that includes any kind of fighting, i think you already saw that on my first night here" I chuckled at that and continued "i love knife art, i could name any kind of knife, how sharp it should be and were you cane find it, i love my pocket knife so much that if you even think of touching it without asking I'd cut your fingers of... trust me i almost cut of the basterds fingers off when he was observing it, i did slash them and his middle finger needed three stitches but I didn't cut them off" at the last part i felt a bit upset that I didn't cut them off

"What basterd?" Xavier asked confused

"My cheating ex" I muttered remembering the heartache i felt when I walked in on them

"Uuh, well next time we see him I'll help you hide the body" he said lifting up my mood again and making me throw my head back as I laughed

We had been dancing for about ten minutes the songs changed but I didn't wanna stop, it's the first time that i have a proper conversation with him and it didn't seem half bad

We danced and talked for about another fifteen minutes when we were told to come sit and eat

Trevor raised his glass and toasted " For the great dance you showed us, and for the great Universities you already got in" as he finished we all cheered raising our glasses and then drinking

Our night was spent talking and laughing until we went back to our places and had a good nights sleep

The next day we all agreed to go around New York, shopping and having fun

We went all around New York, shopping at all the high class shops and eating at fast food restaurants

"Hey guys how about we go clubbing, try the new York clubs?" I said as we exited the Gucci shop

It was around six pm and we were planning to go to the hotel and while me, kai and Alex help the girls pack what they got the guys would help the rest also pack the minimal things they got

"After we pack" said Lilly knowing that if we don't pack first they will be going back home forgetting half of their things here

After an hour and a half we were all ready and heading to

I got in my car with Kai in the front seat, luna ,Lilly and kris in the back seat my music on the highest volume the windows rolled down the cold air wiping through our hair and half way there Lilly and luna got out of the windows while people looked at us like crazy

When they got back in the car i zoomed over to the club parking my car right next to Zander's

I had left before any of the others could see me or the girls and that was actually a good thing to do because Zan being the overly protective brother that he is would have most probably made me change my champagne colored deep V-neck dress and thigh high heels

I saw Xavier check me out and couldn't help the smirk that grazed my face

I looked at the girls and saw that they were all wearing short dresses of the eye popping color genera except for Alex who was wearing a simple yet gorgeous black skater dress that hugged her figure perfectly

And Kai who was wearing black high waisted shorts with a  v cut silk shirt, a black velvet chocker and thigh high black heels

I saw Zander's eyes almost pop out of there sockets

" what in the name of god are you wearing" he asked me his face turning slightly red

"A dress" i stated the smirk still on my face

The guys were all wearing Tuxedos and suits since this club is the shit, apparently it has opened a month ago but already the celebrities and VIPs are coming here

I looked at Xavier again and couldn't help but appreciate how the white shirt hugged his torso the navy suit jacket that hugged his biceps and triceps well the navy trousers and black leather boots, he had his hands in his trouser pockets

I looked back up at his eyes and saw him already staring at me with a smirk and I surprised him by returning it

"Shall we enter?" Asked Alex cutting my brother's glare of me and urning agreements from the rest

We all walked over to the club entrance that was already packed with people, that is three rows of about seventy people each waiting to enter

I heard most of my team groan and smirked when i saw the bouncers since they looked to be twenty to twenty two and i knew with a bit of my charm we'd be in a matter of moments

"Scar use your magic please" Luca pleaded as he was the most impatient when it came to clubs

I laughed and nodded as I walked over to the brunette bouncer making sure to give my hips an extra sway and add that seductive aura around me by my facial expression

When i reached him he was already starting at me which made me smirk even more

"Hey" i said low and widened my eyes giving him a look no sane man could resist

"Hello there beautiful, how can i help you" he asked giving me a smile

"You see my friends and I had a very bad day, and i was thinking that maybe you could let us in... I really hate to wait" i said tracing his abs and looking him in the eyes

Never did i miss the look in his eyes or the shudder that went through his body

"S-sure... umm " he fumbled with the red wire not able to take his eyes if me

My smirk that was gone a while ago re-emerged as i looked at the group that had about eight out of the rest dumbstruck

What can i say, I'm a little brat that gets whatever she wants whenever she wants

As I nodded for them to hurry and come here they got out of there surprise state and quickly everyone walked over to me

"Thank you" i said to the bouncer and lightly kissed his cheek knowing that my Kourt K, Kylie lipstick wont come off to his cheek and then I walked in before the rest

Seconds later i felt someone's body heat against my back as there hand wrapped around my waist

"You know princess, I own this club and i could have gotten us in with no need of that, if only you wait to listen" his voice was low and husky making a shiver run through my body

I shrugged and relaxed into his hold as i saw my dance crew walking in not giving us a second glance

"Where's the fun in that?" I asked as my brother and the rest looked at us dumbfounded again

I heard his chuckle as his grip tightened on me and saw the guys including Alex and Kai getting snapped out of it by Luca and Mica

"I hated the way you touched him" i heard it in his voice

The possessiveness and jealousy

At that i got out of his hold and turned around to look at him as i tsk

"But I'm not even yours for you to hate the way i touch anyone " i said almost innocently and as i walked away i heard the low growl he released

I just had now realized that we were both still standing in the hallway near the entrance where there were two signs one to the left the other to the right, one to the club the other to the lounge room and as i walked over to the club it took me about a minute to reach and as I observed the dark but light club I couldn't help but admire it and nod in approval, a dance floor that can fit about a thousand people, the bar full of every drink that you're mind can imagine, the music that rocks your body, the fact that you can hardly recognize anyones face

It truly is somewhere a celebrity would come to have a fun night at

"You like?" He asked from behind me

I shrugged and walked over to the bar

A guy about twenty with black hair and ice blue eyes was standing behind the bar practically dancing around with the bottles

I winked at him
"What can i get you belle?" He asked as he finished with his other drink

"Rainbow shots" i said instantly already knowing that tonight I'm gonna drown myself with the drinks and dance my heart out

"Drinks on the house" he said with a smile already getting onto his tricks and I couldn't help but observe everything move he did, every flick of a hand, how he'd switch drinks and how he did it at so much ease

His flawless motion really deserved an applause

"I hire only the best, the best of the best actually" Xavier appeared next to me and sat on the stool as the dude served me my rainbow shots

"Hello sir, what can i get you?" He as asked Xavier nodded at him

"Jack on the rocks" Xavier said and the guy nodded

"Changed your usual sir" the bartender said as he served him

"It's just an opener drink Devon, by the way, any one of these people gets the drinks on the house" he said pointing to me and the rest of my dance crew

As he looked at me i was at my yellow shot which took him by surprise

Both of them actually

Maybe it's because i had already drowned eight shots and still had only three in a matter of a minute or two

I sometimes hate it, my high alcohol tolerance I mean

I always have rainbow shots as opener because at the end of them i would only be tipsy

I drowned my other three and smirked at the guys who were looking at me, probably waiting for me to vomit or something

I smirked "high tolerance guys. Ever heard of it?" I asked making Devon close his open mouth

"Strawberry Daiquiri please" i said to Devon who shook his head and started working

"You know your drinks huh?" Be side me asked Xavier as he sipped on his drink

"When i was fourteen i had a fascination with alcohol" I shrugged and laughed

"At fourteen normal girls get a fascination with makeup" he said and laughed with me

"Normal people scare me" i said as i took my drink and stood up from the stool

"Lets go dance" i told Xavier and took a hold of his free hand as I dragged him to the dance floor

About six songs later we decided to go back to the bar and get another drink
"Long Island ice tea" ordered Xavier and then looked at me as if asking for my order " do you have Absinthe ?" I asked smirking as his eyes widened but he nodded again

"Devon when you're done make and Absinthe drink for Scar" he said and after a minute Devon was already working on my drink

He got a whiskey glass and placed a spatula like spoon on top with a sugar cube and started pouring the neon green drink from the scull shaped glass bottle over the cube

"I hope you know that you are gonna be very smashed by the end of your drinks" Devon said with a chuckle after handing me my drink

I smirked and looked at Xavier who was already smirking at me

"To forgetting this shitty life" i said raising my glass

"To forgetting our shitty problems " he said and clicked his glass with mine

I would like to say that I remember anything after that drink but I'd be lying

But all i know is that i got to my bed safely without losing any part of my body

When i woke up to my alarm clock I thanked god that I'm one of those rare people who get no hangovers from all the drinks they have

Anyway like all Mondays i got up get dressed wash my face and teeth pull my hair in a ponytail and get to my routine

Today i wore my black tights that had see through black material on my knees and on my tights with a black spots bra and my black on the outside orange on the inside tack jacket left open and lastly my white converse

