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The night in the den was fairly warm. Kat got cold in the middle of the night from a draft which caused me to go out and find a fairly small tree to break off branches. I stuck the branches in the ground and let the leaves drape over the mouth of the den to minimize the air flow into the den. When I go back in I have Kat move into her emergency hole and I block the hole to it, and allow her to curl up against my stomach. After that we were way more than warm enough.

When we wake, I roll over to allow Kat out. I follow her out of then den and we do our business. When Kat goes back in with a few rabbits I do a perimeter check and remark the trees that are starting to loose my scent. When I make it back those two men are back but with my new pack member.

"Sir. These are the wolves we were talking about." Dean says and Gordon rolls his eyes angrily. He seriously didn't want them to know of us.

"Yes. I know they are here." He says and gives a slight nod.

"Did you just nod to him?" Dean asks.

"Respect an alpha and you will receive respect back." Daxter says and I slip back into the den.

"What's Daxter doing here?" Kat asks and I look at her.

"I don't know." I say and think of my mother.

'Mom?' I open a link to my mother.

'Yes James.' She says.

'I need you to find out information about the new pack member, Dexter. Figure out why he isn't in Nebraska.'

'Ok. Be careful son. Send my love to Kat.' She says before the link is gone.

"Have you guys seen the female? Is she doing ok?" I hear Dexter ask outside. I growl and I'm sure they could here it.

"Yes. She seems fine. No cuts or wounds. He's very protective of her. She jumped out of a tree at him and he managed to maneuver himself to flip over her, grab her scruff, and bounce off a tree back to the ground." Gordon explains.

"What's that sound?" Dean asks.

"What sound?" Gordon asks and dean shushes him. I'm able to hear bushes moving and footsteps. I growl and pop my head out. My teeth bared and on display for everyone to see. Before anyone can blink I'm out of the den and have the animals neck between my jaws. Whining, and yowling is heard before I see a mother rogue wolf looking at me horrified before her instincts jump in. She growls at me, her neck arched and her teeth bared. The fur on her neck and along her spine stands pin straight and her tail curls up in a threatening message. The pups yowling continues and I quickly drop it. I can see the pain it's in and I lick its neck and wounds. The blood quickly disappears along with the wound and the yowling soon stops too. The mothers growls continue just as strong as the pup slowly falls asleep. I grab him by his scruff and approach the mother standing at my full height. When I get close enough to her I lower my head, keeping my eyes on her and release the pup at her feet. She snaps at my muzzle when I release him to make me startle backwards but I don't flinch. I calmly raise my head again and walk back to the den. Licking the blood from my chops I make it to the belly of the den and see Kat gnawing on a bone.

'Where did you get that?' I ask angrily.

'The rangers brought it.' She says while chewing on a joint. I growl and grab it from her and rush out of the den. She yelps and follows after me.

"Hey. Black." She whines and refuses to leave the mouth when I run into the trees. At a far enough distance I dig a deep hole that only I'd be able to reach into and drop the bone there. I cover it back up and hurry back to the den. I dig into the deer carcass and pull off a leg to drag into the den for Kat.

"I wasn't done with that." She says and takes the leg I offer her.

"But you don't know where it's been or who handled it before you got it." I say and lay down on the opposite side and watch her eat. This reminds me that I haven't eaten in at least 36 hours but I can't help but not feel any type of hunger.

"Are you gonna eat Black?" She asks and I shake my head.

"I'm not hungry." I say and she glares.

"Of you don't get yourself a deers hiney, your gonna be chasing mine through the woods till you feel hungry." She threatens and I groan standing up. I go outside and grab the other back leg and carry it inside. Me and her eat in silence with only the sound of our teeth hitting the bones. I hear a snap outside and abandon my leg to stand in front of Kat.

"You said that they were around here?" A female voice says and I growl softly.

"Yes ma'am. Your son and his mate is here." Dexter answers and I relax a bit when he says 'your son'.

'Mom. Are you outside of the den?' I ask.

'Yes black. Come on out.' She links. I quickly make my way out of the den and feel a pinch on my hip. Out of reflex I swing around with my left paw already airborne. My paw slams down on my attackers body and my jaw closes on their arm. My wolf pushes forward and I shake him to and fro aggressively.

"Black. Let him go." I hear my mother, but it sounds like I have cotton in my ears. My vision starts to blacken and my wolf pushes forward more. Before he can deliver the death blow he stumbles and falls on his rump. He stands up and bolts into the den, hitting his head on the roof of the tunnel and standing too tall in the belly of the den.

Kat runs up to us and he grabs her scruff tightly. She whimpers slightly and he loosens his grip and carried her to her emergency hole. He lays in front of it blocking it off from everyone. Our eyes aren't even open anymore and we are asleep before we can even fully lay down.

Alpha BlackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz