Saving the Tributes || Demigo...

By Yournormalpjofangirl

185K 7.6K 7.4K

Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Thalia, and Nico are sent to the future of Panem, taking a... More

.oO. Prologue .Oo.
.oOo. Percy .oOo.
.oOo. Annabeth .oOo.
.oOo. Hazel .oOo.
.oOo. Thalia .oOo.
.oOo. Thalia .oOo.
.oOo. Annabeth .oOo.
.oOo. Jason .oOo.
.oOo. Frank .oOo.
.oOo. Peeta .oOo.
.oOo. Piper .oOo.
.oOo. Leo .oOo.
.oOo. Annabeth .oOo.
.oOo. Hazel .oOo.
.oOo. Jason .oOo.
.oOo. Nico .oOo.
.oOo. Percy .oOo.
.oOo. Thalia .oOo.
.oOo. Percy .oOo.
.oOo. Nico .oOo.
.oOo. Peeta .oOo.
.oOo. Piper .oOo.
.oOo. Percy .oOo.
.oOo. Annabeth .oOo.
.oOo. Percy .oOo.
.oOo. Leo .oOo.
.oOo. Nico .oOo.

.oOo. Piper .oOo.

8.1K 344 459
By Yournormalpjofangirl

Sometimes, my stylist was seriously pushing my limits. Especially with the getup she shoved me in.

"You're going to look gorgeous," he promised in his sickly high voice as the prep team basically peeled off my epidermis. "Your mentor Saili said you were a natural."

"A natural at pretending I'm happy, maybe," I muttered, low enough to escape her earshot.

"Now, when they're done with you," my stylist said slowly like I was some sort of primeval animal. "I want you to put on your dress. A dress is something that looks pretty, okay?"

I wanted to scream. And even more so when I saw the dress.

The entire thing was coral pink. It was sleeveless with a deep plunging neckline on an empire waistline. Pearls and pink gemstones were artistically arranged around the dress and the whole thing glittered with strands of gold, but I was too angry to appreciate the dress. Because the whole thing was just alternating strips of shades of pink silk that flowed down like a tassel. I put my hand through the stomach and saw there was nothing underneath. My gut clenched.

"We're trying the sexy angle for you," He gushed. "You look like you could rock it."

I glanced over to my normal clothes, which were in a pile on the floor concealing Katoptris. More than anything I wanted to run the guy through with my knife.

"They're going to love you, Pepper!" one member of my prep team squealed. I gritted my teeth at the annoying way she pronounced my name.

"It's Piper. P-I-P-E-R. Not Pepper."

"Of course it is, silly," another one said, grinning with a mouth of blue teeth. "Now, hurry along. The interviews start soon. Get in the dress."

The last thing I wanted to do was get in the dress. I slipped into the dress, my eyes shooting daggers at the wall.

I lined up behind the other tributes, trying to stick to the wall. But of course, out of all people, Thalia had to turn around. She caught my eye, stared, and burst out into silent laughter, walking over. Frank turned too, and saw me.

"Oh my gods," Thalia choked. "You look like Drew."

"I wouldn't be so quick to judge," I replied as I took in her own outfit. At least it was better than her cow one, for the chariot parade thingy that I already forgot the name of. She had on a regal cape of feathers, if a cape of feathers could be described as regal, a gold tank top and black leggings with a subtle feather design on them that seemed to disappear if you looked directly at them. She wore what looked like a laurel wreath on her head in place of her huntress circlet, but instead of laurel leaves there were two feathers that wrapped around her head, meeting at the tips. She actually looked okay, though from the Drew comment I wasn't about to let her know that.

"The predator has become the prey," Frank said. "It's supposed to look like a chicken." He was wearing a gold shirt under a similar feathered cape and black slacks, the same feathered pattern on the pants. "But at least we're not as bad as District Five, if you know what I mean."

"I think I'm perfectly fine, thank you very much!" Jason called back in a disgruntled tone. He was wearing a lightning-yellow tank top that hugged his abdomen about as much as Piper's dress hugged hers, a fake lightning bolt half in his back like a fish fin. He had on electric blue pants that matched his eyes, and his hair was spiked upwards, two lightning bolts sticking upwards from the side of his head like a horned helmet. Obviously his stylist was a newbie, and didn't exactly grasp the taste of elegance like the others.

"Fine is... not a word I would choose," Percy said, grinning.

"Because you look like a walking model?" Annabeth asked. It was true. Percy had on a plain set of white shoes and jeans. His top consisted of just a fishing net that was draped loosely, leaving little to the imagination. His hair was, of course, windswept as usual. His stylist hadn't bothered with much makeup, just applying a bit of concealer here and there, and some black eyeliner that accentuated his sea green eyes.

"That's not fair," Leo whined. "I look like a really annoying bin of tangled headphones." He poked at the silver cables that were draped around a yellow blouse and black pants similar to Frank's. His tool belt was still there, obviously adding to the effect of a mechanic. But not even Leo got that mixed up in his wires.

"There's nothing worse than tangled headphones," Thalia agreed.

That was when we were led to the stage, in a single file line. I had to get back between the district 7 boy and my district partner, Ethan. Which unfortunately, meant I was shoved between a guy with a bark shirt and a guy with pearls and gems all over his body. Not fun.

We sat down on chairs around a stage, bright lights shining down. I watched as each tribute went up, 1-12, girl then boy. Hazel was stunning in a slightly translucent gold dress, simple and silky. The time ticked by. Very very slowly. I could feel my leg twitching and forced myself to keep still. I didn't want the tassels sliding. That would be embarrassing.

"And from District 8, we have Pepper McLean!"

I forced a smile on my face as I walked up to the center chairs. "It's Piper," I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Piper McLean!" Caesar Flickerman smiled apologetically. "That was my mistake. But you know what wasn't a mistake? Your dress. It's gorgeous, is it not?"

The Capitol audience whooped and cheered. I forced a smile on my face.

"I do think it's gorgeous," I said. "It would look even better on you."

Caesar shook his head. "Oh no, I haven't got the legs for it."

"I think you could pull it off." We both laughed. In my peripheral vision, I could see the clock ticking away. So far, I had wasted about forty five seconds of the three minutes. I had to keep it going.

But Caesar was talking again. "You certainly do seem cool and collected right now, Piper. But you can't always be this calm. Tell us, what are your thoughts on the Games? Do you have a plan?"

I shrugged. "I don't have a plan yet," I said carefully. "But that doesn't mean I'm not prepared. I'm not someone to toy with. Don't count me out just because I come from District 8."

Caesar nodded seriously. "We'll all keep that in mind. Right, folks?"

The crowd cheered wildly, and Caesar laughed again. "Well, I'm sure you'll do great," he said. I didn't change my expression, which was frozen as a convincing smile. "Now I have one last question for you. Piper, that girl you volunteered for at the reaping. Tina, I believe her name was. Do you have a connection of any sort? Is she a close friend?"

I answered honestly as I could. "I've never seen her before that day," I said clearly. "But when she was reaped... I felt a voice... telling me to volunteer. So I did."

Caesar nodded solemnly. "Well, I'm sure she'll remember you when you're in the arena. Take care, Piper. District 8, Piper McLean!" The crowd cheered loudly and I gave one last smile before retreating gratefully to my seat.

Great job, Jason said in my mind.

Thanks, I said back.

I sat down and patiently waited for the others to pass. The time ticked by slowly. Like a time deity was playing with us. Kronos, I think Annabeth called him.

And finally, District 12. I caught my breath as Katniss stood up. I hadn't taken notice before, since I wasn't paying attention, but it really was stunning. The entire thing was covered in gems that really looked like her dress was engulfed in flames, even though I could distinctly see each gem.

Dang it she's done it again, Leo said. I glanced over and saw his right ear was smoking.

Leo, put it out, Percy warned.

But I am the true girl on fire! He whined back.

You got that right, Nico muttered back. Or at least, the girl part.

I watched, mesmerized, as Katniss exchanged a few words with Caesar, stood up, and twirled around. The flames seemed to leap from the black fabric, engulfing her in the glowing tongues of fire. Everyone oohed. Well, besides the tributes.

How dare she! Leo screamed.

Katniss laughed, which was the first time I had ever heard her make that sound, I realized with a start. The tributes were just so... stoic. No, stoic meant unemotional. They were all tied up with a nervous tension that seemed unbreakable. Yet here Katniss was, giggling like a schoolgirl.

I smiled as she sat back down, her face in a true smile this time. Not the fake one she put on for the cameras, a wide smile of amusement. Despite her tense and firey state she was constantly in, you just couldn't help but like Katniss. Except for the fact that in a few days, she hunting us down.

That killed the happiness a bit.

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