After an hour or so i was done, so i went back to the penthouse and like last week both Trevor and Claire were still sleeping so i went to my room and showered, got dressed in high waisted black jeans ripped at the knees that had two roses on one side with a black crop top and a black leather jacket with one red rose and the words 'PROPERTY OF NO ONE' embedded in it with white did my makeup natural but with my usual red lip stick and sent a message to the group chat for everyone to wake up  since their flight is in an hour and a half and we have to have breakfast together

After they told me that they were already up I informed them that I'm heading over to where we had said we'll meet

To my surprise, when I arrived i saw Xavier, Zander, Alex and Kai they were chatting but looked as if they are waiting for someone, more like four more people and I'm guessing they are waiting for Cale, Liam, Jack and Jake

And since my crew wasn't here yet I decided to go over to them and greet them

"Hey guy" i said as i neared them and gave Zan a kiss on the cheek while hugging the girls as they stood to greet me as well, I looked at Xavier and gave him a small smile as he nodded at me in return

"Morning Scar" Zander mumble and I couldn't help but chuckle at his face

"Still hungover?" I asked him as i took a seat next to Xavier, just till my crew arrives

"Not all of us are like you Scar... us normal people always get hungover" he grumbled as he took a sip from his coffee

"Wait! You don't get fucking hangovers?" Kai asked her eyes wide

"Nope" i said popping the 'p' "I'm blessed " I continue as a smirk made it's way to my face

"Hey guys sorry were late but Jack refused to wake up" a voice said come from behind us

I turned around and saw Jack and Jake walking up front while Liam and Cale followed looking to tired to function
When they saw me they smiled and at the same time, as in together said "good morning scar" and then glared at each other

When the other two boys saw me they only nodded still looked as if they'd rather be in bed

"Damn scar you were so smashed yesterday, I thought you would end up looking like you just came out of the dumpster" Cale said as he pulled an extra chair and sat down with us like the rest

"She doesn't get hangovers" Xavier grumbled taking a big gulp out of his coffee

Their eyes widened as surprise took over their features

"Holly shit, you're one lucky motherfucker" Liam said before waving the waiter over to us

"What do you want to drink scar?" Jake asked as they gave the waiter their orders

"Oh thanks, I'm waiting for the crew to come, breakfast together before they leave" i said  smiling at him

The jingles that go off when you open the door sounded making me turn around to see if it were them

And indeed a big group of over twenty people walked in making me smile

"Well that's my cue. See you guys later" i said as i stood up ready to walk towards the crew and Rita

"Wait Scarlet" i heard my brother's voice as i was about to walk away

I turned around and gave him a questioning look

"You aren't coming to school today?" He asked making me roll my eyes and shake my head no

"But most probably I'll see you on the streets, i heard there's a race tonight" was all i said before walking away and towards my dance team and teacher who was talking to a waiter about the seating

"Morning guys" i greeted them cheerfully earning a glare from most and a grumbled up morning from the rest

"Your too cheerful baby monkey"Mica said making me laugh and hug him

"I'm always cheerful after drinking till I'm not able to walk" i said and Luca nodded slowly

"True dat... i just don't understand why of all people in this whole damn world it's you who doesn't get a hangover?" He mumbled to himself making me laugh again

"Okay guys get seated" Rita said loudly making all of them groan

"I hate you Rita!" Lilly said placing a hand on her head making Rita laugh and walk towards the sum of tables shaking her head at the hungover teenagers

We all git our breakfast and as their hangovers decreased we talked and laughed for the last time in a while

When it became ten we decided that it's time to go since their flight is at half to twelve

Half an hour later their bags were in the cars boots and we were taking of towards the airport again

When we arrived I couldn't help but feel sad

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much" i said as we all hugged

They had ten minutes to go and i felt like i was about to cry

"We'll miss you a lot too Scar" Drew said as we all group hugged again

"We'll always talk to each other, and don't forget to dance baby, don't keep it in. Remember even the strongest need to let go some times" Rita said as I hugged her one last time

We pulled away and she kissed my forehead making my tear rimmed eyes water even more

As they walked away the twins side hugged me as we waved goodbye to them

"I'm gonna miss them" i said as i buried my head in Lucas shoulder

"Well at least you have us, your brother is back and the squad isn't as bad here" Mica said placing his hand on my shoulder

I laughed and nodded wiping my tears away

"What are you gonna do?" Luka asked as we walked towards our cars

"I seriously don't know" i said as we reached our cars which we had parked next to each other

"How about we go to the race tonight?" Mica asked winking at me

"Yeah... I'll just go to the penthouse get changed and dance some more, pas the time, I'll see you boys tonight" i said getting in my car ready for what they'll say in
"We're men not boys" they said together making me laugh and shake my head

When i reached the penthouse I called Kai and put her on speaker as i entered my closet

"Hey Scar, what's up?" Her voice boomed through my phones speakers

"Remember how you told me you wanna dance some time?" I asked getting my tights and sports bra

"Yeah, just tell me where to- Miss Kaily no phones in class" i heard the teachers voice cut her off and chuckled

"Shut up old hag! Send me the address scar" Kai said practically shouting the first sentence to the teacher making me laugh more

I placed all what I needed in my duffle bag after sending Kai the address of the studio that Rita had previously told me about and what she should bring

Before leaving I called the studio to make a reservation for the gymnastics part of the studio

After that i walked out and reminding myself that I should talk to Claire about preparing Ruby's bag

When i reached the studio i saw Kai already exiting her car with a nike black duffle on her shoulder

"Hey" i waved at her as I walked towards her, bag on
My shoulder, phone and keys in hand

"Let's go in" i said after our side hug

"Hello, reservation for Red" i said to the girl at the front table

She nodded to me and typed on her computer as we waited for her to give us the direction and key for the gymnastics room

After she was done typing she gave me a key and told me how to go

The gymnastics room was pretty big, ropes and high horizontal poles and everything you imagine including a mirror wall and a space for dancing

There was a changing slash bathroom at the end of the gym

"Well then, lets get dressed" i said leading the way to the bathroom

I got into my tights and sports throwing on a grey long sleeve over

I then walked out my shoes and thigh high socks in hand and found Kai already sat on the ground tying her shoes and couldn't help but smile at her outfit

I sat down next to her pulling my hair up in a bun and placed on my socks
"Need help with anything?" I asked her as she wrapped the two black strands together

"Nah all done" she said standing up and patting her skirt

"Okay just give me a second " i said already walking over to the two ropes that are dangling from the ceiling

When I reached i placed my hands on them before wrapping a rope to one hand and doing the same with the other and then quickly flipped

"Holly shit that was great " kai said after i did a couple of tricks with the topes

Once i saw them I couldn't help myself it's been too long since i danced with topes

"Well thanks" I laughed as i let go of the silky like ropes and walked over to her

"Now lets get to the basics, just a bit of warming up so that we don't pull a muscle" i said as the music kept on playing since kai put on All Of Me to John Legend when i started dancing

And that is exactly what we did, we warmed up than started with the basic steps

After about five hours of pure tutoring and dancing Kai started to get the hang of it

We had talked and laughing and danced our hearts out and if anyone saw us they would think we had known each other for centuries and are the bestest of best friends

After three other hours we were both laying on the floor tired and sweating like pigs

We had taken a photo at the start of our little dancing lesson with my Polaroid camera which is gonna be a new addition to my Polaroid photos wall

"I think we deserve a well needed shower and about five hundred pizzas" Kai said, more like groaned as she got up

I nodded to her suggestion as i got up as well

I had gotten used to endless hours of dancing years ago so my muscles only hurt a bit

We each took our showers then got dressed

"Dominos?" Kai asked as we walked out of the studio after i gave the reception the key

"Yeah I'll meet you there" i said as I unlocked my baby and got into her

I turned on my phone-since Kai and I turned our phones off not wanting to get bothered-as i sat in the drivers seat waiting for the heat to hit me

When it finally turned on it tinged so much it sounded as a song

There was a hundred calls and fifty messages from Zander, thirty calls and twenty messages from Claire, twenty calls and ten messages from Trevor ,and another hundred messages from the hole squad along with seventy messages from them

Xavier had fifty of both, alex had twenty missed calls and ten messages while Liam had ten calls and three messages, then Jack and Jake had ten calls each and two to three messages respectively

Well shit they must be worried sick and I'm about hundred and one percent sure Zander will slaughter me

The only ones who hadn't called and messaged me are Luca and Mica since they knew that when I'm dancing I responded to no one

And now that i think about it one more time, it has be come hotter than hell in this car

New chapter!!!!

Do you like it?
Next chapter will have some more and more excitement

Don't be silent readers




Love you to the moon and back

Till next time 💋💋

Continue lendo

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𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 Enzo Mariano is known for being nothing but ruthless. He is feared by all in the Italian mafia. He kills on...