Chapter two

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I woke up to something hitting my head. I slowly opened my eyes and lifted my hand to my hair grabbing the thing that sat there. It was small furry and had a bushy tail. I picked it up and pulled it in front of my face. It was a squirrel.

"What are you doing little guy?" I asked the small fragile creature. He climbed out of my hand and onto my leg then he climbed into the pocket of my coat.

"Cold?" I ask and he buries himself farther into the pocket.

"I'll take that as a yes" I say and climb down the tree. I take off my coat and grab a few sticks from around the ground and make them into a teepee. I place dry grass under the teepee and set it afire. I strip of my clothes and shift into my wolf and lay down near it. The squirrel, whom I have now named Fred, comes and lays by my stomach and soon stops shivering. I curl around him and slowly fall asleep again.

The next time I wake up its from shivering but not a cold shivering. More like a scared shaking. I open my eyes and look up to come face to face with Black's 8 foot wolf. Boy does he look mad. With a hint of....worry, fear, and love? Na. He doesn't love anyone. I stand up and pick up Fred then walk away with my head high and my tail curled in a powerful manner. My form is like three-fourths the size of his and it's kinda funny. I feel small next to him. He walks up next to me and grabs my scruff and starts walking towards my house. I drop Fred and shift back in my robe and pick Fred back up in my arms

"You jerk. Leave me alone. I'm not a toy you can just manhandle around. Go manhandle a bear." I yell at him and walk away.

"You listen well. I will treat you however I want. If I want to lock you in a room I will, if I want to pick you up by the scruff while we are wolves you will let me. I will do what I please." He says dangerously calm.

"If you think that, you've got another thing coming. I am the daughter of the moon goddess and I won't let you treat me like a puppet." I say clutching Fred to hard. I release him and apologize while petting his head.

"Oh I know who you are. And I hate you. But I can't kill you because that will make me weak. You will come with me back to my pack. You will do as I say and you will like it." He says walking up to me and grabbing my arm. I flick my wrist at him and he flies 10 feet away from me and shifts into his wolf while he is in the air. I teleport back home and end up in my front lawn. I race into my room and set Fred on my bed. My wolf is whining for her mate telling me to go back and to listen to him.

'You stupid wolf, he is trying to manhandle us like we are a damn puppet, I wont live like that, I refuse.' I yelled at her. Hard pounding feet came from outside my door and I froze my packing of the clothes. The door swung open and Black walked in with green eyes. His wolf isn't mad but he sure as hell is.

"If you ever do that again." He started walking towards me and pinning me roughly against the wall. "I will lock you in the dungeon after injecting you with wolvesbane so you can't teleport or use your stupid powers." He threatens. Little does he know that my body barely reacts to that stuff. It barely hurts me nor does it last long.

"Am I understood?" He asks in a scary calm voice. I don't answer.

"AM I UNDERSTOOD?" He yells with a growl and my wolf whimpers and I glare at him while nodding. He backs away content with his answer. I throw him against my wall and hold my hand out in a motion like I'm holding a neck. He grabs his neck and I move him up the wall so he is dangling.

"If you ever treat me like a puppet or expect me to listen to you, or yell at me like that to force me to submit to you. If you ever do that again. I will snap your neck. I don't care if you are my mate. My wolf always comes first. I will go with you to your pack but I am taking my scroll keeper to help me train." I say while growling at him.

"Do I make myself clear?" I ask emphasizing myself. When he doesn't answer I pull my hand back then push it back forward making him hit his head on the wall.

"Do I make myself clear?" I ask with more power.

"Yes" he croaks out glaring holes into me. I let him go and he drops to the floor gasping for air.

"Good. Now get out of my room." I say turning away from him and continuing to pack I could hear his retreating footsteps loud and clearly.

'Footsteps? He was stomping down the hall like a child throwing a hissy fit.' My wolf says and I chuckle at her.

'Whatever' I say and feel claws climbing up my leg. I look down at Fred and pat my shoulder. He climbs up and perched on my shoulder and just watched while I packed.

"Do you wanna come with?" I ask him and he chatters his teeth together which I've learned means yes.

"Very well." I say and finish packing.

"We are leaving tomorrow. Let's go get something to eat." I say and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I make myself a bowl of cereal and eat quickly. I let Fred drink the leftover milk and then I put the bowl in the sink and grab a carrot and strawberry for Fred. I walk back up to my bedroom and I sit on my bed placing Fred in my lap. I give him the food and he eats it quickly before curling up on my pillow. I grab my clothes and take a quick shower the get dressed. I wash my face and brush my teeth and hair before walking back out and getting back in bed.

"Night Fred." I say facing away from him and closing my eyes. I feel something climb over me and then climb under the blanket and snuggle up to my stomach. I chuckle slightly and soon fall asleep.

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