Alpha Black

By CamryR5fan

458K 15.2K 558

"What makes you think you have something about your mate to complain about. So what he doesn't spend all his... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen Black's Pov
Apologies (A/N)
AN updates info please read
The time is close. Please read
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Must. Read. BOOKS!!!


5.5K 218 6
By CamryR5fan

"Kat. Where is Saca?" I ask walking into the room. Saca was the first to shift and she shifted a few days before her brothers.

"She is in her crib." Kay says cradling Owen and watching Walter play in his pen.

"Alright. I'll go get her." I say and kiss her quickly before leaving. I climb the stairs to mine and Kats room of the pack house back in Colorado. Since the pups shifted to their human forms, we returned home with my dad, mom, my half brother, and dads wolf mate.

"Hey baby." I coo leaning over her crib. She looks up at me and smiles. She makes grabby hands at me and I lift her into my arms. I rub my nose against hers and she giggles.

"I love you." I coo and she grabs my shirt in her hand and stuffs it in her mouth.

"Oh. Does my shirt taste nice?" I ask walking down the stairs. She's always gnawing on my shirt when I hold her.

"Kat I think Saca is hungry." I tell her and she looks at me. We switch babies and she feeds Saca while I hold Owen. He giggles and kicks his feet while looking up at me and smiling.

"Your so cute." I coo and kiss his forehead. I walk over to the little play pen and set him on his back next to Walter. He grabs some plastic colorful keys and gnaws on them while looking up at me.

"Do those taste nice?" I ask and gently squeeze his belly making him squeak and giggle. I leave Walter be since he looks like he's ready for bed. He's been the most quiet ever since he was born. I lift him into my arms and he nuzzles against my body. I hold him vertical against my chest and he tucks his face into my neck.

"They're so tired." Kate says and I nod.

"Walter is about to pass out." I say and Kat walks over with Saca starting to fall asleep while breastfeeding.

"Aww." I coo and gently place my hand on Saca's head.

Alpha me and a few men are on our way to discuss war tactics. My beta Gabby links me and I sigh.

Alright. Wait till I say it's ok to come in. I tell her and receive a small yes alpha back.

"Kat. Gabby is coming to talk about war tactics." I say and she nods.

"I'll be there." She says and I nod.

"Alright. Take your time." I tell her and take Walter with me.

"I'm taking Walter." I tell her and she hums in response. I place a small blanket over Walter and meet the group at the front door.

"Come in guys." My voice is gruff and more stern with them around. Walter shifts around and settles back down.

"We need help with training those wolves from Yellowstone." Gabby informas as we make our way to my office. When we are all situated in the office we wait for the few that are running a bit late including the kids godfather Walter. The door slowly and quietly opens and Walter steps through with Kat on his tail with the pups in her mouth. Normally when she shifts, the pups follow and it's easy to get them to shift that way. Walter shifts on my chest and clutches my shirt in his small hands.

"Awwwww. Give him here." Walter says holding his hands out for his godchild.

"Easy. He's sleeping." I says and he nods taking Walter Jr. from me.

"Alright. What is the status on the mis behaving pack?" I ask and Gabby groans.

"We've been receive small talk about the alpha raping some of the younger women of the pack and having affairs with the mated women. Also, the alpha is abusing his title and taking advantage of some of his men, sending them into battle against smaller packs and making them seem like killers." She informs and I nod with a stern face. My eyes soften and narrows in on Walter Jr. when he whimpers and shifts around. I take him back from Walter and he moves around more but settles down.

"Send a group of men to see what is going on over there." I say and turn to my man that works in rogue affairs.

"What's happening in the rogue world?" I ask and he sighs.

"More signs of rogues traveling in large packs and wiping out small packs that are trying to start up. I don't think this is a good sign alpha. It's no threat to us, but if rogues are grouping and traveling in packs, I fear that they may band together to over throw packs." He says and I nod.

"Keep watching for more signs of the packs getting bigger. Walter, you and a few men will be going to the packs that are being attacked by the Jordan Pack and helping them." I say and think.

"Once I make sure my family is secure I will join you." I say and see Kats head pop up to look at me.

I'll talk to you in a minute I say and she slowly lays back down.

"Anything else?" I ask.

"Yes. You need to pick a new beta for the....." Gabby starts and I nod cutting her off

"Yes yes. I know." I say.

"What is former beta Clarks status?" I ask.

"He has been in the pack prison since you've relieved him of his position." Gabby says and I nod.

"Good." I say.

"When we are done here. I need you and a few warriors from this wing to go to the Wyoming wing and straighten that pack out. Train them the way we train this wing and train the third to be a beta. I think it would only be fair that the third should be the next beta. Take the third from the Utah sector to help you train the best warrior to be the new third. Then the next best warrior will be labeled the best warrior." I say and she nods.

"Yes alpha." She says and I nod.

"Good." I say and dismiss everyone.

"I need to go into the office building tomorrow." I inform Kat.

"I've been away for far too long." I say and look at her. Walter shifts back to his wolf form again and tucks his face into my neck.

"Let's get these guys to bed." I tell her and she nods. I walk over and lift Owen into my arms next to Walter and Kat carries Saca. We walk into our room and place the little rascals into the cribs with their little diapers on and their tails sticking out.

"Let's take a bath together Kat." I say and she nods shifting while walking to the bathroom. Since she's already naked from the shift, she starts the water while I close the bathroom door most of the way so we can still hear the pups. She shuts the water off and climbs in. I step in behind her and gently wrap my arms around her.

"How was your day?" I ask gently rubbing my hand over the back of her shoulders with a small bar of soap.

"Tiring. The pups were very active today and Saca kept trying to run off in her wolf form." She says and I nod. I start to massage a knot out of her shoulder and she groans.

"Oh. That's the spot." She sighs and her head falls forward. I lean down and place a kiss on the back of her head and massage her shoulders and upper back.

"I think we should move the pups into their room soon. Maybe keep one of the cribs in our room so one can sleep in there if they refuse to sleep, but I don't want them to get too use to sleeping in our room." I tell her and she nods.

"Yeah. But I can sleep better at night knowing they are so close." She says.

"I know. But I don't want them to become too reliant on us. I want them to know how to do some things by themselves." I say and she turns to look at me.

"Black. They're a month old. They aren't doing anything on their own as far as I'm concerned." She says and I chuckle.

"I know." I kiss her forehead and turn her back around so I can finish her back.

"Ok I'm done. Turn around and lean against the other side of the tub. Then give me your foot." I tell her and she does.

"Oh. That hurts." She mutters when I massage a knot out of her foot. When I finish with her feet I let her snuggle up against me and soon she falls asleep. I climb out of the tub and dry myself off before wrapping a towel around my waist. I lift her out of the tub and wrap a towel around her. She shivers slightly and I walk to our bed.

"James." She whispers softly and I shush her.

"It's ok. Go back to bed." I kiss her fore head and quickly get dressed. I grab one of my shorts and a pair of underwear for her and dry her off before dressing her. I place her in bed and kiss her forehead before heading out to my office a few rooms over.

Once there I organize all my completed documents I need to take with me and sign a few after reading them again. I place them into my computer bag along with my computer and place the bag under my desk.

Yawning I stand and walk back to my room. I get dressed in sweats and brush my teeth. Saca wakes and starts making cute little pup noises while gnawing on her teddy. I pick her up and she makes a sort of squeak while holding on to her teddy. I hold her on her back and she looks up into my eyes. Her tail wags and she releases her teddy but her front legs are still wrapped around it.

"Hi cutie." I whisper softly and nuzzle my nose with her nose. She licks my nose and I set her on the floor. I quickly take off my sweats while she is facing the other direction and shift destroying my boxers in the process. Saca yowls when I pick her up by her scruff but stops. I lay down with her by my side and she yawns snuggling against me. That's how Kat will find us in the morning.

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