Chapter Twenty-One

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"If you don't save that baby at any cost. I'll torture your family in front of you and kill your pack." I hear Black yell and momentarily stop breathing when he says save that baby. What baby? My baby?

"Sir. The power that she used killing the witch, drained not only her of energy but also the baby. She couldn't of known this would happen but it did. The baby is gone, Alpha Black." A tiny voice replies.

"Then why do I hear five heartbeats in this room. Three faint and two, ours. Unless my mate grew two extra hearts, I think your lying to me. I want you gone. Get out. I'll be sure to bring this up with your alpha." Black says dangerously calm. He comes over to the bed and leans over kissing my little bump. I feel his teeth scrape the skin on my stomach, then he bites into my skin and I feel something flow inside and straight to my womb.

"Black." I muster the strength to whisper. His rough tongue pets the sore and tender spot and I feel his lips on mine. I weakly twitch my lips trying to kiss back but my whole body feels paralyzed.

"It's alright little mate. It was just to heal the little munchkins in there." He says with a hint of a laugh in his voice. All the while holding my stomach protectively.

"Our pack doctor will be here in about two hours. He is taking a plane." Black says softly sitting down in a chair.

"Black. I almost killed them." I whisper regretfully.

"No baby girl. You did what you needed to do with means to protect them. No one knew that miscarriage would occur." He says softly.

"It happens to the best of us love." He leans forward and kisses my side. Tears rapidly fall at the affection he shows me and I roll onto my side.

"I want you to hold me Black." I say emotionally and he chuckles softly.

"I can't baby." He says and kisses my lips.

"Moving you too much will hurt them." He says.

"Can you lay with me?" I plead holding his hand to my chest.

"I need you close. My wolf isn't convinced that your alright." I say and he nods. He climbs on to the puny bed and it creeks under his weight.

"Your too mussily. This bed is gonna break with all that muscle." I say hugging his arm.

"Only for you, love." He says and I chuckle softly.

"Better?" He asks cupping my cheek with the hand that I'm not strangling.

"Yeah." I sigh softly and close my eyes breathing in his scent. He pulls his arm out of my death grip and wraps it around my shoulders pulling me into his side.

"I'm gonna bet, you won't last awake for another...." I was already gone though.


"I'm gonna bet, you won't last awake for another.... oh. Second." I say looking down and realizing she's already passed out from the after effects of the bite. Though it wasn't a mark. It did have the same effects as a mark but it didn't hold the same purpose.

"How is she?" The doctor asks walking in half an hour later.

"Good. She fell asleep half an hour ago. I bit her stomach and her heart rate has gone up a bit since then. So has the babies." I say.

"Good." He says and sets his medical bag down. He makes his way to the heart monitor and points at the heart rate.

"I'm gonna start her on an IV. Why didn't the other doctor start one?"

"I don't know. He tried to say the babies are dead but you can clearly hear their heartbeats." I say and stifle a growl when he puts the IV in her arm.

"This in an enhanced IV. It's a little stronger and will heal her faster." He says and I nod.

"Will it hurt my heirs?" I ask.

"No alpha." He says and turns to me.

"Would you like to see them alpha?" He asks and I stare at him for a minute.

"No. Let's wait till my mate wakes. Then we can do an ultra sound." I say and he nods.

"Probably best. Luna may get angry and defensive if she doesn't expect something to touch her so close to her baby." He says.

"Babies. It's plural." I say and he gaps then smiles.

"Congratulations alpha." He says and I nod.

"Thank you." I say quietly. In minutes Kats heart monitor has gone to a normal, consistent rate and my wolf has sorta started to calm down. He is very tense from the fact that he almost like his pups and that his mate was endangered by the witch that constantly had him feared by all.

"Did. Did any of them...?" I ask not able to actually finish the sentence.

"I won't know till I see inside." He says. I nod and lean forward to kiss Kats womb. She twitches a bit on contact and stirs in her sleep. Soon enough her eyes flutter open and she looks at me. She blinks slowly and smiles softly.

"Hi baby." I say softly and stand up. I lean over the side of her bed and caress her cheek in my palm.

"Do you wanna see our little pups?" I ask. She nods smiling a bit more and sits up a little.

"Hello Luna." The doctor says rolling his chair over from the table he was sitting at.

"Hello doctor." She says sleepily.

"Right. Let's get to it." He says and pulls out a tube of clear gel from a drawer under a ultrasound monitor.

"This might be cold." He says and uncapped the clear gel. He squeezes a strip of gel just bellow her navel (belly button), grabs a little wand thing that connects to the ultrasound machine. He places the wand on the gel and flicks the screen on and moves the wand some more.

"Ah. Here. Here's baby one and here is baby two."

Alpha Blackحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن